Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C16 Not Wu De

C16 Not Wu De



Lu Qianyuan was like a delicious dish.    


All the black Qi was rushing towards him.    


He could not see them. He only felt a chill all over his body.    


"Why... why is it so cold all of a sudden?"    


He rubbed his arms, his teeth chattering.    


Lu Qi slowly stood up.    


Her eyes coldly stared at the black gas.    


Their faces were filled with greed.    


Every single one of them was absorbing the energy that was flowing out from Lu Qianyuan's seven apertures.    


"Little thing, are you hungry?" Lu Qi touched the gecko in her hand and asked.    


The little gecko nodded and wagged its tail at her.    


"Then go!"    


Lu Qi raised her hand and the little gecko jumped down towards the black gas.    


The following scene was somewhat cruel.    


The little gecko did not care about martial virtue at all after landing on the ground. It bit by bit and did not give the black gas any chance to live.    


Very soon, the black gas that wrapped around Lu Qianyuan was completely lit up by the little gecko.    


It burped and flipped its belly. It laid leisurely in the grass and enjoyed the moonlight bath.    


As for Lu Qianyuan, from the beginning to the end, he did not know what exactly happened.    


He only felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to have suddenly risen by quite a bit.    


"Why is the weather so cold and hot? It's really evil!"    


He complained as he walked into the house.    


As soon as he entered, he saw Lu Qi coming down from upstairs.    


"Qi, you... Why aren't you asleep yet? Coincidentally, I'm a little thirsty. Go and get me a cup of hot water."    


He ordered Lu Qi unsteadily.    


However, Lu Qi did not move. She just stood there lazily.    


Lu Qianyuan was not very happy. He started to shout with the help of the alcohol, "What's wrong with you, child? I can't order you around, can I?"    


Lu Qi still did not react.    


In the end, Lu Qianyuan had no choice but to personally pour himself a cup of cold water.    


"If it was Shengsheng, she would pass the water to me before I say anything!" He said sarcastically.    


Lu Qi crossed her arms and sat on the sofa opposite Lu Qianyuan. She was indifferent.    


The orange light shone from above her head, making her facial features look exquisite and extraordinary.    


It was just that the temperament of a young girl was cold and aloof.    


"Are you starting to have sores on your body again?" She asked indifferently.    


Lu Qianyuan was stunned.    


His hand subconsciously reached for his neck.    


As Lu Qi had said, there was indeed a small circular wound there. It had just grown today and was very itchy.    


"You... How did you know?"    


Only Chen Yao knew about the long sores on his body. Where did Lu Qi find out?    


"It is not important how I know. What is important is that the shape of your sores is round on the outside and square on the inside. There will be pus flowing in the middle, especially after you finish the deal every time. It will be extremely itchy, the kind that scratches the heart and the liver. " Lu Qi crossed her legs with a playful expression on her face.    


Lu Qianyuan was secretly shocked.    


Because every symptom had been correct by her!    


He looked at his daughter in front of him.    


She wore a simple t-shirt as pajamas. Her neck was white and straight, and she was slender. There was a fiery tattoo on her arm, which looked like the legendary Paramita Flower.    


"Qi, you..."    


"Do you want to live?" Lu Qi spoke first.    


She was very direct.    


As a result, Lu Qianyuan was a little stunned when he heard it.    


"Live... live? What kind of joke was this? Living in this world, who doesn't want to live? "    


" Since you want to live - - "    


Lu Qi paused for a moment and changed the topic coldly, "Then quickly tear down the layout of the roof and renovate it."    


"Dig... tear it down?"    


Lu Qianyuan widened his eyes and could not believe Lu Qi would say such a thing.    


One should know that he had asked a master to help build this roof. It was a wind and water conglomerate that could make money. How could it be dismantled so easily?    


Lu Qi knew what he was thinking. She was not in a hurry. She leaned against the sofa and lazily played with the beads on her wrist.    


"The sores on your body are called Gold Money Sore. At first, they will be long, and when they reach a certain extent, they will become large patches of long hair. When that time comes, your entire body will fester, die from pus. "    


Her tone was very light, but every single word was stuck in Lu Qianyuan's chest.    


Fore and die?    


His hands unconsciously started to tremble.    


"You... you mean, my illness is related to the financial department on the roof? Only by disassembling it will my illness recover? "    


Lu Qi curled her lips and nodded slightly.    


"Is there... no other way?"    




Lu Qianyuan could not sit still and almost collapsed on the sofa.    


If he did not tear it down, he would die!    


There was nothing else that could stimulate him more than this.    


He struggled for a long time.    


"Tear it down! I'll get someone to tear it down tomorrow!"    


It was resolute and decisive.    


He had made up his mind.    


Lu Qi stood up and yawned. "I'm going to sleep."    


"Other than tearing down the roof, is there anything else you need to pay attention to?" Lu Qianyuan asked.    


But what answered him was only the silent air.    


The master bedroom.    


"Where did you go? Why did you come back so late?" Chen Yao was woken up.    


Lu Qianyuan laid down on the bed and recalled Lu Qi's words.    


"I'm going to tear down the roof and remodel it."    


"What? ___ asked. Remove the roof? Are you crazy? That is your source of wealth! Do you know what will happen if you tear it down? "Chen Yao was so shocked that she immediately sat up from the bed.    


Lu Qianyuan helplessly sighed. "Of course I know, but I just ran into Qi downstairs. She said that this was a money sore on my body and that I had to tear down the financial situation on the roof. Otherwise, it will only grow more and more. Eventually, my whole body will fester and die! "    


Lu Qianyuan was afraid of death to begin with, let alone this kind of strange way of dying.    


In comparison, Chen Yao did not have that much of an intuitive feeling towards this matter.    


She only saw her brows knit together and glanced at the wound on Lu Qianyuan's neck, her expression somewhat impatient.    


"Do you believe her just because she said it is money sore? Then I said you were bitten by a mosquito! "    


Lu Qianyuan scratched his neck. "But she looked very serious when she said it. She didn't look like she was lying at all."    


"Huh, you probably forgot what she did in the countryside. Fraud! A fake Fraud! To her, wasn't lying a piece of cake?    


"Besides, if there really is a problem with the financial department on the roof... How could the Taoist priest not tell her when the building was built? In my opinion, Lu Qi just can't bear to see our family have money. She schemed to create trouble for us!" Chen Yao said with conviction.    


" That's what you said, but what about the sores on my body? I am about to itch to death!" Lu Qianyuan said as he dug. His expression was one of pain.    


Chen Yao lifted the blanket and went to the cabinet to find the ointment.    


"It's alright. There are still some medicine left from the last time I went to the hospital. I will help you wipe it off."    


She used a cotton swab to apply some ointment on Lu Qianyuan's wound.    


Not to mention, it was really effective.    


"Is it still itchy?" Chen Yao asked.    


Lu Qianyuan shook his head. "I feel much better."    


"So this means that you are not suffering from money. Otherwise, how could you recover so quickly?"    


Lu Qianyuan thought for a while and felt that Chen Yao's words did make some sense.    


"Then I won't tear down the finance department upstairs. It just so happens that we can rely on it to earn more money, so that our Lu family's career can rise to a higher level!"    


"That's more like it! Money and status are what we need the most right now!"    


The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled. They slept in the same pillow...    


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