Seven Coloured Melody



4A moment that he won't trade for anything.     

After having these thoughts, he sighed deeply. He has messed up big time. He didn't think he would end up falling in love with her. It was already surprising for him to become interested and then attached. This is bad for him. Now that he is positive that he is in love with Sumire. Toh knew he would take drastic lengths to protect her and prioritise her needs.     

This is bad. Ever since Lucifer saved him, he has devoted his life to serving him and doing whatever he wishes. However, even if he were to meet the boss woman now. Toh knew he would never be able to break up with Sumire.     

Before he became attached to her, he told himself this was temporary and eventually he would have to leave her side. He convinced himself and repeated those words daily. But deep down, he must have already understood that his fascination towards Sumire would become something more.     

'I can't break up with her, it's impossible.' Since when he wonders? Since when did he fall in love with her?     

'The first mission, I can't obey. How would Lucifer react?' It will be his first time disobeying him, and yet at the same time. This is the most important mission Lucifer has ever given him. This is troubling. So far he has been doing a good job hiding Sumire from Lucifer. But, if he announces that he no longer wants to do the mission. Lucifer will certainly be wondering why.     

If he discovers it's because of Sumire, there is no doubt that Lucifer would target her.     

'I have seen Sumire's strength with my own eyes, and there is no doubt that she is strong. But, against Lucifer?' Toh shakes his head, shaking of the disturbing thoughts in his mind.     

He won't let that happen. He will make sure that Lucifer never sees Sumire. He is already doing a good job hiding her from him. He can continue this.     

But for how long? Sumire is working towards her debut, when she debuts properly. She will be in the spotlight even more. The media will have a legit excuse to follow her around, and when that happens. No doubt one of their first reports will be about their relationship.     

Toh sighed. How troublesome, and yet the thought of letting Sumire go? No, he would never be able to do it.     

She was his, his addiction, obsession, his queen, his equal. His love. Everything about her, was all his.     

If anybody dares to get in their way. He can't guarantee they will live.     

His thoughts break off when he found Sumire staring at him.     

"Is something wrong beautiful?"     

"I was just thinking about something Arata said about you."     

Toh frowned. "Something he said?"     

Or rather, they haven't been meeting frequently have they? He doesn't like the idea of the two seeing each other a lot. After all Arata made his intentions towards Sumire clear. 'A fight to the death.' Just recalling the crazy look in Arata's eyes when he said those words made his gaze darken.     

Sumire is no damsel in distress. There is no reason for him to offer his protection, and that was why he hasn't voiced his concerns to her yet.     

"He said you were really strong." Sumire's eyes sparkled. "We never got round to sparing, due to the issues with the permit system."     

Her answer wasn't what he expected. Toh sighed seeing the sparkle in her eyes. Toh bent down and whispered in her ear.     

"I don't mind sparing with you beautiful. But, if I end up pinning you down. I may end up doing something inappropriate. If your okay with that, then-"     

Sumire's cheeks flushed. "Prick."     

Toh chuckled and moved away. "Your so quick to pick a fight beautiful, and while I acknowledge your strength. I wish you would take better care of your pretty body."     

"I don't get hurt unless they play dirty tricks on me or if I end up shielding someone." Sumire pointed out.     

Indeed, not once has he seen her get injured from a fight.     

"That latter half, try not to do that often will you?"     

He knows she treasures her friends and would do anything to protect them. But, he doesn't like the idea off her risking her life every single time something dangerous happens. What if she gets hurt, and he has no idea?     

Sumire sighed. "I don't want to hear that from you."     

Toh raised his eyebrow. Is she still holding a grudge against him for what happened at that tunnel?     

"The scar is almost gone." Toh pointed to his forehead.     

Her cheeks puffed into a pout and the first thing he thought when he saw that was. 'Adorable, when can I eat her up?'     

"Since we are on that subject. Please don't do that again. I told you during your birthday, from now on I will be doing more and more dangerous missions. During some of those I will be asking for your assistance, but even then. I don't want you to interfere when I'm in the middle of a fight."     

'She is just like me. If you interfere with our showdown, no doubt she will dislike you for it.'     

Recalling Arata's words, Toh sighed again. Even if Arata didn't say that, he already guessed it from the girl's behaviour. It would also explain why, despite how overprotective Tsueno and Momoi were. He has yet to see the two interfere when Sumire is amid a fight.     

Still, seeing the dark and hazard look in her eyes. Toh leaned forward and brushed her bangs away from her face and placed a gentle kiss on her temple.     

"I understand beautiful."     

Sumire sighed again. A content sigh followed by a troubled one. The girl suddenly leaned her head on his shoulder.     

"Your too good to me Toh. I have no complaints about you being my boyfriend."     

"Did you want to complain about me?"     

"The girls in school complain about their boyfriends all the time, and I thought that was normal in a relationship. Certainly when I was with that jerk, there were times where I felt annoyed with him. Even when our relationship was good. But with you there is simply no complaints. I can't think of anything."     

His lips curved to a smile hearing her explanation. "Maybe it's because I satisfy all your needs?"     

Sumire rolled her eyes and nodded. "That and you always treat me like some kind of Goddess."     


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