Seven Coloured Melody

Not the same

Not the same

4"If that is what you want." Masaru suddenly chuckled. "I actually came to check on you, because I heard from a very reliable source that you won't be reachable for the next few days."     

Sumire's cheeks coloured and she coughed awkwardly. "Well, I thought it would be okay to have a short vacation. I cleared up my important jobs this morning, and for anything new. I have assigned it to capable people."     

"So, you do know what your doing?It won't be like a school trip."     

"I-I know." Sumire stammered.     

Gosh, this topic is very embarrassing. How do people talk about this so casually? Just the thought of it, is making her flustered.     

Masaru sighed and appeared behind her as he takes the gun from her hands, and shot a few rounds.     

"Are you really sure about this? I know about Mashima's real age, so it's fine for you two to do this. However, I know you lady. I have for a very long time. I know how even simple touches make you flinch. Are you truly," Masaru emphasised on the truly. "-sure?"     

"This won't be the first time."     

Masaru shakes his head and ruffled her hair. "Don't pretend to be brave. You didn't recall the last two ones properly did you?"     

"Not entirely. But, I do remember bits and pieces. He was very gentle, and kind. Whenever it looked like I was uncomfortable he would stop."     

How he carefully wiped her forehead when she was sweating too much. Those gentle kisses.     

Just remembering it isn't enough. She wants to properly experience it for herself.     

Sumire continued. "Toh isn't like any other guy I have met before. From the moment we met not only did I feel comfortable around him, but I felt safe, and protected. Which is weird considering the circumstances we met. At first I dismissed those feelings because the night we met I did something horrible. Subconsciously, I wanted to find somewhere to hide, to conceal the blood in my hands. Toh just happened to be there."     

"But it wasn't like that?"     

She shakes her head. "I thought I was seeking a safe haven to wash away the blood from my hands. However I was so wrong. What I was feeling subconsciously was my feelings for Toh growing. Call it a sixth sense, but a part of me knew that he was what I needed. What I have been searching for."     

At those words Masaru kept ruffling her hair and she pouted. "Masaru-senpai, don't do that. Do you know how hard it was to make sure my hair stayed nice while I was running around dealing with ruffians?"     

Masaru laughed. "I thought you looked different lady. Not only did you make your hair pretty but your wearing bright clothes."     

"Toh doesn't mind what I wear. But, when I wear his designs he seems very happy." Sumire paused when she thought about the look on his face.     

Toh smiles often, but he wears a fake smile on his face most of the time. Perhaps it has simply become a habit but he does that even when they are alone together. There are rare occasions, like the one this morning when she put on one of his clothes.     

She wants to see him smile like that again and she does like wearing his clothes. Clothes that feel like they are made for her.     

Masaru blinked. "He really is working miracles on you. These days your acting like a normal girl."     

"I am?" Sumire said surprised.     

At those words Masaru nodded. "You don't even realize it, but your smiling more often." He trailed off. "But," Masaru's gaze darkened. "I don't know how to feel about him touching you."     

Sumire laughed nervously. "It-it's not like we will be doing it all the time."     

Masaru kept smiling but there was something dangerous about that smile. "You don't know what men are like after they have had the woman they want. They won't stop just at one time. Once they have had you once, their minds will be occupied about the next time they can have you."     

Before Sumire could say anything, somebody grabbed her arm and pulled her towards them. It was Toh.     

"Well yout not wrong about that. I do have very inappropriate thoughts about this beautiful lady."     

Masaru's gaze dimmed but he continued to smile. "Since our ages are similar, I won't bother being respectful now."     

He wasn't being respectful before!     

"If you dare over do it, and simply use the lady for sex. Then I will have your head on a spike faster than you will realize."     

H-hey! It's scary because she knows he actually means it. If any other person received this threat they would back away frightened. But Toh isn't like that. He wrapped his arms firmly around her waist, and she knew Masaru-senpai understood.     


After Masaru left, Toh and her didn't leave right away. Instead he kissed her for a very long time. When Toh eventually let her go, they made their way to the train station. Sumire was very concerned how close to time they were but it seemed like the train had been delayed. Sumire briefly saw the staff making eye contact with Toh and immediately understood.     

Right, sometimes she is forgetting that she is dating yet another person with connections.     

But unlike Sano, Toh doesn't flaunt his connections. Unlike Sano, Toh is so much kinder.     

Sumire peered through the window. When was the last time she travelled on a train like this? It feels like a very long time. Ever since she defeated Aki, she has been glued to Star town. Wandering around isn't easy when she is the supposed leader of the underworld.     

She exhaled deeply. Sometimes she regrets challenging him to a match. How different would her life be     

Her thoughts break off when Toh speaks up. "Here, these are very good."     

Sumire could only nod. Their hands briefly brushed against each other and she almost dropped the bun.     

Toh raised his eyebrow. "Is this still about the kiss?"     

"T-that wasn't just a kiss." Sumire exclaimed.     

Toh has told her that there are many different types of kisses, but it was still hard for her to get used to. Moreover, maybe it was because of the night of making out and all the teasing he did using his abilities. But, she felt very self-conscious.     

"Right, the fondling. But, it's not the first time." Toh purred into her ear. "-and it won't be the last. In fact, I would say what happened earlier is nothing to what I will be doing to you tonight?"     

H-how crass is that mouth of his? What happened to the calm and elegant guy she first met? It feels like she is being deceived.     

Toh leaned down. "May I?"     

"Kiss me?"     

Toh nodded and she slowly nodded her head. It took her a few extra minutes to relax and she hears Toh hum in approval.     

"Thats it. Good girl."     

Sumire pouted. Why does it feel like she got tricked? No, he is definitely tricking her! She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Your a sadist Toh, I was deceived."     

Toh laughed. "But you like that don't you?"     

She does, even though she probably shouldn't.     


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