Seven Coloured Melody

I am not frightened

I am not frightened

3"Alright enough," She steps between them. "I understand that you are concerned about me, Masaru-senpai, but even if I stay in the holy knight's headquarters. What good will that do me? I'm the strongest person there. If this guy truly wants my life, he will eliminate those who stand in my way. I may be a Holy Knights member, but we cannot risk exposing the organization's location."     

No matter how strong she is, she is still a dispensable pawn. If the enemy truly wants her and she stays in the Holy knights base, there is a high risk of them finding it. She cannot risk that happening. The holy knights base contains many secrets. She cannot allow outsiders to step foot into that place.     

It's better if she stays with Toh or even her own home. "I'll go home instead." Sumire decided.     

She doesn't want to drag Toh into this. It would be better if she returned home and dealt with this on her own.     

"You can't be alone, lady-"     

Sumire shakes her head. "I am not risking anybody else when they are after me." She said firmly.     

That is the one thing she cannot allow. She is already a burden and causes so many problems. If the enemy truly wants her, she can lure them out if she is by herself.     

To her surprise, Toh suddenly pulled her into his embrace. "So, you're going to decide just like that?"     

"Um, but I don't want you to be in danger." Sumire frantically explained when she sensed his pained tone.     

"It's nice that you are worrying about me so much, but I can take care of myself. I'm not that weak."     

Indeed, she has never seen Toh fight before. So, she cannot judge his abilities. But she doesn't want to take any risks.     

Masaru ran his fingers through his hair. He still wore a disturbed expression on his face. "I think before you decide, you should talk to Aki-san. That guy behaves that way, but if your safety is jeopardized, he will carefully think about it."     

"Then, I will go to the base tonight. Don't worry so much, okay?" Sumire wanted to reassure him more, but Toh wouldn't let her go. In the end, she sent Masaru senpai and turned to Toh, who wouldn't let her go.     

He seemed slightly disturbed by something. Is it because of the video? Masaru-senpai reacted similarly.     

"The guy in the video is someone I am familiar with, he has caused quite the havoc in the underworld societies abroad, and I have patients who have been traumatized by him," Toh admitted.     

Ah, so even Toh thinks he is dangerous? Strangely, that makes her feel even more excited for the fight that is about to come. There truly must be something wrong with her. Everybody seems so scared, but she actually wants the fight to happen soon.     

When Toh cups her cheeks, her thoughts break off, and he kisses her softly.     

"Promise me you will be more careful and watch your surroundings carefully?"     

Sumire slowly nodded.     

"-and if you do meet this guy, call me right away."     

"I usually fight solo-" Sumire trails off, seeing his expression. When Toh behaves like this, she cannot say anything. There are times when she cannot say no to him. Sumire nods again. "I understand."     


At the Holy Knights headquarters, 9 pm.     

When she saw how uneasy Toh was, she decided to return home with him first after rehearsal finished and waited until he fell asleep. When he did fall asleep, she snuck out but not before leaving a note and sending a voice message. Toh's house has security cameras in the front, so it was virtually impossible to leave without being noticed.     

Sumire approached Aki's room, but his assistant saw her and said he wasn't there. So she finds herself heading to the courtyard. There was a large plum blossom tree in the center of the garden and gorgeous flowers surrounding a lake. There she found Aki in one of the branches of the tree.     

Sumire sighed. "Aki."     

Aki turned to her with a lazy smile plastered on his face. Seeing him so relaxed, Sumire wanted to hit him. She noticed how tense everyone was when she stepped into the base. They must have seen the video. While everybody is panicking, this guy is so relaxed.     

"Yo Sumire, how was your rehearsal?"     

Sumire's eyes twitched. "Aki, you bastard! What on earth are you doing up here when everybody is panicking?"     

"Hm? If this is about the video, there is nothing to worry about." Aki replied joyfully. "When aren't those people worrying about something? They are always so stiff and too serious."     

"Of course they are; their leader is so lazy." Sumire sighed. "Really, I don't understand why you do this. If you don't want to be the leader, you could have just said so."     

"But RiRi, it would trouble you if you were to lead, correct?"     

"Yes, but if it's tradition, then I can't do much about it."     

Aki shakes his head. "It's alright. I can hold this position. I may behave this way, but I have done my work for the day."     

Of course, he has. Even if he acts lazy, it doesn't mean he is. Sumire sighs. It's so easy for people to misunderstand him.     

"I'm here to ask you for advice on what to do because of the video."     

"Hm? I didn't think it would frighten you." Aki said, surprised.     

"That is the thing. I am not frightened. I am actually looking forward to the fight."     

Aki laughs, hearing her reply. "I should have known. That is more like you."     

Others may think she is strange, and she may hide her real thoughts in front of them, but there is no need to do so in front of this person.     

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