Seven Coloured Melody

Unusual fighting style

Unusual fighting style

1Maybe he ought to look into the details of the accident a bit more. He simply skimmed through the files. But that accident was something he remembered very well since there were many evolved humans in that place. When there is a death of an evolved human, it gets placed in the database.     

'I remembered having to help put those files on.' Mashima Toh's information wasn't there among the deceased. But he should check the list of survivors. If he recalls correctly, not many survived, but the ones who did have exceptional abilities.     

If Mashima Toh is truly an evolved human, there is a high chance that he is linked to the string of current cases.     

"She moved on so fast. I suppose I truly am not important to her." Sano said sadly.     

"Don't be like that. She--Wel-" Mamoru didn't know how to explain this.     

"What is it?"     

"When she gets lonely, she-" Mamoru didn't even want to say these words.     

'Latches onto random guys?' Ki isn't that sort of person. But when she is lonely, she ends up doing crazy stuff.     

"I see." Sano turned quiet for a moment.     

"Uh, hold on, don't misunderstand--"     

"No, I think I get it," Sano grumbled, frustrated. "I dated her for over a year. I know what she is like."     

"Then, if you knew, did you have to be so cruel to her?" Mamoru prodded.     

He truly doesn't understand this person after spending some time with Nagawa Sano. Mamoru could tell that this guy had genuine feelings toward Sumire.     

"Like I said, I was only trying to protect her."     

"Your idea of protection is very strange. Surely you knew that your family was making it very difficult for her?"     

"Of course, I knew. But, there was a limit to how much I could stand up for her."     

'If you truly love her, nothing should be holding you back.' Mamoru, however, stopped himself from saying those words. He can't enforce his opinion onto someone.     

"She seems thinner than before. Is she sick?" Sano asked, concerned.     

Mamoru paused as he recalled her recent suicide attempt. That is something he cannot discuss with Nagawa Sano. Sending him pictures and answering his questions regarding her is all he can truly do. If he overdoes it, Sumire will be very upset.     

For now, this is all he can do. But Nagawa Sano will play a key role in Sumire's life in the future. So he will not break contact.     


Toh thought they would head back in peace. But when he was almost at the house. Sumire told him to stop the car, and he watched him walk down an alleyway. Frowning, he finds a spot to park the car and, after a few minutes, eventually chases after her. He follows the direction of people screaming and the sound of gunfire. He gets his own gun out, just in case. But the sight he saw before him was surprising.     

Sumire was in the middle of a fight, and the girl was using her gun. But, even after she shot the enemy's vital parts, they didn't bleed. He didn't understand the situation, so he took a few steps closer.     

Rubber bullets. Toh knew what they were, of course, but they were rare. People seldom used them. While in Japan, there is the swords and firearms law. Many secretly own a gun. Amongst those who own one, he has never seen anybody who uses rubber bullets. Unless they are practicing, and even during practice sessions, people often use real bullets.     

The swords and firearms law hasn't been completely lifted. Other than star town and a few other towns, guns and the use of other weapons are still banned.     

So, even though it is 'officially' permitted to have a gun now. Seldom people carry one, and even those in the underworld don't go around displaying their weapons. Other than the yakuza, they have always been uncontrollable.     

Japan has seen far too much peace. Normal civilians cannot adapt to the sudden change of being able to carry weapons.     

When he was sure she had finished, Toh approached her from the back.     

"You, I thought you said you killed people."     

"I do if the enemies are dangerous. But people like this haven't committed any grave crimes yet. They can still turn back and reform." Sumire bent down. "Well, there are some who will continue being stubborn."     

"So what do you do then?" Toh wondered.     

Toh watched as she wrapped a makeshift bandage around their arms. "You-your treating them?"     

"Like I said, these people haven't done anything yet. They can still change."     

"But --"     

He watched as one of the men got up and aimed at her.     

Sumire swiftly pulled out her gun and aimed back. Toh watches as red beams of light appear, trapping the man against the wall.     

Non-lethal lasers too? This is the first time seeing somebody fight like this. 'I don't know how to react.' The last time he saw her fight was when the karaoke place was attacked. He didn't see her fight directly, but the pile of corpses and the amount of blood in the room were enough to confirm Koichiro's words.     

'A monster, huh?' Certainly, her brutal fighting style will frighten anybody away. However, Toh disliked using such terms that would destroy a person's self-confidence. Moreover, right now, he is learning something new.     

So she doesn't kill everyone. That's good. However, the amount of blood in her hands shouldn't be a lot, since she is under Aki and is the supposed leader. She must do more dangerous work.     

Even with her hands stained in blood, he won't leave her, and now he has learned that she doesn't kill unless she has to. She shows mercy even to those who want to kill her.     

"Ah, hello, Aki-san? Yeah, that's right, on the third street near Koyama park."     

She is talking to that 'Aki,' isn't she?     

"Eh, you know we have to use a cleaner. Those guys in Hyou4 will get to them if we don't. Mm, I understand. I will wait here until they arrive."     

Sumire quickly ended the call and turned to him. "I'm sorry, but we must wait until the cleaners come. Do you mind? If you do, you could go on ahead of me."     

Toh shakes his head. "Didn't I tell you that the fashion show was cancelled this morning? I am free."     

Sumire laughs. "That's good, so-" She directly appeared in front of him. "Does that mean you can focus your attention on me?"     

"I thought I was doing that already."     

"You are, and I am thankful, but there are times when your mind wanders."     

Toh paused. How on earth does she know that? She wouldn't know if she weren't watching him. Sumire chuckled, almost like she knew what he was thinking, and stood beside him.     

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