The Witch Hunter System

Vaan's Lifespan

Vaan's Lifespan

Half an hour later, Vaan ended their heated session in the bathtub after Aeliana achieved her thirtieth orgasm.     

Her stamina was even more fearsome than Edna's.     

If Vaan had not willfully ended their dual-practice session, he strongly felt she could easily last another hundred or two hundred rounds.     

Edna was already abnormal, but Aeliana was even more so.     

'Is this the ability of one who has endured unbearable torment for three years or the ability of a dual-attribute witch?' Vaan mused.     

Aeliana wasn't just a dual-attribute witch; she was a dual-attribute witch in the two strongest healing elements.     

Lasting two hundred rounds might even be an understatement.     

Nevertheless, as they dressed in new sets of fresh clothes while the lingering concentration of mana in the guestroom slowly scattered, he checked the system log.     


[System Log]     























'Increase my lifespan by one day? Isn't that a bit too stingy?' Vaan thought.     

If the two strongest elements for nurturing life could only increase his lifespan by one day, the future for men did not look too bright.     

After all, normal witch descendants and Aura Warriors could only live up to a hundred and fifty years, two hundred years for Aura Masters, and three hundred years for Aura Grandmasters.     

As for Aura Lords and Aura Kings, no one knew yet.     

Nevertheless, Vaan suddenly thought of something before he willed, 'What's my estimated lifespan?'     



After Vaan saw such a high number, his jaw almost dropped in shock.     

He did faintly guess the Immortal Lycan Bloodline had significantly increased his lifespan. However, the number was still greater than he anticipated.     

That said, he didn't find it exaggerated in the least after he recovered from his initial shock and gave it some thought.     

'The blood of a Divine-level being shouldn't be underestimated,' Vaan inwardly sighed with emotion.     

He did not need to worry about his lifespan any time soon.     

Nevertheless, the topic of Immortal Lycan Bloodline reminded him of his unanswered questions regarding his origins.     

The timing of the Third Great Expedition… The Rank 5 Demon Wolf King Furhengir… And the Immortal Lycan Bloodline that belonged to Balmodon the Undying.     

There was a high chance that his birth parents were people with some status if they were part of the Third Great Expedition.     

Furthermore, they must have made it back alive from the expedition for the Etherstone with the system to be found in his possession when he reincarnated.     

However, he was already an orphan for years, according to other people from the slums.     

In other words, his birth parents had returned from the Third Great Expedition and had stayed somewhere in Blackmoon City for a period of time. But then something happened that caused him to become an orphan.     

Connecting the dots, Vaan was led to believe the system was something Balmodon the Undying had gifted to Furhengir.     

Although Vaan didn't know what else the Rank 5 Demon Wolf King Furhengir had in its possession, he felt like the Etherstone was its most valuable treasure.     

Heck, it might have even been a tool used to help Furhengir ascend to a higher rank.     

'My only clue to finding my origin is that my birth parents belonged to a household specializing in the spatial attribute,' Vaan recalled.     

Unfortunately, the spatial attribute wasn't all that rare.     

Even so, it wasn't common either.     

'Well, it's better than nothing,' Vaan thought.     







«Elemental Affinity»     

[Earth: 51%]     

[Wind: 5%]     

[Lightning: 10%]     

[Light: 0 → 5%]     

[Wood: 0 → 5%]     





After Vaan and Aeliana finished dressing in new black outfits, they left the guestroom together—only to find Astoria waiting nearby in a plain blue dress with her hair down.     

"You're out," Astoria greeted, quickly taking notice of Vaan and Aeliana.     

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Headmaster Astoria," Vaan politely apologized before he turned to Aeliana and said, "You can leave now. Also, try not to stand out too much."     

"Yes, my Lord," Aeliana obediently complied.     

Nevertheless, as she walked past Astoria, she sashayed her hips and flashed a cheeky smile while she showcased her glow.     

Astoria furrowed her brows at Aeliana's parting back before her gaze returned to Vaan.     

"Did Teacher Raphna have fun playing in the water?" Astoria casually asked, seemingly unaffected by Aeliana's previous taunt.     

However, Vaan sensed a little sourness in her tone.     

He understood she knew about his dual-practice session with Aeliana and was even feeling a little jealous about it.     

Nevertheless, he also noticed her faint glow and smell that had been overwhelmed by the scent of cherry blossom.     

"I did," Vaan openly admitted with a nod before he glanced at her with a smile. "Did Headmaster Astoria also enjoy playing in the water by yourself?"     

Astoria's cheeks turned a shade redder after the question was raised.     

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