Master's Million Blind Wife

C850 The Filial Piety of the Father

C850 The Filial Piety of the Father

"Don't change the subject!" Huo Chengzhou reiterated, "I only want to talk about the agreement from before!"    


Seeing that Huo Jingzhou had nothing to say, Shea Minglian unconsciously held Huo Qingshan's hand. Huo Qingshan raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. "Enough! Stop arguing!"    


Huo Chengzhou's eyes moved to Huo Qingshan's face and saw the displeasure and impatience in his eyes.    


He gritted his teeth and asked, "Dad, what do you want to say?"    


Huo Qingshan looked at Huo Chengzhou and Huo Jingzhou unhappily. "You quarreled as soon as you came back. Do you two have any brotherly relationship?"    


His voice became colder. "Jingzhou, Cheng is in the right. If you want your mother to stay in the Calm Sea, you should discuss it with him. Why do you have to say that?"    


Huo Jingzhou opened his mouth and nodded. "You are right. I was impatient."    


He turned to Huo Chengzhou and apologized humbly. "Sorry, Cheng. I apologize to you."    


Huo Chengzhou ignored him. His eyes were still on Huo Qingshan's face, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say next.    


"Cheng, you are also in the wrong." Huo Qingshan finally opened his mouth. "You are in the right, but you have lost your filial piety. It has chilled the relationship between us father and son."    


After listening to his words, Huo Chengzhou smiled. He knew that Huo Qingshan would stand on Shea Minglian's and Huo Jingzhou's side.    


"Dad, the father is kind and filial. First, the father is kind and then the son is filial." Huo Chengzhou said with a smile that was full of sarcasm.    


The expression on Huo Qingshan's face changed again and again, but he did not know how to react.    


Huo Jingzhou jumped out again. "Cheng, ask yourself with your conscience. Without a father, you would have today. Without father to pave the way for you, will you have the achievements of Huoke? Will you have the chance to enter the Huo's? "    


Huo Chengzhou looked at him coldly." Do you think I am willing to get involved in the muddy waters of the Huo's? If it wasn't for your bad management, the Huo's wouldn't have encountered any crisis, and I wouldn't have needed to enter the Huo's to deal with the aftermath for you."    


These words had touched Huo Jingzhou's reverse scale. He sneered and said, "So, in order to get a job in the Huo's, you even neglected to take care of dad, and now you blame me for being too concerned about dad?"    


Huo Jingzhou knew how to argue, and he also knew Huo Qingshan's sore points, so he kept poking at the key points. Seeing that Huo Chengzhou didn't say anything, he added another sentence.    


"You previously swore that you would not marry the daughter of the Shen family, but now you have caught him again? Why did I ask Mom to come to the Calm Sea to take care of Dad, and you don't want to?"    


Huo Jingzhou sneered. "You're really filial!"    


Seeing that the situation was in a deadlock, Shea Minglian smiled and opened her mouth. "We are all family. Don't hurt our relationship because of a small matter. In the end, it is still because of me."    


She tilted her head and looked at Huo Qingshan. "Qingshan, since Cheng wants to abide by the previous agreement, then I cannot continue to stay here. I can't make it difficult for you two father and son."    


After a moment of silence, she said, "How about this? You can follow me back. My mountain and water are good, and it is very suitable for retirement. This way, it will not go against the previous agreement and can also let me take care of you. "    


Huo Qingshan only sighed lightly and did not say anything.    


Huo Jingzhou frowned. "But the doctor said very clearly that father's condition is not suitable for long-distance travel. Mom, the environment over there is not bad, but it is too far from the city. If there is an emergency, it will be inconvenient to send a doctor over. "    


This was the truth. The reason Huo Qingshan insisted on staying in the Huo residence was because it was close to the hospital and the medical conditions were good.    


No matter how old a person lived, they would always respect death.    


Not to mention someone like Huo Qingshan.    


Shea Minglian sighed slightly, "Then I can only leave."    


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