Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C84 It's You Who Is Not Good at Learning

C84 It's You Who Is Not Good at Learning

2Lu Shengsheng's heart was extremely beautiful.    


So what if Lu Qi got first place?    


The Lu family couple loved her the most, wasn't she?    


As long as she firmly held onto the Lu family couple's hearts, would she have to worry about the seven villas in the city center in the future?    


She wiped away her tears, and there was a trace of choking in her voice.    


"Dad, Mom, don't worry. I will not let you down. I will work harder and strive to get back the first place that belongs to me as soon as possible!"    


"We believe that you have the ability!"    


Chen Yao patted her back.    


"It's getting late. We have to go to Lu mansion. We can't let your grandfather and the others wait too long."    




Lu Shengsheng nodded obediently and got into the car with Chen Yao and the rest.    


Half an hour later, Lu mansion.    


When the three of them entered, they heard Lu Zhenhua's roar.    


"What did you say? You spent five million, but you only bought one piece of scrap?"    


Lu Hanfei knelt in front of him and lowered his head.    


"Yes... Yes." He felt a little guilty.    


After all, he had opened so many pieces of jade, but he had never lost so badly before.    


"You... As the eldest grandson of Lu family, you have learned so much about ancient jade, but you can't even see a piece of jade. What face do you have to live in this world?"    


Lu Zhenhua was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He wished he could kill this prodigal with his crutch.    


Five million!    


How much was that!    


In the end, just like that... it disappeared all at once?    


Lu Hanfei felt wronged. "I didn't expect it to be like this either. I did everything according to the appraisal technique passed down by the ancestors of Lu family. However, when it was opened, it only had a thin layer of green on the outside. It was completely gray inside. If you want to say that I'm in the wrong, it's because of the skill passed down by our Lu family's ancestors."    


" You don't have the skill to learn it yourself, and you dare to blame your ancestors for it? If I don't kill you today, I won't be your grandfather! "    


Lu Zhenhua flew into a rage. He swung his crutch and hit Lu Hanfei on the back.    


At this moment, a crisp sound was heard.    




Lu Shengsheng ran in quickly and blocked Lu Hanfei.    


"Grandpa, it's not that Brother Hanfei is not good at learning. He just made a mistake."    


As she spoke, she winked at Lu Hanfei.    


"Brother Hanfei, quickly admit your mistake to grandpa. I promise you that next time, you will get a good stone to give to grandpa. Grandpa will not punish you."    


Lu Hanfei was unwilling.    


He felt that he was not wrong at all.    


It was all the fault of the Lu family's ancestral jade identification technique!    




Lu Shengsheng had already found a way out for him, so he had no choice but to step down.    


After thinking for a while, he finally softened his tone.    


"Grandfather, I was wrong. It was my poor eyesight this time. But I promise that I won't do it again next time."    


Lu Zhenhua put down the crutch in his hand in the end.    


Because he didn't really want to fight.    


In the end, Lu Hanfei was the best among his grandchildren.    


If he really got beaten up, who would find such an excellent eldest grandson for him?    


"Forget it!"    


He sighed deeply.    


"Although you lost 5 million this time, it's a good thing that our Lu family has a lot of money and can still afford it. Just treat it as... spending it to teach you a lesson!"    


Lu Hanfei felt relieved and quickly stood up from the ground.    


"By the way, I heard that a jade exhibition recently opened up a piece of top grade imperial green jade. Do you know who opened it?" Lu Zhenhua asked again.    


A slender figure quickly flashed across Lu Hanfei's mind.    


Obviously, the person Lu Zhenhua was referring to was Lu Qi.    


But for some reason, Lu Hanfei did not want to reveal Lu Qi.    


Firstly, no one would believe him.    


Secondly, he was worried that it would bring Lu Qi trouble.    


After thinking about it, he deliberately put on a blank expression.    


"Did you get the best imperial green jade? How come I didn't know? When did it happen? "    


Lu Zhenhua was a little disappointed.    


He thought that since Lu Hanfei had been immersed in the antique business for a long time, he would more or less hear some rumors.    


He did not expect that he still did not know until now!    


"You don't care when it happens. Anyway, you should pay more attention to it recently. If you have any news about that top-grade Emperor Green, you must tell me." Lu Zhenhua said.    


"Grandpa, do you want to buy the Emperor Green?"    


"Yes. I've lived my entire life, but I've never seen an Emperor Jade of the highest quality. Now, I want to take a look at it before I die. This way, even if I let it go one day, I'll be satisfied! "    


Lu Hanfei was a little moved, and wanted to tell her about Lu Qi.    


But when he thought about the trouble that might bring Lu Qi, he silently swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.    


"I know. I will inform you once there is news of the Imperial Jade."    


Lu Zhenhua was very satisfied.    


He held his crutch and walked into the house slowly with the help of Lu Qianyuan and the others.    


Only Lu Hanfei and Lu Shengsheng were left in the courtyard.    


"Shengsheng, thank you so much for what you did just now. If you hadn't helped me in time, I would have been beaten to death by grandfather by now." Lu Hanfei had a pretty good impression of his cousin.    


Lu Shengsheng smiled and said, "Brother Hanfei, don't say that. Even if I am not here today, Grandpa will not really hit you, because he is unwilling to part with you."    


Lu Hanfei shrugged and said, "Who knows!"    


As he spoke, he looked behind Lu Shengsheng.    


"I remember that you guys picked someone up from the countryside a while ago. Why didn't he come today?"    


Lu Shengsheng was a little disappointed.    


She was the one who saved Hanfei, but why was it Lu Qi that Hanfei cared about?    


Just thinking about it made her feel angry in her heart.    




Thinking about it again, he felt that this seemed to be a good time to pour dirty water on Lu Qi, so he opened his mouth.    


"Brother Hanfei, we called her when we came, but she didn't come. She said she was going to have a gathering with her family, and it was interesting that she didn't drink with her friends."    


"She likes to drink?" Lu Hanfei frowned.    


"Yeah! Big Bro Hanfei, don't tell me you don't know? After she arrived at Jindu, she didn't know where she had come from. She had made some messy friends and often went out to play with them. Occasionally, she would not be able to find her home at night. Once, I bumped into her and she even beat me up. She threatened me not to tell anyone!"    


As Lu Shengsheng spoke, she rolled up her sleeves and revealed the bruise that she accidentally got from the table crash during the day.    


"Was she the one who hit me?" Lu Hanfei did not believe it.    


He was not Lu Zhenhua, and neither was he senile.    


How could he not see that this was not a wound caused by a beating?    


"En, this was the result of her using her fist to hit me."    


The more Lu Shengsheng spoke, the more aggrieved she felt.    


"She said that if I dared to tell others about her not returning home at night, she would use a small knife to cut my face!"    


She covered her face and began to sob.    


In her opinion, as long as the people of the Lu family hated Lu Qi, they would hate her.    


At that time, it would be a piece of cake for them to chase Lu Qi out of the Lu family.    


However, Lu Hanfei wasn't so easy to fool.    


"Since she hit you, it's useless for you to cry here. Why don't you just go to the police and ask them to get justice for you?" He said with an indifferent tone.    


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