Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C409 Dream Control

C409 Dream Control



Alice was extremely afraid when she saw the vines of the flower wrap around her. She let out a loud scream.    


Immediately after, she fainted.    


She no longer felt anything.    


"Alice! Alice!" After an unknown amount of time, he heard a call.    


Alice slowly opened her eyes.    


Suddenly, she met a familiar face.    


Wasn't this Chiang Qiuyun?    


Alice thought of the red flowers she saw in the darkness and her hair stood on the spot.    


She subconsciously stepped back.    


"Don't get close to me! Get lost! Get lost!"    


Chiang Qiuyun's face was full of confusion, "Alice, I am Qiuyun, you... What is wrong with you? "    


Just now, she was still proud that with Alice's help, she would be able to chase Lu Qi out of the Mo family very quickly.    


But suddenly, for some reason, Alice fainted and only woke up now.    


The key...    


She had woken up. Why did Alice look at her as if she was looking at an enemy?    


"I... I don't want to see you. You... You are too scary. You... you are a demon!" Alice said angrily.    


Chiang Qiuyun was even more confused.    


What was going on?    


Why did she suddenly become a demon?    


What exactly happened during the half hour that Alice was unconscious?    


"No... Don't come close to me. You... All of you, don't come close to me. It's too scary, really scary!" Alice got up and hid in a corner, muttering to herself.    


Lu Qi slowly walked over. "What are you afraid of?"    


"No, I am not! I am powerful, I... I'm not afraid of anything!"    


"But in your dream, you saw something that terrified you, didn't you?"    


Alice's eyes slowly sank.    


That was right. She had indeed seen something terrifying.    


For example, that endless darkness.    


For example, those red flowers with Chiang Qiuyun's face.    




What really terrified her was... She did not know how she saw those things.    


Was it an illusion?    


Or was it... a dream?    




A dream?    


Alice shivered.    


She suddenly remembered something - dream control.    


In the arcane world of Ozhou, other than exorcising demons, "Dream" was the most famous.    


Dreams were also divided into Dream Creation, Dream Manipulation and Dream Harmonization.    


Dream Creation was mostly to create a beautiful dream, allowing the other party to feel relaxed and happy.    


Dream-solving was to explain the various doubts in life according to the dream.    


Controlling dreams was to control a person's dream, digging out the fear in the person's heart, allowing the person to face the true self.    




What she experienced just now, was... Controlling dreams?    


"Do you understand now?" Lu Qi looked at her with a smile that was not a smile.    


A layer of vigilance quickly appeared on Alice's face.    


"It's you?"    


"That's right, it's me. Looks like you aren't too stupid."    


"Dream control is the secret of our academy, how... how did you learn it?" Alice was very puzzled.    


It must be known that this dream control was the highest level of "Dream" magic. Only the most outstanding students in the magic academy had the chance to learn it.    


As for ___, because she was over forty years old, she only entered the magic academy to learn these things. Her qualifications were still shallow.    


Naturally, she did not have the opportunity to learn Dream Control.    




This young lady in front of him had nothing to do with the Magic Academy, but she had mastered the Dream Manipulation Technique to perfection.    


Not only did she enter a dream in front of everyone, but she also controlled some objective factors, causing her to feel fear towards Chiang Qiuyun.    


She... What kind of background did she have?    


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