Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C410 You must Bear the Consequences

C410 You must Bear the Consequences

5"If I'm not mistaken, you're from Simon Academy of Magic?" Lu Qi asked faintly.    


Alice was slightly shocked in her heart.    


When she came, she introduced herself.    


But from the beginning to the end, she never mentioned that she was from Simon Academy of Magic.    


Then how did Lu Qi know?    


"So... so what?" Alice retorted stubbornly.    


Lu Qi replied, "Nothing much. However, I do have an old acquaintance in your academy."    


Old acquaintance?    


Alice couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.    


Not to mention the people from the Academy of Magic, they rarely came to Jindu.    


Lu Qi, at her age, looked like she was still studying. It was impossible for her to have anything to do with the Academy of Magic.    


"Don't tell me that your dream controlling technique was taught to you by your old acquaintance." Alice mocked.    


"Of course not."    


Lu Qi answered and took out her phone. She slowly dialed a number on it.    


"Ding... Ding... Du..."    


After three rings, the person on the other side of the phone quickly answered.    


" Hello, Qi Qi, I missed you so much, you finally gave me a call! "    


Lu Qi was somewhat speechless.    


Especially that nauseating tone, it made her want to follow the phone line any minute and smash his head!    


"I have something to talk to you about." She was concise and concise.    


The person on the other end of the phone seemed to know her character very well. When he heard this, he immediately quieted down.    


"Speak, what is it? As long as I can do it, I will definitely not shirk responsibility."    


"Is there a person called Alice in your academy?"    




The person on the other end of the phone turned his head and asked the assistant beside him.    


The assistant quickly flipped through the roster in her hand and nodded.    


"Yes, I heard that she recently went to a city called Jindu in your city and helped a rich person make a dream there. What's wrong? Is there a problem with her? " The person on the other end of the phone asked.    


Lu Qi lowered her head and looked at her own fingers.    


It was fair and clean.    


"The problem is that there is no problem, but I think you can fire her now."    




The person on the other end of the line was stunned. He probably didn't expect her to suddenly say that.    




Due to his trust in Lu Qi, the other party agreed to her request without thinking.    




"Thank you very much."    


Lu Qi hung up the phone.    


Alice was furious.    


"Who are you calling? What right do you have to fire me?"    


Lu Qi shrugged her shoulders. "Based on the fact that I was the one who taught your Director Simon the Dream Controlling Technique."    


Her tone was arrogant and fearless.    


Vaguely, there was also a trace of arrogance.    


Alice was so angry that she laughed.    


"Are you crazy? Our Director Simon's dream control technique is famous throughout the world. Many people in the western profound world want to acknowledge him as their teacher. You actually said that you taught him dream controlling techniques? Do people from your Empire speak in such a manner that they don't draft drafts?"    


What's wrong with making it up? They actually made it up on the head of their Magic Academy's Dean.    


Aren't they afraid of sticking their tongue out!    


"You don't believe me?" Lu Qi narrowed her eyes.    


Alice said, "Of course not! Our Director Simon has a respectable status and a noble status. He is not a nobody who can befriend him!"    


After all, Director Simon was someone who had even rejected a prince from Ozhou.    


A small character like Lu Qi was nothing.    




Things like slapping one's face usually came too quickly, just like a tornado.    


Alice had just ridiculed Lu Qi when she heard her phone ring.    


She opened it and saw a message.    


[Student Alice, after special approval from Director Simon, you have been removed from the Magic Academy. From today onwards, you will no longer have any relationship with the academy. Do not act in the name of the academy. Otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences!]    


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