Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C420 The Truth of Disfiguration

C420 The Truth of Disfiguration

0The boy sitting in front of glasses girl suddenly turned around and interrupted.    


"Gao Yangtao, what nonsense are you talking about!" glasses girl disapproved, "They were all fine before, how could they be disfigured? Furthermore, they were disfigured together? Even an idiot would know that this was impossible!"    


Gao Yangtao:" It's true! My cousin told me that those people in our class were not only disfigured, but also disfigured. They were also disfigured to a degree that was different from the previous cases. Other people were either burned or scalded, but at the very least, they were also cut. However, the faces of those students had been completely peeled off. Reveal the flesh inside. Don't even think about how miserable it is!"    


As Gao Yangtao spoke, he gave a vivid description as if he had seen it with his own eyes.    


Lu Qi frowned slightly.    


Her expression became somewhat serious.    


Indeed, the situation that Gao Yang Tao mentioned was actually very hard to achieve in the eyes of ordinary people.    




If it was someone from the Mystic Gate, not to mention this, even making a person disappear into thin air could be considered as a piece of cake.    


"Gao Yangtao, stop talking nonsense here! Go do what you need to do! Day after day, you keep spreading rumors here. Don't feel tired and panic!" glasses girl did not believe Gao Yangtao's words and waved at him.    


Gao Yang Tao was asking for trouble.    


"Tch! Forget it if you don't want to listen. I'm too lazy to say it!"    


He snorted and turned around to do something else.    


"Lu Qi, do you think Gao Yang Tao is sick? Even if he fabricated a lie, there is no need to make it so ridiculous, right? He simply treats us like idiots!" glasses girl came over and said.    


Lu Qi did not respond.    


She narrowed her eyes and looked around the classroom.    


When she came in earlier, she did not pay much attention to it. Now that she heard Gao Yang Tao's words, after a careful observation, she discovered that the entire outer perimeter of the classroom of Year 3 Class 9 was covered with a layer of black gas.    


It was very faint.    


If she didn't pay attention, she wouldn't have been able to notice it at all.    


"What he said might be true." Lu Qi said.    


"What? Really? How is this possible? A human's skin is all grown from flesh and blood, normally disfigured. How can one completely remove the skin?" glasses girl still did not believe it.    


"Then what if it is not an ordinary disfigured person?"    


"Not an ordinary disfigured face? Then..."    


Glasses girl was a little confused.    


At this moment, a sweet fragrance suddenly appeared in front of the classroom door.    


Yan Anya was wearing Lorita's princess dress and small leather shoes as she ran into the classroom.    


"Student Anya, why are you running? It is not time for class yet, there is no need to rush!" A girl in the classroom smiled and comforted her.    




Yan Anya looked a little flustered.    


She looked at the girl.    


"That... I remember that I gave you a box of facial masks two days ago."    


The girl nodded. "Yeah, what's wrong?"    


"You... Can you return that box of facial masks to me? I... I'll give you a better one later."    


The girl was a bit unhappy.    


This gift, he even took it back?    


"Student Anya, I'm afraid I can't meet your request, because... because I have already opened and used that box of facial mask." The girl refused politely.    


After all, the box of facial masks was expensive and was the box that she had been longing for.    


She didn't want to return it just like that!    


"Open it up and use it? Then your face..."    


Yan Anya looked at the girl's face.    


It was as smooth as ever and did not look like the face mask she had used before.    


"Student, what I said is true. Can you return that facial mask to me? At most... I'll give you double the money!"    


As she spoke, she took out her wallet from her bag, counted some money, and slammed it on the girl's table.    


The girl's expression immediately changed.    


"Yan Anya, what do you mean? Do you think your family is the only one with money? Who are you trying to insult by doing this?"    


The girl's voice was extremely loud. Almost immediately, it attracted the attention of all the students in the class.    


Everyone was staring fixedly at the two of them.    


Yan Anya felt very embarrassed.    


Since she was young, she had always liked to be the center of attention.    


She had a little bit of social criticism.    


But no matter how much she liked to be the center of attention, it wasn't like that!    


"Student, I don't want to insult you. I just want to take back the facial masks from before. If you think twice the amount is not enough, then I can give you five times the amount!"    


Yan Anya gritted her teeth and stuffed all the money in her hands into the girl's hands.    


That should be enough, right?    


But for some reason, that girl was still unwilling to return the facial mask.    


"I said, I've already used the mask, I won't return it."    


Yan Anya was so angry that she wanted to die.    


She did not expect that there was actually someone who was so soft and unyielding.    


"Fine, you said it. Don't regret it!" She said angrily.    


"Whoever regrets it will be the grandson!"    


The two of them were finally at loggerheads.    


The atmosphere in the classroom became strange.    


"Hmph, you really bite Lü Dongbin like a dog. You don't know a good person's heart. In the future, you'll have to cry!" Yan Anya was not convinced and was still muttering in a low voice.    


Inexplicably, she felt a chill on her forehead.    


Turning around, she saw Lu Qi hugging her arms and staring at her coldly.    


"What are you looking at? Have you never seen anyone fight?"    


Lu Qi was expressionless.    


She walked in front of Yan Anya and gently knocked on her table.    


"Come out with me."    


Yan Anya really wanted to refuse.    


But when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she silently swallowed them back.    


Forget it, wasn't it just going out for a while? Lu Qi would not do anything to her!    


She stood up and followed Lu Qi to a remote corner of the corridor outside.    


"Tell me, why did you call me out?" She asked unhappily.    


In fact, since the first day she entered this school, she had not liked Lu Qi.    


On the one hand, it was because Chung Zheng liked Lu Qi, and she had made an engagement with Chung Zheng before.    


On the other hand, it was because Lu Qi always had an indescribable feeling of nobility.    


This kind of noble feeling, even she, who had lived in the circle of wealthy families since childhood, would feel inferior when she saw it.    


"Why did you take back that box of facial masks?" Lu Qi did not waste time with her and went straight to the point.    


Yan Anya's eyes subconsciously flashed.    


"I... I don't want to give it to you anymore, can't I?"    


Lu Qi stared at her.    


That kind of probing and fierce gaze made people have nowhere to hide.    


"Alright, actually... it's because I went home and asked the maids of my house. They told me. Those facial masks were not bought in the cabinet, but fake and fake products. I'm afraid that if I'm discovered, it will affect my reputation. So... "    


Lu Qi raised her eyebrows and looked at her coldly.    


"In your eyes, I am so easy to deceive?"    


"What I said is the truth. Why don't you believe it?" Yan Anya still wanted to quibble.    




Lu Qi crossed her arms and walked around Yan Anya once.    


"But why do I see that you are already carrying eight sins?"    


When these words came out, Yan Anya was stunned.    


Those pair of eyes that were drawn like Barbie dolls were instantly filled with shock.    


"You... How did you know?"    


Lu Qi said, "Not only do I know about these eight sins, I also know how those girls in the class who did not come to school were disfigured. What, you want me to tell the students everything?"    


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