Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C432 The Real Culprit Behind All of This

C432 The Real Culprit Behind All of This

2"That's all I have to say. As for the rest, take care of yourself. "    


After Lu Qi finished speaking, she walked to Mo Shihan's side and planned to leave with him.    


However, she did not expect that an accident would happen at this moment.    


Wai Wanran's manager, Ms Zhang, suddenly rushed over, grabbed the red rope in Lu Qi's hand, and ran out.    


Everyone present was stunned.    


Because no one would have thought that Ms Zhang, who always liked to be unrelated to herself, would actually do such an outrageous action.    


"Find her immediately!"    


Mo Shihan gave the order, and everyone started to move.    


The corridor, the room, the office, and the washroom.    


The entire building, every place that they wanted, was searched.    


Not a single blind spot was left.    




Ms Zhang's figure was still nowhere to be seen.    


"Master Han, we didn't find him."    


"Master Han, we didn't find him either."    


"Master Han, I saw him downstairs too. No."    


Reports came one after another into Mo Shihan's ears.    


His face became more and more ashen.    


The little friend's things had been stolen, but he couldn't help her snatch it back?    


This was simply a great humiliation!    


"Continue searching!" he said sternly.    


The crowd once again spread out to search.    


None of them dared to relax.    


After all, what Ms Zhang robbed was not someone else, but the thing that Mo Shihan loved the most.    


If they couldn't find it back, then none of them would be able to live a good life!    


As for Lu Qi, although the thing was stolen, she did not panic at all.    


She stood in the corridor and looked around.    


She seemed to have an answer in her heart.    


"I think I already know where she escaped to!"    


Her gaze was firm as she walked through the corridor and directly climbed up the fire stairs.    


First floor, second floor, third floor...    


The higher she climbed, the heavier the Yin Qi became.    


As a result, when she was about to reach the top layer, her heart felt like it was being pressed down by a heavy rock.    


It almost made her unable to breathe.    


"Squeak - Ya - -"    


Lu Qi held her breath and pushed open the metal door to the safe passage on the top floor.    


Just as she was about to step out, she felt a sudden gust of wind.    




Her figure flashed quickly.    


She lifted her leg and kicked that thing.    


A large section of the steel pipe was kicked away and heavily smashed into the wall of the rooftop.    




A low cry came from the corner.    


Lu Qi turned her eyes and saw Ms Zhang bowing and pressing her hand with an uncomfortable expression.    


Fresh blood dripped down from her fingertips and slowly dyed the ground with a pool of blood.    


"Oh, it seems like I used too much strength in that kick just now. Not only did I kick away the steel pipe, I also injured your hand?" Lu Qi deliberately teased.    


Ms Zhang's narrow eyes were almost narrowed into a line.    


She looked at Lu Qi with incomparable resentment.    


"You don't need to look at me. Actually, I already knew that you were the real mastermind behind the facial mask incident!" Lu Qi said casually.    


Ms Zhang asked, "How did you know?"    


She felt that she had always been very careful.    


She did not remember where she had exposed herself.    


"Because of the door"    


"The door?"    


Lu Qi did not plan to hide it from her. "Don't you think you encountered some resistance when you pushed the door downstairs?"    


Ms Zhang frowned and thought about it carefully.    


It seemed that... there was indeed such a thing.    


At that time, she saw that Lu Qi did not come with good intentions and also chatted with Wai Wanran in the dressing room. Afraid that something would happen, she went to look for Director Xue and then a few people forcefully barged into the dressing room.    


What she remembered vividly was that when she pushed the door, the handle of the door was slightly hot and it was very difficult to push it open.    


If she did not use the Mysterious Gate's magic to help, they would not have been able to rush in for a while.    




"Did you get something up and down the door?"    


"That's right. After you guys went out, in order to avoid hearing from the other side of the wall, I cast a spell up and down the door. If it wasn't for the Mystic Gate, I wouldn't have pushed it open." Lu Qi admitted it calmly.    


Ms Zhang gritted her teeth in hatred.    


"You are so insidious!"    


"Compared to you, what am I? If I had not discovered that Wai Wanran did not know the Mystic Gate martial arts, I would have kept an eye on you. You might not have been exposed until now. Isn't that so? "    


Ms Zhang was speechless.    


She had always thought that as long as she pretended to be careless and revealed the Mysterious Gate technique to Wai Wanran, she would be able to take the blame for herself.    


However, she did not expect that Lu Qi would actually notice the most crucial point - - Wai Wanran did not have any Mystic Gate technique at all!    


How could a person who did not have any foundation in the Mystic Gate possibly think of such a vicious method to cut off one's face?    


"Hmph, even if you guessed it all right, so what? Do you think you can change anything?" Ms Zhang asked, unconvinced.    


Lu Qi glanced at her. "So, you still have a trick up your sleeve?"    


Ms Zhang started to feel proud.    


"Of course. Otherwise, how would I dare to lure you up here?"    


She used her left hand to take out the red rope from her pocket.    


Her right hand pulled something from her neck.    


It was a pearl the size of a fingernail.    


It was red.    


It looked exactly the same as the Natal Bead Wai Wanran had previously made.    


"You only know that Wai Wanran has already gotten 98 Natal Bead, but you don't know that there is actually another one that is actually with me."    


Lu Qi's brows slightly twisted.    


Her expression became somewhat solemn.    


"This pearl, where did you get it from?"    


Although Wai Wanran was a person who would not do anything for the sake of her appearance, she only had three years of lifespan left. It seemed that there was no need to continue hiding the 99th pearl.    




This bead had existed since the beginning.    


Wai Wanran did not know about it at all!    


"Did you cut off your face and take off your Natal Bead?" Lu Qi asked.    


She really did not believe that there was such a crazy person in this world.    


Ms Zhang said, "That's right. The first skin removed by the entire spell is actually mine."    


She raised her hand and placed it behind her ear before gently tearing open the skin on her face.    


A large blood-red and ferocious face appeared in front of Lu Qi.    


"I used a spell to remove my face and hid my Natal Bead. Then, I told Wai Wanran this method through someone else's mouth.    


"That woman of hers doesn't love other things except her face. So, after knowing this method, she didn't even think about it. She just did as I expected. Furthermore, she did it for several years. Therefore, I successfully gathered the remaining 98 Natal Bead."    


Lu Qi listened to him word by word.    


Every time she heard him, she would be shocked.    


What kind of goal was it that made Ms Zhang think so hard?    


Was it really just for the so-called beauty?    


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