Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C438 Was It Really a Coincidence

C438 Was It Really a Coincidence

4Mo Yi placed the food on the table and placed them on the table one by one.    


Lu Qi, however, did not have much of an appetite.    


She only had a simple taste of each of them.    


"That... Young Madam, how is Master Han now?" Mo Yi tilted his head and looked at Mo Shihan who was still lying on the bed. He could not help but ask.    


Lu Qi gently shook her head.    


"Last night, I tried to help him summon a few more souls, but the result was still not very ideal. I suspect that it was because he was unwilling to come back, or that his soul was imprisoned somewhere else."    


"Imprisoned by someone? Who was so bold?" Mo Yi was very surprised by this statement.    


In Jindu, there was actually someone who dared to imprison their Master Han?    


Did he not want to live anymore?    


"I wonder who it is. But there must be a reason why his soul can't be summoned back." Lu Qi said with absolute certainty.    


" Bastard! "    


Mo Yi was a little annoyed.    


He clenched his fist and hit the wall beside him.    


"If I find out who is plotting against Master Han, I will skin him alive!"    


Lu Qi frowned. "Why do you hurt yourself for something that is not clear yet? When we find out what happened later, you will be able to vent your anger! "    


Mo Yi thought about it and felt that it was true.    


Fists should be used to deal with enemies, not to torture himself.    


"Alright, then I'll wait until the murderer is found and avenge Master Han!"    


Lu Qi nodded lightly.    


Then, she looked at the TV screen.    


"Does the Mo family have any influence over Kunlun Mountain?"    


"Kunlun Mountain? Yes, but why are you suddenly asking about this?"    


"Since there is, then help me investigate the earthquake last night. The more detailed the better." Lu Qi reminded in a deep voice.    


She had a feeling that the appearance of the man in white last night had a great connection with Mo Shihan's loss of soul.    


Perhaps, figuring out the matter between Kunlun Mountain and that man would be helpful in finding Mo Shihan's soul.    


"Alright, then I'll arrange for someone to investigate immediately."    


After receiving the order, Mo Yi prepared to leave.    


Unexpectedly, the butler downstairs suddenly called.    




He pressed the answer button and listened to the content.    


"Young Madam..."    


Lu Qi, "What's wrong?"    


"The housekeeper said someone downstairs is looking for you."    


"Looking for me?" Lu Qi frowned.    


She did not have any friends in Jindu.    


Even fewer people would come to Lan Garden directly.    


So, who was downstairs?    


"The housekeeper said on the phone that the person called himself Meng and called Meng Chaoxian. He also said that you guys have met before." Mo Yi said from the side.    


Meng Chaoxian?    


Lu Qi seemed to have thought of something.    


That day, she was called by Lu Qianyuan and his wife to go on a blind date with a second generation rich kid called Wang Yueyang.    


At that time, it was this officer surnamed Meng who helped her deal with the aftermath.    




It had already been so long, what was the meaning of suddenly looking for her?    


"Young Madam, do you want me to help you send him away?" Seeing Lu Qi's doubt, Mo Yi took the initiative to suggest.    


"No need. I'm not in the mood to go to school today, so I'll go down and meet him."    


In any case, it wouldn't take much time.    


"That's... okay."    


Seeing Lu Qi say that, Mo Yi did not say anything else and led her downstairs.    


There was indeed one more person in the living room than usual.    


He was dressed neatly and was full of righteousness, but the way he paced back and forth showed that he was extremely anxious.    


"Officer Meng." Lu Qi called out softly.    


Meng Chaoxian immediately turned around.    


"Miss Lu, I beg you, I beg you." He bent his knees, wanting to kneel down for her.    


Lu Qi narrowed her eyes. "Officer Meng, did you encounter a difficult situation?"    


Meng Chaoxian hesitated for a moment, but still explained the reason for his visit.    


"It's like this. Last time at the restaurant, Miss Lu said that my son Hao Hao lost his soul because he was hit by the murderous aura. So, after I went back that day, I followed the method Miss Lu taught me and recruited Hao Hao's soul."    


" Then you came to find me today because you didn't manage to recruit him? " Lu Qi asked.    


Meng Chaoxian replied, "No. On the contrary, I came to look for you because I found you."    


"Since you found her, why did you come to find us, Young Madam? Don't tell me you want to cling onto her?" Mo Yi clenched his fists so hard that cracking sounds could be heard.    


"No, no, no!"    


Meng Chaoxian quickly waved his hand. "In this Jindu, who doesn't know that Miss Lu belongs to Master Han? How would I dare to have ideas about her?"    


"Then why did you come to find us, Young Madam?"    


"I... To tell you the truth, my son's soul has been summoned back. My wife and I are very happy. We take care of him carefully every day, afraid that something will happen to him again. But after taking care of him for a few days, I found out that my son's behavior was very strange."    


" How strange? "    


" It's... He used to be a very outgoing child, but ever since Soul Recruitment came back, he has become very quiet, and he can't even speak three sentences a day. "    


"Just because of this, it shouldn't be strange. Because some children who lose their souls will indeed leave behind some psychological trauma "    


" No, it's not just this! He used to like watching cartoons. Every day, he would like to watch them for a few hours. However, ever since he regained his soul, he no longer liked to watch cartoons. He changed to watching palace dramas."    


" This... "    


Mo Yi's expression slightly stiffened, "Your child is too precocious, right? He did not even understand the cartoons before he started watching the palace drama. I really admire writing big! "    


"To tell you the truth, it would be fine if he only watched the Palace Battle Series. But he actually... actually stole my wife's clothes, even my wife's lipstick. He would also secretly wipe his mouth. This... Isn't this a pervert!"    


Meng Chaoxian's expression was a little awkward.    


Obviously, his son's behavior made him, as a father, look very shameless.    


"So, you suspect that the soul you retrieved according to my method is not your son's?" Lu Qi hit the nail on the head.    


Meng Chaoxian nodded.    


"Actually, I don't want to think so either, but his behavior is really strange."    


"It's understandable."    


Lu Qi was sure that her soul summoning method would not be a problem.    




After all, that day was not the day she personally went to summon the soul.    


It was hard to say whether there would be any mistakes during the process.    


Not to mention...    


The little boy had lost his soul.    


Mo Shihan had also lost his soul.    


How could it be such a coincidence?    


"Miss Lu, I know that my request now is very rude. But... I still implore you to follow me to take a look at my son. If you can make him return to normal, then I can be your slave! "Meng Chaoxian fell to his knees.    


Lu Qi said, "You don't need to give me such a big bow. I will definitely save your son. "    


Even if it was not for Meng Chaoxian, but to find out the truth behind these two events, she still had to make this trip personally!    


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