The Romantic Soldier King



Mei-zi looked at the black doctor with a strange expression. Her naughty finger poked at his waist, startling the dazed man. He stared at Mei-zi with wide eyes and opened his mouth wide without saying a word.    


"The more I look at you, the weirder you look. Tell me honestly, do you know something? Now, Elder Brother Ye... " Mei-zi stopped talking as she spoke, and her throat started to choke. Thinking about the moment Ye Cheng landed, her entire body started to tremble.    


The black doctor sighed and very naturally held the beauty in his arms. Silent consolation was always so warm, causing one to unknowingly fall into a state of grief, unable to extricate themselves.    


"Dean, why are you here?"    


The black doctor raised his head. Who could be so blind to suddenly appear out of nowhere? Oh no, dean, your father has not been the dean for many years. The black doctor was suddenly stunned as he looked unhappily at the person who spoke. This woman could be said to have an angelic face and a devilish body, and even had a face that they had once seen before. Did he know her?    


At this moment, Meizi also looked up at the woman in front of her. She felt embarrassed to sit up from the black doctor's shoulder and nodded politely to the woman. Miss Wei. "    


"I came to see you and heard from the doctor that you are here. I hope I didn't disturb you!" Wei Meimei turned his gaze towards Mei Zi smiled.    


Meizi shook her head. Just as she was about to speak, the black doctor lightly shook her hand and stood up. If they didn't disturb them, didn't Secretary Wei want to go to Xingyue to deal with the aftermath of Dawn? It's only eleven o'clock. "    


"The time has changed!" Wei Meimei stared at the black doctor, and then sat down on the sofa. She was originally an old acquaintance of Meizi, but right now the atmosphere between the three of them was a bit awkward. The dean is here to see Miss Mei Zi? "    


Isn't this nonsense?    


The black doctor glanced at Wei Meimei and suddenly thought of something. He originally wanted to choke on his words, but he suddenly softened his tone. Miss Meizi and I can be considered to be old acquaintances. Now that this kind of thing has happened, it's only right for me to come over and apologize. No matter what, I am an expired principal and cannot make a big decision.    


With that, the black doctor took Mei Zi's hand and continued, "No matter what, the body is the most important thing. Don't worry about the expenses, take good care of yourself."    


Mei Zi saw that the two of them had detected the strange atmosphere between them, so she nodded her head according to the black doctor's words. She wanted to make use of this situation to check the situation, but she still complained to Wei Meimei at the bottom of her heart.    


After the beautiful woman left, the black doctor stopped smiling and stared at Wei Meimei without blinking. His silence instead made the latter feel more at ease.    


"I didn't know that you are quite talented in acting, to be able to get Ye Cheng's woman into your hands so quickly, does she not suspect you in the slightest?" Wei Meimei asked sarcastically.    


The black doctor raised his eyebrows, his black eyes flashing with a trace of craftiness. You should worry about yourself first! You are the last person to see Ye Cheng, and on the day of the incident, someone saw you fighting and retreating together with the culprit, so it wasn't that easy to mediate this explosion. If you don't care about that matter, neither you nor the culprit have a good ending.    


Wei Meimei glanced at the coffee and cake on the table and chuckled. No wonder Mei-zi doesn't suspect you, since when did you start using the American style? "Although you are a world-class brain surgeon and have grown up drinking ink, you do not even get a drop of water on this foreign object!"    


If it was just to make it look more like a black doctor, then the coffee stains at the edge of the cup would be too well-placed. No wonder Wei Meimei was suspicious of the black doctor.    


The black doctor pushed the cup in front of Wei Meimei, indicating for her to take a sip. Afterwards, the black doctor did not forget to tease him and ask if it tasted good. Looking at the beauty's pained expression, the black doctor laughed and stood up.    


Under the effect of a cup of coffee, Wei Meimei dispelled the suspicions in her heart. She chased after the black doctor, signalling for him to follow her to Xingyue, but was rejected. Looking at the distant figure of his back, Wei Meimei's expression was cold to the extreme.    


Right now, it had already been three hours since the twelve hours had passed, and the work was still continuing. But Jiang Dazhuang's firm was facing an unprecedented low pressure, and with around five to six senior lawyers overseeing the meeting room, their sharp words caused Jiang Dazhuang's assistant to be drenched in cold sweat, and he had no time to respond.    


This kind of scene was too harsh for a girl. However, their boss had left five minutes earlier, avoiding the Star Moon Group's legal team.    


The current Jiang Dazhuang didn't go anywhere, but was sitting on top of a mountain of coffee and having a date with his beautiful big sister.    


As if they had met each other for a long time, Sang Huihui raised his wine cup, indicating Jiang Dazhuang to celebrate the results of their conspiracy.    


"I've long heard about the low profile of Hei Yao. I never thought that President Sang would be so quick and violent to take over the land of Dawn in a short three hours. If there is a chance, I hope that President Sang can introduce this great man to me."    


Sang Huihui elegantly crossed her legs and laughed out loud in front of her. How can I have that capability, it's also because of the contacts the boss has. If we really have to talk about skill, who can compare to Jiang Dazhuang's Fiery Eyes of Truth. "    


With the praise from the beauty, Jiang Dazhuang had long since floated up, and thought that this time, he had directly gone with the right piece. Back then, when he gave Qiao Rubing the notice of complaint, he had already been planning for the future, if Sang Huihui could take down that land, then he would wholeheartedly support this person.    


This was a wager that was half the length of the bet. It was hard to say who would win or lose, but he understood one thing, compared to Hei Yao, Star Moon Group was far worse.    


Ye Cheng's life and death situation was also refusing to live with Hei Yao. If he really disappeared, then would the people behind Hei Yao still be able to continue supporting him? If not, wouldn't he just lose everything he had.    


"President Sang, there is something that I am still not able to figure out. Logically speaking, with such a huge incident happening, young master Ye should appear, why is there no activity at all? Not to mention my smelly mouth, there's a rumor outside that Ye Cheng is in trouble this time! "    


"Jiang Dazhuang, don't worry. I guarantee that what you're worried about won't happen. To boast, Black Flame has only been able to have his current state due to his influence. It's because we have absolute strength to support him. "    


When Jiang Dazhuang heard this, he was even more uncertain. Although Sang Huihui had promised repeatedly, but had avoided the issue of Ye Cheng's life and death, if he died, how could he guarantee anything?    


However, these words could only be spoken silently in his stomach. Jiang Dazhuang raised his glass to indicate them to drink, and the two of them enjoyed the beautiful sunset in front of them with ulterior motives.    


As the phone inside the house squeaked as he thought about it, Han Feng repeatedly smashed the phone in the face of the other party's missed voice calls. Damn it!    


The door was knocked as Han Hu walked in from outside. He looked at his son with a snort as he untied his clothes and sat on the sofa, raising his legs: "Pack your things immediately, we'll catch the afternoon flight to England."    


Han Feng stared at Han Hu, and spoke in a stern voice: "Do you mean this, or the family?"    


"Is there a difference? I won't let you turn this place into your second East China Sea Star Moon, don't think that I don't know what you are up to with Celestial Dynasty, and that person isn't someone you can handle. "    


"Without the Celestial Dynasty, would Dawn have come to an end so easily?"    


Han Hu was so angry that his entire body was trembling, since when did his excellent son become so brainless? He threw a stack of photos onto the table and said: "Open your eyes wide and see, see who is the real mastermind."    


Han Feng picked up the picture hesitantly, instantly recognizing the woman in the picture. Wei Meimei, it's her again! "    


I have already checked on this person's identity. On the day Liu Yidao was killed, someone saw him leaving from the back door of the hospital, you can't possibly think that the Celestial Dynasty was truly helping you, right? He's basically using you as a lance and instigated you to join Dawn for the sake of today.    


Han Feng hesitated for a full 10 seconds before throwing the photo into the sky. His eyes were bloodshot, why would Han Hu have these pictures?    


"If you want me to, I won't leave Xingyue. If it's the clan's decision, then you can stay away from me."    


Han Hu was startled, could it be that all of these things were true?    


Pow! He slapped Han Feng on the cheek. This man who looked to be in his middle years was thoroughly enraged, he never thought that the son that he had painstakingly nurtured would actually be that person who wanted to destroy his own business. "Bastard!"    


Since the matter had already been revealed, Han Feng had nothing to hide. Everything he had done up till now was for the sake of the Han family, so he didn't feel that he was at fault.    


Back then, in order to stabilize Han family's position in the East Sea, wasn't he only with the Han family's Patriarch because of a single sentence, why did he become like this? It was also because of the Han family's Patriarch, and how could he know JOY and Wei Dong without Song Liangjun, all of this was a causal link.    


"I am an animal, then what are they? The position of the Patriarch of Han family should be yours, have those people ever done anything for Xingyue? If we have to take responsibility now, then why didn't I think of you when we were making money. Dad, we don't have to be afraid of them now, if they dare to do anything to us, I'll kill them! "    


Han Feng roared with confidence, but did not realize that Han Hu's expression was turning uglier and uglier.    


Han Hu clenched his fists tightly, he swung twice at Han Feng with his bare eyes, and knocked him down to the ground. Butler, personally send the young master to the other side of the plane, and watch the plane take off before coming back. "    


The butler came in from outside and saw that Han Feng was frowning slightly from the wound on his mouth. He asked the bodyguard to carry Han Feng and walked out.    


"Dad!" You will regret it. "    


Han Hu remained indifferent with his back facing Han Feng, he stared into the distance with a gloomy face, and only when his voice became unclear did he let out a long breath and sat down on the sofa, unable to hold back his tears.    


A man's grief tends to erupt at a point. It can be a word, an action, or a thing. Han Hu was on the verge of collapsing. The Star Moon Group was his last hope, the bargaining chip he had used to threaten the Han family, but now there was only an empty shell left.    


After a brief conversation, he walked out of Xing Yue and waited by the side of the road for a while. An old black car stopped in front of him and drove him far away.    


Two people slowly walked out of the building. The butler carried a heavy luggage and handed it over to Han Feng. "Young master, this is my last time, I can't betray the old master again, it's not easy for him alone, once you get there, you must ?"    


"Uncle Han, I understand, I'll leave my dad in your care. When I come back, I'll definitely make them look at me in a new light."    


Han Feng bit his lips. If it wasn't for the butler that he would have already been escorted to the airport, but because of the butler, he found out that the current Xing Yue was already dead in name. If Han Hu still had some connections, the various large banks would have already come knocking on their doors.    


Han Feng had just heard this matter from the butler, so he had not found out who it was yet. However, the matter of the company's accounts had already attracted the attention of the relevant departments, so if there was any movement in the outside world, Xing Yue could be investigated anytime.    


Because of this, Han Hu allowed Han Feng to leave the Hong Kong Island to hide outside the country. After all, he was only Xing Yue's executive director.    


Although the butler did not immediately reveal the mastermind behind all of this, but seeing his expression, it was likely that he was related to the Celestial Dynasty. He did not understand why Wei Dong did this, the Celestial Dynasty was a lot more powerful than Xing Yue, so there was no need to hide so many things just for a mere Xing Yue. What did he want?    


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