The Romantic Soldier King



The black doctor thought that it was Ye Cheng's intentional doing, but Ye Cheng denied it in front of everyone, not to mention organizing his own Locomotive Party, he didn't even know where Deng Mengxiu and Mountain were.    


Previously, during the explosion in Dawn Hospital, Ah San had appeared near the bar, but he quickly disappeared due to the incident being quieted down. Under Lin Xi's lead, the sanguinis did do a few things according to Ye Cheng's instructions, but they were all related to the cases that Wang Dazhi had committed, so he did not even know about the existence of the Locomotive Party.    


At this moment, everyone fell into silence! When the Locomotive Party emerged again, it could be separated into two parts to consider. At best, Deng Mengxiu could find new forces and return to the martial arts world, or there would be people who would use the Locomotive Party s to cause a storm in the Hong Kong Island. If it was the latter, who would be more powerful?    


The Celestial Dynasty was quickly denied by Ye Cheng. Because of the murder and disappearance, Wei Dong was being held tightly in place, so he had no time to do such a thing. Furthermore, with the contacts and power of the Celestial Dynasty, he would not use the Locomotive Party to build up his influence.    


The Leng family was currently in a critical situation, so they were unable to cope with the situation, and did not have the time to create such trouble.    


It was possible for the Triad Society to be here, but two days ago, they had participated in the Sun Yee On's recruitment. The new leader of the Qin Family had recruited people to assassinate them, and when news of this spread, the person who did it was suspected to be Ye Cheng.    


In the end, there was still one more possibility, and that was the Han family. The Star Moon Group officially returned to Han Hu, and Han Feng was sent abroad. However, there was reliable information that Han Feng was still staying in the Hong Kong Island, which made him the most suspicious, but he did not have this motive.    


After the black doctor analysed the situation, everyone turned to look at Ye Cheng. On the night that Qin Chengyuan was attacked, he had not returned for the entire night.    


"I didn't do it!" Ye Cheng denied it immediately.    


The two boys who were sitting looked at Ye Cheng with interest, while the three beauties who were sitting at the same table, instantly had a sharp look in their eyes when Ye Cheng denied it.    


If Ye Cheng really went and beat up that useless trash, they would praise him with their hands raised. But since it was not him who did it, then the problem would be even worse. Who are you messing around with? All these questions need to be properly interrogated.    


Qiao Rubing laughed dryly, her beautiful eyes turned towards Qiao Yingzhe, and with just a look, she knew what she was going to do. Then, he smirked and approached Ye Cheng, suddenly attacking him together with the black doctor from the front and back, trapping him in the center.    


"Beautiful ladies, please be at ease with your older brother's help. Whether it is the ten great torture methods or the medieval religious punishments, there is nothing we can't do. There is nothing you can't do. Just speak your mind, brothers, and promise that this brat will live a life worse than death." The black doctor took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire by shouting.    


"Do you have any shame? Big brother, who's smaller than you here? Do you think you're their uncle? I'm still too old, so don't teach bad children and scram for me." With just the black doctor Qiao Yingzhe's hands, how could he possibly trap Ye Cheng? It was just that he did not want to waste time and energy to struggle.    


"Yo!" Look at this scumbag, if you don't properly recognize his mistakes and want to threaten others here, then turn your heads. The next scene is a bit cruel and unbefitting for a beauty to watch. " The black doctor smirked and raised an eyebrow at Ye Cheng. Right after he finished speaking, he extended his demonic hand towards Ye Cheng's abdomen.    


"Don't bully my Elder Brother Ye!"    


Although she knew that it was all a joke, Mei Zi still could not help but take it seriously. She could not see Ye Cheng's suffering as she threw a palm towards the black doctor.    


The black doctor fell backwards with a plop. He sat down on the ground and looked at Mei-zi. This little girl couldn't possibly have inherited the God Power, right?    


Mei-zi stared at her hand and opened her mouth. What was going on? She didn't use any strength, how did she knock him to the ground? Seeing the black doctor's wrinkled face, it seemed like his butt was in pain. I didn't mean to! "    


and Sang Huihui looked at each other. Amongst the three of them, Qiao Rubing did not know how to fight, she only knew a little about martial arts, which meant that her moves were a little bit too strong, and she did not have any real Inner Qi. Therefore, if she met any strong people, she would not be able to take even half a move.    


Sang Huihui and Mu Lingdie were both experts in the field of cultivation, so with Mei Zi's palm strike just now that contained power, Sang Huihui could immediately tell that it contained Ye Cheng's power, she looked at Ye Cheng suspiciously, how did Mei Zi's eyes heal? Until now, Ye Cheng had not even said it out loud, could it be?    


"Little girl, how can you be like this? "Big brother, I was kind enough to help you take care of this playboy, and you even attacked me!? My heart went cold!" The black doctor suddenly covered his heart and shouted. His wrinkled face could squeeze an ant to death.    


"It's time for you to take care of your skin. Your muscles are already drooping, where are you still pretending to be tender?" Qiao Yingzhe kicked away the black doctor, allowing the onlookers to see clearly what had happened. The black doctor's shout just now made him more certain that there was some secret between the black doctor and Ye Cheng, and he also suspected that Mei Zi's recovery was related to Ye Cheng.    


Xiao Hei suddenly struggled free from Meizi's embrace and jumped onto Ye Cheng's stomach.    


Ye Cheng sighed, pulling Xiao Hei down from his stomach. Doesn't this old thing know that its claws are very painful?    


"Got it!" "Got it!" Ye Cheng sat on the ground with his legs crossed and shouted at Blacky, impatiently pushing it to the side. He lowered his head for a long time before saying, "What happened outside was not my doing! I think that what I am about to do has made some people impatient, which is why I have found people to impersonate me and go around Hong Kong Island to cause trouble in my name. "    


"So for a few days you've been out all night behind our backs again!" Sang Huihui who had been silent the whole time suddenly asked. This was even more despicable than him going out to pick up girls.    


"You all should know about the Officer Wang that often appears in the news recently! He was my masterpiece in solving a few murders. " Ye Cheng cleared his throat, looked at each of their fierce gazes, and could only tell them what he had been doing these past few days.    


Qiao Yingzhe laughed out loud. I was wondering how that little policeman could possibly solve those serious crimes. So the matter of you meeting with him everywhere is not baseless after all! "    


"What do you mean? You followed me? " Ye Cheng unhappily curled his lips.    


Qiao Yingzhe shrugged and pointed at Qiao Rubing. Elder Sis is like a mother, I have no choice but to listen. "    


Qiao Rubing opened his eyes wide, now he knew that his elder sister was like a mother. I told him to send someone to follow you. Don't ask me why.    


Ye Cheng laughed helplessly. Fortunately, he did not attack the person following him. " That night was also a coincidence, or else I wouldn't have caught hold of Celestial Dynasty's weakness. That's why I contacted Wang Dazhi and made a private deal with him, and the fewer people who know about this, the better. This is the only way I can guarantee the safety of the others. "    


"Sister Qing Ling is still alive?"    


"She's with me, but the situation isn't looking good. She doesn't have any professional equipment, and her life is in danger at any time." The black doctor answered from the side. He scratched his scalp and said: "Compared to this, one thing is more troublesome. Wei Meimei is missing."    


Because of Qing Ling's information, the black doctor had been to the North Street, and the clinic was always closed, the small notices at the entrance were piled into a mountain. After that, he had secretly followed Qing Feng and found out that his whereabouts were extremely strange.    


"Isn't Wei Meimei one of the enemy? It was she who made the explosion and buried you all under it. Why did she look for him? " Sang Huihui shouted excitedly.    


Ye Cheng pulled Sang Huihui into his embrace. If this woman goes berserk, there would be nothing left to say. " The Wei Meimei that Lin Xi saw was not a real beauty, the black doctor had already ascertained that the person was fake. "    


Sang Huihui turned towards the black doctor. Seeing him nod his head, she couldn't help but bite her lip. How was he so sure that the other party was not Sang Huihui? I'm not sure yet that he's the black doctor. "    


Ye Cheng laughed, he secretly kissed Sang Huihui's earlobes, a woman who tried to be strong could be so cute, it made people unwilling to blame him.    


"Senior brother must know what's going on?" When the other party rashly blew up the Dawn Hospital, that was equivalent to abandoning the light and casting the shadows on the dark, so we had to be more cautious in dealing with the situation. Before we find out who this person is, that is, who slandered us after slandering us, everyone stay calm and do whatever you have to do.    


Even though Ye Cheng had said this, Qiao Rubing and the others were still worried.    


Qiao Yingzhe divided the report that he brought with him to everyone. This is the analysis I've just received. It won't fall into the hands of the police until tomorrow. "    


"The special materials found in the Dawn Hospital's bombing?" Sang Huihui looked at the results of the analysis one by one. The content was astonishing, and the amount of information required was too much, causing her to be unable to wrap her head around it. What is this? "Active structure?"    


"All I can say is, this is some kind of creature's flesh. The explosion caused a hole to appear on its body. As for what happened, I'll have to ask my brother-in-law. Do you still want to hide it?" Qiao Yingzhe looked at Ye Cheng playfully. Once the analysis is in the hands of the police, what will happen? "    


"Remodeling the panic of four years ago."    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, the smile on his face gave others the feeling that this was the situation he wanted.    


"Don't forget that you're from the National Security Agency!" Qiao Yingzhe felt that it was necessary for him to remind Ye Cheng of his other identity.    


Sang Huihui shook his head in disbelief. "This idea is too unrealistic. "Hubby, are you sure you want to ?"    


"That depends on what the other party does. How many people were left behind in Qiu Yuan's case four years ago? Xiang Weimin is dead, Lin Sisi is dead, Guo Chao is dead, the only person left is.    


"Where's the chauffeur?"    


"Unfortunately, not long ago, he died in the middle of a motorcycle injury."    


Four years ago, the key figures in the case were slowly disappearing, and then the same thing happened again four years later. Although there seemed to be no connection between the two, the other party had been making mistakes and was pushing the matter towards a reformation.    


No one understood what Ye Cheng was thinking. His mysteriousness was scary, but unknowingly, it was revered.    


Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was present, Ye Cheng did not hide anything anymore and made a few detailed arrangements for the few of them. Sang Huihui continued to stay in the Hong Kong Island with the excuse that the Dawn Hospital was being repaired, and the black doctor, as the principal of the Dawn Hospital, would once again assume the responsibilities of having his body repaired and turned around.    


Sang Huihui officially announced the plans for the new dawn to the media. As the black doctor took the initiative to take over, Han Feng would not stand idly by the side, because with his sudden departure, the dissolution of the shareholders' meeting had yet to take any action, delaying it constantly. As a result, the business battle between Black Light and Star Moon Group began.    


Since they hadn't asked about the movements of the East China Sea Star Moon recently, Qiao Yingzhe would replace Sang Huihui and return to the Eastern Ocean to host the sudden change in the relationship between Black Light and Qiao Rubing, who were both hostile to Star Moon.    


After the three parties had decided on their plan, they left quietly the next morning.    


Qiao Rubing and Qiao Yingzhe rode on the first flight back to the Eastern Ocean, Sang Huihui returned back to the hotel and released Qiao Yingzhe's notice through the group internal mailbox, everything was arranged in an orderly manner, while Ye Cheng who was in the ghost house was frowning.    


Mei Zi looked worriedly at Ye Cheng's back figure, she could vaguely sense the change in her body, and thus understood Ye Cheng's state of mind, this arrangement seemed to be reasonable, but she had no other choice.    


The Birdman would also return to the Eastern Ocean region because of Qiao Yingzhe's departure. But by doing this, he could at least ensure the safety of the forces of the Eastern Ocean region. If the people here were to fall out with Xingyue, Wei Dong might very well abandon the Hong Kong Island to protect the Eastern Sea Region.    


"I will be by your side!" Mei Zi quietly walked behind Ye Cheng and placed her face on his back, her hands on his waist.    


Xiao Hei slowly paced himself to the feet of the two, crouching beside them as she looked at the Celestial Dynasty in the distance, calling out lazily.    


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