The Romantic Soldier King



Everyone had their own little secret, and those who were sensible wouldn't ask. Only those who were idle and flustered would look for a face.    


Ye Cheng stood at the Lao Shi's side as he exhaled the smoke: "Tonight will be very dangerous. There's still a chance for us to retreat now, it's impossible that we won't even have our lives left if we persevere any longer."    


"I'm helping you not only because you're Ye Cheng, but also because you're someone who can defeat night evil."    


Uh! This sentence was very hard to accept!    


Ye Cheng caressed his face. Had his disguise skills decreased recently? How could anyone recognize him? Or was his aura too strong, and the words "I am Ye Cheng" was written on the top of his head? "Mei-zi, is there a word on my face?"    


Meizi let out a chuckle. How could she joke around at this time? No one else could! " Someone with a fountain pen, do you want me to write it down for you? "    


"Sigh, you've turned bad!"    


"It's not that you want to turn bad, it's that you've turned stupid!"    


was speechless, he could only laugh dryly and turn back to find the Lao Shi using his weathered eyes to look at him.    


"Alright! I'm a little curious! You and Celestial Dynasty, ah no, what exactly is the enmity between you and night evil? Just like this, your disciple appeared at the Celestial Dynasty's gate, and it was not a coincidence that we met each other, since the first time you saw me, you have been planning it! "    


"The Lao Shi nodded. A few years ago, I started investigating the night evil. The innocent people who died in their hands were right, my wife was also a victim under their hands. I used to be a detective too, and I got the blame for investigating this matter. My master took the blame for me and died in prison. Revenge is my lifelong obsession. "    


Ye Cheng had never seen someone who could take revenge for granted. He patted the Lao Shi's shoulder and led him out of the empty room.    


There were eight elevators in front of and behind the ghost house. They were in the east, west, south, and east. Each time, there were two of them. The other two were freight ladders.    


The elevator that yin soldier rode on was located on the north side of the city, so from the room type, the north couldn't see any light, but it was dark. The place with the most Yang Qi was to the south, slightly to the east, thus Ye Cheng had arranged for Lao Shi and the rest to sit in this direction, so they were not vulnerable to attacks.    


In addition, Ye Cheng had repeatedly warned the Lao Shi that he could not bring anything shining at night. Although he had to deal with ghosts, not just any soul, but most of them were fierce ghosts or assimilated souls, extremely cruel and fierce, which normal people like him could not deal with.    


In order to get the perfect shot, Ye Cheng installed pinhole cameras in the pipes of the various tunnels, and even set up ambushes in various corners. After ensuring that the Lao Shi would not miss a single shot, he connected the line to his space, and used two notebooks to successfully create a monitoring system.    


"In order to be safe, we need a person to guard this place. Contact the people outside at any time. The two of you can discuss about it." Ye Cheng spoke to Lao Shi and his disciple.    


"Although this place looks very safe, once the other party knows that there is a surveillance camera here, they will attack here at the first possible moment, so you guys could lose your lives at any time."    


Lao Shi thought for a while, and in the end decided to keep his disciple. Compared to the outside, the inside was still safer, and under layers of protection, it would not be easy to get those things in.    


Facing the Lao Shi and his disciples, Ye Cheng suddenly felt a sense of melancholy, as if they were about to part from life. Someone like them, who was already numb to death, would probably not feel the pain of waiting.    


And whether or not we can successfully record the video, it is more important to ensure that there are no casualties. After inspecting every entrance and every floating spot again and again, Ye Cheng stood at the location of the Lao Shi. This place was directly facing the exit of the elevator, and to be honest, the location was not really good.    


If the other party took the elevator up, they would be facing Lao Shi the moment they open the door, and Lao Shi's job was to take pictures of their faces as soon as they came out from there, and then, in five seconds, enter the roller shutter door to ensure their safety.    


Ye Cheng personally tested the distance for himself and found that five seconds were too difficult for an ordinary person. If he were to use his long legs to walk, he would have to walk at least three steps without using any energy. Lao Shi was about ten centimeters shorter than him, so he only needed to walk four or five steps.    


The possibility of survival of the Lao Shi was very low as he continued to emulate the scene in his mind. His opponent was the yin soldier, so there was no need to spend even a second to kill him, this was an impossible mission.    


"Still worried?" "Mei Zi quietly walked behind Ye Cheng. With two more people, and two more burdens, she originally did not want to agree." "Even if you get the video, do you have confidence that they will broadcast it?"    


"I know what you're saying. The video will not send Wei Dong to jail, but at least it will make him show his true colors. " Ye Cheng exhaled a breath of smoke. When necessary, sacrifice was also an enzyme that succeeded. I'll handle it. I'll leave the security to you, okay? "    


She then went to the roof and set up a barrier around the building. Every corner of every floor had her seeds planted secretly, and no matter where those things came from, they would not be able to escape her notice.    


"Elder Brother Ye, come and look!" When she was done, she found a strange place on the top floor.    


There was a lot of water on the roof. It had been a few days and there was no rain. The living facilities of the building were stopped. The water tank was about three to five meters away.    


This was not something that could be easily found. Ye Cheng scratched Mei Zi's head and stared into the water. He suddenly thought of someone.    


"Is it elder sister Xue Luo?"    


Ye Cheng did not say anything. The puddle of water seemed very clear, it should have just formed not long ago. Thinking about that woman who made people suspicious no matter how they looked at it, he pouted his lips. Maybe it's just the tears of God, you can't be at ease leaving that pair of master and disciple alone! "    


"It's almost night. The sunset glow is rising in the sky. A large cloud is approaching in the distance with hints of lightning. The sudden change in nature made Mei-zi furrow her brows, giving her a bad premonition." Elder Brother Ye! "    


"Go down!"    


Only after asking the young lad about it did he find out that he had gone downstairs to buy food and alcohol to bolster his courage. Ye Cheng sat on the soft sofa at the side, there was everything, it was just going to the bathroom to take a bath, but he had a way to solve the problem. The oxygen and circulating water equipment in the corner of the room emitted a light rumbling sound.    


Knowing that Ye Cheng was a big shot, he dared not even breathe loudly. Knowing that Ye Cheng did not even dare to look him in the eye, he could only sneakily glance in the eye, and although he looked like he was in his early twenties, which was about the same age as him, his family's reputation and status was already at a level that he might not be able to reach in a few lifetimes. This was fate!    


Ye Cheng nonchalantly asked the young lad about the Lao Shi and him, the young lad seemed to be extremely nervous, and if they continued waiting for a strong enemy to come, even without him doing anything, they would be scared to the point of peeing their pants!    


"Why isn't Master back yet?"    


The Lao Shi had left for nearly 40 minutes. There was a row of gourmet restaurants downstairs, so it shouldn't take that long!    


Ye Cheng looked at Mei Zi, the bell in her hand did not give any response, the strong enemy had not arrived yet, so he asked the young lad to lock the door, and he went down to take a look.    


After walking around on the street for a bit, Ye Cheng finally found Lao Shi in front of an electrical shop carrying a food bag. He was enjoying watching a piece of news.    


"Celestial Dynasty Twin Flower Suspect has been formally prosecuted, yet another wronged person has died."    


"It's not that simple."    


Ye Cheng patted the Lao Shi's shoulder. When they entered the ghost house, the sky had turned completely dark.    


He blocked in front of Lao Shi with one hand, so it could be said that the entire ghost house was immersed in the state of being pitch black, and those ghosts would suddenly appear anywhere. Ye Cheng made the Lao Shi follow his footsteps and rushed up to the eleventh floor.    




A loud noise came from upstairs. Ye Cheng held onto Lao Shi and held his breath as he waited.    


Ye Cheng pouted. It didn't sound like something that Charlie Chen's men were doing, but it sounded like someone had accidentally knocked something off of him. It couldn't be that they were carrying something on their back!    


Ye Cheng screamed in his heart, and only now did he remember the reporters who had gathered at the entrance. "Damn it!"    


"I'll go!"    


"It's too late. Let's go over there." Ye Cheng pointed at the upper left side of the stairs, where there was a part of the wall that had collapsed.    


The two of them went around to the east side of the building where Ye Cheng's hands were holding onto energy and smashed down a part of the wall. The crumbling sounds of the drill bit was ear-splitting, and a few shouts that sounded like pigs being butchered came from downstairs, there were both men and women, it seemed like there were quite a few people here.    


Fortunately, no one had invaded this place yet, so after pushing the Lao Shi through the curtain, he returned to the side of the reporters who had rushed in. As he was thinking about how to scare all of them off, a few gray figures floated past him.    


Some intentionally dropped the items on the table, while others were more interesting. They grabbed the clothes behind the few people and didn't want to leave, suddenly all the abnormal phenomena appeared, scaring the female reporters into crying and running away.    


Everyone was afraid, Ye Cheng held back his laughter, this must be the way Mei Zi thought of to play tricks on others. The spirits did not have any intention of harming anyone, but this degree of fear could only scare away the cowards, leaving behind a few people, who would quickly calm down.    


A ghost house without a ghost is still called a ghost house?    


No one could comfort him like this. Were all the ghosts in this world too well described? Were there even evil spirits amongst them?    


While Ye Cheng was still feeling contempt in his heart, he imagined it happening.    


Amongst the huddled masses, someone had suddenly grabbed another person's neck in an odd way. The tip of his sharp finger pierced the other person's throat, causing blood to trickle down to the ground.    


Suddenly, the entire world went silent!    


The lady who killed a person turned and looked at the people around her, she opened her mouth wide, her eyes turned in a circle and locked onto Ye Cheng, then she opened her mouth wide and laughed twice, then leapt up and rushed forward.    


"Go back!"    


A beauty dressed in a hunting suit dress came out from the side and pointed at his head. A ghost was forced out of the woman's body, seemingly extremely unwilling, it wanted to enter again, but a ray of light caused the ghost's soul to be destroyed.    


Ow ow ow ow!    


"Quick, run!" Ye Cheng realized that when the strong enemy was about to approach, these ghosts would be controlled.    


The reporters, who were hugging each other, were so scared that their legs went weak. Let alone running, it was hard for them to even move their fingers.    


It was another possessed ghost. He kicked away the woman beside him, grabbed the table beside him and smashed onto her body. The woman's head was smashed on the spot, her brains were all together.    


Ye Cheng stomped his feet, taking advantage of the fact that the ghost was not accustomed to human bodies yet, he rushed in front of it, and grabbed those who were already scared silly with one hand and ran out with the other.    


"Is there any hope?"    


Mei Zi shook her head and sighed. She threw the person she had rescued to the side and returned to the side, then went back inside. A flame was ignited and circled the house, surrounding the person who was possessed and quickly engulfed him. Only a mournful scream could be heard and over the waves of cold laughter, Charlie Chen's face appeared in the air, and very quickly disappeared.    


"He's here!"    


"Mhm," Meizi responded. When the two of them returned to the tunnel, all the reporters who were rescued had disappeared. "This is bad!"    


"I don't care about all that. Let's go back first."    


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