The Romantic Soldier King



She held onto Xiaohei tightly, not daring to make a sound. She believed in Ye Cheng's driving skills, but she was a little suspicious of whether he was fully focused on driving or not.    


Is it true that driving is like a skilled worker, and that after driving for a long time, even when one is in a trance, the body follows the instincts?    


Mei-zi bit her lip. What she said was unreliable.    


Little Black laid its two claws on the window. It had originally intended to leave without following its master's wishes, if not for Meizi carrying it out, it would have been difficult for Ye Cheng to bring it out of the apartment.    


In the middle of the night, Ye Cheng parked his car in front of the villa. The villa was dark, and the darkness of the night blended in with the darkness of the mountain.    


With the iron door shut, Ye Cheng climbed over the wall and entered. At least he did not have the protection of the electric net, does this old fellow think that living in the mountains is very safe?    


He opened the metal door from the inside and let Mei Zi in. The two of them went up the stairs together.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Mei Zi blocked Ye Cheng's impulse to break in through the door. She walked all the way down the stairs and asked in confusion while looking up at the villa. This place is protected by spirit energy. "    


agreed. There were many different types of spirits, other than the evil spirit, there were many other Guardian Spirits in the world.    


Mei Zi respectfully kneeled on the ground, both her palms facing up, and as she faced the villa in a flattering manner, she began to chant softly. What was different from her previous battle style, was that Ye Cheng could hear a very soothing and graceful chanting.    


Following the start of the chant, Ye Cheng felt the breathing of the people around him start to slow down, and only people deep in his heart knew that there were many different types of auras that could not be released.    


As the fog cleared, she stood up with relief. She picked up Blacky and walked up the steps, lightly tapping on the door.    


It was the first time Ye Cheng saw Mei Zi's respectful appearance. Maybe it was because he was baptized in the process that his entire body turned into a flattery, as he followed Mei Zi and stared at the tightly shut door.    


With a squeak, the door was opened from the inside, and the lights in the room lit up.    


Lin Yifan and Shi Bihua stood behind the servants, waiting for them to enter.    


Xiao Hei immediately jumped out of Mei Zi's embrace and pounced towards Lin Yifan. In an instant, a huge battle broke out between the two of them and the other three people sat down on the sofa as if they did not see anything.    


After the servant brought the tea over, Ye Cheng then asked about Wei Meimei's situation. When he found out that he was being taken care of well, his expression eased up.    


Xiao Hei bit Lin Yifan's sleeve, and spat out hot air at him. Lin Yifan had long since lost his Heroic Bone Wind, so he pulled his sleeves and fell to the ground to compete with a black cat in strength, regardless of his image.    


Mei Zi asked Ye Cheng softly. Looking at Xiao Hei's expression, it seemed as though she would not rest until Lin Yifan was dead.    


After Ye Cheng finished his sentence, he asked Shi Bihua for a room, and brought Mei Zi to rest. His mission was already completed, so he didn't care who else he wanted to go to.    


Shi Bihua kindly followed behind the two of them, and stood in front of Wei Meimei's door and purposely shouted: "Good disciple, be gentle, the noise here is not too good, it's too loud, disturbing the people!"    


"Get lost!"    


Ye Cheng roared and closed the door. This old bastard, who never died, was so old and still so dirty!    


Mei Zi bashfully buried her face in Ye Cheng's embrace. Just by listening to those exhortations, she already didn't know what kind of face she would have to face tomorrow.    


"Don't bother with him, he's just an old man with no sense of propriety." Ye Cheng thought about Shi Bihua's hint, then looked at Mei Zi's delicate and touching look, wanting to tease her even if she didn't want to tease him. However, what Martial Uncle said is reasonable. A single moment of spring snack is worth a thousand gold, we shouldn't waste this rare good holiday time, right? "    


"What nonsense are you spouting?"    


Ye Cheng turned and faced Mei Zi's other side, and took the opportunity to lift the little woman's shoulder and lead her to the bed. I heard that in a strange environment, it's even more touching to do it. Do you want to try it? "    


"Right, I also heard that thieves like to do that in the middle of the night. Are you a thief?" She avoided Ye Cheng's teasing with her black eyes as she turned around. Her little heart was beating rapidly, as if it was also written in the book, she didn't know if it was true or not.    


The warmth from his back leaned forward, Ye Cheng carefully placed it on Mei Zi's back, the sound of the little girl's heart was beating quickly beside his ears, he raised his lips and blinked a few times. Ah, great beauty, to tell you the truth, I am that scheming thief who stole the heart of a young lady, please take me back! "    


"Go to hell, who's the great beauty here? You're making me sound too old." Meizi and Ye Cheng fought for the hair on his finger, hating this bastard to death. Every single time, he would always like to eat her hair, so when his hair was wrapped around her, he could not escape even if he wanted to. "You are old and you have stolen the hearts of so many people. How many years do you think I should sentence you?"    


"I am willing to bear the eternal punishment, and I am willing to sacrifice my entire body to be your servant."    




An untimely vomit sounded out from outside the window, causing Ye Cheng's brain to buzz and spasm. Who was so blind as to climb into a window in the middle of the night?    


Ye Cheng snorted twice, pulling the blanket over Mei Zi's body, he quietly jumped off the bed and went to the window. It was pitch black outside and the room was brightly lit, making it impossible to see the situation outside from the inside, but under the golden eye, everything was fine!    


Opening windows, catching people, in one breath!    


Ye Cheng carried a small shorty and entered through the window. He placed the man's body on the ground and stepped on his opponent's back as he raised his eyebrows in disdain. Master, you can't sleep in the middle of the night. It's not good to learn from others and be a thief, right? "    


Mei Zi cried out, secretly wondering to herself what kind of people Ye Cheng's sect was!    


Shi Bihua smirked. He did not do it on purpose, he had just passed by and eavesdropped on the way. Heh heh, not bad, young lad. It's been a long time since we last met, you've grown quite a bit. Come, come, come.    


"You're just messing around with me, right?" At the same time Ye Cheng released his leg, his left hand made a move before Shi Bihua's frog jump, pulling the person back. " Run, where should we run to? Martial Uncle, ah, Martial Uncle, at any rate, you are someone who has only half a foot in the grave. In front of my wife, this is too f * cking embarrassing. "    


Shi Bihua nodded his head repeatedly to admit that he was wrong, but he did not apologize.    


"Elder Brother Ye, maybe Senior Shi really did it unintentionally. Don't even talk about him."    


"He just disgusted me. Wife, this old fellow has been eavesdropping outside for a long time. Don't speak up for him. Today, I am going to reprimand him."    


"Stinky kid, I am your martial uncle. How dare you speak to me like that?! You have no respect for your elders! Kneel!"    


Shi Bihua stealthily glanced at the window before stepping to his right side. As he shouted angrily, he had already scuttled towards the window, with his understanding of Ye Cheng, he knew that the action just now must have had some sort of ulterior motive. Now that Ye Cheng was in his hands, he could guarantee that he would be intimidated and be enticed into betraying his senior brother.    


As expected, when Shi Bihua ran to the window, Ye Cheng suddenly said: "The west side of the mountain area is lit up by flames, no one will set it up in the middle of the night. Master, you passed by my window in the middle of the night because you want to go to the west side right?"    




Shi Bihua scratched his head, he sat down on the windowsill and looked at the flames in the west, he could not help but frown, the two groups of people he sent out had not returned, his senior brother had ordered them to not send anyone to search, and everything would be discussed after dawn, he was worried that the disciples would be harmed, thus he sneaked out, and through Ye Cheng's window, hearing the words that came out, he could not help but cry out.    


"Sigh, forget it!" I can't outdo you, kid. I've wasted my life. "    


"Martial Uncle, if you say it like that, then you'll have to scold me. At the very least, we grew up in the same pants. Let's not say anything polite. What exactly happened?" After cleaning it up completely, the smell of blood will still calm down. Do you really think that you can hide this nose of mine? "    


Shi Bihua made a sealing gesture, he wouldn't say anything even if he was beaten to death, he didn't want to be sent to the mountains as a widow.    


"Qing Feng came over!"    


Unknowingly, a beautiful face appeared beneath the window. Wei Meimei pushed Shi Bihua from the back and pushed him into the room. You're blocking the way! "    


"Aiyaya, you youngsters really have no respect for your elders!" Shi Bihua had a short stature in the first place, but he was pushed from the back by Wei Meimei, causing him to roll around like a ball on the ground.    


Ye Cheng walked forward and pulled her up from the ground, and the two of them looked at each other with their noses almost touching. Senior Brother has come, why didn't Junior Master tell me? "    


"What's there to talk about? Coming and leaving. You kidnapped her and brought her here, how can you still not let her come to pick her up? You brat, you're too arbitrary, don't you think it's worth it?" Shi Bihua intentionally changed the topic, but he did not succeed, other than him blabbering non-stop in the room, everyone else was quietly staring at him.    


"Anyway, I can't say it, just pretend you didn't see me!" Shi Bihua jumped out of the window and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the three people's sight.    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, stepping on the windowsill with one foot, he said to Mei Zi who was behind him: "Be good and wait, I'll be back soon."    


"Elder Brother Ye!"    


Wei Meimei grabbed Mei Zi and shook his head.    


Mei Zi's eyes flashed as she looked at Wei Meimei's sorrowful face. She definitely knew what had happened. Elder Brother Ye is not here, what did you see? "    


"You are the Yin Yang Master, can you help me this once?"    


It was the first time for the proud and arrogant Wei Meimei to humbly beg someone for help, and Mei Zi nodded unconsciously.    


"Yin Yang Master is from the Three Realms. Can you help me find a person?"    


There were a lot of things to prepare to find a dead person. She looked around the room. In a place full of spiritual protection, this was not the right place to do this kind of thing! Therefore, she bluntly refused Wei Meimei's request.    


"Not even once?"    


"Yes, but not here!"    


Wei Meimei sighed, she looked at the distance in resentment and did not say a word. Lin Yifan's words continuously echoed in her ears. This was a dilemma, where friends and enemies had once again become a dividing line that determined her decision.    


"Why did you kill Elder Brother Ye? "What did he do to you? Who is the deceased you were looking for?"    


"He killed someone he shouldn't have."    


Mistake kill? Would such a reckless action have happened to Ye Cheng? "Mei-zi shook her head firmly." Elder Brother Ye never willfully kills innocent people, but you want to find the one that passed away because you have already wavered. After being together with Elder Brother Ye for so long, you must think the same as me that he isn't that kind of person, right? "    


"You're his woman! Do you think so? I saw him die with my own eyes!"    


Mei-zi clutched her chest, unable to hide the pain in her heart. Her senses told her that there must be something behind the truth that no one could bear.    


Thinking of this, Mei Zi immediately grabbed Wei Meimei's hand. She held onto the joints of his hands and slowly felt around, feeling a little flustered.    


After seeing Mei Zi enter into another world, Wei Meimei had instead calmed down. The two hands that held her hands were ice-cold to the bone, as if they were being caressed by a dead person.    


had seen these eyes before on Ye Cheng's body, and she covered her mouth in shock, preventing herself from shouting out loud.    


In the forest far to the west, Ye Cheng's heart skipped a beat, a scene flashed past his mind, so fast that it was difficult to catch.    


After pausing for a moment, he walked forward.    


Shi Bihua was intentionally leading the way, he ran and waited for Ye Cheng behind him. After realizing that he looked abnormal, he went back to his surroundings to hide.    


Ye Cheng felt his entire body becoming heavy, he knelt down on the ground with a thump, and fell head first into the mud, his entire body twitching.    


Shi Bihua rushed forward and carried Ye Cheng as he ran towards the villa.    


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