The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng immediately rejected all the arrangements. He personally drove the old man around Victoria Harbor, and after going to a famous teahouse in Hong Kong Island to drink some tea, he finally arrived at Orchard.    


At first, Ye Cheng wanted to let the Old King's Head clear the area. After all, the old man's identity was special, even if it was on his own land, he would not be able to protect his own safety. However, the old man was also excited and insisted on experiencing the crowd, regardless of the protest from Ye Cheng and the Qin Assistant.    


Under the Old King's Head's guidance, Ye Cheng and the old man sat in a private room. In fact, they had only created two screens to separate them into a private room, but they couldn't stop the music from rumbling and had to shout whenever they spoke.    


Qin Assistant was mixed into the crowd, standing guard beside the bodyguards that entered later, guarding the crowd around them.    


Ye Cheng first checked the old man's pulse, then got someone to change the alcohol into tea.    


"Kid, you're too disappointing. I rarely come here, so why can't I open up some meat?" Even though he said this, the old tutor still obediently drank his tea.    


"You're already a pile of bones, and you still want to court death!?" Tsk, if you really can do it, I'll find seventeen or eighteen for you. Let's see if you can get one from each country. " Ye Cheng smacked his lips, lit up his cigarette, and extinguished the cigarette in the bottle of smoke.    


The old man did not hesitate to swing his walking stick down, causing Ye Cheng to scream in pain. Lin Xi rushed in from the outside and, seeing that Ye Cheng was beaten up like a child, he could not help but turn around and leave while rubbing his nose. So the boss also had a time where he could not retort even after getting scolded. I wonder who this old man is, to be able to take down Ye Cheng.    


"Old man, can you give me some face?" Ye Cheng protested as he grabbed onto his walking stick and pouted.    


The old man roared twice, and looked at Ye Cheng with eyes as kind as a father. He truly loved this young man from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately, his temper was too bad. If I don't beat you up, should I lie to you? What are you going to be when you don't want to be part of the military ?] "Sigh, I won't say anymore. The more I say, the angrier I get."    


Ye Cheng smirked as he moved to the side of the old man, and after looking around, no one started to act coquettishly. I know that you love me the most. Walking this road is also to help you put down the roadblocks so that you can sleep peacefully in the capital and be in charge of everything, right? "    


"Give me less candy, I'm here to arrest someone because you can't eat anymore!"    


Ye Cheng's face sunk. He called Old King's Head over and immediately cleared the place.    


The old tutor sighed. What would it be like if this knowledge was placed in the military camp? Although he quite liked the name of the overlord of the East China Sea, it was still the path of black gold.    


The bar immediately quietened down. Ye Cheng dismissed all the subordinates beside him, then said seriously: "Old man, don't speak nonsense in front of me. Did something happen in the capital?"    


"The problem isn't that hard to solve, but someone has pointed the spear at you. I'm still investigating the mastermind behind the scenes, but I already have a target."    


Ye Cheng pointed to his own nose, what the hell is this? "He has never interacted with the capital, what kind of people can he offend?" Lordmaster, are you trying to scare me? "    


"Humph!" Do you look scared? I think you're really eager to give it a try! " The old man lit up his pipe and took two puffs. A faint fragrance wafted out from the fine tobacco. From the information that you have, there are some people who do not wish for you to keep staring at the people of Hong Kong Island, but there is one more possibility, An clan! "    


When the old man mentioned the An clan, Ye Cheng was suddenly enlightened. He then remembered a person that An Gaohan had mentioned before.    


"Is the old gramps talking about the An Family's marriage? An Ningxuan is my woman, this cannot be changed. "    


"So what? You don't even have a proper title, and yet you don't let a little girl get married. What kind of mentality do you have?    


With that said, Ye Cheng had lost all of his arrogance. What reason did he have to tie An Ningxuan up when a man was unmarried? No wonder she treated him so badly.    


"Who was the one who married An An?"    


"Ouyang Xiaoxiao."    


Ye Cheng exclaimed, I don't know him!    


The old man let out a disdainful snort, and got the Qin Assistant to send the information regarding the Ouyang family over. In the capital, no one knows of the Ouyang family's lord, but in the army camp, his power is great, and Ouyang Xiaoxiao is the future successor to the Ouyang family. However, he is not from the clan, so when he made a marriage with the An clan, one reason was because he is optimistic about the future operation of the house, and another reason is because of you. "    


"Me again?"    


This time, Ye Cheng looked at it quite carefully and the information even included a photo of Ouyang Xiaoxiao. He looked pretty delicate and pretty, and didn't seem like that kind of stubborn offspring. "I don't think the photo has been taken. It looks extremely fragile."    


"Stinky kid, don't underestimate your opponent. He is your most competitive love rival, the An clan still has Bei Tai, but he is far from being a match for Ouyang Xiaoxiao."    


Ye Cheng curled his lips. The emperor was not anxious for the eunuchs, since An An was his woman. He wasn't even worried about the old man crying as if he had lost his daughter-in-law. Yo, not bad! Eh? Houyi of the Shadow Fighter? What was going on? Old man, when Shadow Fighter came to Deng Mengxiu, wasn't he already dead?    


The old man heaved a sigh of relief. Deng Mengxiu created the Heaven Gate, he did not lie to you, I have sent people to investigate this matter, but there was still no news, he might have been stopped by. I sent experts to probe, and the corpses I sent back told me that he died under the Shadow Fighter's unique technique. Maybe it was Ouyang Xiaoxiao's doing, or maybe it was someone from Ouyang family. "    


F * ck, even after talking for so long, there was still no news!    


Elder, you aren't here to bring me back to the capital to kill this Ouyang Xiaoxiao, are you? "I think it would be more visually useful to do this sort of thing until the same day. I can arrange for our Department of Public Information to handle it.    


The old man was so angry that his beard was standing on end. Show me the information before you speak! "    


The old man was truly angry, and Ye Cheng did not dare to act rashly. After spending more than twenty minutes to digest all the information, he frowned.    


With a head of business, he started a business with millions of gold, and as of now, he had already established a hundred billion family property. His strength was close to the heir of the Ouyang family, and with his sufficient presence, he made it so that the elders of the Ouyang family did not dare to look down on him, and it was even rumored that he had the potential to become one of the contestants for the clan.    


In terms of strength, Ye Cheng felt that this person was worthy of being his opponent, but in terms of appearance and taste, he was far from being able to see anything from the photos. It could only be said that he was a normal looking street beast, possibly having a low-profile relationship with someone as powerful as Su Yun, but he had never heard of someone like this.    


To be able to own billions of family properties within a short two years, there must be some unspeakable secrets behind his back. In fact, the old man was quite meticulous in his investigations.    


Ye Cheng took out a picture of a few people gathered together and one of their backs caught his attention. This person? Could it be them? "    


The old man stroked his beard and nodded. This is one of the things that I am worried about. As far as I know, the reason why you messed up Hong Kong Island and did not force him out is because of him. "    


The reason why night evil did not appear was not because he could endure, but because he might not be in Hong Kong Island.    


"Abandon Hong Kong Island and stay in the capital. Is this the time to head back to the base camp?"    


The old man revealed a gratified smile. I have to say that you really do make him afraid of you messing around. The base of the special organization is in the capital, so he's coming back for us. I guess he wants to finish up there.    


Ye Cheng stood up. Was he too simple, or was the old man too complicated?    


In the past, night evil and Old Master Qiao had worked together to create the LY stoste, using research on forbidden medicines to increase the development of their special ability's potential. However, accidents kept happening and they were forced to stop the project midway.    


The two of them were not willing to give up and moved their research from the surface to the underground. Without the support of any follow-up experiments, their goal was to move to a wider space, where the drugs would be transported abroad through underground channels under new nomenclature. After forming a market overseas, they would return to the interior, where they would not only have liquid funds and channels, but also various experimental products of different human body structures.    


What a great human laboratory!    


Putting down the information, a structure of the industrial chain appeared in Ye Cheng's mind. Back then, the harsh words of the execution department made the current scale of the underground. Ye Cheng looked at the old man, maybe this was why he placed so much importance on the suppression of the LY stoste.    


In order to defend himself against the special powers, the old tutor was constantly searching for special talents with hidden capabilities, all for the sake of contending with the special powers one day.    


"Old man, do you want me to abandon Hong Kong Island and throw myself into the capital?"    


If you don't mind, I will not force you to go to the capital. But Ouyang Xiaoxiao's men have already snuck into the Hong Kong Island, I think you all have fought before, so you should be very familiar with these people! "Su Yun said in a calm tone. The Old Gramps pushed a photo in front of Ye Cheng and knocked it on the table a few times on purpose.    




Ye Cheng rubbed the photo, the old man appeared out of nowhere and connected all the questions that he could not solve together. He had always been confused as to why Qing Feng had to do things for Wei Dong.    


One could tell that Qing Feng's subordinates were people who had received professional training. Their skills were completely different from the puppets in night evil, but if they were related to Ouyang Xiaoxiao, then it would be easy for them to explain the relationship between the two.    


It had a further deal with the Ouyang family. If Ouyang Xiaoxiao had the support of the Shadow Fighter's Houyi, he would need the assistance of the Forbidden Medicine and adding the profits from the channels, it would be possible for him to create a legal business empire in a short two years.    


"I'll take on this case, but I won't be meeting with you in Beijing for the time being."    


The old man nodded his head in satisfaction. He had always believed in Ye Cheng, but this time, he unexpectedly found out that this young man had changed once again, and he seemed to be even more gloomy. Stinky kid, there is something ? "    


"Old man, it's not like I'm helping out for free this time, but I don't want any money this time. I want you to investigate something for me." Ye Cheng lit up the cigarette and exhaled a few mouthfuls of smoke.    


He could vaguely feel an indescribable lingering fear, as if something was about to happen.    


"You have great prestige in the capital. I hope that you can help me investigate a person. He has great power and might even be above you. I want to know who he is and what use I have for him." As he said that, Ye Cheng turned to the old man, his mouth curling into a creepy smile.    


"This matter won't trouble you, right?"    


Following that, Ye Cheng added. He stared at the old man's face for a moment, as if he wanted to see if there was any possibility under his wrinkled face.    


In this world, there was no wall that did not leak out air. Ye Cheng knew that every single one of his actions were under the old man's nose, which was why he dared to act unscrupulously, because he still had value to him. Therefore, it was impossible for the old man to not know that the other faction was also supporting him from the shadows. He could even exaggerate the fact that the two of them were definitely not at peace.    


"It really is difficult for the old man to sink." I know! I will send someone to support you behind the scenes. I hope that you can give me a satisfactory answer. "    


"Once you remove the Ouyang family's industrial chain, will this answer scroll be okay? Just take it as the betrothal gift I gave him. "    


Ye Cheng laughed sinisterly!    


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