The Romantic Soldier King



Meizi bit her lip as she approached Vam. She changed her mind at the moment she made her move. " If you are someone who was arranged by elder sister Xue Luo, I will be courteous to you. If you have any ulterior motives, I know what you are, and it would be best for you to remember my words. "    


"I can't tell that the weakest girl beside Ye Cheng is even learning how to threaten. What does what I am have to do with being by Ye Cheng's side? Little girl, I won't fight with you, but don't forget that I have what Ye Cheng wants, cooperating is better than destroying someone, that woman's methods are way better than yours, no wonder the first place in Ye Cheng's heart is her. "    


"Vam used his ability to sow discord, but it still caused the girl's heart to be troubled." You don't have to instigate our relationship. Someone as cold-blooded as you wouldn't understand. "    


"And you?" And what did you bring to approach Ye Cheng with? You are Triad Society, I am not wrong about that, you did not come close to Ye Cheng to take his life, what Yin Yang Master, I think you are just a slut. "    


"Don't worry, I won't let you off so easily!" She grabbed his neck and pressed him down on the bed. I said not to instigate our relationship. "    


"Hey, what are you guys doing? If the boss isn't here, don't fight, let go, sister-in-law! "    


Lin Xi and Pan Yue returned with dim sum in hand. Seeing the two women playing on the bed, they immediately shouted out, and followed behind Pan Yue as he put down the things in his hands.    


"Why are you arguing? It's always ugly when girls fight."    


"Humph," Mei-zi turned around and left the room. I'll take a look in the street. "    


Vam was twisting his neck as if nothing had happened. She looked soft and weak, but her strength was heavy.    


Lin Xi stepped forward to inquire in concern, but what he received instead was a cold stare from Vam.    


Right now, there are police cars everywhere and the mountain road has been sealed. If Wang Dazhi is unable to bring his men up the mountain, then boss's plan will be ruined, so I have discussed it with the genius, you can follow Mei Zi to wait here for news, we can go down the mountain to pick Wang Dazhi up and enter the mountain from the back, what do you say?    


"If there's someone who doesn't want outsiders to enter, do you think that we can continue on the road to the back mountain?" Vam faces out the window, her face dark. " I will go find Wang Dazhi. I know the way here better than you all. As long as Ye Cheng is still in Green Mountain, the matter will not end. "    


To be honest, no one would like this kind of woman after vam. Lin Xi and Pan Yue had the same thoughts. The two of them had the same personality, so their trust in this kind of person who was travelling between friends and enemies would reach its lowest point. If it wasn't for Ye Cheng's relationship, they wouldn't work together with this kind of person.    


However, Vam was right. The policemen outside were looking for murderers to surround the entire Green Mountains. It was impossible to see the people leading the group from the inside, but it seemed that all the planning had started from inside the Green Mountains.    


Did it have to be so complicated to kill two cleaners? From the moment he came out, Lin Xi felt that the other party was already beginning to feel uneasy.    


She walked down the street by herself, and as she passed by the farmhouse, she noticed that their door was closed.    


He heard from the people on the streets that the third corpse had been found. It was a tragic death, and the body had been decapitated.    


A police car drove past them, and a middle-aged man sat inside.    


With a glance at the corner of her eyes, Mei Zi stopped in her tracks. The person in the car seemed to be Wang Yezheng. Since he's here, then Wang Dazhi should be arriving soon! Thinking of this, Mei Zi turned around and ran down the mountain.    


The mountain road was sealed, and just as Lin Xi had said, Wang Dazhi and his men were obstructed at the foot of the mountain. They had been detained on the spot for odd reasons, and the local protection had become the reason to prevent Wang Dazhi from entering the mountain to handle the case.    


The appointed time to meet Ye Cheng was almost here, but he was still at the bottom of the mountain. Once Ye Cheng found his whereabouts, he would not be able to immediately intervene, what should he do?    


The reason why he couldn't get through on the phone was also because he didn't know what to say to Wang Yezheng. The key was that when Wang Dazhi returned home, he found that his computer was on and he was sending mail, and there was someone controlling his computer from a distance. That was why Ye Cheng was suspicious of him.    


"Captain Wang, it's a call from Director Wang."    


Wang Dazhi picked up the phone in shock. The person he had been looking for was already outside the green mountain, he still knew that he had brought a lot of people with him. He would return to the police station immediately tomorrow.    


The situation was turning worse and worse. Wang Dazhi stomped his feet on the green mountain and allowed his men to get on the carriage.    


"Officer Wang?"    


"You are?" Wang Dazhi looked at the short-haired girl who was walking over and suddenly remembered that she was once a doctor in Dawn Hospital. "Ah, you are the daughter of the dean."    


"Have you just arrived or are you preparing to leave?" Vam was observing Wang Dazhi from the side. When he picked up the phone and was about to leave, he saw that the police at the intersection had been watching them the whole time.    


"We can't go. There's no other way."    


"It just so happens that I'm going down the mountain. Can you give me a lift?"    


Wang Dazhi looked at Vam's bewitching smile and let her board the carriage, allowing her and the others to withdraw.    


Smoke billowed from the carriage. In Qingshan's office, a tall and thin man stood by the window, looking at the clouds in the distance as he puffed out smoke.    


The phone rang, and the secretary immediately answered it. After replying a few times, he walked in front of the man. Principal, Wang Yezheng is here, the other person has already left. "    


"They won't leave. Notify them to go through every intersection. Today, I want to catch a turtle in a jar."    


The secretary walked out and after a short while, someone came in to inform him. Dean Qing Shan politely invited Wang Yezheng to the meeting room.    


The murder case in the hospital was a criminal case and the police were actively trying to solve it. The dean did not say much about the case. When Wang Yezheng asked about the condition of his son, the dean revealed his manliness.    


"As I've said before, the symptoms of your son's illness are different from those of an average person. This case is a rare one both in and out of the country, and he has a tendency to self-abuse and violence, so if he were to be released, it might cause serious harm to others or to himself. I'd like to ask the Director to reconsider his decision to stay at Qingshan and actively cooperate with the treatment, perhaps there might be hope during the initial stages of the illness."    


"My son is not sick!" Wang Yezheng stood up excitedly. Back then, I did not put him here to obtain such an answer. This is different from what we discussed previously. "    


"Dean Qing Shan spread his hands and smiled at Wang Yezheng indifferently. As your father, Director Wang, you are indeed incompetent. Let's go, I'll show you the truth. "    


Through the surveillance, Wang Yezheng could clearly see his son moving around the room like a madman. He didn't know what he was talking about, but he suddenly laughed and cried, and even attacked and destroyed all the equipment in the room.    


"How could this be?"    


"This is the recent video. The young master's condition is getting worse and worse, and now he'll show signs of losing control of his emotions during the day. Director Wang, please think about it again."    


In front of the facts, it was extremely difficult for Wang Yezheng to bring Wang Haolin away from them. He still had hopes of participating in the next Prefectural Selection and not letting anyone know that he had such a son. After pondering for a while, he slumped onto the sofa. "Then I'll have to trouble you!"    


The corner of Dean Qingshan's mouth curled up into a mysterious smile.    


"Does the Director know a person called Ye Cheng? He was trying to find trouble with us recently, and last night he snuck into the green mountain in an attempt to forcefully take Wang Haolin away from us. If there is no special relationship between the both of you, then I will call the police to deal with this problem. "    


Wang Yezheng shook his head. He had indeed heard of the name Ye Cheng before, but he had never met him before. All I know is that he used to live with one of my men, and I think there might be some connection between them. "    


"Yu Mingxi, is this Officer Yu?"    


"She is also a patient here. I really want to know why Qingshan, who is heavily guarded, would let the patient escape so easily. Dean, if you can't give me a good explanation, I think I will go through the procedures to transfer to another hospital."    


When you don't want me to take his son away, I will transfer him out. Hong Kong Island is so big, and it's not just Qing Shan's family.    


"If the Commissioner continues to insist, as long as you find a suitable hospital, I will sign the transfer procedure."    


Wang Yezheng left Qingshan after seeing Wang Haolin.    


Dean Qingshan, who was standing in front of the window, smiled contemptuously. He picked up the phone and dialed a number.    


The hunt began!    


The patient was sent back to his own room. The entire mountain was surrounded by police officers and not even a fly could fly out.    


According to the on-site investigation, there were quite a few footprints near the cleaners' residence. The police found them by comparing them one by one and found that they did not come from the wrong person. The detective in charge of the case called the search dog and started to search the whole mountain again.    


The dean's secretary followed them from start to finish. It was almost two in the afternoon when the police finally found the destroyed wall in a corner. The suspect had broken into the wall through the hole on the back, and as for why he had to kill the cleaner, the reason was still under investigation.    


After the media had received the news, they immediately sent people to interview him. The Green Mountain Academy had always been a place with a good reputation, with excellent medical qualifications leading the way, occupying a small group of people's favorite. The rate of recurrence of patients leaving the hospital was very low, almost a hundred percent of them recovering and becoming one of the best in the industry.    


A murder case had suddenly occurred in the negative Green Mountain and attracted the attention of the media everywhere. They wanted to report as soon as possible, but were unexpectedly blocked by the amiable Headmaster.    


Facing the reporters outside, in the meeting room, the lead criminal had analyzed the case. The killer of the cleaning staff had been found, but he had been killed.    


The police wanted the dean to provide the cleaners with a social connection to see if they could find out why they had been killed.    


"Police Comrade, I can guarantee the innocence of these two cleaners. They have worked here for many years and have never left Qingshan, so it is impossible for them to have enemies with the outside world. For this, it is very difficult for me to help you."    


The dean's extremely disobedient attitude put the police in an extremely awkward situation. Without any evidence or written approval, the police left Qingshan at five in the afternoon, and the investigation would continue tomorrow.    


The officers of the police station returned to their own territory dejectedly. Some of them were dissatisfied with Qingshan's arrogant attitude, but the Superintendent just chuckled and advised his subordinates to work harder tomorrow.    


After five o'clock, Qingshan regained his calm. A small troop of soldiers crossed the ridge, bypassing the officers and reporters stationed below, and arrived at Qingshan's gate.    


No one would have thought that the police officer who just left would come back again. The guard at the door was at a loss as he reported this to the security team.    


"What a troublemaker."    


The dean ordered his secretary to go out and deal with those greedy people. However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, the secretary brought them into the office. He didn't dare disobey the search warrant, not to mention the fact that these policemen were from the upper echelons.    


Wang Dazhi wiped off the sweat on his face. Climbing the mountain was killing him, he was so tired that he did not want it anymore. After catching his breath, he took out the search warrant and said seriously, "We suspect that you are involved in a missing person case. Please cooperate with the police in their efforts."    


A hint of displeasure flashed on Dean Qingshan's genial face, but he still asked his secretary to make the arrangements. "Sir Police, I have quite a few private collections here, and their items are very expensive. You should be careful. You can't afford to damage them."    


Wang Dazhi left one of his subordinates to watch over Principal Qingshan. He led his men to search everywhere, and after pretending to search, came to the storage room.    


The areas that had already been turned over were quickly revealed to Wang Dazhi. Combined with the death of the cleaning worker, the case's definition had changed.    


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