The Romantic Soldier King



In order to heal the wounds in the hearts of the young children, Mei Zi and An Ningxuan decided to compensate Ye Cheng. However, the arrogant and proud fellow didn't even need to listen to their suggestions and immediately rejected them.    


Meizi shrugged her shoulders. I gave up on this myself, so I can't blame them. " An Xi, since Elder Brother Ye is thinking for us like this, let's go with his plan. We'll just have to let him sleep on his own tonight and save our energy. "    


Every word contained hints that made Ye Cheng's heart move. He seemed to have missed something, especially when he saw Mei Zi speaking, he didn't forget to press his finger to his lips and wink seductively at her. Then it disappeared, leaving only the sound of a door closing.    


Had he really missed some passionate picture, some remedy?    


Ye Cheng sat alone in the living room, beating his chest and stomping his feet. In that night, he had actually missed out on so many romantic encounters, it was really too unlucky, why did he always encounter such a deity in his life, it was previously the peony who caused trouble, and now there was this unlucky Wang Dazhi, OMG, oh god, send an angel to save him!    


Maybe God heard Ye Cheng's sorrowful begging, and on the morning of the second day, when the sky was just starting to brighten, a beauty had really arrived. But to Ye Cheng, she was definitely not an angel, and could actually be a demon.    


Ye Cheng, who had just fallen asleep at four in the morning, woke up amidst Mei Zi's gentle cries. When he saw the face that he did not want to see the most, he let out a wail and covered himself with a blanket.    


If not for the fact that both she and Mu Xiaofeng owed Chen Luoxue a favor, he would have come looking for trouble early in the morning.    


She was just about to say something, but was dragged behind her and kicked her back. She probably didn't have the strength to control it well, and kicked Ye Cheng from one side to the other, causing her to fall on the bed as well. Her nose was extremely sore from the impact, and she looked like she was about to cry.    


"Hey, aren't you looking for trouble this early in the morning? What are you crying for, I'm not dead yet! "    


When she walked out of the bedroom, she waved her hands at Ye Cheng and said, "He only slept last night when it was almost dawn, don't bother about him anymore. I've cooked some fish porridge, I'll give you a bowl to drink."    


"With his bad temper, I really don't know how you endured it. If you wanted me, you would have said goodbye to him long ago."    


"Hey, I have ears, so don't speak ill of the master in other people's houses. My wife is not the kind of person who would leave me after being provoked by others." Ye Cheng's loud voice came out from the bedroom.    


"Yes, I will consider it."    


"What?" "How dare you!"    


In the end, Ye Cheng really did not expect her to say such a thing, as she was too heartbroken. " "Wife!"    


"Hurry up and clean up. Come out to eat something. We still need to find some Anan Jam."    


After eating the pot of porridge with three people, Ye Cheng was stunned that he had not eaten his fill. He glared at the snoring vam and stared at the last bowl of porridge in her hands.    


"I'm full!" Now you can get down to business. " Vam did not bother to be polite with her master at all. She curtsied and hooked Mei Zi's arm as she returned to the living room, even while instructing Ye Cheng to wash the dishes.    


"This time, I specifically came to find you. This is the letter she told me to pass to you. I've already read it. Follow me and I will ?"    


The Brother Mu is fine, we will be leaving the Hong Kong Island in a week. You guys take care of yourselves. "    


Of course, Ye Cheng would not let go of the letter Luo Xue sent over. He snatched it away, pointed at the vam and shouted: "Your Master did not teach you to tear the letter apart?"    


Once the words left his mouth, Ye Cheng immediately regretted it, but the words that came out were like spilled water, he could not take them back.    


The atmosphere in the living room suddenly froze. Meizi swept past Ye Cheng in disgust, sat beside Vam and started to criticize her man.    


"I don't have anyone to teach me, but someone to teach the famous young master Ye. You are just like me, without any parents, which makes you look like you have a lot of style." "Vam's words were like a dagger that pierced Ye Cheng's heart. I've already delivered the items. Goodbye. "    


"I'll never see you again."    


Mei Zi speechlessly rolled her eyes at Ye Cheng. After sending Vam into the elevator, she forcefully closed the door. Elder Brother Ye, you have truly disappointed me. "    


"I didn't do it on purpose!"    


"I don't understand why you hate vam so much. Even if she belongs to the night evil, she is doing things for us right now, can't you tolerate it a little? What happened to you today? Being so angry, would it be shameful to say something so hurtful? I hate you. "    


"She does things for Snowfall."    


Mei Zi was speechless for a moment. This was a knot. After all, it was still Chen Luoxue. "I'll go and find Anne-chan by myself.    


Mei Zi was angry. Ye Cheng sat on the sofa and hesitated for a few seconds before picking up his jacket and chasing after her.    


The special investigation team received a notice this morning, the higher ups had decided to allow Wang Yezheng to be bailed out due to the outcry from the outside world, and now the lawyers were going through the relevant procedures, whether they had evidence or not, they had to release Wang Yezheng today.    


When Mei Zi and Ye Cheng reached the Special Investigation Division, Wang Yezheng had already left the detention center.    


As An Ningxuan sat at a nearby caf?, her emotions that were difficult to calm were pressured to the peak while waiting. After seeing Ye Cheng, the first thing she said was to capture him.    


It didn't matter since she had many reasons to arrest him again. At most, she would release him again and arrest him again to see who could endure it. She was going to fight with this rat.    


rubbed An Ningxuan's shoulders, calming her down. Sweets were the most relieving method, and he generously bought a pile for the two beauties, but he forgot once again that these few days were his period.    


"I agree with you, but we'll have to change our approach." Ye Cheng stammered as he held his cold stomach.    


Mei Zi asked for a cup of hot water and passed it to Ye Cheng so he could warm his stomach.    


"What do you mean?"    


"You have a lot of evidence to prove that he is a suspect, but why can't you catch him? "Because the evidence is still on a few units. Even if you arrest him on these counts, any criminal report you find can help him get rid of his crimes. You have no chance of winning."    


"This is not nonsense. I know what's going on too. I want you to stay here."    


Ye Cheng smacked his lips. He pushed the plate away and started drawing on the table using the brush and water on his fingers. Now that Wang Yezheng is out, what does he want to do the most? "    


"Find someone to help him wash his white face."    


"NO!" Anthea, you really don't understand men. " Ye Cheng winked at An Ningxuan and smirked.    


"I know you."    


"Wang Yezheng has been locked up for a long time, he definitely wants to see a woman the most. A woman who can make him kill his own wife without hesitation."    


"I think he might still be able to find Wang Haolin. Back then, it was precisely because he was worried about his son that he went to Qingshan again and again."    


Ye Cheng patted Mei Zi's head. Although his son was important, he couldn't compare to the woman he loved. I bet the first thing he does when he comes out is to go back to the Celestial Dynasty, because he has a lot of debts to settle with Wei Dong, and we are just monitoring, surveillance, and surveillance again. "    


An Ningxuan nodded in understanding. If a prisoner wanted to plead guilty, he had to capture the evidence, no matter how much evidence he had on hand, it was not as important as capturing the evidence currently. The biggest public opinion in the outside world was that the special investigation team could detain people without any solid evidence, so if they had the evidence on hand, the rest would not be a problem.    




A big kiss landed on Ye Cheng's face. There was a smile in her beautiful eyes and the light that shot out from the crescent moon seemed to have seen through Ye Cheng completely. The fiery light made Ye Cheng restless.    


"Can you get me another Persian cat?" This time, I will definitely enjoy your gift. "    


Pah pah pah!    


A series of slapping sounds came from the sky, and Ye Cheng's reasonable request came to an end amidst the sounds. In less than twelve hours, the woman's mind had become as deep and profound as the ocean's weather.    


"YOU!" When you wash up at night, wait for us in bed. " When An Ningxuan left, he turned around and pointed at Ye Cheng as he spoke.    




Ye Cheng lowered his head in embarrassment. This was a caf?, a lot of people! Just like that, his woman proclaimed her sovereignty, causing the heart that he liked to itch.    


"Girl, is what she said true? Are we ready for HAPPY at night? Why did it only take two days this time?! "Ah, you guys didn't ?"    


"Pfft, you're the one with problems with your internal organs, we're doing very well!" Mei Zi's foot stepped on Ye Cheng's foot and grinded it hard a few times. In any case, don't think too much about what happened tonight. I don't know what An An Hu is going to do, but it's not my place to watch.    


Carrying his beautiful dream of tonight, Ye Cheng was full of energy the entire day.    


After receiving Wang Dazhi's message, Ye Cheng brought Mei Zi to the traffic police station and took her back to the bar.    


There were not many customers in the bar during the day, so one or two tables full of young lovers sat in your corner. Today, it was Lin Xi's turn to be on duty.    


The more Lin Xi planned, the more famous the bar business became. Lin Xi intentionally ate all the shops on the street, with his high ambitions, he wanted to build a little Orchard in the Orchard.    


Under Ye Cheng's pressure, Wang Dazhi's potential was opened, he had actually managed to obtain the report of the investigation of the JOY car accident. A thick dozen of copies were placed in front of Ye Cheng, this was the first time he had a great sense of pride.    


He had to be quick about it as well. It was obvious that he already knew about the accident without even investigating it.    


Ye Cheng threw the information onto the table. The haze on his face made the two people beside him not even dare to make a sound.    


Kicking onto the corner of the table, Ye Cheng was so angry that he could not even speak, even if he had to put on an act, he could still do it a little. Such a blatant method, who exactly thought of someone as an idiot?    


"Who's their boss?" After holding it in for a long while, Ye Cheng finally asked.    


"Song Qihua."    


Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, the name was unfamiliar to the point that it had no effect.    


Why had the Commissioner of Police, who was the same rank as the Commissioner of Police, never heard of him in the media? "Is it too low profile or too clean?" "Investigate!"    


"young master Ye, I know that this case has a terrible impact, but there is no need to investigate the Director just because of this case!"    


"Who's JOY?"    


Wang Da Zhi rubbed his nose and stopped talking. An accident that happened to a normal person would at most be a bribe, but JOY's identity was different. He was a well-known figure in the underground market, and Yu Mingxi had used his own team members to follow him around 24 hours a day.    


"The person who died at the scene of the accident was not JOY at all. Although the human body would shrink under the high temperature, the bones would not. This person is three centimeters taller than JOY."    


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