The Romantic Soldier King



First, it was Wang Yezheng's abnormal actions, which was also part of Ye Cheng's calculations. He finally understood, but what exactly did this Han Hu mean by kneeling down and begging? Could it be that the threat during the banquet had scared him silly?    


Black eyes stared at Han Hu, Ye Cheng wanted to see something from this old man's face. "A fake person hiding would reproduce and some disclosure would appear, but Han Hu's expression did not seem to be the same. Master Han, there is no need to speak such polite words. You and I do not have any kinship or friendship between us, just say what you want me to do. "    


Han Hu raised his wine cup and drank it all in one gulp. The fishing boat had already left the fishing port, and was swaying on the surface of the sea.    


After a long time, Han Hu began to chit chat again. He did not know about the things Han Feng did during the Star Moon Moon Moon Realm, and that the people of the Han family had long decided to withdraw from the path of Black Gold. It was just that in these recent years, the clan had begun quarreling over power.    


On the surface, the moon and stars seemed to be stable, pulling the entire family's economy forward, but in reality, it was already an empty shell. Adding on the reconstruction of the northern region, which had completely dragged down Han family, to be honest, they could not afford to take another blow.    


Xing Yue was currently in an extremely awkward position, she wanted him to believe that Han Hu didn't know anything about this situation. That was impossible, Han Hu's character was far above Han Feng's.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng's request was a lot more gentle, Han Hu drank another cup of wine and said: "young master Ye, our family's misfortune is more painful than anything else for an old man like me. The bitter fruit that Han Feng has planted, can only be tasted by me, Celestial Dynasty, I think you are not unfamiliar with it.    


"Wei Dong, that Han Feng threatened you? Master Han, this story does not make sense. Xingyue has long since stopped listening to about the black gold, why would he threaten you? "    


"I know that the young master Ye has been wanting to deal with Wang Yezheng. If I help you get rid of him, would it be possible for us to continue the conversation?"    


In the end, Han Hu was a smart person, he knew very well what Han Feng was doing outside, but to obtain Ye Cheng's help, he had to first show his sincerity, so he had been secretly observing Ye Cheng's actions the past few days.    


"Master Han, I don't have any intention of letting Wang Yezheng die, you better not do anything, if you want to kill people you'll have to go to jail. I'm just a hoodlum, it doesn't matter if I stay in jail for a few years, but you have a golden body, I can't do anything about it." Ye Cheng waved his hands and refused.    


Han Hu laughed, then took out a file case and pushed it in front of Ye Cheng. He pointed to the bag and said: "I don't have much interaction with the young master Ye, but from many aspects, I know that the people in the young master Ye are good, do not easily kill people, and only those big bad people who have committed unforgivable crimes want to die. So I have already thought of a way to deal with Wang Yezheng, but I do not know if this method is suitable for your taste."    


Aiya, they really did come prepared!    


Fortunately, he didn't believe that kneeling down had incited trouble for him. Ye Cheng opened the file and found a beautiful picture inside. Han Yi? Big Miss Han? "    


"I know that the East China Sea Star Moon is no longer under our control. My cousin got a strange disease and is currently in the hospital, while his only remaining daughter is living a comfortable life in the Hong Kong Island. This makes my uncle feel really sad."    


After saying that, Han Hu once again raised his wine cup, and was pressed down by Ye Cheng. Master Han, drinking too much alcohol will hurt your body! "    


Han Hu was stunned for a moment before he burst out laughing. No matter what, Han Yi is my niece, how can I watch her be pounced on by a pig? I don't dare to have any ulterior motives, no matter what kind of man she wants to look for, it can't be that perverted Wang Yezheng. Thus, on this point, the two of us still have something in common. "    


"Take what you need! Then I'll thank Master Han for your good will. "    


stood on the plank and watched the two of them leave. The captain of the boat walked to his side, took off his fishing hat, and revealed his grey hair. A cold smile hung on the corner of his mouth.    


"Boss, you really want to work with that old fox?" Lin Xi drove steadily, looking at Ye Cheng from the rearview mirror. All night long, he was silent, listening to Han Hu's complaints, it was as if he was going to punch him.    


"Cooperation? Have you heard me say that today? "    


"Eh?" Lin Xi said, after thinking about it again, there really isn't any, but what's the meaning of this? Boss, have you come up with a plan? You should bring us brothers and let little sister-in-law have a good rest? Anyway, Hong Kong Island doesn't cause any trouble these days. "    


Ye Cheng let out a hearty laugh. How could he leave Mei Zi at home after the ghost house incident? No need to say anymore, we'll just wait for Han Hu to gift the gifts to us. "    


Ye Cheng closed his eyes. There was still one more expert hidden on the fishing boat, and if he guessed correctly, that was Wei Dong from Celestial Dynasty.    


He really couldn't stop. He just couldn't let him live a few days of peace and quiet.    


"Boss, it won't be long until next month. The brothers are waiting for your arrangements. If you don't bring them here, the brothers won't want to stay either."    


Lin Xi's words touched Ye Cheng. Whether or not Hong Kong Island wanted to take care of her, based on the way the black doctor treated the beauties, he would not return to the East Sea unless the beauty was willing to leave the Hong Kong Island.    


Ye Cheng replied to Lin Xi silently. The latter looked at his boss in annoyance and parked the car under the apartment building.    


Two days later, a hot woman came to Star Moon Group. She barged into the CEO's office, carelessly put her feet up in front of Han Hu, and her long skirt slipped down to her thighs, revealing her pure white skin, just like butter.    


"Han Hu frowned, put down the document in his hand, picked up his jacket and covered it on top of Han Yi's thighs. Is that how you seduce men? "    


"What kind of deal did you make with Wei Dong?"    


"This should be the attitude of you talking to me. Don't forget that you have Han family's blood on you." Han Hu angrily closed the door, leaned on his desk and lit a cigarette. Leave Celestial Dynasty immediately. I can give you the money to do whatever you want, but you are not allowed to stay in Celestial Dynasty as a bawd. "    


Han Yi began to giggle, she was laughing so much that tears almost fell, but she was still unable to stop her madness. Did I, Han Yi, not have money? My uncle thinks that my father does not have the ability to support me, don't forget that I am also the heir to the East China Sea Star Moon. "    


"East China Sea Star Moon, haha, didn't they already become Wei Dong's table meal? Don't think that I don't know that you are working with an outsider to get rid of Han Mingwei and you aren't even letting your own father off, are you still human? " Han Hu angrily smashed his fist on the table, producing a loud bang.    


Han Yi raised her head and looked at Han Hu with her captivating eyes. She stood up, after all, the other party had lifted Han Hu's chin with one finger and was about to kiss her.    


Han Hu pushed Han Yi away, he was almost unable to breathe, his mind was in a mess.    


Han Yi laughed out loud. She was very confident that no man would be able to escape her enchantment. Uncle, you're nothing special! But since you came here today, I am not here to discuss who's right and who's wrong, I am here to thank you for preparing to get rid of Wang Yezheng for me, but I am the one who has to decide on the drama, Wei Dong told me about your method, it is not going to work. "    


"What are you going to do?"    


"You men don't understand a woman's method. Wait for my news, don't be too late." Han Yi walked to the door, and turned to glance at Han Hu charmingly. I don't like men who are late, so my uncle can't appear on time. Therefore, I could only kill Wang Yezheng impulsively, so that you and Wei Dong wouldn't be able to explain yourself. "Bye!"    


Once Han Yi left, he plunged head first into the washroom, and came out after a long while, falling onto the boss's chair with shaky steps, and let out a heavy breath.    


After exiting Xing Yue, Han Yi drove his beloved car to Wang Yezheng's villa, where the door was tightly closed. She dialed Wang Yezheng's number and asked simply: Where?    


Wang Yezheng probably never thought that Han Yi would take the initiative to look for him, and suddenly stood up from the chair. He took the phone and walked to the side, suppressing the joy in his heart as he said softly: "I'm in a meeting, after I'm done, I'll go back."    


Without knowing what Han Yi said, Wang Yezheng's expression changed slightly as he walked out of the conference room in large strides.    


Song Qihua, who was sitting beside the empty seat, raised his eyebrows. The meeting today was not very important, but with a plan that would affect the future of the entire Hong Kong Island, was it really okay for the Director of the Sham Shui Po Police to leave just like that?    


Looking at Zhang Jianmin who was seated opposite of him, their eyes intersected, Zhang Jianmin coughed dryly and said: "I think Director Wang has something urgent, let's continue, continue."    




"Hmph!" The man sitting in the middle of the meeting room snorted coldly. His face was dark and his entire body emitted a gloomy aura. Last time, you left without any courtesy. Is this the person you recommended? Give me a reason not to punish you. "    


The people below were completely silent. Wang Yezheng looking down on the boss was already a fact, whoever spoke up for him now would be shooting at the bird.    


"Recently, I've received news that Director Wang seems to have fallen in love, so his mood is a little abnormal ?"    


"Woman? "Nonsense!"    


It was unknown who muttered something from behind, it completely infuriated their Chief Secretary. He quickly stood up and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. This was the most eccentric person he had met since he was in charge of the police force. "Alright, today, you all will tell me everything about our beloved Director Wang. What is so special about him?"    


A battle meeting was being held in the closed meeting, but the people far away on the road had no idea that their crisis had arrived.    


At this moment, Wang Yezheng only had one thought in his mind, which was to quickly arrive at his villa and have a good time, so that the woman would know the outcome of betraying him. Thinking of the wonderful feeling of jumping onto that alluring body, he stepped on the throttle and quickly ran across the road, rushing back like a mad bull.    


"Han Yi!"    


Wang Yezheng called out to his woman the moment he entered the door, but he did not see anyone after running a circle around the place. When he arrived at the flower garden, he saw a fairy standing under the flowers.    


All of the longing from the past few days flooded into his mind like water, Wang Yezheng could no longer control himself and rushed up, pouncing Han Yi onto the ground from behind.    




Without saying a word, the beast-like Wang Yezheng tore off Han Yi's clothes and pressed her head into the mud. Her scarlet eyes firmly observed Han Yi's delicate neck, as if a vampire seeing fresh blood, and greedily.    


"Wang Yezheng, you bastard, let go of me!" Han Yi struggled in the flower bush, she tried to struggle free from Wang Yezheng's grasp, but the more she struggled, the more excited Wang Yezheng became, and the fists rained down like rain.    


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