The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng blinked his eyes. Just as he was about to retreat, he was suddenly pushed forward, his legs floating in the air as he fell head first onto the gauze mantle.    


F * ck!    


Ye Cheng suddenly cursed. As he quickly got up, his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the big bed, with a glance, wow, he was immediately shocked by the items on the ground. What the hell was that?    


Under the big bed, there was a pair of dead fish eyes that were emitting green light, staring straight at Ye Cheng. Under the dark bed, this thing had blended in with the darkness, and it was unknown whether it was dead or alive.    


Ye Cheng felt that the person who secretly attacked him from behind wanted him to see this, so he had no idea why this was happening. However, when he thought about how he was lying on the bed just now, he felt that it wasn't so good.    


The green light suddenly blinked, and very quickly, the entire bed seemed to be shaking, but looking at it with the naked eye, it was still laid on the ground firmly. Ye Cheng shook his head, and looked behind him.    


His heart skipped a beat. He had been tricked by his own tactics. The scorpion that was caught up in the hurricane had disappeared. The lamp above his head swayed a few times before it was extinguished with a whoosh!    




Screams came from outside the gauze mantle, Ye Cheng could not care about the thing underneath the bed, he turned and ran out of the gauze mantle, only to discover that not far away, the poisonous scorpion seemed to have been entangled by something, and in the darkness, he did not see it too closely.    


Alright! He actually threw him into the gauze mantle for something under the bed!    


Ye Cheng thought bitterly, but she had already turned and walked back to the gauze mantle s, and there was no gentle light, the red gauze mantle had lost its enchanting luster, only that the position of the big bed, which should have been closer to the sink, was now on her right hand side, and the big bed only had a bed frame left, and all the bedding, pillows, ornaments and the like, were all gone.    




Ye Cheng's scalp felt numb. He quietly bent down and looked under the bed, looking for the green thing. But there was nothing under the bed.    


Could it be that the legendary bed god had taken a fancy to something on the bed and stolen it? Ye Cheng comforted himself in his heart. At this time, he began to miss Peony and Beautiful Child a bit. At least, with them here, he still had some confidence. Now that he had nothing, he could only have his intuition.    


As he crawled towards the big bed, Ye Cheng twisted his butt and took a while to reach the end of the bed. Under the golden eyes, there was nothing under the bed, and as he did not believe in what was happening, he simply crawled under the bed to investigate.    


These four words were more than enough for him, but he liked to describe himself as being bold and reckless. Especially when it came to exploring a domain that he did not know of, he had the mentality to not take in all of the things he had done, and fear could only last for an instant. Ye Cheng was definitely not the kind of person who would shrink back.    


And it was precisely because of this spirit of not being afraid of death that one could cross over the border of life and death countless times to welcome new life. It was just that this time, Ye Cheng met with big trouble, and he fell into a hole.    


Ye Cheng was very gloomy, was his entire life related to the underground cave? Every time it was a hole, it never went beyond that.    


It was understandable for a woman like Poison Scorpion to follow a man like Wei Dong to drill a hole in the ground. However, this time, the hole was a bit different. The temperature was a little low and it fell down from above.    


When his body had gotten used to the temperature inside the cave, Ye Cheng looked around him. The rocks were carelessly cut into the walls and there were still a lot of rocks on the ground.    


It would have been fine if this was a real hole in the ground, but if it was a tunnel made from layers of soil mixed with cement and sand, then it wouldn't be able to withstand the sky. Moreover, from a distance, this tunnel wouldn't stop at all.    


Ye Cheng turned his head back to see that the place where he had fallen was closed. He braced himself and walked forward, listening to the sound of rocks being crushed.    


Ye Cheng seemed to be thinking too much, as he did not encounter any ambushes along the way. When he reached the end of the road, Ye Cheng was stunned, the real stone wall blocked his way, and he used all his strength to push hard, not moving an inch on the stone wall.    


What the hell was this?    


Ye Cheng gloomily kicked a few times as he calmed his heart and listened to his surroundings.    


Ye Cheng leaned his ear against the stone wall and furrowed his brows. After running for so long, he should have already exceeded the range of the Gentle Village, how could he still be below it?    


Thinking about it, Ye Cheng used the distance of one step to measure himself, calculated the time, and returned to the place where he landed. His mouth was wide open.    




Judging by the tunnel's distance, the top of the stone wall should be where he parked his car. It was at least five meters away from the village of Wen Rou. But in reality, he had never left the village of Wen Rou.    


The oily creature under the bed had only led him into the tunnel, but was the scorpion really going to deal with half a man?    


Ye Cheng used all his strength to push the stone slab above his head. There was no way to even get a handle on the zero seams, just trying to suffocate himself to death in this tunnel!    


Sitting at the bottom of the entrance, Ye Cheng lit up a cigarette. He looked at the stone wall above him and carefully calculated the location of the entrance to the tunnel just before he fell. The entrance was right where his green eyes were.    


Green eyes, green eyes!    


When he found this green eye, he would be able to leave this damn place. If Poison Scorpion wanted to kill two birds with one stone, he would have two ways to deal with him.    


The cigarette butts flickered and disappeared in the darkness. The reddish sparks were like a lamp in the darkness, attracting some creatures that liked to live underground, such as rats!    


Squeak squeak sounds came from one side, Ye Cheng noticed the slight sound, and smacked his forehead while cursing his foolishness. He took out a lollipop from his pocket after smoking a few times, and bought it on the way here. He originally wanted to use it to please the girl, but it turned out to be very useful this time.    


In the sealed space, the smell very quickly spread to the distance. Not long later, Ye Cheng saw a mouse that was about half the size of a child's arm sneakily walk over.    


Ye Cheng laughed as he laid on the ground, waiting for the mouse to take the bait.    


The sweet smell lured the mouse closer. It sniffed the sweet smell of the water and made sure that everything was safe before bravely coming over to fill its stomach.    


Ye Cheng took the chance to catch the little mouse the moment she let her guard down.    


The pitiful mouse fell into Ye Cheng's hands and squeaked continuously, her claws were also extremely sharp, she was unable to scratch even a little bit, and stared at Ye Cheng with her little eyes, letting out creaking sounds.    


"It's up to you to go out." Ye Cheng tore off his clothes and tied them around the rat, then followed the live rat to a corner above.    


Before long, Ye Cheng found an opportunity. The mouse slipped into the hole, although the inside didn't smell good, but the flowing air still brought hope.    


Ye Cheng did not want to go into a hole made by a rat. Unless he had shrunk to the size of a mouse, no one would ever come after him, and he did not want to be the first person to do so.    


He climbed up with his hands and feet, and found a protruding stone like object in the middle of the hole. If he pressed it down forcefully, there was no reaction, he could turn his body to the left and twist it around, but it was still quiet in the surroundings.    


Ye Cheng jumped down from the ground, and stared at the space between the two holes, thinking about Wei Dong's habit. He climbed back up again, and using the Heaven, Earth, and Man as a medium, he twisted twice towards the left, then once again towards the right, and pressed on the protruding object. Crack crack crack sounds came from the top of his head, and a crack appeared in the middle of the piece of stone, revealing a pair of green eyes.    


"So it's here. Come down for your father."    


Ye Cheng bellowed, and immediately pounced towards the green eyes, reaching his hand out, without thinking about who the other party was, and whether he had any poison in him, he directly grabbed the green eyes off with his bare hands.    


Pa ta!! With a glance, it was as if wet dough had dropped to the ground and turned into mud. Her green eyes were lying on the ground like rotten meat, staring at Ye Cheng with her pair of green eyes, giving off a gloomy light.    


Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva. The crack on the top of his head was opened, and a red gauze mantle flew out from the hole. He stared at the green eyes for a long time. He couldn't figure out what the thing was for, but he was sure that the thing was alive. At least, the green eyes were alive.    


"You're the best walking eye I've ever seen." Ye Cheng chuckled, he tore off the tattered clothes on his body and rolled them into a ball, then threw it towards the hole. With a sou sound, the piece of rotten meat actually flew up and pounced towards the hole at an astonishing speed, disappearing from Ye Cheng's sight in the blink of an eye.    


Pieces of his clothes fell off his head like scattered flowers from a fairy. His green eyes were spread out flat on the ground as if he had never left before.    


"Ye Cheng laughed out loud as he stared at the green eyes. Was this a human or a monster? He began to feel curious about the new humans in the night evil. Are you human? "    


The green eyes blinked, and Ye Cheng leaped up into the air, flying straight towards the cave entrance. However, when the green eyes caught up, he returned to his original position, and this time, this fellow was only second to him. Once again, he jumped up high, and used thirty percent of his strength, causing the distance between his green eyes and himself to still be 5 centimeters apart.    


When Ye Cheng made his third attempt, the green eyes suddenly flew past him, blocking in front of the cave entrance. Under its rotten flesh like body, it opened its mouth that was filled with fangs, and with a cracking sound, it covered its mouth with a small mouth. There were also countless teeth in its mouth, making it feel numb when it collided with its mouth.    


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