The Romantic Soldier King



Sometimes secrets might not be secrets, but sometimes, even if they were exposed, many people would still not understand them. The crux of the matter here was the way people saw things, the way they thought, and the way they understood the secrets themselves.    


All the officers had a compulsory course at the police academy, Criminal Psychology! The subject has also been tweaked under the same name, and has a pretty good reputation in European and American dramas. Yang Yang was a loyal audience for this movie, he could almost remember the details of every episode and their classics. Regardless of the authenticity of the content, in logical thinking at least, he felt that he had benefited greatly.    


After deciphering an anonymous letter, Yang Yang used at least three different methods of inference. From the lines between the words to the order of writing, he obtained a shocking result. Secondly, the motive was revenge, and there was also a hidden ruthlessness to perish together with him! This was a crucial point. From a human's point of view, the materials that this woman possessed were explosive and had a close relationship with Lin Changxin.    


Zhang Meme patted Yang Yang's shoulders, teasing him that a mere police officer would actually know such a thing. After praising him greatly, he still poured a bucket of cold water over him. Theoretically, but often contrary to theory, the anonymous letter-writer might have been trying to attract their attention, not the contents of the letter.    


After Ma Liangcun heard the conjectures of his two subordinates, he walked out of the office building alone. He wandered around the streets, and every time he had something he couldn't understand, he would walk around and chat with some old faces. Sometimes, he would sit at the side of the street to find someone to clean his shoes or something.    


If he was to sit in the office all day, it would be the end of him! Although this was the information age, and all sorts of high technology could replace the effort expended by many manpower, Ma Liangcun still liked to use his own methods to gather information. No matter how hard he tried, there would still be a need for people to gather information, and during the process of collecting, he would miss out on a lot of details or other information that wasn't important.    


It was a folding chair. The surface of the chair was cracked and stuck with a box sealing tape, making the thin surface into a thick piece of paper. Although the chair didn't feel uncomfortable while sitting on it, the sound it made still made made people feel like the chair was going to fall apart at any moment.    


It was unknown whether it was a coincidence or not, but when the Gate of Heaven's people came to report the case, the anonymous letter followed closely behind. Ma Liangcun wanted to link the two together, but from the looks of it, there was no connection at all.    


As long as there were no laws in the Zhiheng Group, Ma Liangcun felt that there was no need for the police to deal with all of the problems inside the Zhiheng Group. After thinking about it, he was still unsure of Ouyang Linghan and his father's motive, to request for a secret investigation in his own name, this had never happened before. However, Yan Maokuan nodded his head, with his tacit approval, this case that could not be considered as a criminal case became the biggest case.    


Pa da, pa da!    


The sound of two iron eggs scraping attracted Ma Liangcun's attention. He woke up from his contemplation and glanced at the people around him. Seeing him smile, Ma Liangcun pointed to the teahouse across the street, then walked over first.    


The short fatty didn't even have the heart to clean his shoes, he followed them into the tea room with a flattering look on his face, then sat opposite to Ma Liangcun. He picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of water, unceremoniously biting on some snacks, raising his leg and asking Lao Ma to smoke.    


"I saw that you didn't cause any trouble recently, where did you go?" Ma Liangcun casually threw a pack of cigarettes on the table and asked.    


"Old Ma Ge, how would I dare cause trouble in your territory? If I want to commit a crime, I can't even come to your place!"    


Ma Liangcun laughed, and without him asking, the short fatty lowered his voice and said: "Recently, the ghosts in South Side have been causing a ruckus, I am just following Big Bro around to earn some money."    


"Haunted?" "Kid, you know quite a lot about Doha. Tell me, what's going on?"    


The short fatty waved his hands, saying that no one was allowed to leak out any information, and it would be impossible for him to say anything about it. Under Ma Liangcun's threatening words, he extended two of his fingers, and his muddy eyes emitted a greedy light.    


"Recently, your big brother has been doing well!"    


The short fatty was startled, he did not understand why Ma Liangcun suddenly mentioned his big brother. "Yes, it's quite good!"    


Pow! With a slap on the table, Ma Liangcun made the short fatty think carefully again about whether his brother was really well or not.    


The short fatty scratched his head, he himself had not seen his big brother for a few days, who knew if he was alright or not. Thinking about what he had just said, his face immediately became pale, and he stammered out an explanation as to why his big brother was so different from that big brother, and then revealed that the only reason he was going to the South Side with this big brother was to help the experts catch ghosts, because any kind of Tao technique was still a buddhist technique, he could not leak any secrets, blabbered nonsense and wanted to fool him, but was Ma Liangcun really that easy to fool? Of course not.    


"Did you know that your elder brother is dead?"    




Seeing the short fatty's expression, Ma Liangcun laughed coldly, then slapped the back of his head. He was killed in the main building, so who was the one who killed him? "    


The short fatty's entire body shivered, his fear did not come from his boss's fear, but from Ma Liangcun's questioning of him when he mentioned the culprit. It was an expression of his state of mind.    


After realising this point, Ma Liangcun didn't say much and took out his money to place it on the table, then picked up the short fatty's collar and walked out.    


Throwing him into the back alley, where there was no one, Ma Liangcun immediately threw two punches out, knocking the short fatty down to the ground first. He intimidated him using his Qi alone, then went forward and pulled him up against the wall. "I can see that you've been living too comfortably recently. Do you want to go in and chat about life with the person who killed your boss? I can guarantee that you'll benefit a lot from it."    


The short fatty's face was in extreme pain from the rough walls rubbing against it. He begged while trying to struggle free, but Lao Ma's hands were too strong, no matter how much he used them, it would only make himself feel worse. In the end, he gave up and said a name.    


"Who?" Ma Liangcun suspected that he had heard wrongly. He struck the short fatty's waist and asked, "Say it again."    


"Zhang Wei, that's Zhang Wei!"    


How is this possible? Didn't Zhang Wei already get taken in, why would he go back and be the boss of a gang? " "Bring me there!"    


"Old Ma Ge, please spare me! I can't mess with this Zhang Wei, seriously, I would rather have you capture me, so why don't you let me in! "    


"Stop playing tricks on me, tell me how much it costs!"    


"The short fatty reached out a hand. He took the opportunity while Ma Liangcun was feeling for his wallet to forcefully push him away before turning around and climbing up the wall. Lao Ma, even if you give me more, this time, I can't say much. Since we've known each other for so many years, just pretend you don't know what I've just said! "    


When Ma Liangcun climbed up the wall, the short fatty had already ran out of the street corner, and disappeared at the intersection in the blink of an eye. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, there was the sound of brakes, followed by screams and shouts. Without hesitation, Ma Liangcun jumped down from the wall and rushed forward. Pushing away the crowd, he found that the short fatty had been hit by a white car that rushed out of the isolation belt, smashing into a shop window on the opposite side. His body was drenched in blood, and he died on the spot.    


The traffic police quickly rushed over. Under the control of the scene, the driver got stuck inside the car due to heavy injuries. He called for the firefighters and spent some time sawing open the door to take the driver to a nearby hospital. The short fatty's body was also sent there.    


Ma Liangcun saw the old face among the crowd with his sharp eyes. He took this opportunity to go forward and reveal that the victim was one of his informants, and wanted to know the circumstances of the accident. However, according to the investigation done at the scene, it was just a normal traffic accident, and there was no assassination. The driver was just an ordinary civilian with no criminal record. Furthermore, the dead man had suddenly rushed out of the intersection, crashed into his car, rebounded into the isolation belt, fell into the shop window, had his internal organs pierced by the glass, and died from excessive blood loss.    


A person who was just telling him to earn a lot of money suddenly disappeared. Ma Liangcun found it hard to believe as he stood on the street. Although the traffic police thought it was an accident, he still thought the man's death might have been a murder.    


Returning back to the police station, Ma Liangcun couldn't help but run to his cell, but was stopped by a guard. Because the director had given the order that no one should be seen until the case was tried.    


"Damn, why haven't I received this order before? Get out of my way!" Ma Liangcun was enraged, what kind of rules was this!    


The guard looked at Ma Liangcun with a troubled expression. He was now the darling of the North Side Sub-bureau, he should not be offended, but what if the higher ups order him and he could not be disobeyed?    


Without waiting for the guard to come up with an idea, Ma Liangcun had already waved his fist towards him. After knocking him down, he did not forget to quietly warn him, and pushed all the responsibilities onto his shoulders. For the sake of his subordinates, there might not be a second person in the entire police station.    


Hearing the commotion outside, Ye Cheng folded the newspaper and placed it to the side, waiting for the metal door to open.    


Those who should come will eventually come, and those who should leave will never drop. Ye Cheng placed his hands on his thighs, stared at the metal door and made clanging sounds, then was pushed open from the outside.    


This was probably the most sincere smile that Ma Liangcun had ever seen Ye Cheng with. Although it was only for a short period of time, he could still remember it for the rest of his life.    


"He's coming!"    


The moment he opened his mouth, these two words still rang out, 'My prison is my house, so I don't have any wine for you to drink.'    


"I have something to ask you!"    


Ye Cheng stuck a finger to his lips as a mysterious expression surfaced on his face. His black eyes blinked as if he knew how to speak!    


"Are you still in the mood to act with me? Is there any meaning in acting with me?"    


"Not acting is so boring, there aren't even any beauties here."    


If it was possible, Ma Liangcun really wanted to give Ye Cheng a slap on the face. Everyone was worried for him, but this guy was so good that they couldn't sense him at all. Do you want to go out or not? If you don't, I'll start typing on your case right now and when I send you off, I'll guarantee to deliver a dozen of girls to you so that you can be a full dead rascal. "    


Although she was angry at him, Ye Cheng was amused. He wrapped his arms around Ma Liangcun's neck and whispered into his ear, "Oh, look after the case that you have with you, I guarantee that your boss will personally take me out."    


Ma Liangcun stared at Ye Cheng suspiciously. He had a few things on his hands, which one did he say? It was all still the same!    


Ye Cheng patted Ma Liangcun's shoulder and pushed him out. If there's nothing else, don't bother me anymore. Besides your Bureau Chief, I won't see anyone else. "    


The last sound of the door closing resounded across the entire cell. Ma Liangcun had to tightly cover his ears to not feel the pain in his eardrums. He crouched down slightly and accidentally saw the tip of his foot peeking out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Who?" "Who's there?"    


Just as the shout came out, Ma Liangcun had already rushed to the corner, and when he saw the other party, he couldn't help but freeze there. "Bureau Chief?!"    


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