The Romantic Soldier King



This was an impossible task!    


The Adjutant Wang stared at the unmoving bronze door, this thought flashed past his mind! When he had left the capital, he had been full of ambition and ambition. However, he had never expected that he would lose his heroic name to a door in a flash.    


Since they had no other options, they could only wait until they thought of a way to break through the door.    


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, like pearls that had lost their string and was falling towards the ground. The wind was blowing, and those who were crouching under the cave gradually fell into a deep slumber.    


Adjutant Wang wiped his blade as he watched the copper door from time to time, hoping for a miracle to happen.    


Time passed minute by minute, until the second half of the night, when the assistant lightly pushed Adjutant Wang on the shoulder, signalling him not to talk, the two quietly went to the side of the bronze door. The assistant lowered his voice and said, "I just got up and peed. I found something strange here. Sir, do you think there was a crack in the wall?"    


Adjutant Wang squatted down and took a look at the soil layer. Indeed, there was a crack between the copper door and the soil layer at the bottom. He turned his head in surprise and asked, "Are they in front of us?"    


"We've checked the bronze door countless times, it's really not there."    


The Adjutant Wang had already checked a few times, but could not find anything. Could it be that the bronze door would open itself?    


At that moment, a rumbling sound could be heard from behind the door. The two of them quickly backed off and called for the others. Then, they picked up their weapons and pointed them at the door.    


After thinking about it, the bronze door slowly opened, revealing a dark crack. Everyone's face was filled with excitement. They knew very well what it meant for the bronze door to open itself.    


Excited, a roar came from inside, as if a huge beast had come out. It was frightening.    


No one knew how long the copper door would last, the most pressing matter was to send people in to investigate, but no matter how Adjutant Wang mobilized them, no one was willing to take the risk, and in the end, they could only force a group of people in with a gun to their heads.    


After the three of them carried their bags and entered the bronze door, before they had even walked a few meters, they heard a miserable scream. The others all retreated, and by the time Adjutant Wang turned around, there was already no one behind them. You dare? "    


"aide-de-camp, entering is death. We can still fight outside." It was unknown who shouted, but the rest of the people had already pointed their guns at Adjutant Wang.    


"You're the boss, you're the leader!"    


Adjutant Wang suddenly turned his head and looked at his assistant beside him. You are the same as them? "    


"The Old Master said that the secret behind the bronze door can only be known by one person. You are our officer, you have priority." The assistant calmly said. He made an inviting gesture and continued with a smile, "The old man told me to tell the aide-de-camp that sometimes it's better to be honest."    


Originally, Adjutant Wang wanted to resist, but with his abilities, dealing with these small soldier s should not be a problem. However, hearing his assistant's words, he started to chuckle. "Give me the equipment!"    


"The old gramps also said that the Adjutant Wang extended his hands and left the equipment for those who need it. If you fail to enter, the people behind us can use it to protect our lives, right?"    


"Very good!" Adjutant Wang had seen the scene clearly. He pointed to the people in front of him and said, "My fate today might be the end of you guys tomorrow. You all expect me to die inside there.    


Adjutant Wang walked through the copper door without hesitation. At this moment, the mountain rain stopped and the entire cave became silent. The copper door opened wide without any sign of closing tightly.    


The people who went in did not hear any shouts from the Adjutant Wang, nor did they make any movements. The people guarding outside looked at each other, and with their bags on their back, they entered the copper door one by one. When the last person disappeared into the darkness, the copper door closed with a rumbling sound.    


No one knew what would happen if there was nothing in front of them. They instinctively leaned against their legs to move forward. Some people tried to light the flame box, but it was soon extinguished by the gusts of cold wind. The timid ones began to slow down, dragging down the large group behind them.    


The Adjutant Wang's assistant took the lead as the leader. He shouted out to the people in front of him from the back door, but they did not get much of a reaction, and so he ran to the front and faced the people who were dragging him down, clapping his fists, using his strength to push the group of people forward, until they reached the exit of the passage. When they arrived at the end of the passage, they realised that they had entered a dead end, there was no longer any place in front of them, only a large naturally formed hole.    


"The sound gathered at the big hole above the wall. The black bugs climbed out of the hole and quickly came to the ground along the wall. The assistant recognized these bugs and shouted in shock." The Haemonchus nigricans! "    


Hearing those words, everyone panicked as they began to shoot out miserable shrieks again and again.    


The Haemonchus nigricans rushed forward one after another, and the people at the front fell one after another. When their blood was sucked dry and they became desiccated corpses, their expressions were still the same as before they died.    


The scene could no longer be described as terrifying anymore, the assistant who was scared silly turned around and ran, he ran into the corridor, after taking a breath he looked back, only to see that no one had survived from the mouth of the black blood, and all the blood sucking bugs, all rolled over their stomachs and fell to the ground.    


How could this be? The assistant was stupefied. This was different from what he had expected, why would the Haemonchus nigricans attack their own people? He swallowed his saliva. There seemed to be no path in front of him, so he might as well go back.    


Thinking of this, the assistant dragged her backpack and walked back.    


In the darkness, a gun was pointed at his head, and the Adjutant Wang walked out from the shadows. "Where are you going?"    


"Why are you here?" He was so panicked that he forgot there was one more person around.    


Adjutant Wang snickered, and walked step by step, he forced the assistant to the exit of the corridor, and pulled the safety catch. "I said before that I would not die alone. With all of you to accompany me in death, it would be quite a sight if I died."    


The assistant fell to his knees. He held Adjutant Wang's wrist with both of his hands and begged for forgiveness, hoping that Adjutant Wang would let him live.    


"Stand up!"    


The assistant's heart trembled in fear. Just as he stood up, he was kicked into the hole and fell down, crushing the Haemonchus nigricans on the ground. The undigested blood was squeezed out and flowed onto the ground, attracting even more Haemonchus nigricans s to crawl out of the hole.    


Adjutant Wang watched on coldly from the sidelines. Only after seeing his assistant, who had been following him for many years, was swallowed alive did he pick up his backpack and threw it at those Haemonchus nigricans s that had eaten their fill, releasing even more blood and attracting more bugs.    


The blood attracted the Haemonchus nigricans, and these single-celled animals died from greed in the blood. As time went on, the cave was already filled with the corpses of the bugs.    


Adjutant Wang did not know how many bugs were left, he could only repeat them again and again until no more bugs appeared at the entrance of the cave. Then, he stepped out of the tunnel and killed all the bugs before walking towards the walls of the cave.    


Sure enough, Baiqi Yushu was right, most of the people were not going for the breakthrough, but for the death.    


He already knew the secret to unlocking the second tube card in his heart. It was not difficult to blow away the dust as the Adjutant Wang had already arrived at the third test. Baiqi Yushu had already deciphered the inscription on the tablet. He circled around the inscription on the right side and entered an even darker and darker space.    


At this moment, the bronze door had been cleared. Seven people with strange clothing were standing in front of the door. The person in the lead wore a white robe and had white hair.    


There were no changes as an outsider looked at the door. The insiders were able to tell what was inside from the few small details.    


"How long has he been in there?"    


"Less than seven days."    


"Seven days is not even up yet, and you can open the bronze door on your own?" The white-robed, white-haired man's words were filled with surprise. He reached out his hand towards the ring on the evil spirit's mouth and pressed it down, causing a "ka ka" sound to ring out from behind the bronze door. There's no need to try again, let's evacuate the rest of the people.    


"My Lord!"    


"I'm fine!"    


The six people behind him left in succession. The white-haired man disappeared through the bronze door.    


In fact, Baiqi Mingchao arrived at the cave a few hours earlier than Adjutant Wang, and had always been hiding in the bushes on the other side. As long as Adjutant Wang was a little more careful, he would have discovered's traces.    


Watching the white haired man disappear from his sight, Baiqi Mingchao excitedly slid down the cave and arrived in front of the copper door. As expected, Tujia stronghold and the gates of hell are linked. "    


Following his example, Baiqi Mingchao touched the copper ring on the evil ghost's mouth, and after pressing it downwards, he tried to push open the copper door. The door was not opened, but his hands passed through the heavy door. After finding the way to truly enter, Baiqi Mingchao did not hesitate to pass through the copper door and stand in the pitch-black passageway.    


The six people who had just left returned to the bronze door. They pointed their energy towards the open mouth of the evil ghost and closed it. Only after they completely closed the entrance did they leave.    


Each path after stepping over the monolith inscriptions was different. Just like the Six Paths of Samsara, they all belonged to the Ghost Gate.    


Ye Cheng, who was in the light, did not realize how the world outside had changed. Ever since he had stepped through the inscription, he had been locked in a space, and it was as if he had been placed in a large ball of light. The light outside was extremely dazzling, but he, who was inside, enjoyed it a lot. He was like a baby in a mother's womb suspended in this sphere of light, his entire being calm and prohibited.    


The white-haired man stood outside the sphere of light. When his left hand was placed on the surface of the sphere, the shadow that covered it caused some reaction from the people inside. Breaking his grip, Ye Cheng regained his calm. "What an interesting person."    


The white-haired man went to another floor and looked out through the hole. Adjutant Wang talked to himself as he screamed miserably, holding onto his blade with one hand and holding onto a spear with the other, shooting at the air. Suddenly, he was thrown over his shoulder, his head was lifted up by something and thrown towards the wall.    


Leaving the small window, the white-haired man walked towards its north side. It was a lot quieter here, and through the same window, Baiqi Mingchao who was below had obviously chosen a more even path.    


The corner of the white-haired man's mouth curled up. He retreated to the center of the space and fixed the hourglass on the table for one day. The three of them would survive as long as they could find a way to break through faster.    


The white-haired man was in a six-sided secret chamber. On each of his faces, there was a window of varying sizes, and on each window there was a prominent sign. God, Asuras, humans, animals, evil spirits, hell!    


In this world, people have emotions, karma and karma all arise from karma, and everything has its own way of suffering, turning around like a wheel, and life and death originally came from six Daohui, which was punished due to the agreement.    


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