The Romantic Soldier King



Qiao Benjunyi was very cunning, he had left quietly when the Town Security and the police had just clashed with each other. Liang Chaohui had only found out about this guy from watching videos over and over again, he didn't know where he went.    


If he wanted to catch Qiao Benjunyi secretly, he had to find his hiding place first. The remote street where An Gaohan parked his car was very close to this guy's residence.    


Ye Cheng and An Gaohan got off the carriage, one in front and one behind.    


This was a village in a city that had not been demolished yet. The various conditions here were relatively backward, and only those who were very far away would have a dim yellow street light. Most of the houses were still single-story houses, and the narrow streets were crisscrossed, making it impossible for cars to get in. If someone who wasn't familiar with the environment came for a stroll in the middle of the night, they would most likely get lost. On the contrary, this kind of environment was more suitable for Qiao Benjunyi to hide and escape from.    


"This fellow is quite crafty, he actually rented this place out. It seems like he had already thought of a way out." Ye Cheng covered his nose and walked past a pile of trash that was emitting a bad smell.    


After passing through the trash heap, there was a small crossroad in front of them. A small courtyard on the upper left corner was Qiao Benjunyi's residence. The wall was two meters away from the other party, so Zhang Xuan was unable to see the situation inside.    


Ye Cheng said to An Gaohan in a low voice: "Watch here, I'll go in and check."    


After saying that, he took two steps back and lightly jumped up. Both of his hands quietly held onto the top of the wall as he raised his head to look inside. The small courtyard wasn't too big. Two meters away were three small bungalows. The inside of the house was completely dark without any lights. He held his breath and listened attentively for a moment, but there was no sound in the room.    


Ye Cheng's body floated into the courtyard like a piece of cotton. He quietly arrived under the eaves and discovered that the only door was actually installed with a metal door to guard against theft. It was not difficult for him to open the anti-theft door. He opened it with ease, raised his guard, and slipped into the house.    


After entering the room, Ye Cheng did not immediately take action. Instead, he perked up his ears and listened attentively for any movements in the room. He listened for a moment, but did not hear any sound of breathing, so it was very possible that Qiao Benjunyi was not even at home.    


The room was pitch dark. Ye Cheng took out his mobile phone and activated the flashlight. A bright light shot out and he quickly checked the living room's environment. Even though this courtyard had been here for quite some time, the interior was beautifully decorated and covered with a carpet. There was a door on the left and a door on the right. The door on the left was wide open while the door on the right was locked.    


Most people's sleep habits was that when they rested, their doors would be locked, so Ye Cheng determined that the room on the right side must be a bedroom. He didn't have any time to admire the decorations in the room now. He quickly jumped at the door on the right, pushed it open with all his strength, and scanned the room with the light of his cell phone. The room was indeed a bedroom, but it was empty.    


Ye Cheng immediately ran towards the room on the left side. This was a study and there was no one inside. "F * ck, letting me be careful was a waste of time, but this brat isn't home."    


He left the room and walked into the courtyard. After opening the gate, he walked out of the courtyard in a swaggering manner.    


Seeing Ye Cheng walking out of the courtyard so quickly, An Gaohan knew without even asking that that Qiao Benjunyi was not at home.    


Ye Cheng said: "Old Han, I will have to trouble you to search the room thoroughly to see if you can find anything useful."    


An Gaohan nodded, he entered the courtyard in a flash, and then went back the way he came to look for Liang Chaohui.    


Ye Cheng returned to the front of the car, and when he opened the door, he scolded: "What the hell, that grandson Qiao Ben never came home. girder, do you know if he has any other hiding spots? "    


The chaos in the hospital was already a threat to the peace of the place. On the surface, there were police dealing with it, and National Security Agency had also intervened secretly. Liang Chaohui was still in his car, and had not been idling. I just found traces of Qiao Benjunyi through the surveillance videos at the various streets. "    


Liang Chaohui turned the car display back to Ye Cheng and showed the scene with his finger: "He hasn't come out since he entered this street. There's a hotel and a clubhouse on this street. I'll send someone to check the hotel and you can go check out the clubhouse.    


Ye Cheng immediately left for the main street and took a taxi to the "Nightless City Club".    


It was already past one in the morning, and the number of cars on the streets had dwindled. When Ye Cheng arrived at the Nightless City Club, there were still many cars parked in front of the parking lot.    


Although it looked like a clubhouse on the surface, it was actually a nightclub on the outside. When Ye Cheng entered the hall, he suddenly saw the light. There were still many men and women gathered in the hall. The music was loud, the lights were flashing and the air was thick with smoke. There was a circular bar on one side of the hall, and a group of sexy girls sat around it, drinking and guessing.    


There were three steel tubes on a counter in the middle of the bar, and three sexy Bikini dancers were dancing with them, twisting their hips and swinging their hips.    


Ye Cheng squeezed through the crowd and found an empty seat in front of the bar counter. Before he even sat down, a sexy lady at the counter shot him a flirty look and laughed: "Handsome brother, what do you want to drink?"    


"Two cocktails!" Ye Cheng pretended to be a normal customer and lustfully glanced at the girl's chest.    


When the lady turned around to go get the alcohol, Ye Cheng's bright eyes quickly sized up the customers at the counter one by one. He did not find Qiao Benjunyi.    


"Handsome, your wine!" The demoness lovingly placed the two cocktails in front of Ye Cheng, while puffing out her towering breasts.    


Ye Cheng casually pushed one cup to the young lady, "Beautiful lady, this cup is for you to drink."    


"Thank you, then I toast you." The demoness raised her glass and gave him a coquettish look.    


The lady at the bar was very talkative as she laughed coquettishly with Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng found out that the lady was called Xiao Ya and had been a bar girl for a year. Ye Cheng was not interested in this kind of woman. On the surface, she was dealing with Xiao Ya, but her eyes would occasionally look at other parts of the hall to search for Qiao Benjunyi's figure.    


Very quickly, he finished his cup of wine. With the excuse of going to the toilet, Ye Cheng threw down Xiao Ya who had a face full of disappointment and left the counter.    


The pleasure of a nightclub is not only to talk and drink with a bar girl, to take advantage of her, but also to enjoy the dance. There were also a lot of beauties going to the nightclub to have fun, but unfortunately, Ye Cheng's ambition was not here tonight.    


After walking around the hall for a bit, Ye Cheng didn't have any target, so he followed the spiral staircase to the second floor. The second floor was filled with booths. Not only could they enjoy the performance in the main hall, they could also drink and chat without being disturbed.    


Just as he went up to the second floor, Ye Cheng received a call from Liang Chaohui. The people who were checking at the hotel had already sent back a message that Qiao Benjunyi was not found. This news made Ye Cheng more excited, he immediately became more focused.    


Ye Cheng quickly searched for the target as he passed through the booths. Suddenly, a woman's head came out of a booth and hit his leg. This woman had probably drunk too much, Ye Cheng quickly bent down and reached out to help her up.    


"Right... "I'm sorry." Her eyes were dazed, and she struggled out of Ye Cheng's hands drunk.    


When Ye Cheng saw the woman's appearance, he said in shock: "Falling Snow, why are you here?"    


He didn't contact Chen Luoxue the whole night, thinking that she had already gone home to sleep. He didn't think that Chen Luoxue would actually come to the nightclub, and get drunk. Ye Cheng glanced over and saw that there was another drunk woman in the booth, it was actually Qiao Rubing.    


"Leaves..." "Alright!" "When Chen Luoxue saw that it was Ye Cheng, he struggled to stand up, and his body slanted as he fell into's embrace. "Why are you here?"    


"You called me to pick you up." Ye Cheng was too lazy to explain. Since Chen Luoxue was drunk, he might not be able to remember whether he made a call or not. He supported Chen Luoxue and asked: "Sis, where do you want to go?"    


"Go..." Wash... The bathroom. " Chen Luoxue's entire body, which was hanging in Ye Cheng's embrace, staggered.    


Ye Cheng hugged Chen Luoxue and escorted her to the washroom door. Then, he lit up a cigarette and leaned on the door as he waited, conveniently searching for traces of Qiao Benjunyi.    


Chen Luoxue stayed in the bathroom for a long time, not coming out even after a long time. This period of waiting was nothing to Ye Cheng, but he was worried that Chen Luoxue had passed out from drinking.    


Just as Ye Cheng was hesitating on whether he should find someone to take a look, Chen Luoxue walked out and leaned weakly on the bathroom door. There were traces of water on her face, forehead, and chest. She must have been washing cold water inside to sober up. Her delicate breathing could be heard again and again, and her soft breasts heaved up and down. It was very tempting.    


Ye Cheng anxiously supported her, reprimanding her: "Why are you drinking so much?"    


Chen Luoxue was still a little confused, her sexy and mature body naturally snuggled into Ye Cheng's embrace. She rested her head on Ye Cheng's chest and muttered: "Cousin is not in a good mood, I drank a lot more with her."    


Ye Cheng took the opportunity to embrace her soft waist. The woman's fragrance from Chen Luoxue's body mixed together with the smell of alcohol, provoking his hormones. After getting close to Chen Luoxue on the skin, his mental fortitude was getting worse and worse, and he finally had the initial reaction. I'll send you guys back first. "    


Chen Luoxue said: "My cousin doesn't want to go home, let's go to the hotel!"    


"Alright!" Although he was carrying the beautiful girl in his arms, Ye Cheng still remembered his visit here. Chen Luoxue's request was exactly what he wanted. After sending the two of them to the hotel, he would need to come back quickly if he had the chance. He was afraid that he wouldn't have the chance to kiss Xiang Ze tonight.    


Returning back to his seat, Ye Cheng and Chen Luoxue supported the unconscious Qiao Rubing out of the nightclub.    


After exiting the building, the three of them arrived in front of Qiao Rubing's Land Rover. Chen Luoxue took out the key from his bag and handed it over to Ye Cheng. Opening the car door, Ye Cheng helped to bring Qiao Rubing to the back of the car.    


After getting on the car, Ye Cheng started up the engine and slowly drove towards the exit of the clubhouse. When he passed by the entrance of the clubhouse, he saw from the corner of his eyes that two men in suits were walking down the steps while hugging an exposed girl.    


When Ye Cheng saw the face of one of the men, his heart skipped a beat. I met this grandson, Qiao Ben, here. He wandered around the nightclub for a long time but didn't see this person. He didn't expect to accidentally meet him at the entrance. It's really like stepping on broken iron shoes and getting nowhere without any trouble, just watch how I take care of you.    


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