The Romantic Soldier King



When Qiao Rubing realized that he was just too agitated, he immediately let go of Ye Cheng's hand. His face was slightly red, and he sat back down on the sofa. If you really have the ability to save my dad, I'm willing to pay any amount of money, just name your price. "    


Ye Cheng smiled slightly and said: "president Qiao, I won't help you for money. If you believe me, don't mention the money in front of me. "    


After knowing that her father had been kidnapped, Qiao Rubing was extremely anxious, and couldn't call the police. She really wanted someone to help her, but after thinking about it for a while, she really couldn't think of anyone who could help. Ye Cheng had just said that he knew people from the National Security Agency. With the help of the national security personnel, he would definitely be able to save my father.    


Her beautiful eyes revealed a look of joy, "Ye Cheng, are you really willing to help me without conditions?"    


Ye Cheng nodded his head: "I will do my best to help you, but I cannot guarantee the result."    


Receiving Ye Cheng's guarantee, Qiao Rubing hurriedly replied, "As long as you agree to do your best to help me, it will be fine. I also know that life and death are determined by fate, so no matter what happens, I won't blame you."    


Since Qiao Rubing accepted his help, Ye Cheng immediately entered into a meditative state and said: "president Qiao, since I have interfered in this matter, no matter what happens next, I hope that you can unconditionally trust me. You must listen to my arrangements."    


Although he spoke in a tone of consultation, there was an unquestionable firmness in his tone.    


Perhaps he was infected by Ye Cheng's words. Qiao Rubing looked at Ye Cheng and said sincerely: "I believe you." She felt that there was something on Ye Cheng that she couldn't see through, that would make people unconsciously choose to believe in him.    


Ye Cheng was very satisfied with Qiao Rubing's attitude, and asked: "Did the kidnapper say in the phone how much ransom they wanted, and where they would exchange hostages?"    


Qiao Rubing shook his head, "The kidnappers only called me this afternoon to tell me that they have my dad, so they asked me to prepare the cash and didn't give me a specific amount. and warned me not to call the police. They have spies at the police station. If I call the police, they'll kill my dad. "    


Ye Cheng was unable to figure out if the kidnappers really did have spies in the police station, but he didn't want to pass through the police at all. I want me to answer the phone and talk to the kidnappers when they call again. "    


Qiao Rubing hesitated slightly before saying, "Alright, I'll listen to you."    


"Thank you, president Qiao, for your trust in me." Ye Cheng added: "I have something to clarify in advance, I will use your fianc?'s identity to negotiate with the kidnappers. Of course, the identity of this fiance is only temporary, I can only let president Qiao down for a bit. "    


Qiao Rubing nodded, "I can understand that!" Although Ye Cheng's identity was temporary, she still felt a little awkward in her heart.    


Ye Cheng asked about it: "Regarding the matter of the chairman being kidnapped, do you have any leads or clues? Who do you think was responsible for the kidnapping? "    


"I can't think who kidnapped my father." Qiao Rubing's expression was sorrowful: There are some things that I did not dare tell my cousin. After knowing that my father had been kidnapped, I had the guards in the villa look around, and found my father's car, the chauffeur, and the bodyguard's corpse in a mountain ravine.    


"Oh, that's a clue." Ye Cheng's eyes lit up: How many drivers and bodyguards are there altogether? How did they die? "    


"A total of three people. I didn't go to the scene to check. I heard from their bodyguards that they were all shot in the forehead and killed by a bullet. " Qiao Rubing could imagine the miserable state that the three of them were in as their faces turned pale white. She did not dare to think that her father had also suffered such a fate.    


The fact that he was shot in the forehead meant that the kidnapper's marksmanship was accurate. It seemed that he wasn't an ordinary kidnapper. Ye Cheng asked: "Then did the chairman's bodyguard wear a weapon?"    


Qiao Rubing replied, "No!"    


"Who knows where the chairman is?" Ye Cheng guessed that since the chairman of the board of directors had been kidnapped, there was a possibility that someone had leaked the news to the kidnappers, but it could also be that the kidnappers were following them all the way. Now that he wanted to rescue the chairman, he would not miss any details.    


Qiao Rubing answered: "His secretary, the driver and bodyguards will know before he leaves."    


Ye Cheng said: "Other than these people, this president Qiao wants to think about who else knows where Chairman Joe is last night." He felt that everyone who knew of the chairman's whereabouts was suspected of leaking the chairman's whereabouts, so everyone had to find out.    


After yesterday afternoon, she had a huge argument with her father, but had not seen the Chairman Joe. As for anyone else who knew of her father's whereabouts, she really couldn't think of anything.    


Just then, Chen Luoxue walked out of the kitchen with the fragrant meal. Ye Cheng quickly got up and welcomed them, taking the dishes from Chen Luoxue's hands, and asked with concern: "Sis, did you guys eat dinner tonight?"    


Chen Luoxue said: "I ate a little, but I really can't eat anymore."    


Ye Cheng placed the dishes on the table and asked: "Sis, president Qiao, do you guys want to eat more?"    


Qiao Rubing did not have the mood to eat, he shook his head: "No need."    


Seeing that the two of them had no intention to eat, Ye Cheng was not courteous at all and started to eat his fill. He didn't know what kind of situation he would encounter, but after eating, he would have enough strength to deal with the kidnappers.    


In less than two minutes, Ye Cheng had finished eating two bowls of rice and two dishes. He burped in satisfaction and raised his head to see Qiao Rubing and Chen Luoxue staring at him. He touched his face and smiled. "Is there something on my face? Why are you all looking at me like that?"    


Qiao Rubing was embarrassed to say anything, he picked up the dishes and said: "You ate so fast, it's like you haven't eaten anything in your entire life."    


Ye Cheng jokingly said: "When I was young, I ate a meal without a meal. I was scared of being hungry."    


"I've never seen you like this before when I was eating with you. I don't care about your image either." Chen Luoxue rolled his eyes at Ye Cheng and brought the bowl and chopsticks into the kitchen.    


Ye Cheng took out a piece of paper from the tea table and wiped his mouth. With a light flick of his finger, the piece of paper unerringly fell into the trash can beside him. president Qiao, can you call the bodyguards who found the corpses of the drivers? I have something to ask them. " "Better tell them my temporary identity."    


This was exactly what they meant by reputation being unreasonable. Ye Cheng had to act as Qiao Rubing's fianc? right now.    


"Alright!" Qiao Rubing took out his mobile phone and called: "Qiao Wansan, bring Liu De Shui to the villa."    


Shortly after, two men in black suits entered the villa. The man with a pair of small eyes, Qiao Wansan, respectfully asked: "Eldest Miss, what business do you have with us?"    


Qiao Rubing pointed at Ye Cheng and said: "This is my fianc?, Ye Cheng. He has matters to discuss with you guys, he can completely represent me."    


The two men were slightly stunned. When did Big Miss Qiao get a fiance? However, Qiao Wansan still displayed enough respect towards Ye Cheng, and politely said. "If there's anything you need, feel free to tell me."    


"According to what Rushuang said, you found the place where the driver and bodyguard were killed. I want to know how you found it?" 's tone was extremely gentle when talking about Ru Bing, and those that didn't know him would really think that he was Qiao Rubing's fianc?.    


Qiao Wansan never thought that Ye Cheng would ask such a question. His eyes turned a little as he said in a nervous voice: "I accidentally found a fence that was broken on the side of the road around the mountain. I went down the mountain stream and found it."    


The subtle changes in Qiao Wansan's expression were all reflected in Ye Cheng's eyes, and he immediately realized that there was something wrong with this person. He calmly asked, "From your judgement, could the roadside be the scene of the kidnapper's murder?"    


"I can't tell, but we didn't find any traces of a fight on the roadside, nor any traces of blood." Qiao Wansan replied.    


"Ye Cheng stole a glance at the other bodyguard. Seeing that his expression did not change, he knew that Qiao Wansan was speaking the truth." "Then, when you go down the mountain, where are the bodies of the driver and the others?"    


Qiao Wansan recalled: "The three of them were reclining on the back seat, as if they were stuffed inside after being killed."    


From Qiao Wansan's words, Ye Cheng deduced that the mountain road where the driver was on was definitely not the first crime scene. He asked a few other questions, and asked for the exact location of the mountain stream, telling Qiao Wansan and the other bodyguard to leave.    


"I'm going out for a smoke. If the kidnapper calls, let me know." Ye Cheng took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up as he walked to the entrance of the villa.    


"Old Liu, I need to go to the toilet." Shen Wansan said to his bodyguard, humming a tune as he walked towards the toilet in the corner of the villa.    


Ye Cheng smoked his cigarette, pretended to wander around, avoiding the surveillance of the secret bodyguards, and quietly approached Qiao Wansan.    


After entering the bathroom, Qiao Wansan saw that there was no one inside and immediately took out his phone. "" He lowered his head and searched for a number. Before he could call it out, he felt a cold weight on his neck. A low voice came from behind him. " Don't move! "    


Qiao Wansan realized that there was a cold blade on his neck. He held his hands up, not daring to make any more movements. He shifted his gaze slightly, and borrowing the light from the toilet, he clearly saw that it was Ye Cheng. He pretended to be calm and asked: "Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"    


Ye Cheng took the phone from Qiao Wansan's hand and coldly said: "Who do you want to talk to? If you dare to say even a single false word, I'll immediately kill you. "    


Qiao Wansan rolled his eyes and said: "Call my friend, he invited me to go drink at night. It's not that something happened to Chairman Joe, I just want to call him and tell him that I can't make it through tonight. "    


Ye Cheng asked: "Then what is your friend's name?"    


Qiao Wansan randomly made it up: "Zhang Qiang!"    


"Kid, why aren't you telling the truth?" The throwing knife in Ye Cheng's hands grabbed onto Qiao Wansan's neck tightly, "There's a problem with you lying, you can't help but roll your eyes, and you're trying to lie to me."    


Qiao Wansan's eyes turned a little, "I'm not lying, if you don't believe me, you can call me and ask."    


Ye Cheng dialed a number, and when the call connected, he asked: "Hello, is this Zhang Qiang?"    


"Fuck, you called the wrong number." The person on the other end of the line cursed and hung up.    


Qiao Wansan did not know that Ye Cheng had dialed another number. Ye Cheng looked at him coldly and asked: "What else do you have to say?"    


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