The Romantic Soldier King



"Master, I've been your disciple for a long time, but you've never given me a single move. Is this master of yours too incompetent?" Zhang Kejia complained, her sweet voice sounded more like she was acting coquettishly, as her large eyes looked at Ye Cheng pitifully.    


He clearly knew that Zhang Kejia was pretending, but it was useful for every normal man. Ye Cheng couldn't stand such a weak attack, so he stood up and said: "Alright, then master's one move is simple and fast, the moment you learn it, you will learn it immediately, and you will also test it many times."    


Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Zhang Kejia immediately beamed. "Okay, okay, quickly hand it over master."    


"Watch carefully!" Ye Cheng walked to the empty spot in the living room, stood properly, and started moving his right leg upwards. A quick and violent kick came out, accompanied by a faint gust of wind. To you, this move requires you to be caught off guard and be ruthless in order to hit the vital points of the bad guys. Only then can you use this move to deal with the enemy in the shortest amount of time and the most effective way. "    


Ye Cheng withdrew his right leg and said: "See clearly, you try it too."    


Zhang Kejia stood up from the sofa, walked to Ye Cheng's side, and imitated Ye Cheng's actions just now, with a soft and soft kick. Master, is that right? "    


"No, I don't have any strength at all, and my movements are too slow." Ye Cheng demonstrated again, "Do you see that? Remember to be quick and fierce. Try again."    


Zhang Kejia's lower body was in a short skirt that had fallen below her knees. Worried that it would be exposed, she did not dare to make too big of a movement. Her fair and slender right leg kicked out again and again, but was unable to meet Ye Cheng's minimum requirements.    


"The position of his foot is also wrong!" Seeing her white thighs swaying in front of her, Ye Cheng couldn't help but lean over and grab onto Zhang Kejia's right leg that had not been retracted in time. Lifting it by a few centimeters, he made the correct position. The correct posture should be like this. Persist for one minute. "    


As the two's skin came into contact, Zhang Kejia's delicate body trembled. Especially when Ye Cheng's fingers brushed past her slender and smooth skin, it immediately transmitted to her entire body causing it to feel as if it had been electrocuted.    


Directing a beautiful disciple by hand was a very challenging thing to do. Especially when Ye Cheng's eyes inadvertently glanced at the beautiful scenery under the dress, and saw a little white bear imprinted inside, she instantly became restless. In order for my disciple to master the key to lifting her legs as soon as possible, I will endure, I must endure.    


Ye Cheng folded his hands behind his back, his expression was indifferent, as though he was an expert. If you're too close to the bad guys to stretch your legs, you can still use your knees. "    


"Understood, Master." He's my master, so it's normal for him to instruct me like this. Zhang Kejia gradually recovered his calm demeanor and carefully tried again and again.    


Twenty odd minutes later, Zhang Kejia's nose started to drip sweat, and her beautiful face turned red, making her look extremely adorable. But with Ye Cheng's guidance a few times, she was able to grasp the correct posture.    


"Alright, you've mastered it pretty well. In the future, if you have nothing else to do, practice more." Remember, if you meet a bad person, he will be your enemy in life or death. Ye Cheng made Zhang Kejia stop and sit down to rest.    


He picked up a fruit knife and an apple from the table, smiled and said, "In order to reward you, master will peel an apple for you. If you say you don't want to eat it, then I won't. "    


Zhang Kejia smiled subtly: "Master has peeled an apple, so you must eat."    


Ye Cheng turned the fruit knife in a beautiful manner, and the fruit knife danced up and down, dazzling Zhang Kejia. In the blink of an eye, an apple was sliced.    


Zhang Kejia blinked his eyes, his eyes filled with a strange look of worship. "Master, you're too awesome. Even the act of peeling apples is so cool. Your disciple admires you too much."    


Ye Cheng gave the apple to Zhang Kejia, pretended to be profound: "Don't worship Master, Master is only a legend."    


Zhang Kejia took a big bite of the apple and muttered: "Master, you are really not modest at all."    


"Ding Ling, Ding Ling!" The doorbell rang. Yin Fangyi, who was busy in the kitchen, shouted: "Jiajia, quickly open the door. Your sister must be here."    


"Alright!" Zhang Kejia held onto the apple, and ran to the door, opening it wide: "Sis, you're here, we're all waiting for you!"    


Ye Cheng looked up and saw Zhang Kewei holding a bunch of white lilies. Her clothes were exactly the same as Zhang Kejia's. These twin sisters stood together, and it was difficult to distinguish them from each other. Their youth was beautiful, sweet and charming, and very attractive.    


"I came off duty a bit late, so I wasted some time." Zhang Kejia revealed a peaceful smile, and charming dimples appeared on her cheeks. She swept her eyes across the room and suddenly saw Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng nodded, "En, Yin Director invited me over for dinner."    


Yin Fangyi's voice came out from the kitchen, "Jiajia, the only thing is, tidy up the table and prepare to eat."    


Soon, eight exquisite dishes, a bottle of Maotai and a bottle of red wine were placed on the table. The cake had also been served, and there were tiny, multicolored candles stuck inside. Ye Cheng counted thirty-six of them, which meant that it was Yin Fangyi's thirty-sixth birthday.    


"I'll light the candles!" Zhang Kejia actively picked up the lighter that he had prepared, and lit all the candles. He then urged Yin Fangyi with a smile: "Little Aunt, hurry up and make a wish."    


Yin Fangyi nodded, closed her beautiful eyes, and placed her hands together in front of her red lips. It was about half a minute before she opened her eyes.    


"Blow the candles!" Zhang Kejia and Zhang Kewei laughed as they helped Yin Fangyi extinguish the thirty-six candles, "I wish my little aunt a happy birthday, the more she lives, the more beautiful she becomes.    


Ye Cheng also added his blessing: "I also wish Sister Yin a happy birthday, a prosperous career, and a blissful life."    


"Thank you!" Yin Fangyi expressed his gratitude.    


Just as she was about to pour some white spirits for Ye Cheng, Zhang Kejia took the Maotai Wine Bottle away. Tonight, I will be in charge of pouring wine for Master, and it can be considered as me showing filial respect to him. "    


Ye Cheng laughed: "After you say it, you make me sound like a seventy or eighty year old old old man."    


"Master, in my heart, you are forever young. Even if you really are an old man, I won't say you're old. " Zhang Kejia smiled mischievously as he poured a cup of white wine for Ye Cheng. Master, you must have taken it in your mouth. My aunt has treasured this bottle of Maotai for over ten years.    


Yin Fangyi explained, "There are very few men who come to my house, and there are no one who drinks white spirits. I was really afraid of letting them go bad, coincidentally, Ye Cheng came today."    


Zhang Kejia chirped, "Then Master, you must not disappoint my aunt. You must finish this bottle of wine tonight."    


Ye Cheng joked: "My alcohol capacity is not big, I will definitely get drunk after drinking a bottle of white spirits. When I am not able to return home, you have to take responsibility of sending me off."    


Zhang Kejia stuck out her cute little tongue and said: "If you're drunk, then there's no need to go. Aunt is a three bedroom apartment anyways, which is enough for Master to sleep in. Furthermore, my sister and I are not going home tonight, so why don't you stay and play with us for a while? "    


"We'll see!" Ye Cheng did not dare think too much into it, living together with two beauties and a charming beautiful young woman. He hurriedly raised his wine cup and said, "Come, let us wish Yin Director a happy birthday!"    


"Aunt, happy birthday!" Zhang Kejia and Zhang Kewei said in unison    


The four of them raised their cups and drank a mouthful of wine. Yin Fangyi immediately told the three of them to eat some food and taste his cooking.    


There was the lively and adorable Zhang Kejia, coupled with Ye Cheng's control of the atmosphere, making people laugh and cheer from time to time on the dining table.    


After eating a few mouthfuls, Ye Cheng put down her chopsticks and said, "Today, I don't know if it's Sister Yin's birthday, and I didn't prepare anything. To show my apologies, I changed it into a special present on the spot. "    


Ye Cheng's words immediately attracted the interest of the three of them. Zhang Kejia moved his head closer to Ye Cheng and whispered: "Master, what gift do you want to change?    


"There's no point in letting you know in advance." Ye Cheng cleared his throat and said: "Disciple, go to the kitchen and bring out two forks."    


"Alright!" Zhang Kejia wanted to see what Ye Cheng had changed into, so he quickly went to the kitchen to find two forks for western cuisine. After returning to the dining table, he handed them over to Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng tapped the two prongs on the table: "You guys saw that these are two ordinary prongs, the time to witness the miracle has come, look forward to the surprise." His voice was infectious. It stirred the mysterious atmosphere to an extreme extent, making it difficult for him to control his appetite.    


Zhang Kewei, Zhang Kejia and the others held their breath as they stared at Ye Cheng's hand.    


Ye Cheng's left hand held onto the fork's handle and his right hand held onto the fork's tip, blocking their line of sight. Disciple, what do you think I'll do later? "    


Zhang Kejia supported her cheeks with one hand, and laughed slyly: "I guess you still have two forks."    


Ye Cheng's hands lightly rotated back and forth, and pretended to reprimand him: "You don't have any imagination at all."    


"Master, stop keeping us in suspense. Hurry up and change!" Zhang Kejia could not help but urge.    


"Watch carefully, don't blink!" Ye Cheng's right hand slowly moved downwards, and the thing in his hand gradually revealed itself.    


When it was completely revealed in front of Yin Fangyi and the others, the three of them simultaneously revealed shocked, joyous and magical expressions.    


Zhang Kejia's eyes lit up, and shouted: "Master, you're too awesome, why did you twist both forks into a rose? Show me. "    


"No, this is a present for your aunt." Ye Cheng stood up, and with both hands, he brought out a beautiful rose that was twisted into a fork, and presented it in front of Yin Fangyi. Sister Yin, this rose is for you. "    


"Thank you. This is the most unusual birthday present I've ever received." Yin Fangyi felt that it was too mystical, holding the rose in her hands, she was unable to let go of it. In her opinion, this gift was even more surprising than expensive jewelry.    


The move of twisting the fork into a rose was something that Ye Cheng had learned from a friend. If he did not know that today was Yin Fangyi's birthday and did not prepare a present, he would not have easily displayed it.    


Zhang Kejia hugged Ye Cheng's arm, and said in a spoiled manner: "Master, I want one as well, why don't you give one to me as well?"    


Ye Cheng was shaken until her entire body turned soft, then said: "I'll give it to you when it's your birthday."    


Zhang Kejia said in a tender voice, "No, my birthday this year is already over. I don't want to wait until next year, and I want to have it today. Besides, it seems like you haven't given me any special gifts since I became your disciple. "    


"All right, all right!" Ye Cheng could only surrender, "Then go and get another four forks."    


Zhang Kejia thought for a while, then said with a tinge of regret: "I don't think there are any forks in Aunt's kitchen anymore?"    


Ye Cheng shrugged and laughed: "Then don't blame me."    


"Just wait, I'll go buy it." Zhang Kejia did not care about eating, and immediately ran out of the room.    


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