The Romantic Soldier King



When Ye Cheng first came to Eastsea City, he was completely poor. In merely a month's time, he had owned two properties of his own. He still had to thank those rich dandy for their contributions of thirty million, in order to be able to quickly become rich. Who said that the hedonistic second generation had nothing good at all? At least they did something good for themselves.    


Wu Jingyi had already finished half of the bottle of Lafite s, leaving only the last half cup of red wine.    


Right at that moment, a knock on the door sounded. Wu Jingyi shouted: "Come in."    


The door opened and three women and a man entered. The three women were all young and beautiful. They had to have faces, breasts, breasts, and also had to have figures and figures. The only man that Ye Cheng recognized was the one that he had exchanged blows with before, Shen San.    


Ye Cheng opened his mouth first: "The four of you, please take a seat."    


Two of the women rushed to sit at a place not far from Ye Cheng, and the other woman distanced herself from Ye Cheng, causing Shen San to sit on the other sofa.    


Shen San said respectfully: "Hello Mr. Ye, I heard Brother Niu say that you have become the new owner of the pub?"    


Ye Cheng nodded, "I have already taken over this entire pub, from now on I am your boss."    


"Hello, Boss Ye!" The two women who were closest to Ye Cheng quietly approached him once more and fought to be the first to secretly fire at him.    


Ye Cheng continued to speak: "There is no other reason why I called you here, I just want to get to know you guys so that we can better carry out our work in the future. Who will introduce themselves first? "    


"Let me go first!" Just as Ye Cheng finished speaking, the woman beside him stood up. "My name is Ding Nuo, and I hope that Boss Ye will take good care of me in the future. I hope that I can better manage my own work in the future ?"    


She was wearing a pink miniskirt that only covered her thighs. Her silk stockings and beautiful legs were very attractive. Her collar was deep and her crescent-shaped breasts were exposed. Without hiding anything, she shot Ye Cheng a coquettish look.    


As soon as Dino finished his introduction, the woman beside her stood up. This woman was wearing a skintight floral dress and high heels of about seven to eight centimeters, exposing her curvaceous body without a doubt. "Her face was covered in makeup, especially her lips, which were particularly rosy." "I'm the finance director of the bar, and I'll keep every penny under control no matter who the boss is ?"    


She was also not willing to be left behind, even if she did not say a single word, her chest would be puffed up, as if she was afraid that Ye Cheng would not notice her twin peaks.    


Ye Cheng was not interested in the two seductive women who took the initiative to seduce him, and only nodded politely.    


Shen San said: "Mr. Ye, we have met twice, so there is no need for more introductions. I am mainly in charge of the bar's security. As long as Boss trusts me, Shen San, there will definitely be no mistakes in the matter regarding the protection of the pub ? "    


In the end, it was the woman who sat slightly further away from Ye Cheng. She dressed conservatively, wearing a light green dress, making her look extremely graceful. Honestly speaking, her appearance was much better than the two coquettish women. She was also a few years younger.    


She smiled faintly and said, "My name is Xu Dedong, I'm mainly responsible for the purchase of bar supplies. I love this job and will do my best to do it well. "I can't promise you how good it is, but it will definitely satisfy you, Boss Ye ?"    


For the employees in the bar, it didn't matter who was the boss. What they were concerned about was whether they could retain their original position after changing into a new boss. Will my income be reduced?    


From their conversation, Ye Cheng could also understand their thoughts. After the introductions were finished, he smiled and said, "I can assure everyone that there will be no changes to your positions within a short period of time and you will continue to carry out your respective duties. I will examine you for a month or two. As long as you do your job well, I will not let anyone else replace you. Only if everyone does a good job, I definitely won't treat you unfairly. And I can give you a promise that I will make all of you earn more than employees in the same industry. "    


His words not only reassured the people in charge of the bar, but also gave them motivation and hope.    


The four of them clapped in unison, one after the other indicating that they would do a good job in order to make the bar's business more prosperous.    


Ye Cheng waved his hand and said, "Starting from tomorrow, the bar will be closed for two days, so give all the employees a holiday. Two days later, the bar is open for business. "    


Seeing that Ye Cheng's conversation with the four of them was about to end, Wu Jingyi anxiously said: "Brother, you seem to have forgotten something?"    


Ye Cheng asked with doubt: "What is it?"    


Wu Jingyi tidied up his clothes and sat upright: "You forgot to introduce me."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "This is the General Manager of the Bar, when I'm not here, all matters of the bar will be handled by him, his words are equivalent to my words."    


Hearing that Ye Cheng would give him such authority, Wu Jingyi felt his face lit up, and his entire being became proud.    


"Hello, CEO Wu!" The four people all greeted Wu Jingyi.    


"Hello everyone!" Being addressed as CEO Wu, Wu Jingyi was extremely happy. He felt that he should say something polite, so he coughed and said, "This is the first time that we have met, so I don't have anything else to say. I hope we work together to make the bar business better and better. My brother also said that as long as everyone does a good job, a raise in wages is certain. "My brother is definitely a man of his word, as long as all of you wholeheartedly follow him, there's no mistake."    


Don't worry, I'll definitely work well with Boss Ye and Director Wu." Dingdong. Dingdong. Dingdong. Dingdong. Dingdong. Men know how to do it.    


There were quite a few pretty girls in the bar, so naturally, she had a set since she was able to sit as the head waiter. As long as she had a good relationship with her boss, why would she need to worry about her work?    


You Nianyun looked at Ye Cheng affectionately and quickly said, "Me too." She was not as bold as Dino, and the meaning she expressed was very reserved.    


Wu Jingyi secretly sighed: Damn, these two women really know what I mean. Only the elder brother Ye was willing to hook his fingers, so they couldn't fight to climb onto his bed first.    


Seeing that Xu Dashuang and Shen San had nothing else to say, Ye Cheng said: "Let's end the meeting here. Everyone should go back to busy ourselves and pass the news of the holiday to the employees below."    


Shen San and Xu Shuang left one after the other, but Ding Nuo and You Nianyun had no intention of standing up.    


Ding Nuo moved closer to Ye Cheng again and asked tenderly, "Boss Ye, I have something to report to you. Do you have time tonight?" She showed a charming and charming demeanor and stared straight at Ye Cheng.    


This woman ? The goods had been taken away by her again. "This isn't the first time I've seen such an enchanting smile." "Boss, I also have some work matters that I would like to discuss with you. Would you mind showing me your face?"    


The two women seemed to have taken the initiative to throw themselves at. Ye Cheng could not bear it any longer and got up to say: "I still have something else. If you two have anything to discuss with Boss Wu, it means that I have made my decision."    


Wu Jingyi looked at the two flirtatious women countless of times. Seeing that Ye Cheng had given him such good things, he immediately laughed: "I have time, if you have anything you want to say, you can tell me."    


The two women watched as Ye Cheng left the private box. Seeing that the big boss did not hold any feelings for them, they could only turn their attention to Wu Jingyi. However, the two of them were a little worried. With their small bodies, they would not be able to withstand the two hundred pound fatty's torturous torments. Otherwise, they would die before getting out of the training hall.    


As for how Wu Jingyi communicated with the two women, Ye Cheng did not care. He left the luxurious private room on the second floor and arrived at the main hall of the first floor. He found a spot at the bar counter and asked for a glass of whisky to leisurely drink.    


The bar was a paradise for every good man and woman to indulge in, indulge in wine and indulge in intoxication, relieve the stress of life.    


At this moment, the bar was bustling with business. Men and women of all shapes and sizes sat around drinking and chatting, or crowded around the dance floor, twirling to and fro with the music.    


Just as Xu Dai and his sister were about to get off work, they accidentally saw Ye Cheng drinking alone at the bar counter. She slowed down a little, considering if she should go and say hello to the new boss.    


When he thought about how this bar would belong to him in the future, Ye Cheng carried the bar and looked through all the facilities inside it. His deep gaze swept over the crowd, and he saw Xu Dedong, holding up the bar to her and nodding his head in greeting.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng had already seen himself, Xu Dai Shuang slowly walked over, his red lips slightly parted and said: "Boss Ye, good."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "I'm not used to being called boss, in private, all of you can call me by my name."    


"I'll just call you boss. After all, where is the boss's identity?" Xu's attitude was neither cold nor enthusiastic.    


"Up to you. It's just a form of address." Ye Cheng said: "You're going?"    


"I'm coming home from work." "I work from the afternoon until ten in the evening," Xu explained.    


"I also want to leave. Do you want me to send you off?" Ye Cheng proposed to send Xu Dai Shuang home, but it was for no other reason. He just wanted to find out more about the situation of the bar from her. After all, he had bought this bar, and he did not want his money to go to waste.    


Xu Dedong hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Thank you, boss." She became wary. The new boss can't be the same as the old boss, right? They all have their intentions towards me?    


As the two of them left the bar, Ye Cheng asked Xu Dai Shuang about the situation of the bar along the way.    


Passing through the streets and alleys of Eastsea City, Ye Cheng brought Xu Dai and Shuang to a normal small district.    


"Boss, I'm home. Thank you for sending me off." Xu Dai Shuang said politely, opened the door and got off, waving goodbye to Ye Cheng.    


"Rest early." Ye Cheng smiled at Xu Dai Shuang, then drove the car to leave.    


Seeing Ye Cheng's car entering into the traffic, Xu Dai sighed in relief, and said softly: "Looks like I'm overthinking it, the new boss seems to be different from the old Boss Cao and Boss Niu."    


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