The Romantic Soldier King



In the end, the silver grey van stopped in front of the Named Nightclub. There was no business in the nightclub during the day, so the front door seemed deserted and desolate.    


Ye Cheng immediately gestured for the taxi driver to stop, and then took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it over. Through the window, he saw the two people in the van get off and enter the Named Nightclub. They even greeted the guard at the door who was in charge of supervising the cars, looking extremely familiar.    


Just then, the taxi driver had already found the change, and Ye Cheng got off the car with the money. It seems like Named Nightclub has gotten into trouble last night, Black Tiger Gang will not easily take this lying down! "    


After he had investigated the background of the stalker, Ye Cheng leisurely walked to the other side of the street and took a taxi back to Winning Group.    


Halfway there, he received a call from An Ningxuan. He found out that Liao Changqing and his sister-in-law had been captured. Because of Ye Cheng, she had recently accomplished two great deeds and obtained two days of vacation. She wanted to bring He Tong to stay at her home for a few days after work, which Ye Cheng happily agreed to do.    


When Ye Cheng returned to the General Manager's Office in the Security Department, just as he was sitting in his office chair, Ning Luoling knocked on the door and entered.    


"president Ye, there's a phone call for you."    




"One is the assistant chairman, Miss Chen. The other is an outside line. He didn't say who it was."    


"Alright, go accompany Xiao Tong!"    


Since the security department had nothing to do, Ye Cheng used their power to settle this issue and asked the little secretary, Ning Luoling, to accompany He Tong to play around the whole day.    


Ye Cheng guessed that Chen Luoxue's call must be official, and not urgent. If it was a personal matter or an urgent matter, he would definitely call her on his mobile phone. After Ning Luoling left, he picked up his mobile phone and called Chen Luoxue's office.    


"Hello, hello!" Chen Luoxue's beautiful voice came out from the phone.    


Ye Cheng laughed and teased: "Sis, it's me. Did you miss me by calling me?"    


"Tsk, who's missing you? Bring your subordinate to lunch, and you didn't even call me." grumbled, she was working at the same company, she wanted to know what Ye Cheng was doing was too easy.    


"I admit that I was wrong this time. There won't be a next time!" Ye Cheng anxiously admitted his wrongs, and then used a mischievous tone and said: "Wait till you stop accompanying the chairman, I will try my best to compensate you, this should be fine, right?"    


"No proper form, who cares about your compensation." Chen Luoxue scolded.    


Ye Cheng smirked: "Don't care? "Alright, I'll go to your office now and compensate you. See if you want it or not."    


"Don't mess around!" How could Chen Luoxue not understand what Ye Cheng's compensation was? She was afraid that if Ye Cheng suddenly barged into her office, she would not be able to withstand Ye Cheng's attack. It would be too embarrassing if the good news about the two were to be exposed. She quickly changed the topic. "I have something to talk to you about."    


Ye Cheng forced a question: "Then what if you don't care about my compensation?"    


"It's rare, but it's enough now, right?" "Chen Luoxue found it hard to resist Ye Cheng's teasing, and begged for mercy." I'll be serious, you listen. Tomorrow, the chairman has a casual meeting and wants you to follow and protect the whole process. "    


"A recuperation holiday?" Ye Cheng was startled, then asked casually: "Where are you going?"    


Chen Luoxue said mysteriously: "It's a secret for the time being, you can go with them tomorrow." Ever since the incident of Qiao Xingye being kidnapped and killed, Qiao Rubing became extremely careful when he went out, and his itinerary became exceptionally confidential.    


"Sure!" Ye Cheng asked in a low voice: "Then Sis, are you going?"    


Chen Luoxue said as a matter of fact, "I am now the Chairman's personal assistant, so I definitely will be accompanying you."    


"Ye Cheng was overjoyed, and immediately had a bad idea. "Yeah, then I can make use of this opportunity to compensate you tomorrow."    


Chen Luoxue anxiously said: "When the time comes, you better not mess around, not only the chairman is going, all the executives of the company will also follow."    


Ye Cheng smirked: "When the time comes, even if we do not have the chance, we will still have to create opportunities. "We have to develop the spirit of going up when there are difficulties, and going up when there are no difficulties ?" He specifically emphasized the words' above '.    


"Damn it!" Chen Luoxue scolded, "Alright, I won't tell you anymore, the chairman is looking for me!"    


Just as he hung up, Chen Luoxue's phone rang again. Ye Cheng looked at the caller ID and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He picked up the receiver and waited, not for an answer, but for a response.    


"Silent for four to five seconds, a man's rude voice sounded from the phone." Hello, let Ye Cheng take the call. "    


The scene of being watched by the Black Tiger Gang immediately surfaced in Ye Cheng's mind, and he asked: "Who are you?"    


"You are Ye Cheng?" the man on the phone asked.    


Ye Cheng replied bluntly: "Yes, that's me. What is it?"    


"Hehe, Ye, listen up, go to the abandoned factory in the east suburbs at 10 o'clock sharp. Remember to go alone and don't try to call the police. Otherwise, just wait for your corpse to be collected!" The man's tone was extremely arrogant and fearless.    


"I'm not interested, just you wait!" Ye Cheng immediately refused, he was too lazy to bother with this kind of people.    


"Ye, don't be so arrogant." There's something I need to tell you. When you're done listening, I think you'll be interested. " The man on the phone laughed.    


"If you have something to say, say it. If you have to fart, cut the crap." Ye Cheng lost his patience, and at the same time, felt a slight unease in his heart.    


"I want to see how long you can continue being so arrogant!" The man's tone became cold, "You have a sister called Lu Mengzhu, right?"    


Ye Cheng's heart thumped once, and the feeling that something bad was about to happen became even more intense. He asked in a low voice, "What do you mean by that?"    


"My meaning is very simple. As long as you appear at the abandoned factory in the east suburbs on time, your sister will still be safe and sound. Otherwise, just wait for her corpse to be collected!" The man's words were filled with threat.    


Ye Cheng's face sank, and asked with an extremely calm tone of voice: "Is my sister Lu Mengzhu in the hands of your Black Tiger Gang?"    


The man proudly said, "Not bad, it's very fair for you to go by yourself and exchange your sister's life for mine."    


A burst of anger surged in his heart, Ye Cheng's face turned cold, his eyes shot out two cold lights that could cause people's hearts to tremble, and his killing intent soared. Whoever dares to kidnap my sister and touch my reverse scale will die! No matter who tried to harm his friends or family, they would only end up with one outcome, and that was death without a burial ground.    


"Alright, I will be there on time." Despite his anger, Ye Cheng still maintained his calm tone.    


"10 o'clock at night, an abandoned factory in the east suburbs. Remember, you are the only one here, no one is allowed to call the police." The man repeated himself again, then sternly warned, "If you dare to play any tricks, we will kill your sister after she dies. We will let you watch as your family next to you leave you one by one."    


"I will go alone on time. Before this, if Lu Mengzhu has any signs of dodging, I will make you all suffer a miserable death!"    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng leaned on the boss's chair. The cold glare in his eyes became even stronger, filled with an unconcealable killing intent. A cruel sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth: Black Tiger Gang, looks like your good days are coming to an end.    


Based on the power Black Tiger Gang had in the Eastsea City, it was normal for them to know the relationship between Ye Cheng and Lu Mengzhu. Ye Cheng was regretting his decision and had forgotten to protect Lu Mengzhu. Since the other party knows of Lu Mengzhu's existence, they should also know of Chen Luoxue's relationship with me. Why didn't they kidnap Chen Luoxue immediately?    


He quickly understood that Chen Luoxue had always been with Qiao Rubing, and would always have bodyguards protecting him when he travels. It was not easy to make a move, so he aimed at Lu Mengzhu.    


Ye Cheng's brain quickly analyzed, since Lu Mengzhu had already been kidnapped by the Black Tiger Gang, the most important thing right now was to think of a way to save her as soon as possible. Thinking about it, he immediately asked for Zhao Hongwu's number.    


Receiving the call from Ye Cheng, Zhao Hongwu was in a good mood, and joked: "How rare, why did you think of calling me? Are you going to treat me to a drink? "    


Ye Cheng went straight to the point: "Old Company Commander, your efficiency is not that high! Do you want my help to exterminate the Black Tiger Gang in one go? "    


Zhao Hongwu could tell that Ye Cheng was not in a very good mood, and laughed. "Why are you interested in asking about the matters concerning the Black Tiger Gang? Did the people from Black Tiger Gang offend you? " He was no longer clear about Ye Cheng's identity. Since it was a secret agent of the National Security Office, there was no need for him to act to eradicate a local underworld faction.    


Ye Cheng answered: "That's right, the people from Black Tiger Gang have provoked me. I need your help right now."    


"What are you going to do?" As Ye Cheng used to be a Old Company Commander, Zhao Hongwu understood his temperament very well. Black Tiger Gang provoking this guy was not a joke, the consequences would be severe.    


Ye Cheng said with a cold tone: "After exterminating the Black Tiger Gang, there's no need for this social tumor to exist anymore." With his identity as a secret agent, as long as he had enough evidence, destroying the Black Tiger Gang was a piece of cake.    


Zhao Hongwu said: "The destruction of Black Tiger Gang is a small matter, the evidence regarding Black Tiger Gang colluding with Inagawa-kai is insufficient, it is not appropriate to alert the enemy."    


"I don't care about that anymore!" Ye Cheng said coldly: "Lu Mengzhu was kidnapped by the Black Tiger Gang!"    


"What?" Meng Yang's sister was kidnapped by the Black Tiger Gang? " Zhao Hongwu was shocked, knowing that this time, Black Tiger Gang was done for, and had touched Ye Cheng's reverse scale. Back then, because of the matter with his brother Lu Mengyang, Ye Cheng dared to overturn the world at the international borders and directly killed his way to the Maine military camp. The little Black Tiger Gang dared to kidnap Lu Mengyang's little sister.    


Ye Cheng said: "Yes, Meng Zhu is in Black Tiger Gang's hands now."    


Zhao Hongwu thought for a moment, then said: "How about this, you take care of all the people who participated in the kidnapping as you will, for the time being Black Tiger Gang will not be able to get rid of them all. You should know that our Six Departments of State Security has already invested a lot of energy to eradicate the Inagawa-kai that infiltrated us from other countries. "    


Ye Cheng had no choice but to consider Old Company Commander's words, and take a step back: "Alright, when I start to move, Six Departments of State Security's people will be in charge of collecting the net."    


"Fine, I will immediately order Liang Chaohui to cooperate fully with your operation." Zhao Hongwu knew clearly in his heart that if something had happened to Lu Mengzhu, this matter would not be easy. Fortunately, the Black Tiger Gang was already on the National Security Agency's blacklist, so it would only be a matter of time before it was eliminated. Now that Ye Cheng was going to make a move, it only increased the destruction of the Black Tiger Gang.    


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