The Romantic Soldier King



"Are you sure Lei Baihu was hit by four or five shots?" Sang Huihui asked.    


"I personally shot it. How could this be fake? I'm 80% sure that he won't be able to survive. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the police, I would definitely have killed him. " Ye Cheng took the chance to make an excuse, "I deliberately went to assassinate Lei Baihu because of you tonight, but who knew that I would run into the police. I spent a huge amount of effort in order to escape, but I didn't even get a reward!"    


"Ha ha!" Sang Huihui laughed: "Why would I treat you badly? Tell me, what rewards do you want?" She would not believe one of Ye Cheng's words. As for whether Lei Baihu was really injured, she would just send people to find out.    


"Of course I want you!" Ye Cheng continued to dupe Lei Baihu: "In order to get close to him as soon as possible, I've been staring at him for many days with great effort. I can't eat or sleep well, I've lost a lot of weight."    


"Didn't I say it already, as long as you can kill Lei Baihu, my people will be handed over to you!" Sang Huihui's mind quickly turned, "Right now, whether Lei Baihu is dead or alive is unknown. I'll just give you a sum of money first, at least I won't let you waste your efforts."    


She calculated in her heart that even if Ye Cheng didn't assassinate Lei Baihu, as long as he had enough money, he would be able to fall into her hands and she would be able to rope him in and control him better.    


"I'm not interested in money. I'm only interested in your people!" Ye Cheng said straightforwardly. When you become my person, wouldn't all your money still be mine?    


Sang Huihui did not expect Ye Cheng to actually 'see money as dirt', laughed, and said with an alluring tone: "I will give you a lot of money, are you not interested as well?"    


"Even if you give me the central bank, I'm not interested!" Ye Cheng decisively dispelled her money attack.    


"Then we can only wait until Lei Baihu's life and death is determined before I can give you benefits!" Sang Huihui laughed.    


Ye Cheng said: "Then let's assume that Lei Baihu is still alive after getting injured. What benefits do you plan to give me?"    


"This ?" Sang Huihui pondered for a moment, then said: "If Lei Baihu was injured by you and didn't die, I will introduce him to you, and from there, I will make a couple of the two of you." If Lei Baihu had not died, she did not want to so easily offer her body up to Ye Cheng.    


"There's no difference if there's any benefits, I don't even need the elder sister Hui to help me, I can still catch Xiao Tao!" Ye Cheng was speechless, what kind of benefit was this?    


"Then I'll give you two women, two virgin beauties!" Sang Huihui originally wanted to pair Ye Cheng and Xiao Tao up, but did not expect that Ye Cheng would not appreciate his kindness, and could only throw him another benefit.    


Xiao Tao, I will also take this! As for you, elder sister Hui, sooner or later, I will take this as well! Ye Cheng was happy in his heart, giving it to four of my beauties all at once, saying that it would be a waste not to accept it.    


Sang Huihui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You sure are flowery!"    


"All men are fickle in love. It just depends on whether this man has the strength to be fickle. Coincidentally, I am one of those men who is both powerful and fickle. My love will also be equally distributed to every woman." Ye Cheng laughed unrestrainedly, his laughter was extremely brilliant.    


How could a philanderer have a good man? Sang Huihui did not agree with him.    


After laughing, Ye Cheng said: "Seeing that elder sister Hui gave me three more beauties as gifts, and gave me a free gift, I saw a lot of soldiers capturing all the captains and leaders of Black Tiger Gang, adding that Lei Baihu was also caught, I think that Black Tiger Gang is done for!"    


"Really?" Sang Huihui was very surprised.    


"You can send someone to find out if it's real or fake!" Ye Cheng laughed. Sang Huihui would find out sooner or later, so he decided to sell her some personal favors.    


When Ye Cheng and An Ningxuan were trying to capture Lei Baihu, Liang Chaohui led the special forces of the Six Departments of State Security, with the cooperation of the armed police, to begin the mission of destroying the Black Tiger Gang. Since he had confirmed that the Black Tiger Gang was colluding with the illegal forces outside the city, there was no need for the Black Tiger Gang to continue existing.    


The operation this time was carried out in a very secret manner. Adding to the fact that Six Departments of State Security had already been preparing for two months, not a single head of Black Tiger Gang managed to escape. Even the police only received the news after the operation ended.    


The destruction of Eastsea City's number one underworld gang not only shocked the other gangs, but also the high level leaders of Eastsea City. So much joy and so much worry that it was destined to be a sleepless night for many people.    


Once Black Tiger Gang fell, the territories previously under his control started to be annexed by other gangs. The underworld forces of Eastsea City were destined to go through a period of chaos.    


When Liang Chaohui sent people to the hospital, Ye Cheng left. Lei Baihu had already landed in the hands of the National Security Agency, he did not care about his life and death, Zha Cang's shot did not hit the vital points, saving him should not be a problem, following up with a severe punishment from the law, killing him would happen sooner or later.    


"I'll send you off!" An Ningxuan followed her out from the emergency room.    


"Aren't you going to guard Lei Baihu?" An Ningxuan took the initiative to send him off, Ye Cheng felt that this was unexpected, could it be that after going through so many intimate interactions with her, she has already fallen for me?    


"They won't be of any use to me!" An Ningxuan's tone of voice did not carry the usual coldness, but it had an extra trace of gentleness.    


"Let's go, why don't I drive you?" Ye Cheng joked.    


"Alright!" An Ningxuan answered and got into the front passenger seat.    


Ye Cheng never thought that An Ningxuan would agree, wasn't he afraid that I would go on a rampage again? He sat in the driver's seat and smiled, "Didn't you say that you wouldn't take my car even if you were beaten to death?"    


"Isn't this the same as before?!" An Ningxuan said.    


He had really changed his personality! Ye Cheng took the carriage and drove it back to the Eastsea City, moving neither fast nor slow. The mission of capturing Lei Baihu is completed, do you want to return to the National Security Agency or continue to stay at the police station? "    


"Return to the National Security Agency. There might be other missions to other cities!" An Ningxuan leaned on his chair, and said to the darkness outside the window.    


"When are you leaving? I'll send you off! " Ye Cheng said casually.    


"Do you really want me to leave so badly?" An Ningxuan said with a faint voice.    


"No, actually, I really hope that you can stay in the East Sea. If you leave, even if I want to play rogue, I won't be able to find you." Ye Cheng teased.    


"You really never leave your old line of work and never change your deathly nature!" An Ningxuan rolled his eyes at Ye Cheng, but his eyes did not contain the slightest of anger.    


"In the end, you still understand me. Can you be considered my soulmate? If you really leave Eastsea City, I will be sad for a very long time! " With that, Ye Cheng revealed a sad look.    


"A soulmate?" The corner of An Ningxuan's mouth curled into a faint smile, "Life is all about meeting each other. Perhaps before long, I will once again return to the Eastsea City."    


"Then, I'll raise my hands to welcome you back. Don't be scared by my gun anymore!" Ye Cheng laughed sinisterly.    


"Dirty!" An Ningxuan's face turned slightly red as she scolded.    


"What's wrong with being vulgar?" Ye Cheng cast a look of disdain at him, "The ancients said it well: a man does not unjustly flirt with a young man!"    


"You haven't graduated from primary school yet, right? It's because people don't flirt with youngsters. Don't spout nonsense if you don't have any culture!" This time, it was An Ningxuan who gave Ye Cheng a disdainful look.    


"It doesn't matter if it's indecent or dissolute, it's something advocated by the ancients anyway. I'm just spreading the teachings of the ancients!" Ye Cheng said proudly.    


An Ningxuan rolled his eyes, "You're lying, every time I play rogue, I can always find a 'righteous' reason for myself, I really admire you!" However, she was secretly laughing in her heart, as if she was liking to hear Ye Cheng talk more and more.    


Ye Cheng sent An Ningxuan to the entrance of the residential complex, and just as An Ningxuan was about to get off, Ye Cheng anxiously said: "Wait, don't you think that before we get off, there should be some sort of ceremony?"    


"What kind of ceremony is it?" An Ningxuan was suspicious.    


"Of course it's the kissing ceremony!" Ye Cheng said while beaming.    


"Pfft, who wants to kiss you goodbye!" Although An Ningxuan said that he did not want to, he did not move.    


Didn't you clearly give me a chance!? Ye Cheng moved his body, slowly moving closer to An Ningxuan.    


An Ningxuan lowered his head, he did not dare look at Ye Cheng, and his face slowly flushed red. After waiting for a moment, before she felt Ye Cheng's lips on her face, she could not help but turn her head.    


"Bo!" Ye Cheng took the opportunity to kiss An Ningxuan's red lips, but did not immediately separate from her kiss, until it made An Ningxuan feel like he was suffocating.    


An Ningxuan's face was red, her heart was thumping hard, she pushed Ye Cheng away and jumped off the carriage in a panic. It's over, it's over. I can't really have fallen in love with him, right? No, no, he's a pervert and a rogue!    


Ye Cheng licked his lips, watched An Ningxuan's figure disappear, and muttered to himself: "Men are not bad, women do not love, the ancients truly do not bully me, and I can't even block this huge ice mountain, seems like I'll be even worse the next time I see you!"    


After sending An Ningxuan off, Ye Cheng drove the car to the lover's inn.    


Lu Mengzhu and He Tong were currently sitting at the front desk, staring at the movie in their notebooks without blinking. They didn't even notice that Ye Cheng was already behind them.    


Ye Cheng glanced at the computer screen, the two were watching a horror movie, he slowly tapped on Lu Mengzhu's and He Tong's shoulders.    


Ah!" Two high-pitched shrieks immediately rang out. The two of them covered their hearts at the same time and jumped up. It actually scared Ye Cheng too.    


"There's no need to have such a huge reaction. It's me!" Ye Cheng waved his hand in front of the two.    


"It scared me to death! I thought it was a ghost! " The two kept beating their hearts, still in shock. When the two of them slammed like this, Xiao Feng's mountain range fell as well, pulling at his eyeballs.    


"Who told you to be so engrossed in it? I've been standing there for a long time, yet you all didn't notice!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


"You almost scared us to death, and yet you laugh, this is a typical schadenfreude. Xiao Tong will beat him up together with me to vent our anger!" With that, Lu Mengzhu swung her fist at Ye Cheng.    


He Tong did not let Ye Cheng go, and followed along to beat him up.    


The two of them did not have much strength left, so Ye Cheng did not feel any pain. Ye Cheng did not move from his original position and continued to instruct: "A little more up there and a little more to the left, it's more comfortable!"    


"Xiao Tong, kick him!" Lu Mengzhu and He Tong raised their feet and kicked out at the same time.    


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