The Romantic Soldier King



Whoever offends China, however distant, shall be destroyed! Ye Cheng's mind resounded with the following words, the speedboat and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.    


Ye Cheng was full of ruthlessness. Since the people of fox-hunting dared to go to China to commit murder and set fires, and commit crimes, then no one could leave alive. It was absolutely impossible to escape from under his watch. His craziness and ruthlessness was also the reason he was called the Mad Wolf when he was in the special forces.    


"What? The great hero is chasing the fleeing thugs?"    


"Boundless ocean, boundless and limitless. He doesn't want to live anymore!"    


The news of Ye Cheng driving the fast boat to chase the thugs quickly spread throughout the royal family.    


When Qiao Rubing and Tao Youlan who had changed into a new set of clothes heard this news, they ran out of the cabin recklessly.    


There were already quite a few people gathered around the boat. They were all looking at the sea with reverent gazes. If Ye Cheng had not appeared in time to save the entire ship, they would have all been buried in the ocean, praying for Ye Cheng's safe return.    


Tao Youlan looked around, other than the water in the vicinity of Royal Divine Light, there was only endless darkness. Under these circumstances, it was very easy to get lost while driving a speedboat across the ocean. Even if they sent people to search, it would be very difficult.    


"Will Ye Cheng be okay?" Qiao Rubing was extremely worried.    


"It can't be, he will definitely be fine, the thirty odd thugs aren't Ye Cheng's match, what's more four or five of them!" Tao Youlan tried to console Qiao Rubing, but he was also trying to console himself, as he was extremely worried in his heart.    


The situation at sea was completely different from the situation in the hall. When Ye Cheng pursued at sea, he would definitely be discovered by the thugs. Even if he could avoid the bullets, the speedboat would not be able to dodge them. If he were to be knocked over, he would probably die in the sea.    


"Quick, turn on all the searchlights to guide Ye Cheng's return!" Tao Youlan shouted. She had already let the surviving crew members take over the control room, and the recovery of the wounded and the restoration of order were in progress.    


Very quickly, all the searchlights were turned on, and beams of blinding white light rotated back and forth, illuminating the direction of Ye Cheng's return.    


Someone went onto the observation platform on the mast and looked around with a pair of night vision binoculars, hoping to find Ye Cheng.    


The waiting felt especially long, Tao Youlan and Qiao Rubing were still relatively calm at the beginning, waiting from the left and right sides for Ye Cheng to return, they could not help but reveal anxious expressions, and could not hold it in any longer.    


"Ye Cheng, you better not get into trouble!" The two of them held their hands tightly and prayed for Ye Cheng.    


Their beautiful eyes were opened wide, staring fixedly at the direction Ye Cheng left in, looking through the autumn water. Even if his eyes were sore from the pain, he was unwilling to blink even once, and hoped to discover the figure of Ye Cheng as soon as possible.    


After experiencing a life and death crisis, the heroic image of Ye Cheng's tall and mighty figure was deeply branded in the minds of the two. In today's society, heroes like him are as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns.    


In a moment of crisis, a woman would always hope that a peerless hero would step on the Seven Stars Clouds to save them. If such a living hero really did appear and disregarded their personal safety to save them, then any woman would be tempted. Whether it was in terms of appearance or business intelligence, Qiao Rubing and Tao Youlan were definitely outstanding. However, the two of them were still women, so they were no exception.    


"Did something happen to Mr. Ye?" Someone whispered.    


"F * ck, you crow's beak. If you dare to curse the great hero again, do you believe that I will throw you into the sea?"    


"The great hero will definitely be fine. If you dare to spout nonsense again, we won't let you off!"    


That person only said a few words to himself, which were not filled with worry, before it aroused the anger of the people. The people around him all angrily glared at him, scaring the guy into quickly closing his mouth.    


"Look, there's a fire over there. It seems to be caused by the collision of two yachts!" Someone shouted from the observation platform.    


Everyone raised their heads and looked in a certain direction. In the darkness far away, a flame rose. There was even the faint sound of an explosion.    


"Ye Cheng is definitely over there. Sail at full speed and take the cruise!" Tao Youlan had a bad premonition in his heart.    


Receiving Boss Tao's orders, the Royal immediately went full force, sailing closer to the place where the flames were emitting.    


"Everyone, look! There's someone on the surface of the sea!" The people from the observation platform shouted again.    


Everyone's eyes followed the bright beam of the searchlight as they looked over. There really was a person swimming towards them, and he didn't seem to have much strength left. He waved his hands twice, then stopped. His body began to float on the surface of the sea.    


The people on the observation platform used the night vision goggles and finally saw the man's face on the sea surface. They anxiously shouted, "It's our great hero, Mr. Ye, he seems to have lost his strength.    


"Bodyguards, f * cking jump down and save the noble Mr. Ye!"    


"Quickly, if you dare act like cowards again, I'll let you become turtles in the sea!"    


"If you can't save the Mr. Ye, you don't have to come back!"    


"If you all had 1% of the Mr. Ye's power, we wouldn't have been kidnapped by criminals. I'll give you one last chance to show off. If you are slow, all of you get lost! "    


Without waiting for Tao Youlan's orders, the rich men who brought their bodyguards onto the ship all started to shout, kicking their bodyguards, urging them to curse. When they were kidnapped by the thugs, their personal bodyguards had disappeared to who knows where, but when the crisis came one after another, they were greatly angered.    


"Plop!" "Plop!" In a few seconds, dozens of bodyguards jumped into the water, trying their best to swim towards Ye Cheng. They didn't dare to fight a thug with a killing weapon, but they didn't dare to jump into the sea to save him. Not to mention the people on the boat looking down on them, even they despised themselves.    


Qiao Rubing and Tao Youlan's hands that were holding each other tightly, were sweating profusely as their hearts were tangled together.    


Just as Ye Cheng's body was completely submerged in the ocean water, the bodyguards also steadily grabbed onto him.    


Those rich people were extremely excited: even though they don't care about their personal lives, risking their lives to take revenge with the thugs, they still want to avenge us and not let a single bad guy escape, this is too f * cking touching! This was a true hero, a real man!    


The bodyguards lifted Ye Cheng, whose body was completely powerless, out of the water together. Their movements were exceptionally careful, afraid that they would hurt, as they carefully swam back to the imperial ship. They had all heard of Ye Cheng's heroic deeds, and their hearts were filled with worship and respect for this hero.    


Ye Cheng drove his fast boat and caught up with the fleeing thugs' fast boat. After firing a few shots, the submachine gun unexpectedly ran out of bullets at that critical moment, making him extremely angry. After finding out that Ye Cheng had no bullets in his gun, a few thugs started to fire at him crazily, treating him as a moving target.    


His speedboat had been hit in several places, and once one of the shots hit the gas tank or hit him in the vitals, it was over. In that moment of crisis, Ye Cheng took the chance and increased his speed to hit the thug's boat.    


Just as the two boats were about to collide, he took a deep breath and jumped into the sea, diving three to four meters into the water. After dodging the explosion, he surfaced.    


Ye Cheng was in the dark, while the imperial ship was in the light. The people on the imperial ship couldn't see him, but he could see the lights on the imperial ship. With those lights, he swam in the right direction. He had expended too much energy previously, and after swimming for a few hundred meters, he had nearly died from exhaustion. It was only thanks to his superhuman willpower that he was able to get close to the Royal Cage.    


A few minutes later, Ye Cheng was carefully carried onto the boat by a dozen bodyguards.    


"Ye Cheng, how are you? Don't worry, don't scare us! " Tao Youlan and Qiao Rubing immediately surrounded him anxiously.    


The rich people immediately kicked all the bodyguards away and personally went to support Ye Cheng. Seeing Ye Cheng's entire body drenched, many people took the initiative to take off their famous clothes, putting them on for him in an attentive manner.    


Only Ye Cheng would enjoy such treatment when so many billionaires were willing, not afraid of getting dirty, and not exhausted to support a person, and even care for him with all their might.    


With few family members, those with no power or influence would not line up to support Ye Cheng, and could only wait anxiously at the periphery. Now, even if they gave Ye Cheng a shoe, they would be happy to help him and would even think that it would be a special honor.    


Many of the rich and famous families kept a close eye on Ye Cheng, they felt that if he was allowed to be their husband, it would definitely be something blissful, even asking them to sacrifice their lives, they could just repay the kindness of saving their lives.    


"Mr. Ye, you have fainted. You need to do artificial respiration!" The rich people waited on Ye Cheng carefully and placed him on the carpet.    


"Let me, let me, let me!" Those women were all scrambling to get inside, not caring about how they looked or what they liked, they did not give up on each other as they fought over how to do artificial breathing for Ye Cheng.    


"Everyone, don't fight. Let me do it!" Tao Youlan said anxiously.    


"Why should it be you? Even if you're the owner of Royal, you don't have any privileges!"    


"That's right, you know how to breathe. We have a lot of professionals here."    


Being able to wake Ye Cheng up using artificial breathing was equivalent to saving Ye Cheng once. With this relationship, it would be easier to steal Ye Cheng away from one's side.    


If it were an ugly woman, perhaps no one would object. In any case, a great hero definitely wouldn't like an ugly woman. However, Tao Youlan was different. Her status was noble and her beauty was outstanding, so they definitely could not let her do artificial respiration for Ye Cheng. The other women all joined together to reject Tao Youlan.    


"Enough, stop arguing, it's all women with long hair and short knowledge!" "One of the rich guy who had escaped the net with Ye Cheng earlier shouted loudly. He was still holding onto his submachine gun, and even if he did not dare to shoot, it was an invisible deterrence to those girls. Mr. Ye's situation might be very dangerous, what are you arguing about, get Boss Tao to come! "    


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