The Romantic Soldier King



Under Ning Xiang's guidance, Ye Cheng left the presidential suite and rushed over to the party that was holding.    


Ning Xiang really wanted to grab Ye Cheng's arm and walk shoulder to shoulder with him, but she knew that the position would not belong to her. She didn't know how many renowned and illustrious women, who were prettier and had more money than her, wanted to stay by Ye Cheng's side, but she could only lament that she did not meet Ye Cheng earlier.    


Ye Cheng raised his arm, waiting for Ning Xiang to give him a intimate hug, but he simply didn't notice the disappointed look on Ning Xiang's face. He coughed and said, "What are you thinking? I don't know if I need to bring along a girl or a man to the party.    


"You mean you want me to be your partner?" Ning Xiang was overjoyed.    


"Now you're the only woman by my side, of course I'll choose you!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


Ning Xiang was immediately overjoyed. She affectionately took Ye Cheng's arm and said tenderly, "I thought you would choose Qiao Rubing or Sister Lan as your companion!"    


"You are already my woman, of course I will choose you first!" Ye Cheng said.    


"Do you really want me to be your woman?" Ning Xiang asked uncertainly.    


"Of course, since you've already gone to bed with me, you're naturally my woman." Ye Cheng said in a domineering manner: "In the future, you can only be a woman to me, Ye Cheng. Do you understand?"    


Ning Xiang nodded his head, his face filled with happiness. She thought that it would only be a night since she had a relationship with Ye Cheng. It was just love, with Ye Cheng's current status and prestige on the ship, it would be easy to find a talented woman with both wealth and power to be his woman. She never expected that he would choose her without rejecting her at all, and she was extremely happy in her heart.    


"Right now, you are the hero in everyone's eyes. Don't you think that I'm just an ordinary dealer, without money or power, and am not too beautiful?" Ning Xiang asked with a sense of inferiority.    


"Idiot, why would I dislike you? Those are all empty names, as long as you truly want me to be together." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"I really want to be with you!" Ning Xiang held onto Ye Cheng's arm tightly, his heart was filled with sweetness. Fortunately, by some coincidence, he had developed an extremely close relationship with Ye Cheng, if not I would not have become Ye Cheng's woman. That's right, where's Qiao Rubing? "Why did she leave in such a hurry?"    


"Oh, she's busy!" Ye Cheng answered vaguely. He touched the thing in his pocket and thought back to the excitement of it being swallowed by Qiao Rubing's mouth.    


How could Qiao Rubing still have the mood to dress after such an awkward and ambiguous contact with her? He crawled up and fled, almost dying from embarrassment.    


All order on the ship was restored, in order, as if nothing had happened. If it weren't for the events of the previous night, no one would have guessed that a bloody battle had taken place on the ship, leaving a total of forty people dead, including the thugs and tourists. It could also be seen how shocking Tao Youlan's background was. Everything on the boat returned to normal in less than half a day.    


Along the way, every single person that Ye Cheng saw him would immediately put on an amiable smile, looking at him respectfully with eyes full of respect and worship.    


"Sister Lan has told everyone on the ship not to be too warm to you, lest it affects you." Ning Xiang quietly said.    


"No wonder some of the women, when they saw that I wanted to rush over right away, just kept saying hello and didn't move." Ye Cheng also did not like being surrounded and watched like a rare animal. He still liked to be low-key, unless he was forced to be high-profile.    


In order to calm the emotions of the people, Tao Youlan had specially organized this party to let the people on the boat relax and forget about last night's nightmarish experience.    


The large music hall was temporarily turned into a party venue. The interior was decorated elegantly and extravagantly with dazzling lights. Multicolored rays of light rotated back and forth, and the floor was covered with soft carpet. It was extremely comfortable to step on.    


The people who had come here were all talking and laughing, as if what happened last night was just a dream, a dream that was thrown away after waking up.    


Ye Cheng was recognized the moment he entered the hall, the men passionately surrounded him, while the men politely took the initiative to shake hands with Ye Cheng, as though they were country leaders patrolling the area. The women took the opportunity to secretly give him kiss.    


Only one man and woman did not gather around, and that was Bi Xingui and Li Suo. The two of them were extremely suspicious of when Ye Cheng had become so popular.    


Last night, Bi Xingui had gambled his life with Ye Cheng, but in the end, he was shot and injured and fainted. He slept in the infirmary for the night, and Li Suo accompanied him by his side. The two of them did not even know that Ye Cheng had saved the entire ship's people. After waking up, Bi Xingui was grinding his teeth in hatred towards Ye Cheng.    


"Isn't it just a famous suit? Do you really think you can fly on a branch and turn into a phoenix!?" Bi Xingui scoffed.    


"That's right, that's right. Seeing his complacent look, it really makes me nauseous!" Li Suo agreed with a look of extreme disgust.    


After greeting the people who surrounded them with much difficulty, Ye Cheng pulled Ning Xiang straight to the buffet's table.    


Ye Cheng had been starving for a whole day, and after seeing all sorts of delicious and delicious delicacies, his eyes turned green, wolfing down his food like he had never eaten anything good in his entire life. The expensive red wine was completely drunk like water, without any grace to speak of.    


"Pay attention to your image, you are someone with status!" She would rather warn Ye Cheng softly, and would occasionally use a napkin to gently wipe away the leftover food at the corner of her mouth.    


"I'm someone with an ID card, and I can't treat my image as a meal." Ye Cheng retorted as he ate.    


Bi Xingui had been paying attention to Ye Cheng the entire time, and when he saw Ye Cheng eating without a care for anything else, he threw him a look of extreme disdain. He hastily moved to the side of the rich men who had teamed up with him to mock Ye Cheng, pointed at Ye Cheng and said disdainfully: "Look, that guy really has no taste at all. Just look at his pathetic appearance, he's completely a countryside bumpkin and bumpkin from the village!"    


He was still thinking of joining forces with these few people again to mock and ridicule Ye Cheng, so that he could find the thrill of revenge.    


F * ck, I was almost killed by you last time, and you still dared to try to trick us, don't drag us down with you if you want to die! The few rich people all looked at Bi Xingui with hostility, some of them even wanted to slap him twice.    


"Bi Xingui, you are a vile and despicable person!"    


"To say that you're a vile person or to praise you, you're just a country bumpkin!"    


"Hurry up and get off the ship. With someone like you around, it would really be a waste of a rat's feces!"    


"Go, let's go quickly. I feel ashamed when we're only 3 feet away from such a person!"    


The few tycoons mocked him and quickly left Bi Xingui as if he was a pile of sh * t.    


"F * ck, who the hell did I offend, didn't I just say the truth!?" was full of suspicions. Previously, he and I were enemies, but now that he mentioned Ye Cheng, he started to treat me as his enemy. It must be because Ye Cheng won over a hundred million and turned me into a rich man, while I became a pauper. These merchants with high eyes and high hearts started to look down on me.    


He was even angrier, he glared at Ye Cheng with eyes filled with hatred, and felt the urge to pounce and kill Ye Cheng.    


A group of beautiful, sexy and exposed women were excitedly discussing Ye Cheng, looking at him with a strange light in their eyes, full of worship, as though Ye Cheng was their idol in their hearts.    


Bi Xingui was incomparably depressed. I was a billionaire in the past, how come I've never seen a famous lady look at me like this? He relaxed his emotions and smiled obsequiously as he walked to the side of the young lady. After hearing that, he couldn't help but interrupt, "What's so good about Ye Cheng? He doesn't have any sense of gentleness, much less taste. It's like he hasn't eaten in his entire life even for a free buffet ?    


He wanted to use all he had left to ridicule Ye Cheng, and after just a few sentences, he had attracted a round of angry stares.    


"You are the one who is lacking in grace and taste. What kind of look is that!" One of the young women glared at him fiercely.    


"Tsk, you're a complete piece of trash!" Another famous woman scolded without mercy.    


"Why would there be such a rotten person on the ship? We should be driving him off the ship!"    




Bi Xingui had attracted yet another round of curses and insults, the famous ladies as if they had seen their father's murderer, and all distanced themselves from him, not even bothering to look at him.    


They would rather offend a villain than a woman. Wherever those famous ladies went, they would spread the word. All the ladies in the hall started to point at Bi Xingui, using all kinds of evil words on him. To dare slander the great hero in our hearts, don't think that you will meet a good end. Seeing Bi Xingui walking over, they all distanced themselves from him. No one wanted to get close to him.    


Bi Xingui was completely shocked and felt worse than if he were dead. He roared in his heart: Who can tell me what exactly happened? Why had everything changed over the course of a single night?    


In his heart, Bi Xingui was rather unwilling to accept this fact, and he wanted to understand the reason behind Ye Cheng's warm welcome. He searched the crowd and finally found someone who had the same thoughts as him ? ? Song Liangjun.    


No matter what, he lost to Ye Cheng by several tens of millions just like me, he would definitely hate Ye Cheng to death.    


"Bi Xingui's fighting spirit was ignited again as he brought two cups of red wine to Song Liangjun. He first handed over one cup of red wine to him in a courteous manner, with the lowest stature." Brother Song, tell me, why did the foodie that won away tens of millions suddenly become popular? I wish I could throw him into the sea and feed him to the bastards. "    


"What Brother Song, do I know you?" Stay away from me! " Bi Xingui's hot face touched Song Liangjun's cold butt.    


Song Liangjun was also among the rich who were saved, so he was not really grateful to Ye Cheng, but he knew that Ye Cheng had already become the hero in the hearts of everyone on the ship. If they dared to say that Ye Cheng was not good at all, they would definitely gather and surround him, so standing in the same trench as Bi Xingui was definitely not a wise choice.    


He coldly swept a glance at Bi Xingui, returned the cup of red wine to Bi Xingui, and turned to leave.    


F * * k, I've been f * * king isolated! Bi Xingui's weak little heart suffered a serious blow once again, and she even had the urge to smash her head against the wall and die.    


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