The Romantic Soldier King



Sensing Lu Mengzhu's bashfulness and modesty, Ye Cheng slowly pressed his lips against her body, kissing her earlobes. The woman's ears were very sensitive, Lu Mengzhu's body felt extremely itchy, and it felt even more soft. His lips slowly moved, from top to bottom, from head to legs, as he practically kissed all over Lu Mengzhu's body.    


Under Ye Cheng's increasingly adept, seasoned kissing and teasing, Lu Mengzhu's position fell apart one after another as she started to croak out charmingly from time to time. Especially when his soft tongue penetrated into the woman's secret area, Lu Mengzhu's delicate voice became even louder. She subconsciously bent her legs and tightly clamped onto his head, as her body started to tremble violently.    


"Big brother, don't ?" Lu Mengzhu muttered dreamily, his mind and body being immersed in the huge stimulation. The pleasure of being electrocuted drowned her consciousness, and her thoughts seemed to sink into chaos, as she lost herself in the intoxicating stimulation, and her throat released a soft moan.    


Swish! Numb! It was itchy! It was an indescribable thrill and pleasure. Lu Mengzhu was gradually infected by the wondrous feeling she had never experienced before. She hugged Ye Cheng's head with both hands, her beautiful legs entangled, and her buttocks moved up and down, as if she wanted to merge her body with her opponent's body.    


"Big brother, love me!" Lu Mengzhu called out with her charming voice. She was extremely yearning in her heart, yearning for Ye Cheng to enter her body.    


Seeing that the time was right, Ye Cheng easily found the right position, his waist sinking, he rushed forward, straight at Huang Long. Gentle and gentle immediately wrapped around the fiery heat, and the two of them merged into one.    


The bed was shaking, the breathing was delicate, the heavy breathing was loud, and the sound of the birds hitting each other was loud. It was like a soul-snatching symphony reverberating in the room, easily evoking the most primitive desires of men and women.    


Various voices lingered in his ears, Chen Luoxue couldn't help but turn around and secretly admire the Spring Palace in front of him. Her face turned red, and her heart began to beat faster. Her desire was ignited once again.    


Her peeping was caught off guard by Ye Cheng, who laughed evilly as his lower body continued to move. He reached out to her waist, pulled her close to him and started to flirt with her.    


With Chen Luoxue by his side, Lu Mengzhu felt nervous, excited, and afraid. In less than five minutes, he had reached his happy peak, weakly laying on the bed, not even wanting to move his toes. Her consciousness returned to normal as she heard the coquettish moans of a woman constantly drifting into her ears. She summoned her courage and opened her eyes, and saw a very embarrassing scene.    


Chen Luoxue sat beside Lu Mengzhu, her arms wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck. Her head was thrown back, her ample breasts protruded, and her messy long hair hung down her back. She had a mesmerizing expression on her face. Her delicate body trembled, and she crossed her legs. One of her legs was still resting on Lu Mengzhu's lower abdomen, revealing her private parts.    


Ye Cheng's head was buried between Chen Luoxue's twin peaks, greedily sucking on it like a child drinking milk, and his fingers continuously moved between Chen Luoxue's legs.    


When Lu Mengzhu saw the unsightly and stimulating scene in the movie, his face immediately flushed red. He was extremely embarrassed and stood there in a daze, his eyes opened so wide that he forgot to close them.    


She felt her lower body become empty. Ye Cheng left her body and fell onto the bed while hugging Chen Luoxue.    


"elder sister Xue Luo is so bold! I've heard that when you're in love, you have to try out different positions before you can experience different fun and excitement. Next time, I must also try it out ? " Lu Mengzhu's mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts, when suddenly a pair of big hands carried her up, and the naked bodies of a man and a woman were wrapped together.    


After a long while, the bed finally recovered its tranquility. The big and small beauties nestled in Ye Cheng's embrace on the left and right sides, Lu Mengzhu's green lotus like an embarrassed face, and Chen Luoxue's mature rose like a tender and beautiful rose. The two of them closed their beautiful eyes tightly and fell into a deep slumber, feeling completely exhausted.    


In the other bedroom, He Tong and Jiang Chuyao listened to their cries for more than an hour from time to time.    


When Chen Luoxue woke up in the broad daylight, he felt a faint sense of powerlessness in his body. In the end, she could no longer remember whether she had teased Lu Mengzhu first, or Lu Mengzhu teased her first. The two of them teased Ye Cheng together, it was too crazy.    


She slowly sat up and stretched her lazy and seductive waist. Looking at Ye Cheng and Lu Mengzhu, both of them were still sleeping soundly and couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.    


After staring blankly for a long time, she finally looked out of the window. She hurriedly grabbed her phone from the bedside to check the time, it was around nine o'clock.    


"You're late for work, it's all your fault, you little scoundrel!" Chen Luoxue grumbled as she stretched out her jade hand and lightly flicked Ye Cheng's little brother. She loved and hated him at the same time.    


Ye Cheng immediately woke up after being attacked on such a sensitive area. He stared lecherously at the two balls of arrogant white rabbits in front of Chen Luoxue's chest, and quickly sneaked an attack on them, catching them in one swipe. You dared to sneak attack me while I was sleeping, did you not get enough food last night and want it again? "    


"Stop messing around!" Chen Luoxue struggled symbolically, and the object on his chest trembled back and forth. Ye Cheng was tickled by it. Get up and be late for work. It's all your fault. I've never been late. "    


"Last night, you took the initiative to try to get close to me, crying and yelling for me to help. Now, you're blaming me instead. I'm even more wronged than Dou Er!"    


"No matter what you say, it's your fault for being late. Hurry up and send me to work." Chen Luoxue coquettishly urged.    


The two of them were bickering like an old couple. They put on their clothes, tidied up, and walked out of the bedroom one after the other.    


Mu Lingdie sat in front of the bedroom door with his legs crossed. With his green shoulders, he studied the two of them with interest. Are you awake? "    


"He woke up!" After being hit by Mu Lingdie's fist, Ye Cheng's expression did not change at all, he stretched his back as if nothing had happened. "Come on, let's take you to work."    


Chen Luoxue revealed an awkward expression. Xiao Die must have guessed everything, if he knew, he would know.    


Mu Lingdie no longer spoke and silently stood up to go downstairs.    


Along the way, the three of them did not communicate at all, and the atmosphere was a little weird.    


went upstairs in the elevator after arriving at the company, as he was used to strolling around the security room.    


"Wait!" Mu Lingdie called out to Ye Cheng, and asked without emotion or sadness: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"    


"Explain what?" Ye Cheng pretended ignorance.    


"Just pretend I didn't ask." Mu Lingdie turned around and headed towards the exit of the first floor's hall.    


Ye Cheng realized that the tone of Mu Lingdie's voice was off, and immediately chased after him. Xiao Die, where are you going? "    


"None of your business!" Mu Lingdie coldly replied as he quickened his pace.    


"Halt!" Once he was outside, Ye Cheng quickened his pace, and appeared before Mu Lingdie in a flash. You're asking about Chen Luoxue and me, right? Just listen to my explanation. "    


"I don't want to hear it. You have nothing to explain to me." Mu Lingdie's tone of voice was cold, as he continued to walk forward past Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng grabbed onto Mu Lingdie's hand, "I don't plan on hiding anything from you, Chen Luoxue and Lu Mengzhu are both my women."    


"Let me go!" Mu Lingdie swung his arm and struggled.    


Ye Cheng clenched his fists tightly and roared: "Xiao Die, I was wrong, I didn't explain in time. I hid this from you, and hope you can forgive me."    


"You don't need to tell me this, and I don't want to hear it. Your matters have nothing to do with me." Last night, when he heard those sounds, Mu Lingdie pretended not to care, but his heart was in pain.    


From Lu Mengzhu, she found out that Lu Mengzhu and Chen Luoxue were both Ye Cheng's women. She had always been waiting for Ye Cheng to give her an explanation, but Ye Cheng had never mentioned these things. After being exposed by her this morning, Ye Cheng actually still intended to hide it from her, and he was very angry in his heart.    


"How can my matter have nothing to do with you? You are my wife." Ye Cheng said.    


"From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. You have several wives, so don't bother me anymore." Mu Lingdie flung Ye Cheng's hand with all his might and walked forward with big strides, with a resolute determination.    


Ye Cheng followed closely by Mu Lingdie's side, and said very earnestly: "Xiao Die, I admit that I am a philanderer, but aside from you, I also have a few women. But I truly love you, and so do all the other women. I will bring you true happiness and make you the happiest women ever. "    


"Do you think it's realistic for a man to love several women and bring them happiness at the same time?" Mu Lingdie scoffed, "This is just an excuse you need to find for your flowery heart."    


"I swear to God, my love for every woman around me is real, not the least bit hypocritical. I am different from other men. I would not just play around with a woman's emotions and body. I would really love you guys until the end of my life. " Ye Cheng said emotionally.    


"I don't believe it! I've been waiting for you to give me an explanation, but you never said a word to me. This is enough to show that you do not value me at all, that I have no place in your heart, and that your love should be left to other women, that I do not need it. "    


"I admit that I was wrong and I ignored your feelings. Time can prove everything. As long as you continue to stay by my side, I will prove to you that I am the man who loves you the most. "    


"Keep these words of yours to coax other girls. I don't believe you anymore."    


"I'm not trying to coax you. Everything I say is true. What do you want me to do to be willing to believe me?" Ye Cheng opened his arms wide and hugged Mu Lingdie tightly.    


"Mu Lingdie used all his might and kicked Ye Cheng's leg. If it was anyone else, they would definitely let out a wail and continuously jump, but Ye Cheng did not even make a sound as he tightly hugged his arms. Let me go, or I'll be rude to you! "    


"No matter how rude you are to me, I won't let you go. From the moment you called me 'husband', I never intended to let go of your hand in my life. "    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, it was true that Mu Lingdie was not moved, but she clenched her teeth tightly, not allowing her heart to loosen up.    


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