The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng arrived at Mu Lingdie's previous residence and knocked for a long time without hearing a response. He went downstairs, climbed up to the third floor with the agility of an ape, opened the window, and entered the house while no one else was around.    


The room was empty. He stretched out his finger and wiped it on the table. He found some dust on the tip of his finger, indicating that no one had lived here for a few days. Looks like Mu Lingdie hasn't returned. Where did he go? "    


Mu Lingdie's phone was always switched off, and he couldn't contact anyone at all. It wouldn't be easy for the Boundless Eastsea City to find someone.    


Ye Cheng could only support Jiang Letian and Big Blessing, if there was any news of Mu Lingdie, he had to notify him immediately. He wasn't worried about Mu Lingdie at all, he thought to himself that after being angered, he would be back.    


Just then, Shen Yu called. Bai Lu also invited them to eat dinner together, and asked Ye Cheng if he wanted to go.    


Since he had to eat dinner tonight, Ye Cheng agreed happily.    


In the evening, Ye Cheng first went to pick up the Shen Yu sisters, and then went to pick up Bai Lu.    


"The restaurants in the downtown area are getting tired of eating. I'll treat you guys to authentic farm food, okay?" Bai Lu's voice was round and gentle, like a child's, and carried a trace of the allure of being spoiled by a child.    


"It doesn't matter, as long as you like it." Ye Cheng said.    


"We have no objections either. Please do as you say!" The Shen Yu sisters knew that the main purpose of this meal was to invite Ye Cheng. They were just accompanying him and were too embarrassed to express their opinions.    


"I heard that there's a farmhouse with pretty good food. Let's go there!"    


Bai Lu led the way as he drove to the rural village at the edge of the city.    


Within the villa, there was a unique courtyard. It was not luxurious but rather, it was exquisite and elegant. Everywhere it exuded a strong rustic aura. There were patches of farmland everywhere, and all kinds of vegetables were grown there. Walking into it, it was very easy to forget the city's hustle and bustle, giving people a relaxed feeling of returning to their original nature.    


"I chose this place pretty good, right?" Bai Lu introduced smilingly: "I heard that most of the dishes here were personally grown by the employees themselves. They are completely non-toxic vegetables, completely natural."    


"This place is really good, as if we are really in a rural area. My heart immediately quieted down." Ye Cheng praised.    


"It is indeed very unique!"    


"To let people enjoy the idyllic scenery and experience the feeling of the countryside!" Shen Yu, Shen Xia, and the others also praised.    


Under the guidance of the waiter, the four of them entered a private room in the courtyard. The layout of the room was completely different from that of an ordinary restaurant's private room. There were all kinds of vegetables and fruit ornaments hung all around the room. The place was overflowing with greenery, and one would unconsciously be in a happy mood. There was a kang near the wall with a square wooden table on it.    


The four of them sat cross-legged on the sides of the square wooden table. In such an environment, having three pretty girls accompany them for a meal was indeed a type of enjoyment.    


Bai Lu took the menu and let Ye Cheng and the other two take turns to order, Ye Cheng casually ordered two dishes and passed them to Shen Yu, his eyes raised up as he pretended to glance at the red pepper decorations at the corner of the wall, then casually looked at his surroundings.    


The reason why Ye Cheng was looking at the corner was because he discovered that there was a camera hidden underneath the string of red chili ornaments. He could faintly feel that someone was watching him from the other side of the camera.    


"This restaurant doesn't seem to be friendly. It even has a camera installed in the room to look into the customers' privacy." Ye Cheng complained in his heart, but didn't mind it too much. He wouldn't do anything out of line in the private room anyway.    


"We need to drive when we get back to the elder brother Ye. Why don't we drink some red wine?" Seeing that no one objected, Bai Lu ordered a bottle of red wine.    


The dishes were served one after another, Bai Lu poured wine all over the three of them, and passionately said: "If it wasn't for elder brother Ye saving me at the clubhouse, we wouldn't have met. For our fate, let's do it first!"    


The four of them touched their cups together and Ye Cheng raised his neck to take a big gulp.    


After drinking the wine, Ye Cheng immediately felt that something was amiss. His head suddenly became drowsy, and a wave of sleepiness washed over him.    


"Why do I feel so sleepy!" Bai Lu muttered indistinctly, and suddenly laid down on the wooden table.    


Shen Yu, Shen Xia were the same, both of them fainted and their wine was scattered all over the place.    


"There's something wrong with the wine. Someone drugged it!" Ye Cheng realized where the problem lay. With a soft "plop" sound, he also laid down on the wooden table, and didn't move an inch as if he was sleeping.    


The room immediately fell into absolute silence, so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard. No one expected the red wine to be so passive.    


"Creak!" A moment later, the door was pushed open and three men walked in.    


Seeing the four unconscious people beside the wooden table, the leading man started to laugh maniacally without restraint. His laughter was filled with complacency and schadenfreude. He pointed at Ye Cheng and said, "This is the guy who led the way and beat you up yesterday, right?"    


One of the hooligans nodded his head: "Right, he is the boss of Yiyi's Bar, Ye Cheng!"    


The man disdainfully snorted and said, "Rumor has it that this guy is very powerful. He could fight against a hundred people at once. Now that he's unconscious, isn't he still free for me to slaughter? I'll make him die, who dares to keep him until the fifth fragment. "    


"This brat doesn't know his place. If he dares to go against Brother Jin, there will be no good ending."    


"Our Brother Jin has the courage and power, he isn't even fit to carry Brother Jin's shoes." The two hooligans quickly flattered him.    


The leading man was 24K Gang Leader Jin Dongbo. Listening to his two lackeys flattering him, he became even more proud and full of smiles.    


"Aiyo, there are also three beautiful girls." Jin Dongbo's lustful eyes looked at the three girls for a while, and could not help but swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva, feeling itchy in his heart. He coughed and calmly said, "Well, take these three girls back to the car. I want to check them myself and take them into the gang."    


"Big brother is wise!" The two lackeys' eyes were shining brightly. When these three beauties become members of a gang, if Big Bro has enough fun, it should be our turn, right?    


Jin Dongbo took out a dagger, and pointed it at Ye Cheng while flaunting his might: "Go, get that brat down here. "To dare go against me, you have to cripple him. Let him know how powerful I, 24K, am!"    


The two lackeys got onto the bed, carried Ye Cheng to the edge of the brick bed.    


"Let's bleed him first. Where should we start?" Jin Dongbo casually waved the dagger and looked down Ye Cheng's face.    


Just then, Ye Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and shot out two cold beams of light. Jin Dongbo had not realized that he was still immersed in the fantasy of how to torture Ye Cheng.    


"Have you decided on where to start?" Ye Cheng coldly asked.    


"Don't disturb me, I was just thinking!" After saying these words, Jin Dongbo finally reacted and hurriedly stared at Ye Cheng's face. What entered his eyes was Ye Cheng's cold smile. "You ?"    


Ye Cheng raised his leg and fiercely kicked Jin Dongbo's crotch. This fellow immediately let out a scream that was even more miserable than a pig's death. It clutched its crotch as it kneeled on the ground.    


"Big brother!" The two delinquents were just about to shout when Ye Cheng grabbed them by the collar and threw them off the brick bed.    


Before the two could stand up, Ye Cheng's heel had arrived and kicked them hard in the head. With a stifled groan, the sight before them turned dark, and they fainted.    


Ye Cheng turned around and kicked again. Jin Dongbo fell to the ground like a dog eating its shit. Ye Cheng then came and stepped on Jin Dongbo's face, and he bent down to pick up the dagger. Was it you who said you would cripple me? "    


"It's not me, big brother, you misheard!" Jin Dongbo watched from the monitor as Ye Cheng fainted after drinking the red wine. He did not even manage to figure out how he woke up.    


"You mean my ears aren't working?" Ye Cheng held the dagger and placed it beside Jin Dongbo's ear.    


Jin Dongbo felt his ear turn cold, he was scared stiff and quickly tried to please her: "It's my ears that are not working, I was the one who said that, big brother I was wrong, please forgive me!"    


"Too late!" Without hesitation, Ye Cheng swung his hand. The dagger sliced through the middle of Jin Dongbo's ear, cutting him in half. If the three women were not here, Ye Cheng would have immediately cut off Jin Dongbo's ears.    


Jin Dongbo howled out in pain again, the force of Ye Cheng's stomping on his face increased by a little, and he roared out: "Shut your stinky mouth, if you scream again, the dagger will be stuck in your throat, turning you into a mute!"    


Jin Dongbo was so shocked that he immediately shut his mouth tightly and moaned in pain, not daring to scream again.    


The sweat medicine that was added to the red wine must be Jin Dongbo's doing. But Ye Cheng was suspicious: On the way to the village, he did not discover anyone following him, which meant that Jin Dongbo had come to this place in advance, waiting for him to take the bait.    


Coming here to eat, only he, Bai Lu and Shen Yu knew about it. Could it be that one of the three of them knew of Jin Dongbo and had secretly leaked the news?    


"Tell me, how did you know I was eating here?" Ye Cheng threatened coldly: "You dare to lie to me, I'll take your little life!"    


"It was a mysterious man who told me to go to your bar and make trouble. I have no enmity with you, I really don't want to offend you. " Jin Dongbo replied as he bared his teeth.    


"Who is that mysterious person?" Ye Cheng continued to ask.    


"I don't know, I'm not lying to you, I really don't know!" Jin Dongbo was tightly controlled by Ye Cheng and the dagger was right on his neck. All I know is that he's a man and he called me. I've never seen him. "    


Ye Cheng took out his phone from Jin Dongbo's body, "Call him and contact him. Tell him that you've caught me and asked him what to do next."    


"Yes, yes!" Jin Dongbo took the phone and placed it in front of his eyes. Trembling, he rummaged through his phone records and dialed a number. In the end, he found a message on the phone: The number you have dialed is empty.    


"F * ck, you still dare to lie to me!"    


"Big brother, big sir, I swear to the heavens that that person really used this number to contact me. I want to say something fake: I will die a horrible death and die a horrible death!" Jin Dongbo repeatedly swore with poison in his heart.    


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