The Romantic Soldier King



After all, they were not professional soldiers, so they were well-trained. They were just gangsters and had only received a little training. In terms of combat strength, they were still a lot weaker than the regular army. Their mistake would not occur in the army.    


It was all because of these two. If not for the fact that these two were brave enough to charge in through the windows and catch them off guard, they would not have lost control of the top floor. Nobody below would be able to charge in.    


"Concentrate your fire on them and kill them both." Chi Tian decisively gave the order to kill Ye Cheng and An Gaohan. No matter what, he had to pay the price to kill these two.    


"It's not up to you to say anything now." Seeing the large army rushing towards him, Ye Cheng heaved a sigh of relief. The pressure on him immediately dropped. At his level, it wasn't that he could take bullets head-on, but dodging bullets wasn't a problem. If those super human beings came, one of them could easily kill all of Inagawa-kai's underlings.    


I don't know when I'll be as strong as Overland. Ye Cheng thought. He yearned for power. He also wanted to be like Overland, with a power that others couldn't compare to.    


Ye Cheng moved through the crowd like a ghost. Not to mention aiming with a gun, it was extremely difficult to see his movements clearly with one's eyes. And every time Ye Cheng stopped, one of the Inagawa-kai people would fall.    


"Eight." Chi Tian pressed the trigger and the gun in his hand started to burn. A warrior was shot in the middle of his forehead and fell to the ground, dead.    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng immediately stopped what he was doing and turned his gaze to Chi Tian. Even though Chi Tian had made a tactical mistake this time, his individual strength was still very strong, especially his spear skills. In the blink of an eye, he had killed three warriors.    


In order to prevent the number of people who would sacrifice their lives from increasing, Ye Cheng didn't even think about it as he directly pounced towards Chi Tian. Only now did Ye Cheng realize that his previous strategy had been a little wrong.    


If Ye Cheng hid himself somewhere, he really wouldn't be able to hit Ye Cheng in the crowd. However, Ye Cheng pounced straight at him, he was extremely confident in his spear skills, and believed that he would definitely be able to kill Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng would pay the price for his arrogance, and this price would be death.    


"Bang, bang, bang." Without hesitation, Chi Tian pulled the trigger consecutively. All three shots were shot towards Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng who was rushing forward, did not care about his image or face, and immediately rolled on the ground, avoiding the three shots, then he rushed towards Chi Tian without any decrease in speed. At this moment, he was only five meters away from Chi Tian. Chi Tian only had one shot at most.    


"Die." Chi Tian did not expect Ye Cheng to be so powerful, to actually have such a quick reaction, and seeing that Ye Cheng was getting closer and closer to him, he panicked, and anxiously fired again.    


Ye Cheng's head tilted, and a bullet brushed past his shoulders. In the next moment, Ye Cheng was already close to Chi Tian, and with a slash of the blade without any explanation, Chi Tian was pushed back half a step in his haste, causing Ye Cheng's thrust to miss.    


However, Ye Cheng's reaction speed was extremely fast. With a flip of his wrist, the dagger stabbed into Chi Tian horizontally. This time, Chi Tian simply did not have enough time to react.    


"Eight." Chi Tian used the butt of his spear to smash towards Ye Cheng, but was hit by Ye Cheng's hand, causing him to faint. He was someone who only used his spear and brain, and his close combat skills were weak. It was not strange for Ye Cheng to take care of him quickly.    


The moment Chi Tian fell to the ground, the group of people from Inagawa-kai lost their backbone. They were originally not as good as the elite warriors from the garrison area. At this moment, his backbone was gone and he no longer had the will to fight. As he threw down his gun and placed his hands on his head, everyone followed suit, raising their hands in surrender.    


"Phew ?" "It's over." Zhao Hongwu had also experienced a gun battle just now, and he had not experienced such an occasion for many years, so he was still a little not used to it. Cold sweat had emerged on his forehead, but for Ye Cheng and An Gaohan, both of them had calm expressions.    


These people had done a lot of things in the Eastsea City, and each of them had a life on their hands. As long as they were able to investigate a case overnight and convict the people of the Inagawa-kai, even if the Eastern Government intervened, it would be useless.    


"It's only been ten minutes, and we've already lost more than ten warriors. This is more than a dozen fresh lives!" Zhao Hongwu looked at the corpses of the soldiers that were being carried out, and felt deeply.    


"If there is a war, there will be sacrifices. We've done well enough. " Ye Cheng said indifferently. When Zhao Hongwu said these words, it was obvious that he was used to living a comfortable life.    


After a big battle, Ye Cheng dragged his exhausted body and walked back. He'd thought that he'd be able to live a leisurely life after he'd left the army, but who would've thought that he'd end up back on his old path?    


To Ye Cheng, Chen Luoxue was his home. As for this place, his sense of belonging was the strongest. Amongst these women of his, Chen Luoxue had the most experience from him and had the deepest relationship with him.    


"Snowfall, I'm back." When Ye Cheng got home, it was already close to midnight. Just in case Chen Luoxue was worried, Ye Cheng changed into a clean set of clothes and threw away the clothes that were stained with blood.    


"You still know how to come back?" When Chen Luoxue saw Ye Cheng, her beautiful eyes flashed a look of pleasant surprise, but she pretended to be angry.    


During this time, not to mention leaving early and returning late, Ye Cheng had rarely gone to the company. Besides, he never came back at night. As Ye Cheng's closest woman, she naturally knew that other than her, Ye Cheng also had many other women.    


No matter how magnanimous a woman was, it was impossible for her to not have some complaints on this matter. Chen Luoxue was no exception. She pouted, obviously jealous.    


Of course, Ye Cheng would not tell Chen Luoxue the truth. Fighting against the hundred over bandits of the Inagawa-kai would only make her worry.    


Ye Cheng's face revealed a lewd smile. In the midst of Chen Luoxue's cry of surprise, he directly hugged Chen Luoxue's hot body with his waist, and hadn't been intimate with Chen Luoxue for a few days. Ye Cheng missed her a lot and missed her sexy and mature body a lot.    


"Quickly put me down, I'll be bad the moment I come back." Chen Luoxue struggled symbolically with his mouth, obviously not thinking the same thing. If she had truly struggled, things would not have ended up like this.    


Her face flushed red, but even so, she still felt embarrassed. Because she was suddenly hugged horizontally, in shock, her hands naturally wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck.    


Seeing Ye Cheng looking at her with a smile on his face, Chen Luoxue snorted lightly, "You pervert. You bully me when you come back."    


Ye Cheng enjoyed Chen Luoxue's massaging, and laughed: Isn't this what you wished for?    


Chen Luoxue had originally wanted to say, 'It's not like you're made of steel, you've struggled with other women so many times, you ?' Before he could finish, he felt something hot against his hip. He didn't even need to look to know that it was a man's item.    


Chen Luoxue opened his eyes wide, one hand covering his small mouth, his wriggling body also quieted down, and couldn't help but let out a cry.    


Ye Cheng knew that all women only had words but not their heart. Although she said that she did not want it, in reality, she just wanted it. He ignored her request and carried her to the bed, letting her sit on his lap.    


She looked down at him, blushing like fire. He was charming, and he even looked a bit loose and unrestrained. Wasn't the wife that a man asked for a woman who was a noblewoman in front of him and a slut in bed?    


After an unknown period of time, the two of them finally fell asleep with their arms wrapped around each other.    


When Ye Cheng woke up again, it was already past nine in the morning on the second day. Fortunately, it was Saturday and the company didn't have to work. Otherwise, Chen Luoxue would definitely be late. He did not know why, but he was countless times more spirited than before. He tossed and turned Chen Luoxue countless times until it was 2 in the morning when he finally fell asleep.    


Seeing Chen Luoxue, who was nestled in his embrace and had been ravaged for an entire night, his face pale white, completely exhausted and with disheveled hair, Ye Cheng felt a little guilty. However, he was quickly attracted by his wife's snow-white breasts which were exposed beneath the sheet. His lust rose again as he tossed his guilt to the back of his head. His two demon hands couldn't help but stroke Chen Luoxue's beautiful body. However, due to the terrible ravages he had suffered last night, Chen Luoxue had not recovered from it yet.    


After Ye Cheng forced himself to act, he walked into the bathroom. He did not eat last night, so he was a little hungry now. Seeing that Chen Luoxue was still sleeping soundly on the bed, he could only cook breakfast for himself.    


He scooped up the rice and put it in the electric cooker. Then, he took out the leftovers from last night from the fridge and heated them up a little.    


After the meal was almost done, Ye Cheng went to Chen Luoxue's room. Seeing that Chen Luoxue was still sleeping, he called her over.    


"The sun is already setting on my buttocks." Ye Cheng walked over and smacked Chen Luoxue on his butt.    


Chen Luoxue opened his sleepy eyes and felt powerless. After sitting up, he leaned against the head of the bed and said weakly, "Just let me sleep a little more. I really don't have any strength left."    


"Alright." Ye Cheng also nodded.    


After around ten minutes or so, as Ye Cheng was eating breakfast, Chen Luoxue walked out wearing only a white nightgown with her feet bare and a face full of weariness. The nightdress was extremely sexy, completely exposing Chen Luoxue's sexy body.    


"This little girl, she's so sexy wearing it so early in the morning." Ye Cheng was secretly surprised. If he was not too tired, he would have tried to take Chen Luoxue down on the spot.    


"Oh yeah, come with me to the company for a while today. My cousin seems to have something to talk to you about." Before Chen Luoxue walked into the bathroom, he suddenly remembered something and turned to tell Ye Cheng.    


Was Qiao Rubing looking for me for something? He wondered why this super beauty was looking for him. Ye Cheng nodded his head, indicating that he knew.    


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