The Romantic Soldier King



At one in the morning, Ye Cheng who was resting with his eyes closed suddenly opened his bright eyes, turned around and sat up. He changed into a set of tight and clean clothes, packed his things, and quietly left the house.    


In less than half an hour, Ye Cheng arrived at an office building. He took out the tracking device and checked again. The last place she was going to land was under this building.    


He parked his car in a secluded place and put his pistol away. Then, he quickly walked down towards the building. Before coming here, he had already investigated the structure and layout of the basement through the secret service system and had memorized it completely.    


A few minutes later, Ye Cheng appeared in the underground parking lot. He hid behind the closest car to the anti-theft door in the basement and looked carefully. There was a surveillance camera right above the anti-theft door, constantly monitoring the situation in front of the door and there were no blind spots. If he wanted to enter this door, he would definitely be discovered.    


"Anyway, I'm here to set a fire and kill people. I'll destroy the surveillance cameras first." Ye Cheng took out a handful of throwing knife s and used all his strength to throw them into the camera.    


"Clang!" With a clear sound, the throwing knife accurately pierced the camera, smashing it into pieces and destroying its function.    


Ye Cheng leaped out of the car like a cheetah, and in less than a second he was right in front of the door. He casually picked up the throwing knife on the ground, swiftly took out his master key, and goo, opened the anti-theft door, and entered.    


The two people in the monitoring room at the door suddenly realized that the monitoring screen had turned pitch black. One of them asked in confusion, "What's going on? Is the monitoring screen broken?"    


"I'll go take a look!" The other person stretched his body and yawned as he walked towards the door.    


When he opened the door and took a step forward, a big hand covered his mouth tightly. Following a flash of cold light, a bloody wound appeared on his neck. He didn't even make a sound before dying.    


Ye Cheng supported the person who was knocked down, sweeping his gaze inside the house, then swung his right hand, causing the throwing knife that was still dripping blood to fly inside the house like a bullet.    


The other person stared at the black screen in boredom, not noticing that his companion had been killed. He suddenly felt a cold sensation on his neck, and the scream he had just let out came to a sudden stop. His body spasmed, his head tilted to the side, and he powerlessly slumped into his seat.    


Ye Cheng dragged the person in his hand into the room and placed him on the chair. He then took out the throwing knife s from another person's neck and wiped the blood off the blade's body.    


There were four tunnels in the basement, which had a complicated layout that connected everywhere. There were a lot of rooms, but this kind of complicated environment was more advantageous to Ye Cheng. It was abnormally quiet inside. Most of the people from the Inagawa-kai who were hiding here were deep asleep, no one expected that the God of Slaughter who sent them to hell would silently sneak in.    


Ye Cheng raised his vigilance by 120% and slowly moved along the corridor. His footsteps were very light, and it was as if he landed soundlessly on the ground while stepping on cotton. He had no idea how many people were hiding in the basement or where they lived.    


The reason why he dared to infiltrate alone was due to his strong skills and his unexpected sneak attack. He had caught all of these Avians unprepared. Although he was not an assassin, his assassination techniques were definitely top-notch.    


Ye Cheng quietly opened the door to a room, a bright light immediately shot out from between the crack of the door, and the faint smell of alcohol, incense, and cigarettes mixed together assaulted his nose, carrying a strong smell of erosion.    


"There's someone here!" Ye Cheng was overjoyed, sliding in like a mudfish. In order not to alarm the people in the basement, he could only search through the stupidest way possible.    


There were three people sleeping on the wide bed. Two men were carrying a woman. The bed sheets were carelessly draped over their bodies. One glance was enough to tell that they were completely naked. There were piles of toilet paper scattered on the floor, and you didn't need to guess to know what they had been wiped with.    


F * ck, no wonder the smell was so strong. Two people with one woman! Ye Cheng frowned, and gently touched the bedside. The three on the bed slept like dead pigs, completely unaware of the arrival of death.    


"I'll send you back to the West!" Ye Cheng used one hand to cover the mouth and nose of the man closest to him.    


The sudden stabbing pain from his neck made him struggle violently, Meng Song's eyes opened wide, seeing the unfamiliar Ye Cheng, his pupils revealed shock.    


The other man and woman slept soundly, with no signs of movement or detection. It was evident that they had played quite well last night.    


"Birdy people from the island nation dared to come to China to cause trouble. They deserved to die!" Ye Cheng took out his throwing knife and delivered another man to his maternal grandma's house.    


Ye Cheng looked at the woman carefully. From the muscles of her arms, she looked like a martial practitioner. He didn't hesitate to stab this woman as well. As long as it was someone from the Inagawa-kai, he would not let her off.    


After taking care of the two men and one woman, Ye Cheng walked out of the room and locked the door. "He continued to search carefully, but he did not find anyone even after he opened a few doors." Not every house is occupied, and it looks like there won't be many Birdmen hidden here. "    


"Ah ?" Ye Cheng immediately dodged to the side and pressed his ear against the door. The painful cries became clearer, but the sounds were not loud, and were a little unclear.    


Waiting for the cries of pain to die down, Ye Cheng opened his door and quickly entered the house. Holding the throwing knife in his right hand, he maintained a ready to attack at any time, his eyes swept across the house like lightning.    


There were two men lying on the bed. One of them was bare-chested with gauze wrapped around his chest. The cry of pain was made by that person. The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth revealed a smile. They had met again so quickly, and even if they managed to escape the first one, they would not be able to escape the fifteenth one.    


These two were none other than the two who had ambushed Ye Cheng at night.    


The method of slicing the neck was too simple for Ye Cheng. With his skillful hands, these two people who were in a daze also lost their lives.    


He then searched through a few houses. There were two people living inside, and all of them were easily taken care of by Ye Cheng in his dreams. Furthermore, the layout and furnishings of these houses were extremely similar. They were like the guest rooms of a hotel. The entrance was a bathroom, and inside the bathroom, there were two single beds or a large double bed.    


Ye Cheng passed through a corridor, and came to another corridor, and like before, he entered the closest room without a sound or trace of a ghost. There was a light on in the bathroom and the sound of water splashing could be heard.    


"We ran into someone using the toilet!" Ye Cheng quickly rushed inside, planning to kill the other person first and then clean up the guy who went to the toilet.    


There were two single beds in the room, but there was no one on them. One of the quilts was neatly folded. The other single bed had two women's personal belongings on the headboard, so it was obvious that there was only one person sleeping in this room, and it was a woman.    


Ye Cheng sniffed, smelling a light fragrance, a body fragrance unique to women. He stepped back, pressing his body against the wall outside the bathroom.    


The sound of running water stopped. The bathroom door opened and a woman's figure appeared.    


Ye Cheng quickly extended his hand out like lightning and covered the woman's mouth. At the same time, the throwing knife pressed onto her chest and said coldly: "Don't move, move a bit and I'll kill you!"    


The woman turned pale with fright. Her hazy sleepiness was instantly swept away, and she widened her eyes in shock as she looked at the man in front of her.    


The two of them looked at each other, and a playful smile surfaced on Ye Cheng's face. Meizi, we meet again! "    


Seeing that the person in front of her was the Ye Cheng that she could not even dream of, Mei Zi's heart thumped once, feeling even more astonished. She completely did not realize that Ye Cheng had set up a tracker on her, and did not expect that she had just ambushed Ye Cheng at night. It had only been a few hours, and Ye Cheng had already snuck in.    


How did he find this? How did he get in? Didn't anyone discover him? In an instant, several questions appeared in Mei Zi's mind.    


"Enter!" Ye Cheng controlled Mei Zi and walked into the bathroom. He kicked her with the heel and closed the door.    


She was only wearing a thin white pajamas with a sling on the right side falling onto her white arm, revealing half of her breasts. It was very seductive. Under the dim yellow light, her beautiful body was faintly discernible. It was obvious that she was not wearing anything underneath.    


Ye Cheng had an evil smile on his face as he sized Mei Zi's body up. The throwing knife would only need to exert a little more force to cut open her pajamas and stab into her soft bosom. "Did you know that I would come tonight and dress like this to welcome me?"    


"Woo woo!" There was an indistinct sound coming from her throat.    


"Don't shout or else kill your first daughter!" Ye Cheng suddenly released the left hand that was covering Mei Zi's mouth, and quickly poked her body a few times.    


"What do you want?" Mei Zi wanted to struggle, but discovered that she could not move her hands and feet after Ye Cheng had pointed out her acupoints.    


"Of course I'm here to settle the score with you! To attack me at night and to destroy my battle with my wife, how do you think we should settle this debt? " Ye Cheng unrestrainedly tore off the strap on the right of Mei Zi, completely exposing half of her soft bosom. After that, he climbed onto her with a big hand and began to knead her breasts without restraint.    


"Let me go!" "She was ashamed and angry, and cursed in her heart." If you touch again, I'll call for help! "    


"Just shout and see if your shout is faster or my knife is faster!" Ye Cheng moved the throwing knife in his right hand, and pressed the tip of the blade against the cherry on top of the stone.    


She could clearly feel the sharpness of the blade tip. As long as Ye Cheng used a little more strength, he would be able to cut into the soft peak like cutting tofu. She stared at Ye Cheng in hatred, not daring to yell wildly yet not wanting to be humiliated by Ye Cheng. She didn't know what to do for a moment.    


"Do you feel wronged? When you repeatedly tried to assassinate me, you never thought that you would end up like this? " Ye Cheng grabbed her pyjamas and pulled fiercely at it. With a 'hiss', he tore her pyjamas into two, completely revealing her snow-white lamb-like body.    


"Come ?" Mei-zi was extremely embarrassed and wanted to shout loudly to inform her other companions.    


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