The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng sent Mu Lingdie to the entrance of the residential complex, and when he saw her get off the car, he anxiously shouted: "Xiao Die, are you not going to take the initiative to invite me over to your place?"    


"I won't lure a wolf into the house!" Mu Lingdie waved his hand and walked into the small sector without looking back.    


"Sigh, you don't even know how to be polite!" Tonight, he had teased Mu Lingdie continuously a few times, but the other party did not seem to truly be angry. Ye Cheng thought to himself that there was a way, and happily left.    


On the way home, Ye Cheng passed by a luxurious five-star hotel. With a quick glance, he saw a beautiful woman with a slim figure and peerless beauty walking out of the door. Two men in suits followed closely behind her.    


"Zhou Jialin!" He immediately recognized the woman and slowed down his car.    


The servant by the door politely opened the car door for Zhou Jialin. She got on the luxurious Bentley, and the two bodyguards quickly got into the front seat. The car started slowly and under the protection of a bodyguard car at the front and back, they drove onto the main road.    


Very quickly, three cars sped past Ye Cheng's car. Whoosh. Ye Cheng was not anxious to return home, he leisurely followed behind him. It was not because he wanted to follow Zhou Jialin, but it was just right along the way.    


Not long after the three cars passed, another two black Santana overtook Ye Cheng and maintained a certain distance from the group of carriages in front.    


Ye Cheng immediately noticed that something was amiss, the two black Santana seemed to be following him, and was paying extra attention to him.    


's convoy continued onward, just in time to catch a red light. Ye Cheng steadily stopped the car. At this time, he noticed two off-road vehicles driving out from the intersection on the right and followed Zhou Jialin's convoy. The previous two Santana had also slowed down.    


"Cross Tracking!" Ye Cheng's vigilance increased, it seemed like the people in these vehicles were also tracking experts, what were these people trying to do, why were they following Zhou Jialin?    


Originally, Ye Cheng should have turned the corner, but seeing that Zhou Jialin was being followed, he decided to follow and take a look. Although he had some disagreements with her before, Ye Cheng would never hold a grudge.    


Ye Cheng did not plan to remind Zhou Jialin, because if the person following her had any plans, reminding her now would only alert her, and she would not be so lucky the next time they met. He maintained a uniform speed and followed the following cars from a distance, keeping them within his line of sight.    


The mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole, as well as the stalker car's full attention, were all focused on Zhou Jialin's caravan, so much so that they did not notice the car that was secretly following them.    


Along the way, Ye Cheng noticed that another two black Toyota Cars had joined the line of people following him. If it wasn't for Ye Cheng who was at the back, it would be difficult to detect that there were cars following them.    


After leaving the city area, Zhou Jialin's group drove along the coastal road towards the Eastern Ocean Ming Zhu Inn. Along the way, the number of cars gradually decreased, and a few following cars were slowly exposed. Maybe because Zhou Jialin's team was alerted and started to speed up, but these cars no longer cared about travelling at full speed, two off-road vehicles quickly approached the bodyguard car at the back of the team, the other two Santana followed closely behind, waiting for the opportunity to make their move.    


As a result, the tracking car was completely exposed, and the last bodyguard car started to swing left and right, trying to stop the car behind to buy time for Zhou Jialin to leave. However, this bodyguard car could only accommodate one side, it was difficult to accommodate the other side.    


One of the SUVs suddenly accelerated, and like a ferocious beast, it overtook them from the right. The driver's driving skill was quite good, and his timing was very good as well.    


The bodyguard car, seeing that it was about to be overtaken, fiercely changed directions. The car quickly moved to the right, and without a good grasp, the rear end of the car collided violently with the front of the SUV. The off-road jeep behind was clearly not easy to deal with. After being hit, it immediately increased its speed and slammed into the back of the bodyguard car.    


Muffled collision sounds rang out one after another. In an instant, the back of the bodyguard car deformed and its body began to shake violently.    


Taking advantage of the moment when the two cars were fighting, the other car, Yue Yang, and the other two Santana swept past and left the bodyguard car behind as they chased after Zhou Jialin's car.    


Ye Cheng no longer hesitated as he sped up and followed a Santana. He believed that the car in front had already found him, and their target was obviously even more important. He did not care what happened to the bodyguard car, saving Zhou Jialin was the most important.    


After leaving the city, the two Toyota cars were the first to overtake the team. At this moment, the two cars appeared in front of the leading bodyguard car. Five or six masked men jumped out of the car. They held handguns or submachine guns as they fired at the lead bodyguard.    


"Bang, bang!" Two of the bullets hit Lun Tai and an ear-piercing screeching sound rang out. The bodyguard car lost its control and the wheels created sparks as they slammed into the fence. It was obvious that the car Zhou Jialin was riding on had a bulletproof mechanism. When the bullets hit the glass, it sounded like the sound of popping beans.    


In the carriage, Zhou Jialin's face was pale white, she had been protected by her family ever since she was young, and she was afraid to fall, so she held her hands out for fear of falling down, when had she ever experienced such a scene?    


"Eldest Miss, sit still!" The bodyguard drove the luxury Bentley with all his might to increase the throttle. The engine rumbled as he charged towards the gap between the two cars.    


"Bam!" With a loud noise, the two cars were pushed away. The masked criminals no longer cared about shooting and quickly dodged them. Zhou Jialin, who was sitting in the back seat, swayed unsteadily, her beautiful face turning pale, and her body continuously collided into the car, causing her to clench her teeth in pain.    


"Chase!" One by one, the masked thugs got into the car and chased after them.    


With this delay, the three carts that were chasing closely followed up. The three carts maintained their speed to the maximum as they attacked Zhou Jialin's carts, and the criminals even shot at them.    


The bodyguard saw that he couldn't get rid of the tracking car, so he suddenly slowed down and leaned his car to the side. Because the bodyguard wanted to protect Zhou Jialin's absolute safety, he didn't dare to fight against the criminals head-on. He wanted to take the opportunity to turn the car around and drive in the opposite direction so that he could get rid of the stalker.    


In that instant, a Santana roared past, and with a beautiful horizontal swing, it blocked the path ahead. The other car skidded to a stop. As for the off-road car, it violently crashed into the luxurious Bentley. It hit the driver's door and the bodyguard who was driving the car was injured on the spot.    


Four masked men rushed out of the Santana, their AK-47s aimed at the windshield of the luxury Bentley. The muzzle emitted intense firelight, and gunshots rang out incessantly. The windows of the luxury Bentley flashed with bullet marks, and the bulletproof glass resisted the first round of heavy fire.    


Ye Cheng who was following closely behind also arrived, he did not stop and instead fiercely stepped on the throttle, causing the Mercedes-Benz 500 to fly like an arrow out of the bow as it flew towards the SUV. With a "hong" sound, the SUV was thrown horizontally from the collision.    


Ye Cheng steadily controlled the car, a series of movements in his hands made people dizzy, the ear-piercing sound of tires rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded out, the car suddenly retreated, then quickly rushed forward, once again colliding with the horizontally side of the road.    


"Clang!" The jeep was flipped over on the spot, and the sound of metal shattering continuously came out, the car was rolling towards the direction of Zhou Jialin's driver.    


After settling the off-road vehicle, Ye Cheng quickly changed gears and flung the car backwards. The gangsters from the other Santana had also gotten off, with four submachine guns waving towards Ye Cheng's car. The sound of bullets whistling through the air rang out endlessly. The firepower was extremely fierce.    


Ye Cheng's Mercedes-Benz 500 was a special vehicle specially designed for special agents. It's bulletproof equipment were all relatively perfect and could withstand certain explosion and charge, so the bullets could not penetrate it at all. Another series of tires on the ground sounded, and the car quickly crashed into the attacking Santana.    


Seeing this, the gangster quickly dodged. The car bumped into one of the men and pushed him against Santana's car. The man was almost smashed into a bloody pulp.    


Ye Cheng quickly opened the car door on the other side and rolled down, conveniently picking up the dead person's submachine gun. One of them hid behind the car and fired at the kidnappers. Several of them were killed on the spot, blood splattered everywhere, and their corpses were lying on the ground.    


A series of gunshots rang out, Ye Cheng quickly retreated to the back of the carriage and the bullets swept past his head. After all, he was just one person, and there were a lot of criminals. Most of them used submachine guns, and the fierce firepower suppressed him so that he could not show his face.    


The criminal who was attacking Zhou Jialin's car previously aimed at the luxurious Bentley again. The violent shooting quickly destroyed the car's bulletproof glass, and the two bodyguards who were unable to dodge in time were shot dead. Zhou Jialin was in the back seat, using the front seat to cover her delicate body, she didn't even dare to raise her head.    


Taking advantage of the slow fire, Ye Cheng quickly took out his gun from the back of the carriage and shot again. The heads of the two kidnappers were immediately pierced through as their brains burst out and they fell flat on the ground.    


His counterattack brought with it a burst of firepower, a burst of gunfire, and the whizzing sound of bullets striking metal. He suddenly smelled gasoline and cursed. The bear's gas tank had been punctured.    


Ye Cheng's reaction was extremely fast, he bent down and kicked out as if he was running towards a luxurious bentley. "Boom!" A deafening explosion sounded, and he suddenly pounced forward.    


The violent explosion instantly shattered Santana into pieces, rolling out black smoke and flames. Lun Tai was also blown away by the explosion, the blazing fire mixed with the billowing smoke pushed Ye Cheng's body forward, and then rolled onto the ground.    


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