The Romantic Soldier King



"Ye Cheng, thank you very much. If you weren't here, I really wouldn't know what to do!" Qiao Rubing was grateful to be able to see that Ye Cheng was sincerely helping him.    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng to speak, Chen Luoxue rushed to say: "Cousin sister, Ye Cheng is my man ? Younger brother, we can be considered a family. It's only right for him to help us, so there's no need for you to be courteous with him. "    


I've become a family member so quickly, I don't think I'm related to Qiao Rubing at all right? Ye Cheng laughed: "My sister is right, president Qiao does not need to be courteous, if you give your all, I will definitely not miss a single point."    


"Since we are family, you can call me by my name from now on." Qiao Rubing took the opportunity to rope Ye Cheng in.    


Chen Luoxue had already realized it long ago. Ye Cheng was pretending to be Qiao Rubing's fiancee as he said with a smile, "Then let's have him call you cousin from now on as well."    


In front of Qiao Rubing, Ye Cheng was too embarrassed to refuse. Besides, it would not be bad if he could get a cousin who was like a flower and jade-like, and have someone protect him in the company.    


"Call him whatever he wants!" Qiao Rubing carefully asked: "Ye Cheng, after I raise the money, what should I do?"    


Ye Cheng replied without hesitation: "We'll talk about it when the time comes, let's see what happens one step at a time. "Once you've contacted the bank, you can go back to your rooms to rest."    


Although he knew that his father was temporarily safe, he was still in the hands of the kidnappers.    


Seeing that Qiao Rubing had no intention to go to sleep, Ye Cheng looked at him. The two of them lived under the same roof for a period of time, and they already had a little mutual understanding. Chen Luoxue immediately understood what Ye Cheng meant. She advised, "Cousin, Uncle Qiao is temporarily safe. Before the kidnapper gets the money, he definitely won't be harmed, so you don't have to worry too much. Let's go back to our room, I'll sleep with you tonight. "    


"Alright!" Qiao Rubing glanced at Ye Cheng, and politely asked: "Ye Cheng, where are you sleeping tonight?"    


"I'll arrange a guest room for him. Cousin, you don't have to worry about that. Let's go to bed first. You still have a lot of things to do tomorrow! " Chen Luoxue stood up, one hand holding Qiao Rubing's arm, and pulled her up.    


Ye Cheng scratched his head: "Tonight, I have to stay at Qiao... "Ru Bing's room." Afraid of causing a misunderstanding, he hurriedly explained, "I don't have any other intentions, I negotiated with the kidnappers as your boyfriend. I can stay in your room to guard against those kidnappers. Besides, you are in an extremely dangerous position right now, so I have to be more vigilant. I need to protect you closely and not give the kidnappers any opportunities to escape. "    


After hearing Ye Cheng's explanation, Qiao Rubing heaved a sigh of relief, but she had no shame to sleep in the same room as Ye Cheng. I'm in the villa, there won't be any danger right? "Besides, there are also bodyguards outside."    


"That's not necessarily true. When my friend from National Security Agency entered the villa, the bodyguards outside did not notice at all." Ye Cheng really wanted to say that these bodyguards were just decorations, but he reckoned that it was on Qiao Rubing's account that he did not say anything. It's a little inappropriate for me to do this, but it's all for your safety. "    


"It's safer with Ye Cheng by our side!" Chen Luoxue advised: "Cousin sister, just listen to his arrangements, safety first."    


"Alright, then I'll go and clean up the bedroom first." Qiao Rubing thought about how Ye Cheng had seen him naked last night and even wanted to sleep in the same room with him tonight. He felt it was strange that his own bedroom didn't have a sofa in it. If not for Chen Luoxue, she would never let him enter her bedroom.    


Qiao Rubing brought Chen Luoxue to the third floor's bedroom, and Ye Cheng brought Qiao Wansan to the guest room on the second floor that was close to the stairs. The moment they entered the room, Qiao Wansan fainted. This way was even safer, as Ye Cheng wouldn't keep an eye on him all the time.    


Ye Cheng then went to the room where An Ningxuan and the others were. After exchanging some pointers, he told them to rest early and come to the door of Qiao Rubing's bedroom.    


The moment the door opened, Ye Cheng felt a burst of fragrance rush into his face. Immediately after, dressed in a snow-white pajamas, Chen Luoxue whose entire body was faintly discernable threw herself into his embrace. Ye Cheng held Chen Luoxue's waist and glanced inside the house. He saw that the light in the bathroom was on and the sound of water flowing could be heard.    


Chen Luoxue embraced Ye Cheng's neck, closed the door, and retreated into the room. He said softly: "Ye Cheng, thank you so much for helping Cousin Sister."    


With a beauty in his arms, Ye Cheng stared at Chen Luoxue's fragrant body without hiding anything, and smiled evilly as he whispered: "Then how do you want to thank me?"    


Being stared at by Ye Cheng's burning gaze, how could Chen Luoxue not understand what he meant? He gently pinched Ye Cheng's waist. I can thank you however I want, but I can't do it tonight. Her body and mind had already been completely subdued by Ye Cheng, and she couldn't help but recall that wonderful feeling of wanting to die.    


"Alright, then I'll try my best to be honest." Ye Cheng said with an honest tone, but his big hands quietly caressed Chen Luoxue's perky bottom. The softness carried an amazing elasticity, and the feel of the hand was excellent.    


Chen Luoxue's body went limp in Ye Cheng's embrace, and two balls of towering, soft meat were pressed tightly against his chest. Ye Cheng could clearly feel that there was a vacuum inside Chen Luoxue's body.    


After being teased by Ye Cheng, Chen Luoxue began to be emotional. Her breathing became disorderly, and her delicate body became hot and weak. She laid next to Ye Cheng's ear and whispered with a voice as heavy as orchids, "Don't, be careful not to be seen by cousin."    


"I won't." It was at the age when one's blood and energy is strong and one's arms were full of mature beauties. Ye Cheng could feel the evil fire in his body raging and rampaging. His big hands slid into the undergarment and started caressing it unrestrainedly. His mouth was sealed Chen Luoxue's red lips, and the thing underneath was beginning to feel impulsive.    


Their lower bodies couldn't help but stick together as the fiery object in their hands reached that mysterious place, twisting and rubbing against each other.    


Just as the person was feeling unsettled, the sound of footsteps could be heard from inside the bathroom. The bathroom door made a light sound.    


Just as the bathroom door made a noise, Ye Cheng had already pulled down Chen Luoxue's skirt. She quickly opened up a distance between the two of them and took the opportunity to sit on the side of the bed.    


Chen Luoxue's face was still flushed red from the spring heat. She quickly tidied up her nightgown and put on a calm and composed look.    


Qiao Rubing wiped his hair and came out wearing his cotton pajamas. Even though she was dressed conservatively, it couldn't hide her curvaceous and graceful figure. Qiao Rubing did not notice anything strange, but she was actually thinking about a problem: Where did Ye Cheng sleep tonight? Do you sleep in your own bed? His own bed had never been slept in by a man.    


It was only then that Ye Cheng had the time to size up Qiao Rubing's room. He quickly discovered that there was only a large double bed. "Well, why don't I go down and get a sofa?" Although he said that, he did not move at all. This was because he was still in a state of excitement, so when he stood up, he would definitely be seen by Qiao Rubing.    


Qiao Rubing really wanted to say good, but out of politeness, he said softly: "No need, you're already tired from an entire night, how can I let you sleep on the sofa. You sleep ? Sleep on the bed, get your spirits up, and deal with the kidnappers tomorrow. "    


When he took the money to exchange hostages with the kidnappers, he didn't know what would happen. He might even make a move against the kidnappers. Chen Luoxue's heart ached for Ye Cheng, and said: "I'll sleep in the middle of the night, Cousin Sister, you sleep inside, let Ye Cheng sleep outside."    


Qiao Rubing was too embarrassed to disagree, so he could only accept Chen Luoxue's arrangement.    


Ye Cheng got up and said, "I'm going to take a bath too. You guys go to sleep first!"    


The bathroom was also very spacious. The faint mist hadn't completely dispersed, leaving behind the quiet fragrance of the two women's baths. Ye Cheng took off all his clothes and started to rinse his hair.    


In Qiao Rubing's room, Ye Cheng naturally could not be as casual as at home. After showering and putting on his pants, he walked out bare-chested.    


In the room, only the bedside lamp emitted a hazy light. Qiao Rubing turned her body to the side and lay on the bed. Seeing Ye Cheng coming out, Chen Luoxue waved to him, signalling him to lie down beside her.    


Thinking that he still had to deal with the kidnappers tomorrow, Ye Cheng didn't have the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the two beauties, and quickly laid down beside Chen Luoxue. The bed was soft and comfortable.    


Chen Luoxue lifted the blanket and gently covered Ye Cheng's face. His red lips pressed onto Ye Cheng's face as he said in a low voice, "Quickly go to sleep! "Rest in good spirits and rescue Uncle Qiao tomorrow."    


Ye Cheng also knew that he had to conserve his strength tonight. He suppressed the turmoil in his heart and nodded.    


At first, Qiao Rubing was not sleepy, but lying down, he fell asleep quietly and peacefully.    


Time passed, around 3 in the morning, suddenly, the landline bell on the bedside table rang, which was particularly jarring in this abnormally quiet room.    


The two sleeping women were quickly woken up by the ear-piercing bell sounds. Qiao Rubing opened her Meng Song's eyes, immediately reaching out her jade hand towards the phone on the bed.    


"Don't answer it!" Ye Cheng had already flipped over and sat up, stepping over the two's delicate bodies, she pressed her hand on the receiver. As soon as he ordered Qiao Rubing to wake up, he immediately pulled back his hand as if he had been pricked by a needle.    


Chen Luoxue also woke up, she sat up straight and stared straight at the phone.    


"Hello, who is this?" Ye Cheng pretended to be confused, as if he had just woken up.    


"Mr. Ye, good morning!" A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the phone, "I just wanted to remind you that you still have eight hours of preparation time, don't exceed the time limit. Alright, I won't disturb your beautiful dreams anymore. " With that, the kidnapper hung up.    


"Fuck, something's wrong!" Ye Cheng scolded as he put down the receiver.    


Chen Luoxue could not help but ask: "Who called? Bind... The kidnapper? "    


"Yes!" Ye Cheng intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Qiao Rubing, luckily he was there, if not Qiao Rubing would have picked up the phone.    


Qiao Rubing saw Ye Cheng looking at him and said embarrassedly, "I ? I forgot. "    


"It's fine this time. Next time, I must remember to go back to sleep!" Ye Cheng turned around and returned to his position.    


When he turned around, Qiao Rubing suddenly saw a back full of scars, he anxiously covered his mouth, preventing himself from screaming out in shock. She stared at Ye Cheng's back in a daze: What kind of injury had he experienced to cause him to be covered in wounds? He did not realize that he was someone with a story!    


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