The Romantic Soldier King



The situation had already spiraled out of control, and Chen Luoxue was worrying about Ye Cheng more and more from the bottom of his heart, but the situation wasn't something she could control. She pulled off Ye Cheng's clothes and said angrily: "Ye Cheng, you're really messing around! With so many people competing with you, if the other party won, even if one person wanted a finger of yours, they would be able to cripple you. You say that you're so old, why don't you think about what you're doing?    


Ye Cheng lay on the ground next to Chen Luoxue's ear and whispered, "Sis, I forgot to tell you one thing. Not to mention driving a sports car, even a normal van would be a piece of cake for them if they beat them on this mountain road. The reason why I showed weakness was because I was pretending to be weak to be a pig to eat the tiger. Otherwise, how could these fellows obediently take the bait? Sister, don't worry. Just wait and see a good show! "    


Although Ye Cheng had said this, how could Chen Luoxue be at ease? He still had a worried expression on his face. "Don't be so confident. If you don't make a good race in the mountains, you might be in danger of losing your life. I really don't know what to say to you."    


"Then don't say anything, just watch." Ye Cheng laughed: "Then I'll have to trouble sister to be a notary before, to look at the cheques and bank cards."    


"You really want money more than your life!" Chen Luoxue was extremely worried, but seeing that Ye Cheng did not seem to care, he became even more angry.    


The bigger the scene, the more excited the female sister became. She shouted loudly, "Are all of you prepared to watch it?"    


"I'm ready!" The participants answered one by one and each brought their girls to their respective cars.    


The delinquent girl looked at Ye Cheng complacently, "Hey, are you ready too?"    


"Quasi-..." Ready! " Ye Cheng purposely stuttered, since he planned to play the pig to eat the tiger, he would have to pretend until the end.    


"Look at you. You can't even speak properly, and you still dare to compete." The delinquent girl said with a kind expression, "If you admit defeat now, I can guarantee that others won't touch you. Only I can take something from you and leave you with your life."    


She didn't know why, but she was a little worried that Ye Cheng would really lose. In that case, everyone would take something from him and kill him.    


Ye Cheng became impassioned and shouted as if facing death: "Even if I die, I definitely cannot admit defeat!"    


"Do whatever you want. If you're kind-hearted, then forget it!" The delinquent girl poked Ye Cheng fiercely, and also got into her car.    


Zhou Yifan cleared his throat and shouted: "From the peak of the mountain, whoever reaches the foot of the mountain first wins. Second Young Master Song, you shall be the referee. Bring the two of them to the foot of the mountain and wait. "    


"Alright!" Second Young Master Song drove to the foot of the mountain with a bikini girl and another man who wasn't competing.    


"Sis, I'm going too!"    


Just as Ye Cheng was about to turn around and get on the carriage, Chen Luoxue threw herself into his embrace and hugged Ye Cheng tightly. With a tender voice filled with deep emotion, she said, "Even if you lose, I will take care of you for the rest of your life. Pay attention to your safety. If not, don't try to show off. "    


"Don't worry, I definitely won't lose!" Ye Cheng never thought that Chen Luoxue's feelings would be so deep. If he lost, it would definitely be the result of him being crippled, and she would actually take care of him. He suddenly understood the deep feelings Chen Luoxue had for him.    


Ye Cheng lowered his head, gave Chen Luoxue a deep kiss, and jumped onto the carriage laughing: "Sis, you still owe me ninety-eight kisses. Wait for me to come back and get them."    


Chen Luoxue nodded, and revealed a smile that was like a flower. I owe you, I will never go back on my word! " Since it was useless to worry, it would be better to give Ye Cheng some motivation. She naturally hoped that Ye Cheng could win.    


After discussing, they found out that Lei Zihan, Ye Cheng and the delinquent girl were in the first row, while the other five luxury cars were following behind them. The mountain road wasn't that wide, it could only fit three cars side by side.    


The eight of them lined up in their own order. The roar of the car's engine could be heard. Everyone raised the throttle of the car, waiting for the moment to depart.    


The delinquent girl tilted her head, looked at Ye Cheng and shouted, "Bastard, just you wait! "When I win, I will castrate you and let you become a eunuch once and for all."    


"Stinky girl, we are not sure who will win. Don't be so optimistic." Ye Cheng laughed: "Just you wait, if I win, I'll make you my servant, at that time, don't regret it."    


"Whoever regrets this will automatically get the hell out of Eastsea City!" The delinquent girl said with disdain, "Even if I lose, I won't act like a scoundrel like some people."    


Li Xiaoming looked at Ye Cheng coldly, and then shouted complacently: "Brat, wait for me to remove one of your hands! I let you be so arrogant, you don't even know how to write the word death. "    


Ye Cheng leisurely lit a cigarette and laughed: "I have to thank you in advance for the 5 million that you gave me in both hands.    


Li Xiaoming said coldly: "Hurry up and boast a little. Otherwise, you won't have the chance."    


The match had yet to begin, but the smell of gunpowder had already reached its peak.    


A female bikini with a hot figure raised her hands, her towering breasts facing the crowd in the race car, as she twisted her waist like a water snake and walked in front of Li Xiaoming's car. She shouted, "Countdown, three seconds, three seconds!"    


When she walked in front of Ye Cheng's car, she intentionally gave Ye Cheng a flirty look and blew him a kiss. "Two!"    


As the bikini girl walked past the little girl's car, she shouted excitedly, "One, let's go and wish everyone good luck!"    


"Wuwuwu!" The engine roared, and the three cars at the front sped forward like three arrows off a bowstring. The cars behind also followed closely, not wanting to be outdone like cannonballs.    


On the way up the mountain, Ye Cheng was already familiar with this road. He stepped on the throttle to the maximum and steadily controlled the BMW Z4. The small sports car flew rapidly on the mountain road and its tail gas flickered with sparks of fire. Before reaching the first bend, he was already one spot ahead of the delinquent girl and Li Xiaoming.    


The first turn was right in front of him. Ye Cheng fiercely stepped on the brake, and then quickly hit the left direction to the end. The sports car made a perfect drift, the tires rubbing against the ground made an ear-piercing screeching sound. The red BMW was like a red blur as it passed through the bend, rushing towards the mountain covered in moonlight.    


Driving erratically, that was Ye Cheng's specialty. Although he hadn't used it for several months, his movements were still perfect. He didn't lose out in the slightest to any professional racer. With a single turn, he managed to shake off the people behind him.    


"What a lunatic! This bastard is calling his driving skills mediocre. He's almost on par with the official racer!" The delinquent girl also floated past the bend with a beautiful tail flick, but her speed was not as fast as Ye Cheng's. Even though she really wanted to win, she knew her own skills well and still maintained her rationality. She wouldn't joke about winning against Ye Cheng just because of his small life.    


"Damn, how could that brat's speed be so fast!" After eating his fill, Li Xiaoming flew into a rage, and frantically stepped on the gas pedal. The car zigzagged past the bend and almost hit the right guardrail.    


At this time, Ye Cheng's speed was extremely fast, the speed meter's pointer continued to spin, and soon enough, it reached two hundred meters. The scenery on both sides of the highway was flying backward, the wind was howling, and he still had time and mood to smoke.    


The two bends went by and the car gradually pulled apart. Ye Cheng was ranked first, followed by the delinquent, then by Li Xiaoming and the others.    


Keeping the speed at around two hundred, Ye Cheng drove quickly, like a mad, fierce bird or beast on a mountain. A red blur was constantly changing directions, and every bend in the mountain was a perfect drift. When he reached the mountainside, he couldn't see any vehicles following him.    


"There are lights!" Song Lianghe and the others who were guarding the foot of the mountain all stood up.    


Song Lianghe asked with interest: "Who do you think will be first place?"    


The beauty beside him asked coquettishly: "Second Young Master Song, is there a reward for guessing correctly?"    


"Right, I'll bring you home tonight!"    


"Really?" The beautiful woman was pleasantly surprised. She had heard that this expensive Second Young Master Song never brought a woman home. The woman he brought home meant that she was the choice of an official wife. She excitedly said, "I'm guessing it's that crazy girl from the Lei Clan!"    


A few minutes later, a red sports car quickly appeared in front of them. The car skidded to a stop by the side of the road.    


When Song Lianghe and the rest saw the person in the carriage, they were all stunned. How could it be this guy?    


Ye Cheng got out of the carriage, and laughed: "Is this considered the end?"    


"Yes, this is the end. Congratulations on your victory." Only then did Song Lianghe look at the time on his watch, and he could not help but curse. Fuck, it is even faster than the fastest record Zhou Yifan has ever kept by more than three minutes. "    


His reading was correct, he even suspected that Ye Cheng would be able to run from the beginning.    


Only after more than four minutes did the delinquent girl, Lei Zihan, arrive at the foot of the mountain. Li Xiaoming and the rest arrived one after another, faster than the last person by seven or eight minutes.    


Including the Great Sister-in-Law Lei Zihan, all of them looked like they had just been beaten up and were unable to keep their spirits up anymore.    


Ye Cheng's mouth formed a faint smile, and swept his eyes across the crowd: "Does this count as my victory?"    


"If you win, what's there to be proud of!" The delinquent girl harrumphed and scolded, "You son of a bitch! Although your racing skills are comparable to a professional racer's, you're still trying to trick us into not knowing how to drive. How despicable!"    


"Stinky girl, you still dare to say such vulgar words!" Ye Cheng got off the car gracefully and walked towards the delinquent's sportscar.    


"What are you doing?" The delinquent girl had a premonition that this guy was going to take her dumb acupoint again, so she quickly jumped off the carriage and hid behind Song Lianghe, shouting: "Second Young Master Song, this guy wants to play hooligan, hurry and call the police!"    


Song Lianghe was a little dumbstruck, he had never seen the Lei Family's crazy girl being so afraid of a person. It would be extremely fortunate if she did not bully others. This friend here, let's talk later. "    


Ye Cheng smiled as he looked at the delinquent girl behind Song Lianghe and said, "I once said that if this Stinky girl dares to say such vulgar words in front of me again, I will turn her into a mute. Young Master Song, please make way. "    


On the mountain, no matter how many people jeered and jeered at Ye Cheng, this Second Young Master Song had never participated in it. Since he was so cultured, Ye Cheng was more polite to him.    


Song Lianghe courteously said: "My friend, how about you give me face and let Zihan go for now?"    


"Since Young Master Song has spoken, I will let her off for now." Ye Cheng was just like this. If you respect me by one foot, if I respect you by ten feet, you respect me, so of course I respect you as well.    


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