The Romantic Soldier King



Zhang Jianmin didn't even need to be reminded by Wei Dong to know what kind of person Han Hu was. It was possible that Han Hu himself might not even remember what kind of person he was, because back then, when Xiang Weimin was still alive, he participated in a case together with Han Hu and got close to him.    


Last night, when he received Wei Dong's call, he knew that his role as the director had been taken advantage of. To be honest, he was really afraid that Wei Dong would not look for him, and without this backer, his dreams would come to a stop at the position of minister.    


Zhang Jianmin had seen Yu Mingxi's fate, no matter how stubborn she was, she was not an ordinary woman who did not understand the ways of the world, so he did not want to end up like her, no matter what Wei Dong wanted him to do, he would not hold anything back.    


But ?    


The more he thought about this case, the more Zhang Jianmin felt that something was amiss. He had seen Han Yi's body with his own eyes, the time of his death was more than twenty hours.    


How did Xiang Weimin die? Zhang Jianmin was the one who understood it the most, if it wasn't for Yu Mingxi who was unyielding and was unwilling to work with him, he wouldn't even be considered a minister. However, after thinking about it, Xiang Weimin's life might be in his future, and if he couldn't settle this case properly, he might not even be able to keep his life.    


Looking at Han Hu today, Zhang Jianmin leaned back in his seat and sighed.    


In the afternoon, Han Yi's body was brought back to the police station. After the autopsy, the report was handed over to Zhang Jianmin in the afternoon of the second day.    


Sexual assault?    


Zhang Jianmin's hands trembled, the last line of the report, had completely stunned him! He immediately dialed the doctor's number for confirmation. The person had clearly told him that Han Yi had been violated while he was dead, and his private parts had been severely torn apart. In addition to the inhuman treatment Han Yi had suffered before he died, he was certain that the killer was an extremely abnormal person.    


How could he give such an autopsy report to Han Hu? Looking at the death count, Zhang Jianmin laid his face on the table.    


After a long while, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Jianmin was so shocked that he pressed the autopsy report under the folder.    


Han Hu is here!    


Zhang Jianmin wanted to dodge, but he was already standing at the door, if he wanted to, he couldn't. He could only bite the bullet and let her in. He made up his mind that before he thought of a way to deal with the situation, he would have to drag it out for a day.    


Han Hu sized up the office with his eyes. Some of the items seemed to be extremely valuable, far more than what a Division Minister should have.    


"I had some urgent matters to take care of this morning, so I wasn't able to finish listening to Department Head Zhang's report. I hope that you won't be delayed from working now!" Han Hu looked at Zhang Jianmin with both hands on the armrest.    


Zhang Jianmin laughed dryly, did he dare to have any objections? "I won't delay any longer, even if Master Han didn't come looking for me, I still plan to head over there to look for you. I had some things that I didn't want to say in front of Boss Wei just now, so I was afraid that I might touch him. Sigh, Miss Han's death ?"    


"I heard that the autopsy report has been released. There's no need to be polite with me, how did she die?"    


Zhang Jianmin's heart jumped, and he immediately denied his statement. Master Han, where did you hear this news? How did I not know that the autopsy report has been released? "    


Han Hu sneered, he took out a few pieces of paper from his bag and threw it in front of Zhang Jian. Minister Zhang, I hope that we are on the same side. "    


Zhang Jianmin's head exploded with a buzz. No wonder he had just received the autopsy report, and this person was already in front of him, he had already planned everything beforehand. Since the truth had already been exposed, then that was good, he didn't need to rack his brain for ideas on how to deal with it. I can ask Master Han something, could it be that you said that you left due to an urgent matter this morning? How did you examine this report without a body? "    


Because the two reports' conclusions were practically the same, Zhang Jianmin really couldn't understand how Han Hu's men managed to do it without corpses.    


"You don't need to know. Just tell me, what does Wei Dong want you to do?"    


"Boss Wei only wants me to catch the culprit as soon as possible. He is just as concerned about Miss Han's death as you are! I'm embarrassed about the autopsy report. I don't know if I should let him know. "    


Han Hu looked deeply at Zhang Jianmin, he picked up the autopsy report and said: "The time of death is over twenty hours, and the body is seriously rotting, parts of the organs have been frozen and some of the bodies have suffered twice the damage, do you know what that means?"    


Err, these reports did not appear on his autopsy report. Zhang Jianmin habitually swallowed his saliva.    


"Let me tell you, when Han Yi died, he was frozen in a certain place. Because of a sudden situation, his corpse turned rotten, and then under the high density isolation, his corpse quickly rotted." Han Hu slammed his palm on the table, he stared at Zhang Jianmin and asked him word for word: "Department Head Zhang, do you still need me to continue explaining?"    


Zhang Jianmin went silent, no matter how much he tried, it was useless. It was just as Wei Dong had said, Han Hu was not an easy opponent to deceive. "Sighing, he walked to the door and pulled down the blinds, blocking the view of the outside world." Master Han, there are some things that I cannot say directly. To put it bluntly, the person who killed Miss Han is abnormal, do you understand? "    


After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Jianmin took out a bag from the filing cabinet." "Miss Han's death is very similar to the one a few years ago, the killer is a serial killer who specifically chose hot and sexy women. To be honest, we've been investigating this killer for a few years and have only recently found concrete evidence. We were even planning to arrest him, but we didn't expect ?    


Han Hu took out the case file dubiously. No matter the method, or the characteristics of the deceased's body, they were all the same as Han Yi, and even the choice of location was very similar.    


"It's just that it's different from the past. This time, the murderer chose to throw the corpse in a very secretive place, hiding the corpse inside the freezer along with the pork. If the workers didn't discover that the equipment is broken and if they went in to check, I'm afraid we wouldn't even know that Miss Han is dead."    


Zhang Jianmin said while observing Han Hu's expression. From his gloomy expression, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


After sending Han Hu off, Zhang Jianmin immediately dialed Wei Dong's number. Boss Wei, you have the foresight, Master Han believes in you! "    


This was good news, upon hearing Wei Dong's guarantee, Zhang Jianmin's heart settled down.    


As long as Han Hu believed that Han Yi died in the hands of a perverted assassin, he would not let the cause of death come back to him.    


Zhang Jianmin opened up the recording software, and Wei Dong's voice came out from his phone. He was not like Xiang Weimin who trusted Wei Dong, no matter what he did, he would have to have proof, and never muddle his way through life.    


Sitting in the carriage, Han Hu had been thinking about when Han Yi's death would be announced and how it would be announced to be most beneficial to him.    


Seeing that the Star Moon Group was right in front of him, Han Hu suddenly told the driver to turn around and head to the North Street.    


's words from the night before echoed in his ears. Han Hu was very clear on the current state of Xing Yue's operation, and no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to fill up the hole in her heart.    


What Han Feng said might not be wrong, but he could probably see it more clearly than him. Those worms that existed in the stars and moon, those so-called Han family people had long unwittingly divided the entire star and moon, and the former Han family had already come to an end.    


Ye Cheng's goal was not Hong Kong Island Xingyue, he just wanted to develop his project in the northern region. Han Hu saw his ambition.    


Giving up on the north region and obtaining the chance to build an old city district in the East Sea, he could still use his status as the leader of the Han family to control the East China Sea Star Moon.    


Thinking about it, Han Hu made a decision. He was just about to get off the car and go to North Street, so Han Feng got in.    


"Are you going to work with that scoundrel?" Han Feng impolitely grabbed Han Hu's wrist.    


"Now that Han Yi is dead, no one in Han family will make a fuss about her anymore. Do you still not understand why I have to work with that scoundrel?" Han Hu coldly glanced at his own son, broke free from Han Feng's restraints, and walked towards the North Street.    


"Han Feng stared at Han Hu's back, his pupils continuously contracting. Keep an eye on him! You must report every single move to me! "    


The chauffeur replied. His calm face didn't have a single ripple.    


Ye Cheng sat on the deck chair with the sun in his mouth, the wide sunglasses blocked half of his face, and under the umbrella one of his legs was bent out, drinking the fruit juice, as if he was enjoying the sunlight bathing on the beach.    


The moment Han Hu walked into North Street, he saw Ye Cheng lying in the middle of the street, and he did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


A scoundrel was a scoundrel. Even if he wore golden clothes, he still wouldn't become a Buddha.    


"Master Han, you're here already. Go to the north to inspect things, we'll have to detour from here!"    


"I came here specifically to find young master Ye. Can we find somewhere else to talk about last time?"    


Ye Cheng took off his sunglasses and astonishment flashed across his black eyes. Master Han, did I hear wrongly? Could it be that you really plan to give me the remaining piece of land? "    


"As long as young master Ye fulfills his promise, so what if I give you a plot of land?"    


Ye Cheng laughed. This old cunning fox did not understand a bit of what he was planning, but it was not hard to guess. There's a caf? on the right in front of us, and we'll see you there later. "    


Han Hu waited for a long time, but Ye Cheng did not appear, danger flashed past his eyes.    


"Excuse me, is this Mr. Han?" "A waiter came with a tray and a mobile phone." There is a Mr. Ye who wants me to pass this to you. "    


What kind of plane is this?    


Han Hu angrily took the phone, without waiting for him to ask, the phone rang, and Ye Cheng's voice came from the other end. young master Ye, what exactly are you playing? "    


Ye Cheng stood on the other side of the street. He had always been observing Han Hu and during the entire process, he had discovered many interesting things. Master Han, we will use this phone to contact you in the future. Don't trust anyone around you, I will call you again! "    


Han Hu was startled, but when he thought about what he wanted to ask, Ye Cheng had already hung up. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a black shadow flash past outside the window, he immediately chased after him, and only saw the back of the car.    


What did Ye Cheng mean by that? Why didn't he come in when he was here? Did he have some kind of dangerous person by his side? Han Hu called back the number on his phone, the other party had already turned off their phone.    


The phone was very new, and it still had the smell of it being opened. The model of the phone was exactly the same as the one he was using. At first glance, he thought it was his.    


Han Hu stood in front of the caf? and looked around for a long time. Then, he walked towards a nearby subway station.    


Sure enough, Ye Cheng called again. He was familiar with his whereabouts, there were people following him all the way to the subway station. Thinking about that, Han Hu gazed at his surroundings without leaving a trace, everyone looked like a follower, and every one of them looked like an ordinary person, but he knew that Ye Cheng's subordinates were hidden amongst these people, and he was unable to find them.    


Passing the harbor station, Han Hu got off the subway and quickly walked out to find a green taxi that was parked on the street. He sat on the cab and after the driver looked at him, he immediately took off and went in a big circle before arriving at Orchard.    


His phone rang again. Ye Cheng stood at the opposite side of the street and waved at Han Hu.    


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