The Romantic Soldier King



Just as the sounds of explosions sounded, and the few people around were dodging, Ye Cheng expressionlessly jumped down from the second floor. To him, this height was nothing. As soon as he landed, he rolled twice to reduce the force of the fall. Without any hesitation or hesitation, the submachine gun in his hand made another series of noises, and the people hiding beside the car were shot.    


"Crack crack!" The submachine gun made a few hollow sounds, Ye Cheng threw the submachine gun directly at Zha Cang who was lying on the ground.    


Zha Cang rolled twice while holding Lei Baihu and dodged the submachine guns that came smashing at him. His face was extremely ugly, he never thought that his opponent would be powerful to such an abnormal degree, he practically killed all of the bodyguards that Lei Baihu brought with him.    


He had been hit by An Ningxuan's spear on his shoulder, and he had a premonition that it would be difficult for him to safely bring Lei Baihu away with him just by himself.    


"Don't move, or else I won't mind sending you to hell as well!" A handgun impressively appeared in Ye Cheng's hands, the black muzzle pointing straight at Zha Cang.    


Zha Cang thought for a while, then sneered: "It should be you who doesn't move, your target should be the Clan Leader Lei. If I kill him, I'm afraid that you guys won't be able to explain it right?" The spear in his hand was pointed at Lei Baihu's forehead, and he used his other hand to hold onto Lei Baihu as he stood up.    


"I'm not from the police, you helped me kill Lei Baihu!" Ye Cheng secretly sighed at how this man was still a ruthless character. He was meticulous enough to actually think of using Lei Baihu to threaten the police, and use this opportunity to escape.    


"Zha Cang usually treats you well. As long as you can save me, you can do as you wish!"    


Zha Cang completely ignored Lei Baihu, and spoke to Ye Cheng: "You are not from the police, but that woman? Would she just watch helplessly as Sect Master Lei got killed? " As he spoke, he used Lei Baihu to cover himself and slowly retreated towards the side of the carriage.    


Lei Baihu's heart grew cold. It seemed that he would not be able to escape a calamity today. He said in a low voice: "Zha Cang, if you don't save me, when the police catch me, I can't promise that I won't spout nonsense."    


"It doesn't matter how much you know. Don't forget that you still have a child that you haven't even been born with. If you want to become extinct, then try it, Clan Leader Lei!" Zha Cang muttered.    


Lei Baihu was dazed for a moment, then pleaded in a low voice: "I beg you, please let my child go!"    


"It's up to you now. You know what to do even without me saying anything!" Zha Cang continued to mutter.    


Their voices were very low, and practically only they could hear them. Although Ye Cheng knew that they were muttering, he was completely unable to hear what they were saying. If the light was good, he could still use his lips to read it.    


An Ningxuan was panicking. If this guy really killed Lei Baihu, all of National Security Agency's hard work during this period would be in vain. She dragged her gun, looked at Zha Cang, and shouted: "This district has been completely surrounded by police, you can't escape at all. I advise you to obediently surrender, and try to be lenient!"    


"Do you think I'm a three year old? If the police really did surround this place, they would have definitely rushed in long ago." Zha Cang mocked.    


Ye Cheng aimed the muzzle of his gun at Zha Cang and slowly approached him, step by step. But this guy was very cunning, he hid his head behind Lei Baihu. He knew that if he did not kill this guy with one shot, this guy would probably really kill Lei Baihu and break the net.    


"You are very smart, throw Lei Baihu down, and I will let you escape for now! If you bring Lei Baihu along, the entire city will definitely surround you. " Even if they let him go, the police would chase after him with all their might. Therefore, Ye Cheng planned to let him live for now, in exchange for Lei Baihu.    


While talking, Zha Cang retreated to the side of a car and gently opened the door. All the muscles in Ye Cheng's body tensed up. If this person dared to take Lei Baihu away, he would use all of his strength to charge towards another car. With his speed and skill, the chance of him escaping was practically zero.    


"Alright, I will let Lei Baihu go in exchange for a chance for me to escape!" Zha Cang unhurriedly picked up the carriage, and suddenly jumped into it. He then kicked Lei Baihu out, and with a flick of his hand, he shot Lei Baihu in the chest.    


The carriage started up and as they drove away, Zha Cang's voice came out from the carriage. Hurry and send Clan Master Lei to the hospital, if you're late, then we'll be finished. "    


"Damn, he's still playing this game!" Ye Cheng and Mu Lingdie shot a few times at the car that was flying out, and the bullets collided with the bulletproof glass.    


Zha Cang drove his car, then suddenly swerved his tail and disappeared into the darkness. The sound of the engine of his car gradually grew further and further away.    


"Save Lei Baihu first!" Ye Cheng stopped his firing and flew to Lei Baihu's side, extending his fingers to probe under Lei Baihu's nose. He still had some breath left, so he immediately carried him and ran towards a car. You go drive to the nearest hospital! "    


An Ningxuan did not dare delay any further, and immediately jumped into the driver's seat and left the villa in a hurry. Ye Cheng channeled his internal energy and slowly transferred it into Lei Baihu's body, doing his best to protect his heart.    


When the car left the villa complex, a squad of police cars arrived and blocked all access to the residential complex.    


A middle-aged man walked down from a police car. He puffed out his beer belly as he ordered, "Surround him. He might be a suspect who wants to escape."    


"Don't move, don't move, raise your hand!" The policemen with guns surrounded him.    


"We're on the same side. I'm a police officer from the city police station. Get out of the way!" An Ningxuan frantically pushed his horn and roared.    


"Please show me your ID!" shouted a policeman.    


An Ningxuan took his ID from his body, reached out his hand from the window, and showed it to the police.    


A policeman aimed his gun at An Ningxuan, walked up slowly and took a look at his ID, then shouted to the middle aged man: "Bureau Chief Wang, she is indeed a policeman from Municipal Bureau."    


Only then did Director Wang, with his beer belly protruding, walk through the surrounding policemen to the front. "He took the certificate from the policeman, checked it carefully, and then looked inside the car." Officer An, who are those two? "    


"One is my colleague, the other is a criminal!" An Ningxuan gave a simple explanation, and said impatiently: "Since you know I'm still a police officer, hurry up and get your subordinates to open up a path."    


Criminals? Director Wang's eyes turned, telling the police of Municipal Bureau to take the criminals away, then I won't be able to get anything out of it? He said with a serious expression, "We received an alarm from the police. There was a gunfight in the villa area. The situation is still unclear. Please get off the car and cooperate with our investigation."    


"I am bringing criminals to the hospital to rescue them. Can you bear the responsibility of obstructing my mission? Hurry up and get out of the way! " An Ningxuan bellowed.    


You, a small captain who is a level lower than me, actually dared to reprimand me. Director Wang's face sank, "Now I suspect that you are pretending to be a police officer. Get off the car and accept our investigation. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."    


Just then, the back door opened, and Ye Cheng walked down, and said to Bureau Chief Wang: "You have the final say here?"    


"Yes, I'm the bureau chief of the Mountain and Sea Region's police station!" Director Wang said in a high-profile manner.    


"Then tell the police to get out of the way, and don't interfere with our affairs!" Ye Cheng said coldly as he stared.    


Isn't it just the police of the Municipal Bureau, who are more arrogant than me? Once I reach the one acre and three parts of the land, I will be in charge! Director Wang waved his hand and ordered, "Capture them for me!"    


Just as he finished speaking, he felt his vision blur as a cold object was pushed against his forehead.    


"Can you get someone to make way for me now?" Ye Cheng opened the insurance door.    


"The other policemen pointed their guns at Ye Cheng, cold sweat immediately forming on Chief Wang's forehead. If you have something to say, why use your gun? "    


"Stop the f * cking bullsh * t, get out of the way!" Ye Cheng roared, the muzzle of the gun pressing down on Chief Wang's head.    


"Get out of the way!" The contribution is secondary, my life is more important.    


Soon, several police cars cleared a path.    


"If you have the time, why don't you hurry up and take a look at the crime scene? It's so full of food that you have nothing to do!" Ye Cheng kicked Director Wang's butt, sending him flying out, then quickly entered the car. An Ningxuan drove the car and quickly rushed out.    


"Director Wang, are you alright?" A policeman helped Chief Wang up from the ground.    


Director Wang grimaced in pain. He rubbed his butt and said angrily, "What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and chase them. The three people in that car must be criminals."    


The sirens whistled and several police cars quickly caught up with them.    


"These police officers are really annoying. They can't do more than they need to!" An Ningxuan picked up his phone angrily and made a call.    


Shortly after, he called Director Wang's cell phone. After picking up the call, Bureau chief Wang said in a low voice, "It was a mistake on my part. I will withdraw the person immediately!"    


Arriving at the hospital, Ye Cheng carried Lei Baihu and rushed into the emergency room. The doctors and nurses that had already received orders started to busy themselves with rescuing them ?    


After sending Lei Baihu into the operation room, An Ningxuan waited at the door. Ye Cheng lit a cigarette and walked out of the building. He took out his phone and called Sang Huihui. elder sister Hui, are you asleep? "    


"No!" Sang Huihui laughed tenderly: "You can't sleep at night, do you miss me?"    


"I've really missed you!" Ye Cheng took a deep breath: "The thing you mentioned to me last time, does it count?"    


"Of course, as long as you can kill Lei Baihu, I will be your woman!" Sang Huihui answered straightforwardly.    


"Then wash it for nothing. Tomorrow, wait for me to verify your true body!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


Sang Huihui hesitated: "What do you mean? Did you kill Lei Baihu?"    


"I've shot him four or five times. I'm not sure if he's alive or dead. Is this considered as me fulfilling your conditions?" Ye Cheng did not forget to request for benefits from Sang Huihui immediately after he was captured.    


"As long as you can confirm that Lei Baihu is dead, we will consider it your finish. If he doesn't die, then I won't be your woman! " Sang Huihui said.    


"That really disappoints me. I thought that I could finally get a closer look at Xiangze. It seems that I was too early to celebrate." Ye Cheng regretted.    


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