The Romantic Soldier King



After exiting the hospital, Ye Cheng sent his beautiful colleagues into a taxi, and watched them leave. However, Zhang Yuchen seemed to have no intention of taking a taxi.    


Out of politeness, Ye Cheng asked: "Director Zhang, do you want me to send you back?"    


Zhang Yuchen was precisely waiting for these words from Ye Cheng, and said with a slight smile: "Thank you, I said that you can directly call me by my name in private."    


I'm just asking for trouble! Ye Cheng really didn't want to be alone with Zhang Yuchen anymore. The beauty threw herself into his arms. He didn't mind, but he couldn't stand Zhang Yuchen's straightforward approach of repaying the favor with his body.    


After letting Zhang Yuchen get on the carriage, Ye Cheng escorted her to the Third People's Hospital.    


Along the way, Zhang Yuchen maintained his silence.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the Third Hospital, Zhang Yuchen finally spoke: "Do you want to take a seat in my mother's ward?"    


"It's too late. I won't disturb Auntie's rest. I'll go another day." Ye Cheng tactfully refused.    


"Alright, slow down on your way back." Zhang Yuchen opened the door and got off the car.    


Ye Cheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief and quickly drove away.    


Looking at the car that disappeared into the night, Zhang Yuchen muttered with a bitter tone: "Do I really hate that much? "Then why did you help me?"    


Before Ye Cheng could drive back home, he received a call from Chen Luoxue. On the other side of the phone, it was extremely quiet, and no sound could be heard. Ye Cheng immediately asked: "Sis, why aren't you talking?"    


"Ye Cheng, come over here! I feel so bad, I want you to accompany me! " Chen Luoxue's voice carried a trace of sorrow.    


Ye Cheng's heart hurt when he heard it, and he hurriedly asked: "Sis, what happened?"    


Chen Luoxue choked with emotion: "I'm fine, it's Uncle Qiao who met with an accident, I ? I've been kidnapped by the criminals! "    


"Uncle Qiao?" Ye Cheng was startled, and immediately reacted, "Qiao Rubing's father?"    


"Hm!" My cousin won't let me tell anyone, and I'm really worried. "    


"Where are you? I'll come and find you right away. " Ye Cheng asked: "When was Chairman Joe kidnapped? Did you call the police?"    


Chen Luoxue said anxiously: "You must not call the police. The criminal said that there is a spy in the police station.    


Ye Cheng comforted her: "Then tell president Qiao, do not worry too much, the kidnappers are most likely asking for money, Chairman Joe will be fine."    


Chen Luoxue calmed himself down a little and told Ye Cheng the address and told him to call back when he was almost there.    


After hanging up, Ye Cheng turned around at the intersection and went straight to Lotus Mountain.    


It was eight o'clock at night and the roads were packed with traffic. The street lamps were all lit, the neon lights flickered with a brilliant light, and under the twilight, the Eastsea City was in a bustling scene.    


Ye Cheng drove slowly amidst the traffic. After passing through the city and arriving at the outskirts, the speed suddenly increased, and they quickly arrived at the foot of the Lotus Mountain. He had to slow down and honk his horn a few times as a line of luxury cars blocked his way along the winding mountain road in front of him.    


"Sir, please wait for a moment. We will leave immediately." Someone shouted politely.    


Ye Cheng saw that the carriages looked familiar, it was actually Zhou Yifan and the rest, the rich dandy s who had nothing to do after eating their fill were here racing cars. He stuck his head out of the window and shouted, "Hey, get out of the way, I have urgent business."    


"Why does this person look so familiar!" Leaning on a sports car at the side of the road, with a pretty girl in his arms, Li Xiaoming saw the person's face clearly and shouted loudly: "It's Ye Cheng, bro, Ye Cheng is here!"    


"His shout immediately attracted the attention of others." It's really Ye Cheng, it's just nice, this time you have to win back your face. "    


"We found a professional racer. We were waiting for him to show up. "I invited him to come twice, but here I am, thinking that this fellow is willing to act like a turtle!"    


In the middle of the road were two cars racing, a sports car and a professional sports car. Zhou Yifan walked down from the sports car and greeted Ye Cheng: "Mr. Ye, you've finally appeared."    


Ye Cheng said: "Young Master Zhou, I'll have to trouble you to remove the carriage, I have urgent matters to attend to at the villa complex halfway up the mountain."    


Zhou Yifan was startled, "You're not here to race?"    


"I don't have the time right now. I do have urgent matters to attend to. I would like to race again!" Ye Cheng anxiously went to find Chen Luoxue to understand the situation, he did not have the mood to drive around with these people.    


"It won't take long to make a round of the competition. Since the Mr. Ye is here, why don't you try a round with us before leaving?" Zhou Yifan was more polite when he spoke.    


"A man in a racing suit walked out of the professional car, took off his hat, and looked at Ye Cheng with extreme contempt. You are the one who defeated Young Master Li and the others, do you dare to have a match with me? "    


Ye Cheng replied without hesitation, "No time!"    


"Do you have no time, or do you not dare?" The man laughed mockingly. "You're just a piece of trash in front of us professional racers. If I let you run, do you dare to compete?"    


Ye Cheng laughed coldly, and said tit for tat: "You talk big, but think that you're a professional racer that's amazing. In front of me, you're not even comparable to dregs."    


The man became slightly angry and said provocatively: "Then let's compete a little. Let's see who is worse than dregs. If I win, you just spit out all the money you won last time. "    


"And if you lose?" Ye Cheng ridiculed: "Last time, I won over thirty million, if you f * cking can't take out the same amount of money, then get the hell out of here!"    


The man's expression became ugly. He had only heard that Li Xiaoming and the rest lost the money when racing against Ye Cheng, but he did not know that they lost 30 million. He was unable to take out that much money and was immediately at a loss for words.    


"If you can't take it out, then hurry up and get out of the way. Don't waste laozi's time." Ye Cheng knew that this racer wouldn't even be able to afford thirty million, he only wanted to mock him.    


Seeing Ye Cheng being so arrogant, Li Xiaoming opened his mouth a few times, but no words came out. He really wanted the racer to win back the money, but he didn't return the 3 million that he owed Song Lianghe the previous time. He really couldn't afford to bet with Ye Cheng.    


The same went for the others. Last time, Ye Cheng had played the pig to eat the tiger, and they had almost won all of their savings and pocket money.    


Zhou Yifan was also not able to take out thirty million, only Second Young Master Song, Song Lianghe was able to take out that much money, but Song Lianghe acted as if it did not have anything to do with him, as if he did not want to interfere in it at all. He laughed awkwardly: "This time, we are purely racing cars, let's not talk about the wager, we also want to see if Mr. Ye's driving skills are better than a professional racer's."    


Ye Cheng really did not want to waste anymore time, he simply wanted to let them see what a true racing expert was, to prevent them from finding trouble with him in the future. Since young master Zhou has put it that way, I'll have a go at this kid who can't even compare to trash. From here to the first villa halfway up the mountain, the victor will be the first one to arrive. "    


Being mocked by Ye Cheng so many times, the racer was so angry that his face turned green and white. "He thinks highly of himself. No matter how good Ye Cheng's driving skills are, it's impossible for him to win against me." Kid, don't be so arrogant. You dare to compete with me, do you dare to put on extra stakes? "    


The more Ye Cheng looked at this racer, the more he disliked him. " I won't accept anything but cash. If you don't have any money, then quickly get out of the way, and grind and grumble like a woman. "    


The Driver looked as though he were about to spit blood. "Fine, I'll bet you cash." He took out a bank card from his pocket, "There's about one million in here. My sports car is worth at least two million. Adding that together, it's three million."    


His racer was borrowed from a convoy, so in order to win against Ye Cheng, he had to bet on it.    


"Although I am not interested in this broken car, since you insist on giving it to me, I will reluctantly accept it." Ye Cheng also took out a bank card from his clothes, "There's at least 20 million in here, if you win, it's enough to pay the wager."    


Looking at the bank card in Ye Cheng's hand, the Driver's eyes lit up with greed. Winning him just once was 3 million, which was much faster than what I was lucky to get from racing cars. He rolled his eyes. When they got off the race car, they would always follow him. In the end, they would surpass him. They would conserve their strength and lie to him a few more times to win all the money they had. He was extremely happy in his heart, and started to plan how he would win all the money Ye Cheng had.    


"Yang Wei, you have to win to make it more beautiful. Let him know what a true racer is." Li Xiaoming waved his flag and shouted to the racer.    


"Yang Wei, we didn't invite you here for nothing. We have to win against this guy for sure.    


Ye Cheng snickered: "Yang Wei, I'll turn you into Yang in a while. Impotence! "    


As soon as the two sides agreed on a race car, someone couldn't help but start the car and rush to the finish line in anticipation of a good show.    


Zhou Yifan drove the car to the side, and gave Ye Cheng his own.    


The engines of the two cars roared, Yang Wei sat inside the car proudly, giving Ye Cheng a thumbs up and down, making a posture of contempt.    


Ye Cheng immediately extended his middle finger towards Yang Wei, and said: "F.UCK!"    


The girl in front of the car waved the small flag and the two cars shot out like arrows, leaving behind two afterimages.    


Ye Cheng steadily controlled the speed changing lever and continuously changed gears. In an instant, he changed the gear to the highest grade, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, and the speed became as fast as ghosts in the night, pulling apart the distance between him and Yang Wei.    


Seeing that, Yang Wei panicked, he fiercely stepped on the accelerator but was unable to catch up. "Damn, how could he be so fast? Even if King Schumacher came, he wouldn't be able to catch up!" He had initially wanted to conserve his strength, but now that he was following Ye Cheng, even if he performed more than he usually would not be able to keep up. He comforted himself, "It's fine, this speed won't make the curve at all."    


In front of him was a bend, the ear-piercing sound of brakes could be heard, the Mercedes-Benz's tail was moving extremely fast, in a blink of an eye, it had turned the corner and disappeared into the darkness, disappearing from Yang Wei's line of sight.    


Yang Wei was too far behind, and his expression was even uglier than when he had swallowed ten dead rats. "Madman, what a f * cking madman!" He finally understood that Ye Cheng's boasting was more boastful than boasting. The Driver was nothing but trash in front of him.    


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