I am Saint Sovereign

C384 Hurt the Enemy One Thousand Times and Self-inflicted Eight Hundred Damage

C384 Hurt the Enemy One Thousand Times and Self-inflicted Eight Hundred Damage

Ao Qianshan let out a blood-curdling screech. He had actually been submerged by his own power. This domain finally could no longer withstand it and directly shattered into pieces.    


The moment the domain was broken, the berserk energy quickly spread to the entire Sky Dragon City. The dragon race below were like frightened birds as they hurriedly retreated. The buildings in the city were instantly destroyed by this one strike, the entire Sky Dragon City had been razed to the ground, and only Yao Guang's cultivation room was left unharmed, but it was extremely eye-catching.    


His entire body was emitting green smoke, and his golden dragon robe was already tattered. His originally old face was now even older, and after his body had suffered the ravages of his earlier attack, his meridians had actually been broken in many places. At this moment, he really did not know how to defeat this middle-aged man in front of him. Although he knew that this majestic middle-aged man was only a puppet, he was still helpless.    


From afar, two figures suddenly jumped out. They were the brothers Ao Tian Yuan and Ao Tian Qi. The two of them were also in a sorry state, but they were much better than Ao Qian Shan.    


Seeing that the Great Elder had suffered such heavy injuries, Ao Tian Yuan worriedly said, "Great Elder, we should withdraw first!" Everything still needs to be planned carefully. If you lose today, we will all die without a burial ground! " Ao Tianqi also agreed from the side.    


He secretly gritted his teeth and said, "Ao Wu Yan, I have underestimated you. However, you wait for this noble one, the next time I attack, I will definitely destroy your soul and also destroy this' Dragon Pearl '!" With that, the three of them disappeared.    


But just as Ao Qianshan left, Ao Feng and Ao Tian instantly arrived at the Patriarch's side. Seeing Ao Wuyan's pale face, Ao Tian anxiously asked, "Patriarch! Are you okay? "    


Ao Wu Yan didn't answer his question, but immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His face became even uglier than before, falling down from the sky. Ao Tian was shocked upon seeing this. He hurriedly rushed down from the skies and pulled Ao Wuyan away, only to see that he had already fallen unconscious.    


After Ao Feng landed on the ground, he stared at the unconscious chief and asked, "Patriarch, why are your injuries so serious?"    


Ao Tian looked at that 10 foot tall middle-aged man in the air and said, "He must be the reason behind using our Dragon Clan's most precious treasure, the 'Dragon Pearl'!"    


Ao Feng looked at that middle-aged man in shock, and said in shock, "This middle-aged man is that 'dragon pearl'?"    


Ao Tian nodded his head helplessly, he was very clear on just how powerful the 'Dragon Pearl' was. If the Patriarch's soul was not injured, then using it would naturally not have been a problem, but his soul was already severely injured, and now using the 'Dragon Pearl' would only increase the damage even further.    


Right at this moment, that middle-aged man's entire body released a gold light, and gradually disappeared, finally transforming into a fist sized 'Dragon Pearl' that instantly entered Ao Wu Yan's body, the moment the Dragon Pearl returned to its position, Ao Wu Yan's tightly shut eyes actually moved a little.    


Very quickly, Ao Wu Yan slowly opened his eyes. He sat down and looked at the two elders, asking weakly: "Great Elder escaped?"    


Ao Tian nodded, and asked worriedly: "Clan Leader, your soul has a problem to begin with, why did you use the 'Dragon Pearl'? If you have anything good to do then I'm afraid our dragon clan is finished! "    


Ao Wu Yan stood up, and said with a bitter smile: "I naturally have my own plans for this. As long as Yao Guang can refine the Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill, all of this is worth it. If I don't use the 'Dragon Pearl', Ao Qian Shan will not let this go! If any mishaps were to occur in the middle, it would not be something that we can handle! "    


Immediately, Ao Wu Yan turned around to look at the gathered dragon race, they were almost destroyed in Sky Dragon City, he said in a low voice, "Pass down the order, control the area within a hundred miles!"    


"Yes!" "Patriarch!" Ao Tian and Ao Feng cupped their fists and received the order simultaneously. Although the two of them were also injured, compared to their chief's injuries, their injuries were nothing. However, what the two of them didn't expect was that because of Yao Guang's refining of pills, they would once again fight with the Great Elder after a few thousand years.    


Ao Wuyan sat down cross-legged and began to recuperate. Although his injuries were still serious, he could only stabilize his injuries and wait for the pills to complete.    


Inside the 'Five Star Innate Great Array', Yao Guang had already refined all three materials, but it took a full day. Yao Guang, on the other hand, was pale white from exhaustion, and all the soul power in his body had been used up. At this moment, Yao Shen sat on the floor and swallowed a bunch of pills to recover.    


The little dragon girl saw that not only was refining the pill time-consuming, but it was also a huge test for the alchemist himself. Without the support of her powerful soul power, it was impossible to complete this difficult task, and through her observation, the difficulty of purifying the pill was extremely high. She did not know if she could actually do it.    


However, the worship of Yao Guang in her heart had already reached the highest level in her life. If she said that he didn't know how to refine pills before, then the worship of Yao Guang was blind.    


On the other side, Ao Qianshan led two elders and escaped out of Sky Dragon City, escaping over ten thousand miles before stopping in a single breath. Ao Qianshan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face dark, but at this moment, his heart was filled with darkness, it could be said that ever since he had obtained the green light and was refining the Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill, he had felt that Ao Wuyan had turned into an invisible sharp blade that hung over his head.    


At this time, Ao Tian Yuan supported him and asked, "Great Elder, you're okay, right?"    


Ao Qianshan glanced at him and said, "I've been severely injured this time. Let's return to Thousand Mountain Island first!" Although he felt resentment in his heart, he still flashed and appeared in the middle of the array formation. The two elders rushed to their side. The three of them made a hand seal almost at the same time. The formation suddenly glowed with a golden light and the three of them quickly disappeared into the formation.    


At this moment, Yao Guang slowly opened his eyes. He had already recovered all of his soul power. Looking at Little Dragon who was sitting cross-legged at the side, Yao Guang smiled and said, "It seems the battle outside is over!"    


Xiao Long quickly stood up. Seeing that the sky was still gold, she sighed and said worriedly, "To be able to fight his way to Sky Dragon City, this person must be the Great Elder. My father's soul injury has not completely healed, I wonder how he is now?"    


Yao Guang looked at her and said, "Don't worry! Your father is, after all, the head of a clan, and would not easily be defeated. Furthermore, from the looks of it, he should be fine! "    


Little Dragon Lady looked at Yao Guang and forced a smile, saying, "Then I'll have to trouble Young Master Yao to refine this Nine Reincarnation Soul Pill as soon as possible!"    


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