Super Money Collecting System

C372 Primary mind-reading

C372 Primary mind-reading

[Beginner mind-reading], what was that?    


Zhou Hui's mind was in a mess because of the thing he just drew.    


In his heart, he did not understand things like mind-reading at all. In fact, he could only see it when he was reading novels or watching TV dramas.    


He did not expect that it would actually come true at this moment, and that he actually already knew mind-reading.    


Zhou Hui almost thought he was dreaming. He shook his head, but it was true.    


No, I have to find a place to test it and see how this mind-reading will work.    


Zhou Hui thought as he looked towards Dao Chuan who was beside him.    


He glanced at Dao Chuan, only to see that at this moment, Dao Chuan had his head lowered, deep in thought. No one knew what he was thinking about.    


Zhou Hui stared intently at his head, but he could not see anything clearly, all he could see was his entire head of black hair.    


That's not right, how was he going to use it?    


Zhou Hui was very surprised. He could not tell what Dao Chuan was thinking at all.    


He tried to call out to Dao Chuan, but after Dao Chuan heard Zhou Hui's voice, he became suspicious, and immediately turned around.    


"What happened to Brother Hui?"    


When he turned around, Zhou Hui was looking straight into his eyes. Zhou Hui saw Dao Chuan's eyes and suddenly did not know how to explain.    


Just like that, he nervously stared into Dao Chuan's eyes for a whole second.    


And at this time, Zhou Hui seemed to have heard Dao Chuan's voice.    


"What exactly did the Brother Hui call me for? "Why doesn't he say anything? Why is he still staring at me like that? Is there something he wants to tell me?"    


But Zhou Hui could see clearly that Dao Chuan did not even move his mouth.    


And at this moment, Zhou Hui suddenly understood.    


Of course Dao Chuan did not say anything, because he had already understood what was on Dao Chuan's mind. So this was the mind-reading.    


Moreover, it was only at the elementary level. That was why he had to meet his gaze in order to understand what he was thinking.    


With this ability, Zhou Hui was instantly very happy.    


His joy was palpable.    


When Dao Chuan saw Zhou Hui becoming so happy in an instant, he was filled with doubts.    


However, he did not say much.    


They were on their way back to Ono when Daokawa suddenly received a call.    


Zhou Hui originally did not care about it, but when he heard Dao Chuan beside him, his voice suddenly grew louder.    


"What did you say?" "Is that true? That's great, that's really great. Seems like this time Sapporo really did not come for nothing." Daichuan was extremely excited.    


He almost jumped up to cheer beside Zhou Hui.    


Zhou Hui turned and looked at him in surprise.    


"What happened to Daochuan?"    


He excitedly grabbed Zhou Hui's arm, "Brother Hui, we've succeeded, you're too awesome. Just now, just now, Brother Zhao called me, saying that there were a lot of people who wanted to join our Qing Gang."    


After Zhou Hui heard his words, he nodded his head in satisfaction.    


Actually, Zhou Hui had already expected this to happen.    


After all, everyone wanted to join a powerful gang.    


He knew that K Organization's standards were especially high, and although Ueno gang was famous in Fusang, it was not really a high-class gang.    


The sudden appearance of the Qing Gang at this time, the Qing Gang that the K organization and the Ueno gang were wary of, and the Qing Gang that could cause many planes to scatter pies in the sky, was without a doubt the choice of the majority of the people.    


"Then, how many members does our Qing Gang already have?"    


After Dao Chuan heard Zhou Hui's words, he suddenly lowered his head and calculated. He pondered for a long time and suddenly exclaimed.    


"Brother Hui, you definitely would not think that our Qing Gang already has more than 800 people."    


Hearing this number, Zhou Hui was also shocked.    


To be honest, he did not expect this either.    


Within a week of his and Daochuan's arrival in Sapporo, the number of Qing Gang members had increased from sixty to over eight hundred.    


Now, they no longer had to fear Ueno gang.    


Although Ueno gang had brought twice the amount of reinforcements as compared to their current numbers, Zhou Hui knew, that when they found out that his Qing Gang already had so many people, they would not act blindly without thinking.    


After Zhou Hui returned to Xiao Ye, he received an invitation from the K Organization.    


When Zhou Hui saw that white faced, black and white booklet, he only felt that it looked very serious.    


Sure enough, this invitation card was inviting Zhou Hui to attend Kimura Hisashi's funeral.    


Zhou Hui looked at Zhou Luobing who had sent him the invitation card. Honestly speaking, he was surprised, he did not expect the K Organization to hold a funeral for Kimura Hisashi.    


But thinking about how Kimura Hisashi was no longer here, Zhou Hui felt that there was no need to care so much.    


He asked puzzledly, "Luo Bing, how do you explain to others about Kimura Hisashi?"    


When Zhou Luobing heard Zhou Hui's words, he knew what Zhou Hui was worried about.    


"Relax, Zhou Hui, even though Yamada Ryosuke knows about the matter between you and Kimura Hisashi, he told the outside world that Kimura Hisashi slipped and fell off the cliff."    


Zhou Hui nodded his head, it seemed that when it came to Kimura Hisashi, he actually planned to turn a blind eye to it and allow himself to pass just like that.    


Originally, when Zhou Hui heard that Yamada Ryosuke was actually addressing him as uncle, he thought that he would let him go just like that.    


So it turns out that Zhou Hui had underestimated Yamada Ryosuke.    


Since that was the case, Zhou Hui decided to take a look at Kimura Hisashi's funeral.    


He didn't expect that time would be so tight. It was the day after tomorrow.    


At the same time, Zhou Luobing also told Zhou Hui a piece of good news.    


Because of the death of Kimura Hisashi, the Yoshinoya House had to choose between an Elder and a Principal.    


Zhou Hui's eyes lit up when he heard about this.    


He had originally thought that this matter would occur a long time ago, but he hadn't expected that the wine mixing competition would begin so soon.    


Zhou Hui was very excited. This way, he would be able to quickly understand that he was currently in Fu Sang's hands. At that time, he could bring Zhou Luobing back to Hua Xia.    


He was suddenly very happy and turned to look at Zhou Luobing excitedly.    


"Luo Bing, it's really great. When we're done with Fu Sang's business, we'll go back to China with Sister Bing immediately. You can do what you want and mix wine, whatever you want."    


After Zhou Luobing heard this, he suddenly became silent.    


Zhou Hui really wanted to see what he was thinking, but Zhou Luobing kept lowering his head, so Zhou Hui was not able to look straight into her eyes.    


He could only give up.    


However, Zhou Hui felt that he was not as passionate towards China as before.    


Zhou Hui felt that Zhou Le Bin was hiding something from him.    


But now that he wasn't going to tell her, he wouldn't ask her.    


When Zhou Luobing thought it through, she would naturally tell him.    


And right now, Zhou Hui had the most urgent matter at hand.    


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