Super Money Collecting System

C107 Bar

C107 Bar

No one could believe their luck, let alone a small live broadcast like Lili's.    


These two gifts added up to quite a bit of money.    


This was money she would never dare to imagine in her life.    


No matter how hard she tried, the people who gave her the presents were not anxious to see 10% from Zhou Hui's brush.    


Zhou Hui calculated the remaining money and found that it was enough for him to farm another hundred castles.    


They scrubbed Lily together.    


The live broadcast room went into an uproar again.    


Until now, there still hasn't been a single anchorman who could draw so much money in an entire night's time!    


She had thought that Zhou Hui was done painting, but she did not expect that Zhou Hui had already drawn another 100 castles at the end.    


Just by looking at those gifts, they were already dazzled. She calculated and gave Lily a total of 10 million Chinese dollars as a present.    


Zhou Hui did not care about what other people said and directly left the broadcast room.    


Thinking that it was still early, he decided to go to the Clear Bar to meet the number one Bartender.    


When Zhou Hui went downstairs, another employee had already changed shifts. They had also heard what happened today from other colleagues, so everyone knew that they had changed bosses already, but they didn't know who exactly.    


After all, Zhou Hui was only a young man who was around twenty years old.    


No one would have thought that such an ordinary person, other than a handsome person, would spend so much money to buy this bar!    


After Zhou Hui greeted them, he immediately called a taxi and went over. He did not expect that he would arrive so close to them in less than 20 minutes.    


The moment he got off the car, he would see a black signboard with a white word on it and three wine bottles beside it.    


It looked simple, but it was very unique.    


After entering the bar, the interior was elegantly decorated as well.    


It was not noisy like in a normal bar, but when Zhou Hui entered, there was a type of elegant music playing inside, with many simulated cherry blossoms on the wall, and many elegant cubicles inside.    


It was not so much a bar as a fancy teahouse.    


But Zhou Hui felt that the decorations here were similar to that in Zhou Luobing's house.    


He felt that maybe he did not come to the wrong place this time, maybe there really was some connection with Zhou Luobing?    


When Zhou Hui entered, he saw that there were no waiters inside, and there were very few customers.    


There seemed to be a wooden staircase at the far end that led directly upstairs.    


He walked to the bar and saw a beautiful woman in a black shirt and a black apron mixing wine.    


She shot a glance at Zhou Hui, and ignored him.    


On the contrary, he focused on the movements of his hands. Zhou Hui saw that the way she mixed the wine seemed to have some parts that resembled Zhou Luobing's.    


All of this was too much of a coincidence to him.    


It was just that this beauty's appearance was not exactly the same as Zhou Luobing's. Zhou Luobing was a type of ice beauty, but she looked much more exquisite and small.    


She leaned against the bar, carefully examining it for a moment, then picked up the wine glass in front of her and finished it.    


"Beautiful lady, please change a glass of wine!"    


But the Bartender ignored him, frowned, and used Fu Sang language to shout at him. Zhou Hui did not understand, but he could see the displeasure on her face.    


Very quickly, a beauty wearing a black casual shirt walked out. Seeing that they were all dressed in the same uniform, Zhou Hui immediately understood that the black shirt was definitely their employee uniform.    


"Hello sir, may I ask who you are?"    


Zhou Hui politely greeted her as well, "Hello, I heard that many of the Bartender s here are very powerful and want a drink."    


The waiter nodded with a polite but distant smile.    


"Sir, is this your first time here?"    


Zhou Hui nodded his head impatiently. This bar was truly troublesome.    


He didn't invite him in first and instead allowed him to stand here.    


"I'm sorry, sir, but we have a membership system. Unless you have an appointment, I won't be able to receive you when you come for the first time."    


Zhou Hui was startled, this was just a small tavern.    


It was only because it was his first time here and he didn't want to entertain him.    


Zhou Hui looked around, he did not know what to do upstairs, but most of the seats on the first floor were empty.    


He then pointed to the empty seat behind him and asked, "Beauty, you see that there's almost no one here, so it doesn't matter if I come over for a drink, right?"    


The girl was not very happy when she heard this.    


"Sir, I've already told you, this place is under the membership system, otherwise you are not allowed to enter, unless -"    


"Unless what?" His words piqued Zhou Hui's curiosity.    


"Unless you are a friend of one of the members, or if you have a member of your own, but Sir's place is not too suitable for you, I suggest you go to another bar nearby!" After she finished speaking, the girl took a look at Zhou Hui's clothes and said with disdain.    


Zhou Hui was immediately angered when he heard her words. Who would open their doors to do business and push their customers into other shops?    


After the waitress spoke and was about to go in, Zhou Hui stopped her.    


"Wait a minute, how do we manage the guild members?"    


After hearing what Zhou Hui had said, the waiter turned around and took a step back, intentionally pulling some distance away from Zhou Hui.    


With the ridicule towards Zhou Hui and pride towards his own bar, he continued, "I have to pay a entry fee of 200,000, so Sir, I suggest you go to another bar first!"    


After Zhou Hui finished listening, he sneered and immediately took out his bank card.    


"Isn't it just 200,000, swipe the card."    


The waitress was instantly stunned by the decisive words she heard.    


He had actually agreed to two hundred thousand dollars so decisively.    


But from her point of view, Zhou Hui did not seem like a VIP who could enter or leave their bars.    


After all, Zhou Hui was just by himself and he was dressed in ordinary clothes. He was still so young, but he couldn't refuse the esteemed guest who had just arrived.    


The female attendant was suspicious, but with the next bank card, she helped Zhou Hui to walk inside.    


He didn't expect that there would be a special member service room.    


She gave Zhou Hui a cup of water and told him to wait. The waiter sat inside the cup and helped Zhou Hui manage the membership.    


This card was entirely white, and on it was written, "Qing, VIP VIP VIP card."    


When Zhou Hui saw her opening the drawer just now, it seemed that there was a purple card and some other colors inside, he was very curious.    


"What's the purple one among the beauties?"    


The waitress took out one and showed it to Zhou Hui.    


When Zhou Hui held it in his hand, he felt that this purple card had a lot more texture than the one in his hand. This paper card seemed to have some metal inside and there were even some gold edges.    


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