Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C674 Who Took Your Life!

C674 Who Took Your Life!

Lu Lee frowned and enjoyed the feeling of the ice-cold objects slowly flowing into his throat. On the dance floor not far away, a lady was twisting her body.    


Although her appearance was not very good, her body was as hot as an international beauty pageant beauty.    


Lu Lee's gaze, like most people's, fell on the woman's body. However, it wasn't hard to notice that his gaze was empty.    


When the wine was almost finished, he did not realize that a long time had passed.    


The case of wine that Lu Lee called was completely used up, but it was hard to find any sign of drunkenness in his eyes.    


After settling the bill, Lu Lee stood up and walked towards the front door. However, a chill became more apparent as his intuition told him that something was about to happen.    


Subconsciously, Lu Lee's gaze became serious, unmoving as he explained the situation in front of him. The Willow Leaf Knife in his hand also appeared on his palm.    


As he walked forward, the coldness in Lu Lee's heart became deeper. Lu Lee suddenly realized that this might be the beginning of chaos.    


Sure enough, the lights in the bar suddenly went out.    


It was completely dark, making it hard to tell who was in front of him.    


The chaotic crowd fled in all directions towards the exit, but Lu Lee didn't join the chaotic army. At this moment, he quietly explained to the people who were running away that he could rely on his feelings to find the back door.    


Because if he went out the front door now, it would be the wrong choice. Since the enemy wanted to kill him, there must be a sniper at the front door.    


Although Lu Lee was proud of his skill, he was still able to pay for it. He did not believe that his speed would be faster than a bullet in most situations.    


If it was a sniper, then it would be fine, but if there were more people, then there would be nowhere to run. Feeling the crowd around him, Lu Lee took the initiative to dodge towards the innermost area.    


The frightened crowd didn't notice Lu Lee's actions at all and just ran away, quickly giving Lu Lee a path to the back.    


Lu Lee grinned. He quickly moved his body and headed to the back door. Just as he thought, there was someone guarding this place.    


However, it was clearly much more convenient for Lu Lee to extend his life in the darkness. Lu Lee waved the Willow Leaf Knife in his hand and in a matter of moments, Lu Lee had finished off the guards in front of him.    


Lu Lee carefully walked forward after entering the tunnel. Not long later, doors appeared in front of him.    


Lu Lee used his hands to push open the door, but due to some external force, the door was now completely sealed. After a fruitless attempt, Lu Lee began to cut the Willow Leaf Knife with his hands.    


Fortunately, although the door was fixed, it was wooden. After being cut by the Willow Leaf Knife a few times, a hole the size of a person appeared.    


Lu Lee took advantage of this opportunity and ducked in and quickly appeared outside the door.    


Those people didn't seem to have expected someone to appear like this. Shocked, they raised the weapons in their hands and asked sternly, "Who are you?"    


"The one who is taking your life." Lu Lee answered simply and pounced forward in a blur.    


"Ah!" Very quickly, a mournful scream sounded out in the huge street. At that moment, Lu Lee's sudden attack blinded him, and the Willow Leaf Knife quickly cut his neck.    


After the guards heard the scream, they all looked back. However, they didn't manage to see Lu Lee's appearance clearly before he fell down.    


The speed of his actions was so fast that it only happened in a split-second. Lu Lee finished off those small fries in no time, but he didn't think that it would be done so easily.    


"Come out, I've seen you for a long time." Lu Lee said coldly while looking at a shadow. From the beginning, he suspected that the chill was coming from that person.    


However, he did not expect this person to appear so soon. It was as if he had already expected this person to appear.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck …" I didn't expect you to deal with it so quickly. It's not interesting at all. " The people in the darkness walked out with strange smiles.    


Lu Lee couldn't help but be shocked when he saw him. This person was dressed in all sorts of clothes, just like people from a battle group. He didn't expect that Japanese wanted to kill him.    


He actually even invited someone from such an organization. He really thought highly of himself.    


Lu Lee said with a cold smile. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk's. However, he knew that this person was not afraid at all.    


He could not help but become even calmer. "Haha …" "Looks like you know my organization, Crown Prince."    


"Cut the crap, let's fight." Lu Lee said coldly, and suddenly rushed forward, the Willow Leaf Knife shockingly shot out a beautiful blade ray, smashing towards the masked man.    


However, the masked man left in a flash. He didn't use any weapons, only taking out a ring and putting it on his finger.    


The moment the ring appeared, Lu Lee was even more determined. This person did not appear to be just a member of the organization, he was also one of the top three soul fighters. It seemed like this would be a tough battle.    


Lu Lee thought to himself and didn't dare to be negligent anymore. He suddenly accelerated and started attacking the masked guy crazily.    


The masked guy leisurely dodged to the left and right, dispelling Lu Lee's attacks one by one. When Lu Lee suddenly jumped up and attacked, his fist suddenly concentrated towards Lu Lee's lower body.    


Lu Lee immediately felt a chill on his lower body, but it was already too late. He only heard a "kacha" sound and realized that his foot bones had been cracked.    


However, he did not care about the pain in his leg. He abruptly grabbed his own weapon and swung his Willow Leaf Knife forward.    


This is a move that would let me off the hook, but I didn't expect that the masked guy would suddenly retract his hand and once again block my face.    


The Willow Leaf Knife impressively stabbed into the masked guy's thick arm, the blade piercing completely into his arm, but he did not retreat at all.    


When Lu Lee's gaze met with the masked guy's, he could clearly read the meaning of 'not rest until one side dies'. This caused Lu Lee to be shocked.    


There were many brave warriors in this world, but it was not easy to deal with a person who did not give up until he was dead.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck …" "What a fast blade technique." The masked guy laughed and said. His left hand suddenly grabbed Lu Lee's Willow Leaf Knife and pulled it out. After pulling a piece of cloth, his eyes filled with killing intent, he rushed towards Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he didn't try to avoid it. He clenched his fists and made a gossiping gesture.    


Although the masked man's fist carried a huge amount of power, it was completely disintegrated when facing Yi Rou's Eight Trigrams Fist. The heavy fist hit Lu Lee's hand, but it felt like it was hitting cotton.    


Not only was he unable to use any strength, he even felt like he was hit by a backlash. After the masked man's attack was completely neutralized, he stared at Lu Lee in a daze and was unable to say anything for a while.    


Looking at the fear in the masked man's eyes, Lu Lee sneered again and again. He had already secretly turned his hand into an attacking posture.    


This punch could be said to be a heavy blow from any other fist technique. It brought with it a powerful aura as it suddenly smashed towards the masked man.    


"Pfft!" The masked man spat out a mouthful of blood as he was pushed back several steps.    


His pupils enlarged several times as he looked at Lu Lee. After spitting out the blood from his mouth, he hatefully looked at Lu Lee and said, "What fist art is this? "So fast."    


"Fast huh? I think it's too slow." Lu Lee said coldly as his body suddenly sped up.    


Before the masked guy could regain his senses, the sharp Willow Leaf Knife had already cut his throat open.    


Only until he was dead did he understand what kind of person he had offended.    


"You …" The masked man fell to the ground and closed his eyes before he could finish his sentence. Lu Lee looked at him and didn't know what to do.    


In the end, Lu Lee slowly walked forward, picked up his Willow Leaf Knife and was about to leave, but at that moment, he suddenly saw a card.    


From the contents of the card, Lu Lee saw the words Yunze Family. He couldn't help but sneer, I haven't even gone to look for them yet, they already sent people here. It seems it's time to play with them.    


Lu Lee thought to himself as he walked towards the open field. Soon, he successfully got into a taxi.    


The taxi drove Lu Lee towards the hotel. Along the way, Lu Lee's mind was filled with thoughts about the killer just now. He had to admit that the killer was really strong. If it wasn't for Lu Lee using his full strength, Lu Lee wouldn't be his match.    


Looks like I'm still a bit too weak, Lu Lee thought, and he became even more determined to train himself. However, it's not easy for him at his current level.    


Once one stood at a certain height, the number of people who could surpass them was very few. Furthermore, if one were to choose a stronger person among them to be their master, it would become even more difficult.    


Although Lu Lee thought that his learning speed was very fast, he didn't think that he could just learn. What he could learn was pretty good, and the rest needed some guidance.    


Thinking about this, Lu Lee couldn't help but want to go home tomorrow. After all, close up, his father, Lu Lei, should have some ability. It shouldn't be difficult to find a suitable teacher.    


Lu Lee thought about calling Lu Lei, but when he heard Lu Lee's idea, Lu Lei laughed and said: "This time, I want you to be a simple person and to be such an expert."    


"Is that so? Where is that person?" Lu Lee said lightly and asked Lu Lei.    


Hearing Lu Lee's urgent voice, Lu Lei was naturally very happy. He didn't continue to argue with Lu Lee and immediately told him about their meeting three days later.    


Originally, Lu Lee was worried that his father would tease him, but now, Lu Lee couldn't help but feel happy.    


He was about to look for his master, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. His luck was too good. Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh.    


After returning to the hotel, Lu Lee put a bath full of warm water and soaked himself in it. Feeling the comfortable temperature, Lu Lee closed his eyes in satisfaction.    


It wasn't until midnight that Lu Lee crawled out of the bathtub and took out his phone. Lu Lee clearly saw the text messages from Wan Mingyan and her friends, but what made him disappointed was that there wasn't anything from Bai Yaqi at all.    


He didn't know if she was doing well. Lu Lee was thinking about how soon the tiredness would come, so he brought Lu Lee into a dream.    


A good night's sleep. When Lu Lee woke up the next morning, he was already shining brightly.    


Lu Lee opened his eyes with great difficulty. He got off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up. After a few minutes, he looked radiant again.    


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