Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C652 Money Is Evidence

C652 Money Is Evidence

Seeing Bo Yaqi's actions, even Lu Lee almost burst out laughing. He coughed dryly and suppressed the happiness in his heart, pulling the blanket over Bo Yaqi's head away.    


Lu Lee said helplessly to Bo Yaqi, "Alright, stop joking around. It's just a joke."    


"Right." Bo Yaqi responded with a low voice, looking like a wronged wife.    


"Then rest well, I still have things to do today, so I won't accompany you." Lu Lee said apologetically to Bo Yaqi. He hoped that Bo Yaqi could understand him just like he could understand Bo Yaqi.    


Bo Yaqi looked at Lu Lee and whispered, "Okay, be careful."    


"Right." Lu Lee responded and kissed Bo Yaqi's face. Then, he casually found a casual beige suit in the wardrobe and put it on.    


"I'm just not that handsome. I'm just wearing the same clothes." Bo Yaqi climbed onto the bed and looked at Lu Lee with an infatuated expression. A silly smile appeared on her face.    


"You little infatuation." Lu Lee laughed and scolded. He scratched Bo Yaqi's nose lightly and said lovingly, "Have a good rest. I'm going out. I'll take you out to play tonight."    


"Hm!" "Alright!" Hearing Lu Lee's words, Bo Yaqi's eyes lit up and she hurriedly nodded in agreement.    


Looking at Bo Yaqi's expression, Lu Lee nodded in satisfaction and then left the villa.    


Lu Lee was afraid that he would be late, so he went all out. Luckily, the traffic in the East Ocean was not as dangerous as China's. Otherwise, Lu Lee would have cried.    


When Lu Lee finally arrived at Jingdong University, he was stopped by a uniformed security guard just as he was about to enter the door.    


"Hello, is something the matter?" The burly guard blocked Lu Lee's way and shouted at him.    


"I'm here for the parents' meeting." Lu Lee immediately said.    


Hearing Lu Lee's words, the fat security guard looked at Lu Lee suspiciously, saying, "You're not that old yet, could it be that you have a son or daughter from college?"    


If it wasn't because he didn't want to cause trouble, Lu Lee would have pulled out his Willow Leaf Knife and served the fatty in front of him well.    


However, Lu Lee decided not to cause trouble for Lu Ke. He calmed down and said to the guard in a soft voice, "It's my cousin."    


"In my opinion, who are you to find your little lover?" After the fat security guard finished speaking, he waved his hand and began to chase them away, "Move, move, move. You are not allowed to enter."    


"It really is cousin." Lu Lee said in a low voice. He had no intention of leaving.    


"What evidence do you have?" The fat security guard looked at Lu Lee with disdain, then he stealthily gestured to Lu Lee that everyone understood and wanted to confess.    


Lu Lee felt helpless as he saw Ye Zichen's gesture. He had actually stayed here for half a day just because he wanted to pay the fare.    


"Of course." As Lu Lee said that, he took out a few large bills from his pocket and placed it in the fat security guard's hands.    


He wouldn't waste his precious time with a bored person over something like this. He didn't want to be late at all.    


The fat security guard touched the thickness of the money and nodded in satisfaction. After putting the money in his pocket, he smiled and said, "Since you're here for the family meeting, then go in."    


Lu Lee walked directly into the campus of Jingdong University without saying anything.    


Looking at the young faces and young expressions on many of the students, Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh that ignorance was the happiest thing in the world.    


Lu Lee took out his phone as he walked quickly and started to search for Lu Ke's phone number.    


At this moment, Lu Lee felt that he suddenly hit something. Lu Lee, who didn't have time to stabilize his body, was about to fall to the ground.    


Lu Lee subconsciously grabbed the people beside him and dragged them down.    


So soft. This was Lu Lee's first thought. However, before he could exclaim how soft it was, a palm hit Lu Lee's face, waking him up all of a sudden.    


He had forgotten the last time he was slapped in the face, but now, someone dared to hit him!    


Lu Lee got angry and was about to stand up and tear the person under him apart.    


But before Lu Lee could take action, a woman's voice filled with shame and indignation shouted at Lu Lee, "You hooligan!"    


Listening to the woman's words, Lu Lee shifted his gaze to the place where his hand was placed. The thing that made him feel soft was none other than the chest of this beautiful woman.    


Lu Lee's face turned red. He wanted to stand up, but due to being too flustered, Lu Lee smashed into the woman's body once again, making intimate contact with her body.    


The woman's face turned even redder because she had to admit, such intimate contact made her feel how strong the man on top of her was.    


"I'm sorry." Lu Lee hurriedly replied. After climbing up from the woman's body, he subconsciously reached out his hand towards the woman, wanting to pull her up.    


The woman rolled her eyes at Lu Lee and got up from the ground.    


Only then did Lu Lee start to recall the appearance of the woman in front of him.    


Due to being in too much of a hurry, Lu Lee didn't notice that this woman was actually not bad looking.    


On her face that was the size of a palm, her cherry lips were moist, as if inviting others to taste them. Her nose was small and perky, and her watery eyes were sparkling like the stars. Her long eyelashes looked perfect.    


The upper part of the professional suit was bulging, as if it was ready to burst at any moment.    


A black one-step skirt revealed her snow-white thighs. At the same time, it also exposed the two bunches of incense, outlining the beautiful scenery line by line.    


Charming, dignified. Even Lu Lee, who had seen countless women, had to admit that the woman in front of him had almost perfectly fused these two words together and pushed them to their limits.    


"You're in a hurry to be reborn!" After the beauty changed her image, she shouted at Lu Lee.    


"I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." Lu Lee quickly apologized. Of course, this was only because the woman in front of him looked pretty good.    


His figure was especially good, which was very much to Lu Lee's taste.    


"If a single apology is enough to solve the problem, then why do we need so many policemen!" As the woman spoke the classic lines of the idol play, she stretched out her hand towards Lu Lee, wanting to give him another slap.    


Seeing the situation, Lu Lee reached out his hand and easily held the woman's hand. Lu Lee looked at the woman coldly and said, "There are some things, it's better not to go overboard."    


"For a pervert like you, even if I hit you ten times, it would still be considered light." The woman cursed loudly and tried to get her hand away from Lu Lee.    


How could Lu Lee give her a chance? He grabbed the woman's hand and said lightly: "I didn't do it on purpose just now. I don't believe a teacher like you would do this, right?"    


"Whether you did it on purpose or not, it's up to you to decide. If anyone sees it, they can give you proof!" The woman struggled rationally. However, Lu Lee was too strong, so the woman couldn't get away no matter how hard she tried.    


Looking at the woman's appearance, Lu Lee suddenly had the urge to tease her. He smiled and said to the woman: "No matter how pretty a wild kitten is, no matter how nice its figure is, no man will like it."    


"You don't have to worry about that." As the woman spoke, she lifted up her high heels and stepped on Lu Lee's leather shoes. Lu Lee let go of the woman's hands painfully.    


The woman took the opportunity to quickly escape from Lu Lee's side. After making a face at Lu Lee in satisfaction, she shook her plump and round bottom and left.    


As expected, he couldn't let down his guard when it came to women. Lu Lee, who was left to suffer the loss, concluded.    


Helpless, Lu Lee finally found the girl's room downstairs after a series of questions. When he saw the girl's room that was right in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.    


Previously, when he called Lu Ke, Lu Ke seemed to have something going on, so she hung up the phone hurriedly after Lu Lee came to the girls' dormitory. Therefore, Lu Lee had no choice but to come over himself.    


As for the woman in charge of the girls' dormitory, her eyes were guarded when she saw the man who had suddenly appeared outside the girls' dormitory. It was as if she was looking at a thief who could steal anything at any time.    


"Cough, cough, cough." Lu Lee coughed dryly. Then, he picked up his phone. He saw Lu Ke's name on the first number of the call and called her back.    


"Big brother, are you here yet?" Just when Lu Lee felt that the call was connected, before he could say anything, Lu Ke's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Lu Lee shook his head helplessly and said softly, "Yes, I'm here."    


"Okay, wait a moment. I'll be right down." Lu Ke said happily and hung up the phone. Even though Lu Lee was satisfied with Lu Ke's expression, he could still imagine her current state.    


"Hey, young man, this is a girl's room. If you have nothing to do, don't hang around here." At this moment, the woman in charge of the dorm walked in front of Lu Lee and reminded him.    


Hearing the manager's words, Lu Lee was stunned for a moment. Did he look like a bad person? And you even wanted to come over and warn him?!    


"I know, I'm just waiting here." Lu Lee agreed softly and tried really hard to act like a good kid.    


"Waiting for someone? "Who are you waiting for?" Hearing Lu Lee's words, Lou Zigui's grandma continued to look at Lu Lee with a frown, with no intention of letting go.    


"Lu Ke." Lu Lee answered honestly. He looked like he was having a fight with the person in his hand reporting to him.    


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