Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C285 Military Unrest

C285 Military Unrest

When Qin Yao saw Lu Lee holding her back with a broom, she was ashamed and angry at the same time. "A man needs to use weapons to deal with women, so he's not ashamed." She purposely said that the broom was a weapon because she wanted Lu Lee to fight with his bare hands. She knew that her energy could only be truly effective through close combat.    


Lu Lee revealed a faint smile, "Fine, otherwise, even if you lose, you won't be convinced." After saying that, he casually threw away the broom in his hand and used one hand to meet Qin Yao's poisonous palm. Seeing how arrogant he was, even Qin Chuan started to sweat: "Young Master Lu, you can't go head to head with her!"    


Feng Hua and the rest had already rushed in when Proneck's men were retreating. Feng Hua obviously knew that Qin Yao's hands had a trick up her sleeves. He also hurriedly shouted, "Lu Lee, don't be reckless!" However, it was too late. Wu Tie's hands met Qin Yao's. Qin Yao was secretly delighted. She didn't expect Lu Lee to be so easily angered. If you dare to touch me, you're dead for sure, Qin Yao thought to herself.    


Lu Lee sneered. He punched out, passing through Qin Yao's arms and hitting her hard on the soft spot on her chest. Although Lu Lee didn't use all his strength on Qin Chuan, but about seventy to eighty percent of his strength, Qin Yao actually fainted after flying four to five meters away.    


Qin Chuan's face was full of concern: "Yaoyao!" Lu Lee said lightly, "There's no need to worry. We won't die." Feng Hua grabbed Lu Lee's hand and looked at his fist. His hand was dripping wet as if it had just been fished out of the water. However, other parts of Lu Lee's body, and even his other hand, did not notice such a situation.    


Lee Tao also asked curiously, "Elder Brother Lee, are you alright?" Zhou Tie shook his head. "I'm fine!" Qin Chuan puzzledly asked, "Young Master Lu, how did you do it?" Zhou Tie smiled, "Her hands are slightly green. It should be extremely poisonous. I forced the water out of her body, and it flowed out like a flood. After being washed away like this, do you think her poison will still be useful to me?" Qin Chuan replied, "Aren't you afraid that the venom will penetrate your skin like that?"    


Lu Lee said, "Don't worry, with the pressure of the water flow, it won't be able to flow back. However, I can only hold on like this for a short period of time. It will become dehydrated as time passes, but ten seconds is enough. In terms of martial arts, we are definitely not on the same level. "    


Lu Lee looked at Qin Chuan: "Speak, what happened?" Qin Chuan then thought of his own business, "You should know about the situation in the Chinese military already. Although this is a competition between your Lu Family, the impact is huge." As he said that, he slanted his eyes to look at Lu Lee, afraid that his words would arouse the displeasure of the crown prince.    


Lu Lee did not speak as he looked into the distance. Qin Chuan saw that Lu Lee didn't show any anger on his face, so he continued, "The Duke of Panama and Vice President Lu have a good personal relationship, that's why he agreed to help you guys and let you guys on the boat. However, this matter has somehow been leaked out, so someone wants to use it as an example. " After saying that, he looked at Qin Yao who was lying on the ground, "Those people with ulterior motives wanted to use this opportunity of yours to attack the grand duke. Think about it, if something were to happen to the grand duke, would you be the suspect?"    


Lu Lee's pupils contracted. It seemed like they wanted him to bear the responsibility of killing the head of State of Panama. He did not like these countries to begin with, so if something were to happen to him, he would become the target of pursuit from the other countries. Furthermore, he had already made a name for himself.    


"Qin Chuan, where is the grand duke?" Lu Lee asked. Qin Chuan said, "Let's go, I'll lead you guys there." Qin Chuan knew that he could not delay any longer and hurriedly led the way. Hee Xiao lifted Proneck and asked, "How should we deal with this guy?" "Throw it away!" Lu Lee replied. Hee Xiao was stunned. What did he mean by throwing it away? Could it be that he was throwing it into the sea to feed the fish? After thinking about it, he decided to just cut Proneck's neck with his palm. How could that guy bear it? He immediately fainted. Hee Xiao hurriedly chased after Lu Lee and the others!    


Qin Chuan led Lu Lee and charged through. There were quite a number of soldiers blocking the way, but in front of the Eraser, those soldiers could not stop him. Finally arriving at a hatch, he said, "The grand duke is trapped inside." Qin Chuan said.    


Lu Lee pulled the cabin door open, but a voice came from inside: "Lu Lee, it's you, right?" Lu Lee was stunned for a moment. He was not familiar with this voice, he could even be sure that he had never seen this person before. Lu Lee replied plainly, "I am Lu Lee!" The voice said, "Come in by yourself, or I'll kill Oberdeen!"    


It should be the voice of a middle-aged man with a pure Chinese accent. Lu Lee believed that the man must be Chinese.    


Lu Lee looked at the person behind him and said elegantly, "Lu Lee, you can't go in!" Lu Lee said, "I'm sorry, Brother Feng. I have to go in." "Elder Brother Lee, let me go. Watch me cut him into two with one slash." Lu Lee said, "Scram! Do you still have a big brother like me in your eyes? " Stringer had never seen Lu Lee so angry. He was shocked and his face was filled with grievance.    


"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, Elder Brother Lee." Lu Lee patted his shoulder again. Faang Shaojun knew that Lu Lee had already made up his mind. He didn't try to persuade Lu Lee anymore, but only said in a deep voice: "Be careful." Liu Tie nodded, walked in, and casually closed the cabin door.    


Lu Lee walked in and saw a floor full of bodies. They were all Panamanian soldiers, probably Proneck's men. He walked all the way to the innermost area and saw a Chinese middle-aged man and two black men sitting side by side on three chairs. The middle-aged man was actually wearing a traditional long robe made out of China. His figure wasn't very tall or sturdy, about 1.65 meters tall, and his skin was white and clean. He looked at Lu Lee with a faint smile on his face.    


Lu Lee asked, "Where is Archduke Oberdeen?" The black man in the middle chair replied, "I am." Lu Lee frowned. He thought that the grand duke Oberdeen would be controlled by the middle-aged man. Lu Lee looked at the middle-aged man, "What is going on?" The middle-aged man said, "You've come too late. If you had waited for the Duke, he would have already died." Lu Lee said, "Since you have already saved the grand duke, why are you deliberately trying to be mysterious?" The middle-aged man said, "Youngster, it seems that you have quite a temper. Even your father, Lu Lei, doesn't dare to talk to me like that. Do you have guts?"    


"You know my father?" Lu Lee asked. The middle-aged man nodded and was about to speak, but Duke Oberdeen asked, "You are Lu Lei's son, Lu Lee?" Lu Lee nodded. "Yes." Oberdeen said, "Did your father ever mention me to you?" Lu Lee shook his head. He really didn't know the relationship between the archduke of Panama and his father.    


"I saved your father when he was heavily injured 20 years ago when he went to Moishe for a mission. But later on he helped me resolve the problem. It seems I owe him more." Lu Lee smiled. "From what the grand duke said, the relationship between you and my father should be very deep." Oberdeen nodded: "That's true. I heard that something happened to the Lu Family this time, and I really hope that I can help. However, my abilities are limited, sigh!"    


Lu Lee said, "Since you and my father are good friends, don't be too fussy about it. There is no one who owes you anything. When Lu Family is in trouble this time, it is already very touching for the grand duke to have this kind of help. I believe that it will also be the same for my father. " The Duke laughed, "Lu Lee, although you are still young, but you have the demeanor of your father!"    


Lu Lee said humbly, "Grand Duke, you're too kind."    


Lu Lee raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man. "Can you tell me what exactly happened?" The middle-aged man said, "My name is Ye Tian, Ye Ye, the sky." Lu Lee was shocked when he heard that. He hurriedly bowed and said, "Junior Lu Lee greets Mr. Ye." Lu Lee was born into a red family and was a proud son of the military. To him, Ye Tian's name was like a thunderclap.    


However, what shocked him the most was that Ye Tian looked so young. Logically speaking, he should be over 60 years old.    


Lu Lee asked respectfully, "Mr. Ye, you've come this time to bring Lu Lee back, right?" Ye Tian smiled and shook his head: "No, I have a mission for you." Lu Lee said, "Since Mr. Ye is from China, you should have long known about the Lu Family, right? "With Lu Lee's current condition, what other tasks can he carry out?"    


Ye Tian said: "Chairman Chen already knew about the Lu Family. It's just that you also know that there are a lot of things within the system that even Chairman Chen can't do anything about. He told me to tell you, even though he's currently the strongest person in China, this matter regarding Lu Family and Xiang Family is extremely complicated, and on the surface, he seemed to have a lot of evidence that is detrimental to Lu Family as well. So, for the time being, he is unable to speak up for Lu Family, I hope you can understand. " Ye Tian was the head guard of the number one person in China, Chairman Chen. If he was here, then the mission he brought could be said to be very important.    


Lu Lee said, "On behalf of Lu Family, I thank Chairman Chen." Ye Tian said, "Rest assured, only you guys can find enough evidence. Chairman Chen said that he will definitely uphold justice for Lu Lee. "However, Lu Lee, the country needs you to do something right now, and it's extremely dangerous, so I hope you don't push it away." Lu Lee said, "Mr. Ye, please assign the tasks."    


Ye Tian nodded. "As expected of the descendants of Lu Family, be sensible and take care of the overall situation." Lu Lee did not speak and listened quietly. Ye Tian said: "Three days ago, there was a meteorolite that fell into the Hafei Jungle in the southeast of Brazil. According to the message from 'Hawk's Eye', Star State, America, and more than a dozen other countries' agents were rushing towards the Brazil one after another. I heard that the meteorolite has a huge amount of energy, and its energy surpasses even the destructive power of our entire nation's nuclear bombs." Lu Lee said softly: "You want me to fight over this meteorolite?"    


Wu Tie nodded his head, "Chairman Chen has doubts about the working ability of the several intelligence units in the military. Thus, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this difficult task can only be handed to you, and he also asked me to tell you that if you can smoothly complete this task, he will remember a great contribution. That way, he can come out and speak for Lu Family." Lu Lee said, "Mr. Ye, please tell the President that Lu Lee, as a part of Lu Family, will definitely bow down to the death."    


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