Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C268 Do You like It?

C268 Do You like It?

Faang Shaojun looked at Lu Lee and frowned. Lu Lee could not agree. He could not let Huang Dongfeng suffer grievances for the sake of his own family matters. He could not do this. Lu Lee shook his head. "I'm sorry, we can't do that." Helena stood up, "Mr Lu, Mr Fang, I will not force you. I will give you two days to consider."    


She started for the door.    


Just as she was about to reach the door, it opened and Huang Dongfeng stepped in front of her. There was no expression on Huang Dongfeng's face. She looked at Helena. Lili smiled. She turned to look at Lu Lee and Faang Shaojun, shrugged, and said to Huang Dongfeng, "Let's go!" As they left the room, Faang Shaojun said to Lu Lee, "I'm worried about Dongfeng." Lu Lee said, "Don't worry, she knows her limits. After all, she's a member of a famous family, so we can be at ease and wait. I believe we will soon see the results."    


An hour later, Huang Dongfeng and Helena finally returned. However, it was different from the time they left. The two of them were actually holding hands and walking in while talking and laughing.    


This greatly surprised everyone.    


When she arrived in front of Faang Shaojun, the smile on Huang Dongfeng's face disappeared. She said to Faang Shaojun, "Remember this. In the future, I will definitely 'kacha' you when you go and pick flowers to bully the grass." With that, she pulled Helena over and handed her over to Faang Shaojun. "Don't let her down. Helena is sincere to you." Faang Shaojun asked, "You don't mind?" Huang Dongfeng said, "Mind your words, I'll tell you, I'm the only wife you can have! "Alright, I'll go and prepare. There are still a lot of things to do over there. I'll head back tonight."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Didn't you say tomorrow?" Huang Dongfeng rolled her eyes at him. "I was planning to stay the night and take care of you. Now that Helena is here, I can finally relax. I can help Elder Brother Wolf a little bit earlier." After saying that, he bid farewell to Lu Lee and left.    


Lu Lee said to Faang Shaojun and Helena, "You two take your time to chat, I'll pick Guan Lee up!"    


Lu Lee naturally didn't want to be a light bulb there, although he really wanted to know what the two girls said to each other.    


Only Faang Shaojun and Helena were left in the ward. Faang Shaojun asked, "What did you two talk about?" Helena did not answer him directly. "Miss Huang is a very kind woman." Faang Shaojun nodded, "Yes. Although she is a bit willful sometimes, she is kind." Helena said, "I promised her that we wouldn't tell anyone about our conversation. It's a secret between two women."    


Faang Shaojun didn't say anything else and closed his eyes.    


Helena smiled and walked closer to Faang Shaojun. She held his hand and kissed him on the cheek. "But I can tell you the result of our conversation. Miss Huang has already agreed to accept me." Seeing that Faang Shaojun didn't have any expression, Helena continued, "It seems that you've already guessed everything. Tell me, what is your attitude?"    


Faang Shaojun opened his eyes: "You're really willing to help Lu Family?" Helena nodded. "Although I don't know where Monkey and the rest are hiding now, I still have a way to find Pamela." Faang Shaojun said, "That woman?" Helena nodded. Faang Shaojun said, "Isn't she Ah Se's man?" Helena shook her head. "No, she's a member of the 'Black Gold'."    


Faang Shaojun frowned: "'Black Gold'?" Helena said, "Why? Haven't you heard? " Faang Shaojun shook his head. He had indeed never heard of it before. Helena said, "This place is composed of several oil-exporting Arab countries. Originally, the purpose of the 'Black Gold' was to guarantee the stability of the oil market in the Arab region, but due to the war, the 'Black Gold' slowly deteriorated and was no longer under the control of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. It became a terrorist organization that gathered intelligence, assassinations and terrorist activities as one."    


Helena continued, "Although the 'Black Gold' organization is not as huge as the base, it covers the entire Arab region. The kidnapping case by Galin actually has nothing to do with the base, it was done by Ah Se in collusion with 'Black Gold'." Faang Shaojun asked, "What does this have to do with 'monkeys'? Why would he risk exposing himself to save Pamela? " Helena shook her head. "I don't know why Monkey saved Pamela. According to the information that I obtained previously, Monkey had contact with Black Gold in Moscow. However, it seems like they parted on bad terms that time."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Could it be that 'Black Gold' is involved in the kidnapping of General Xu?" Helena said, "Impossible, the 'Black Gold' shouldn't have the guts to become enemies with the China." Faang Shaojun said, "Can you really find Pamela?" Helena said, "I am also a member of the 'Black Gold'."    


Faang Shaojun was shocked, "You? Aren't you from the ISI? " Helena said, "You forgot? I'm Scorpion. " Faang Shaojun said, "I know, you're a spy, but I didn't expect you to be a member of a terrorist organization." Helena said, "You are wrong. I am not a member of a terrorist organization. I am a spy sent into 'Black Gold' by the Cia."    


Faang Shaojun finally understood. Helena said, "Don't worry, I'll find out about Pamela as soon as possible. As long as we can find her, I think we'll be able to find out about her." With that, Helena stood up, "Fang, I have to leave first. If there's any news, I will inform you in time. We might not meet again until this matter is settled, but I hope you can remember our agreement."    


Faang Shaojun suddenly realized that this woman was quite cute.    


He smiled and nodded. "Okay, I hope to hear your good news." Helena lowered her head and kissed Faang Shaojun's lips. Faang Shaojun accidentally saw the deep ravine between Helena's twin peaks. His throat moved slightly. Seeing Faang Shaojun's restless eyes, Helena smiled, "Do you like it?" Faang Shaojun answered, "I like it!" Helena said, "Then hurry up and get better. I'll give it to you!"    


With that, she left Faang Shaojun's bedside, leaving behind a charming smile before leaving the ward.    


Lu Lee and Yuan Zi drove to the airport and waited for more than 20 minutes before Guan Lee came out. Seeing Lu Lee, Guan Lee smiled and said, "Sorry, the flight is a bit late." After getting on the car, Lu Lee asked: "What happened at home?" Actually, Lu Lee already knew about it. He just wanted to get more information from Guan Lee.    


When Guan Lee heard Lu Lee's sudden question, she glanced at Lu Lee and asked: "You know about it already?" Lu Lee nodded. "I know a little, but I want to hear it from you." Guan Lee sighed. "Do you know what my men are busy with?" Lu Lee said, "Are you trying to investigate the cause of death?" Guan Lee nodded. "Yes, that is why the intelligence team did not follow up on your actions."    


Lu Lee asked, "Do you have any news about Uncle Jin?" Guan Lee shook her head. "No. Ever since he disappeared, he never contacted anyone else." Lu Lee asked, "Is there any result from your investigation?" Guan Lee said, "No, I don't have any leads." Wu Tie lit a cigarette, "Looks like father's test will be very difficult." Guan Lee replied, "That's right. Before I left, I received news that Xiang Qing had already taken over Dragon Group."    


Guan Lee looked at Lu Lee, but Lu Lee did not have any reaction. She continued: "Xiang Qing is the leader of the new generation of Xiang Family, although she is a woman, but she is very powerful, this woman is courageous and scheming, it is said that she was the one who used Xiang Ru's death to attack Lu Family. Xiang Ru is her younger cousin, so you have to be wary of her! "    


After following Lu Lee for a long time, Yinzi naturally knew what kind of organization the "Dragon Group" was. He also frowned: "Elder Brother Lee, if they want to do something bad to us, then it will be troublesome." Lu Lee looked out of the window and said indifferently, "If there's any trouble, we can handle it." No matter how strong they are, our Lu Family is not something to be trifled with. "    


Xiang Qing and Lu Lee knew that Lu Lee had a good impression of her. She was beautiful, intelligent, and wise. It was just that she was a bit cold and proud, but she had always been very warm towards Lu Lee. Before meeting Bai Yaqi, the elders of the Lu and Xiang families had even thought of letting them be together. Of course, Lu Lee didn't agree.    


Lu Lee and Xiang Qing were too familiar with each other, just like Hua Ziyan. Although they were on good terms, they couldn't find that kind of feeling like calling. From then on, Xiang Qing slowly estranged herself from him. It was just that she had too many things to do and didn't pay too much attention to them. When Lu Lee heard that Xiang Qing had risked his cousin's life to frame his shadow, he couldn't quite accept it. However, since these words came from Guan Lee's mouth, it should be an ironclad fact.    


Lu Lee smiled bitterly, it wasn't a good thing for such a woman to become the enemy. Moreover, she was in charge of the "Dragon Group", so it seemed that he would have to face her sooner or later since she had such a core national machine in her hands.    


Guan Lee then said something that made Lu Lee even more shocked, "Your father will probably replace Du Mingyi after he is discharged." Lu Lee frowned. "That little guy." Guan Lee said lightly, "He is a vile character, but now he is a vile character with high aspirations. He has climbed up the big tree known as Xiang Ru." "In that case, it seems like Elder Brother Lee's situation isn't looking too good," Yanzi said as he drove.    


Guan Lee nodded, "That's right. That's why when I came here, my cousin told me to tell you that you must cut off all communication with the headquarters and can no longer contact anyone at home. Du Mingyi will probably take office in a week. From now on, your operation team will no longer belong to the China and military intelligence agency. " Lu Lee exclaimed, "This? How could this work? This is treason. " Guan Lee sighed, "This is your protection. As long as you do not set foot on China's land, you should be able to protect your own safety."    


Lu Lee never thought that things would be so much worse than he imagined.    


Guan Lee said, "Your father also wanted me to pass on a message to you." Lu Lee asked, "What do you mean?" Guan Lee said softly, "If you meet anyone who endangers you or your team, kill them all! I want you to be fearless! Lu Lee, you must be mentally prepared. From now on, you will no longer receive any support from China, so you can only depend on yourself for everything. "    


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