Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C197 General Information

C197 General Information

Lu Lee paused for a second and then said, "That's why I ignored some details. You are sitting on a wheelchair, but your shoes have spots of dirt on them, which means you are not immobile. What's the matter with this wheelchair?"    


Ian nodded. "I was indeed careless. But have you ever thought about the habit of an old man in a wheelchair?"    


He's old, so he doesn't want to move. It's normal for him to sit in a wheelchair, but you shouldn't be able to act so calm when I tell you that James Bond is related to you. This is a huge secret, since you protect James Bond, will you tolerate anyone knowing that he is your son's secret? "You might want to kill me, but you only ask me to keep your secret because in your heart, I'm already a dead man. What harm can a dead man do to James Bond even if he knows the secret?"    


Ian let out a long sigh: "Looks like I'm really getting old."    


Lu Lee smiled and said, "You are old, but your heart is young and you still like to play intellectual games. You're helping James Bond, and from the beginning, you helped him plot to kill me, right?"    


"Why would James Bond want to play this game with me? Just to show his ability? No, the real purpose of this game is to kill me. The reason he used General Xu as bait is to lure me into his trap. Of course, this should be his personal action, because from the beginning to the end, he never used the Military Intelligence department's resources. I'm right, Mr Ian. "    


Ian said, "I advised him not to play with fire, but he couldn't help it."    


Lu Lee said, "He sent me to prison. Originally, he thought it was a good move, but he was afraid that I would tell him everything. That way, not only would he lose face, but he would also face the punishment from the peak. "Originally, since it's a game, he might as well be a bit more generous and give me a few more days. But he didn't, he only made up for it with three days' worth of time, showing that he's in a hurry to kill me."    


Ian said, "If I knew his opponent was so terrifying, I would have advised him."    


Lu Lee smiled. "You won't, because his conceit comes from you. You used your pen to deify him so that he doesn't even know who he is! And you? You are also conceited, because you have consciously groomed a great figure, and this person is still your son. "    


Lu Lee lit a cigarette, "Didn't you ask me how I knew General Xu was like this? I felt that my judgement was correct. There must be a problem with Hyde Park, but when I faced James Bond's subordinates, I realized that it was not a simple place to occupy, but a meticulously prepared killing ground. Of course, that formation isn't enough to pose any threat to me, but I thought it through a bit. Do I have to put General Xu into this killing array? "    


Lu Lee said: "And such a precaution cannot be normal, unless he knows that I will go tonight. If so, where would General Xu be hiding? I'm not too sure, but I'll make a bet that he'll be hiding here! Fortunately, I won the bet. "    


Lu Lee put out the cigarette in his hand. Suddenly, he raised his hand and grabbed Helen's hand. In Helen's hand was an exquisite small gun.    


Lu Lee said with a smile, "Lady Helen, don't move. Although I don't like to hit women, I don't mind bleeding you out."    


Helen said, "Lu Lee, you can't escape. Young master will definitely kill you. No matter where you go in the world, you won't be able to escape."    


Lu Lee lightly said, "Really? "Then I'll wait."    


Ian said softly, "Helen, the game is over. We've lost. Accept your fate."    


Helen lowered her head and no longer moved.    


Ian said, "Lu Lee, what you promised me still counts?"    


Lu Lee thought about it, it should be the meeting between him and Zhu Ji.    


Lu Lee smiled and said, "Yes, I will tell you the truth. Zhu Ji is my uncle, and I have learned a lot from him."    


Ian burst into laughter: "Bond, it's not a shame that you lost. Zhu Ji taught you guys how to deal with this. Hahahaha!"    


Lu Lee lightly said: "Even if you have the wisdom to scheme, you still need to use the right path. Since you have the wrong mindset and you are old friends with Uncle Zhu, I think you understand this logic. If your heart is not righteous, you will not be able to accomplish anything. "    


Lu Lee's face turned red as he said, "Don't worry, I won't forget a single thing that I promised you. If I meet James Bond in the future, I will definitely leave him a path to survival."    


Ian shed tears: "Thank you!"    


When the car stopped in front of the embassy in China, the staff member hurriedly came out and asked: "Who is it? What brings you here? "    


Lu Lee took out his ID and handed it over, "I am Lu Lee, I will send General Xu Nanzhou over and let us in. I must contact the headquarter immediately!"    


The case of General Xu Nanzhou's disappearance had already been reported. When the staff member heard that General Xu had been rescued, he did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly let Lu Lee and the others in.    


Lu Lee said to Ian and Helen, "You guys go back and tell James Bond that I, Lu Lee, am waiting for him. If he likes to play games, I'll play any kind of games."    


Victoria followed closely behind Lu Lee. The employee's eyes were filled with questions. Lu Lee said, "She's my assistant. Let him follow along!"    


A joyful expression appeared on Victoria's face.    


"What?" Mr Ian can't contact him anymore? " James Bond asked angrily.    


The subordinate nodded. "Yes." James Bond sat down on the sofa and said, "I'm done for, maybe I got saved by Lu Lee. Fuck, why didn't I think that Lu Lee didn't run away because of fear, but went to Ian's house."    


The pirates snickered at the side, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. If he didn't say it now, wouldn't he be courting death?    


The contest ended just like that! It ended with Lu Lee's resplendent victory. The notorious James Bond was defeated before he could fight face to face with Lu Lee. There was no need to mention the rage in his heart.    


China, Beijing, Lu Family.    


Lu Lei quickly knocked on Lu Guoguang's bedroom door.    


"What happened?" Lu Guoguang asked.    


Lu Lei laughed, "There's news from Lee. Our embassy in America has sent over news. Lee has already arrived at the embassy and is bringing along General Xu!"    


Lu Guoguang immediately sat up: "Good boy, not bad! Lei'er, it's time for us to retaliate. "    


"I am Ye Chen, the military attaché at the China Embassy." A man wearing a China military uniform came in front of Lu Lee and said as he held Lu Lee's hand.    


Lu Lee just smiled and didn't say anything.    


Ye Chen then said, "We have done a comprehensive physical examination of General Xu. He was just knocked out by the drug, so his condition isn't too bad, and he should be awake in two to three hours. Liu Tie, we need your cooperation to explain in detail the process of General Xu's rescue."    


The other officer beside Ye Chen also said with a smile, "We must report this to the higher ups immediately."    


Ye Chen replied, "He's my assistant, Xie Junwei."    


Wu Tie nodded and said, "Alright." Xie Junwei said, "Then please follow me."    


When Victoria saw Lu Lee and Xie Junwei preparing to go upstairs, she shouted nervously, "Lu!" Lu Lee looked back at her and then said to Ye Chen, "This lady has helped me greatly in this operation. She must be by my side now, or else her life will be in danger."    


Ye Chen said: "Don't worry, she's waiting for you here. I don't think anyone would dare come to China's embassy to cause trouble."    


Lu Lee then said to Victoria, "It's okay, wait here. I'll be right down."    


Xie Junwei listened while recording and asked a few questions from time to time. It took Lu Lee almost two hours to explain the whole story.    


The two of them went downstairs and Ye Chen was gone. Victoria was talking to a woman who was a staff member of the embassy.    


When Victoria saw that Lu Lee had come out, she hurriedly stood up and asked, "Lu, are you alright?" Lu Lee smiled as he shook his head, "I'm fine." The woman also stood up, "Mr Lu, General Xu wants to see you."    


Under the lead of the woman, Lu Lee entered Xu Nanzhou's room. Inside the room, four or five people were surrounding Xu Nanzhou's bed and making a path for him when they saw him enter.    


Xu Nanzhou lied on the bed and waved at Liu Tie with some difficulty. Liu Tie walked up to the bed after a few steps: "General Xu!"    


Xu Nanzhou nodded. "Lu Lee, there is one more thing that you must do personally." After saying so, he looked around at the people around him. Ye Chen hurriedly said, "You guys chat, we'll go out first. Elder Xu, rest well."    


Lu Lee sat down on the edge of General Xu Nanzhou's bed. Xu Nanzhou took his hand and said, "They, they killed Hua Ziyu. My wife, she's still in their hands."    


Lu Lee frowned. "Who are they?" Xu Nanzhou said, "Those are my bodyguards."    


Lu Lee asked, "Do you know where they are now?"    


Xu Nanzhou shook his head: "I don't know, after being kidnapped in Egypt, I never saw them again, they probably didn't come to America."    


Lu Lee said, "What do you want me to do?"    


Xu Nanzhou said, "Save my wife. Also, Shen Xiang has a laptop with some important documents regarding the 'Heavenly Eagle Plan'."    


Lu Lee said, "I'm afraid they already gave it to the America people."    


Xu Nanzhou shook his head, "No, these files are encrypted. The level of the encryption is very high. There is only one chance to correctly enter the password. If you type incorrectly, the files will automatically shatter. I think they wouldn't casually risk opening the documents, and I heard from Monkey that their trade with America was just to help kidnap me. As for the documents, they would try to find a buyer that could offer a high price. "    


Lu Lee had seen the details of Xu Nanzhou's bodyguards before. This monkey was one of the four bodyguards, Hou Jingan.    


Lu Lee said, "Leave this matter to me. Rest in peace. I think they will send you back soon."    


Xu Nanzhou said, "Mhm, I can only relax if I give it to you. I didn't tell these things to the embassy's people. Now, other than you, I don't trust anyone else."    


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